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Anticholinergic, Antioxidant Activity and LC-MS/MS analysis of Ethanol Extract from Salvia officinalis L.

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 51 - 61, 15.04.2020


Medicinal plants have many biological activities because they contain important phenolic and flavonoid compounds that can be used in new drug development. Therefore, it is important to know the contribution of phenolic content of plants to bioactivities. In this study, the phenolic content of Salvia officinalis L. ethanol (SOLE) extract was determined with LC-MS/MS. The anticholinergic and antioxidant (metal reduction, radical and lipid peroxidation removal) activities of the extract in vitro were determined by methods specified in the material method. The SOLE extract showed an inhibition effect on AChE enzyme (IC50: 0.136 mg / ml). Moreover, the plant extract showed 17 % DPPH radical removal activity, while 22 % ABTS showed radical removal activity. The SOLE extract (10 μg / mL) inhibited lineloic acid oxidation by 24 %. The results showed that this plant contributes to antioxidant defense systems against oxidative stress. As a result, the medicinal plant, which has significant bioactivity due to its acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect and antioxidant activities, can be used in the treatment of many diseases such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's


  • 1. Giorgi A, Mingozzi M, Madeo M, Speranza G, Cocucci M. Effect of nitrogen starvation on the phenolic metabolism and antioxidant properties of yarrow (Achillea collina Becker ex Rchb.). Food Chem. 2009.
  • 2. Landry LG, Chapple CCS, Last RL. Arabidopsis mutants lacking phenolic sunscreens exhibit enhanced ultraviolet-B injury and oxidative damage. Plant Physiol. 1995.
  • 3. Rice-Evans CA, Miller NJ, Paganga G. Structure-antioxidant activity relationships of flavonoids and phenolic acids. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 1996.
  • 4. Bettaieb I, Hamrouni-Sellami I, Bourgou S, Limam F, Marzouk B. Drought effects on polyphenol composition and antioxidant activities in aerial parts of Salvia officinalis L. Acta Physiol Plant. 2011.
  • 5. Abdelkader M, Ahcen B, Rachid D, Hakim H, Materiel AP. Phytochemical Study and Biological Activity of Sage. Int J Biol Biomol Agric Food Biotechnol Eng. 2014;8:1227–31.
  • 6. Lu Y, Yeap Foo L. Flavonoid and phenolic glycosides from Salvia officinalis. Phytochemistry. 2000.
  • 7. Tepe B. Antioxidant potentials and rosmarinic acid levels of the methanolic extracts of Salvia virgata (Jacq), Salvia staminea (Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham) and Salvia verbenaca (L.) from Turkey. Bioresour Technol. 2008. 8. Jaberian H, Piri K, Nazari J. Phytochemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of some medicinal plants. Food Chem. 2013.
  • 9. Ternes W, Schwarz K. Antioxidative constituents of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis - IV. Determination of carnosic acid in different foodstuffs. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1995.
  • 10. Et-Touys A, Fellah H, Mniouil M, Bouyahya A, Dakka N, Abdennebi H, et al. Screening of Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Antileishmanial Activities of Salvia officinalis L. Extracts from Morocco. Br Microbiol Res J. 2016.
  • 11. Akhondzadeh S, Noroozian M, Mohammadi M, Ohadinia S, Jamshidi AH, Khani M. Salvia officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: A double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2003.
  • 12. Oyaizu M. Studies on products of browning reaction. Antioxidative activities of products of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. Japanese J Nutr Diet. 1986;44:307–15.
  • 13. Elmastaş M, Gülçin I, Beydemir Ş, Küfrevioǧlu ÖI, Aboul-Enein HY. A study on the in vitro antioxidant activity of juniper (Juniperus communis L.) fruit extracts. Anal Lett. 2006;39:47–65.
  • 14. Apak R, Güçlü K, Özyürek M, Karademir SE. Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC method. J Agric Food Chem. 2004;52:7970–81.
  • 15. Blois MS. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature. 1958;181:1199–200.
  • 16. Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radic Biol Med. 1999;26:1231–7.
  • 17. Mitsuda H, Yasumoto K, Iwami K. Antioxidative Action of Indole Compounds during the Autoxidation of Linoleic Acid. Eiyo To Shokuryo. 1966.
  • 18. Ellman GL, Courtney KD, Andres V, Featherstone RM. A new and rapid colorimetric determination of acetylcholinesterase activity. Biochem Pharmacol. 2002.
  • 19. Demir Y, Işık M, Gülçin İ, Beydemir Ş. Phenolic compounds inhibit the aldose reductase enzyme from the sheep kidney. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2017.
  • 20. Necip A, Isik M. Bioactivities of Hypericum perforatum L . and Equisetum arvense L . fractions obtained with different solvents. 2019;2:221–30.
  • 21. Popovici C, Saykova I. Evaluation de l ’ activité antioxydant des composés phénoliques par la réactivité avec le radical libre DPPH. Génie Ind. 2009.
  • 22. Hanasaki Y, Ogawa S, Fukui S. The correlation between active oxygens scavenging and antioxidative effects of flavonoids. Free Radic Biol Med. 1994.
  • 23. Cos P, Ying L, Calomme M, Hu JP, Cimanga K, Van Poel B, et al. Structure-activity relationship and classification of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and superoxide scavengers. J Nat Prod. 1998.
  • 24. van Acker SABE, Koymans LMH, Bast A. Molecular pharmacology of vitamin E: Structural aspects of antioxidant activity. Free Radic Biol Med. 1993.
  • 25. Justino GC, Santos MR, Canário S, Borges C, Florêncio MH, Mira L. Plasma quercetin metabolites: Structure-antioxidant activity relationships. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2004.
  • 26. Soobrattee MA, Neergheen VS, Luximon-Ramma A, Aruoma OI, Bahorun T. Phenolics as potential antioxidant therapeutic agents: Mechanism and actions. Mutat Res - Fundam Mol Mech Mutagen. 2005.
  • 27. Dewick PM. Medicinal Natural Products. 2001.
  • 28. Luqman S, Rizvi SI. Protection of lipid peroxidation and carbonyl formation in proteins by capsaicin in human erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress. Phyther Res. 2006.
  • 29. Farhat M Ben, Chaouch-Hamada R, Sotomayor JA, Landoulsi A, Jordán MJ. Antioxidant potential of Salvia officinalis L. residues as affected by the harvesting time. Ind Crops Prod. 2014.
  • 30. Dorman HJD, Peltoketo A, Hiltunen R, Tikkanen MJ. Characterisation of the antioxidant properties of de-odourised aqueous extracts from selected Lamiaceae herbs. Food Chem. 2003.
  • 31. Kakinuma Y, Furihata M, Akiyama T, Arikawa M, Handa T, Katare RG, et al. Donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor against Alzheimer’s dementia, promotes angiogenesis in an ischemic hindlimb model. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2010.
  • 32. Işık M. The Binding Mechanisms and Inhibitory Effect of Intravenous Anesthetics on AChE In Vitro and In Vivo: Kinetic Analysis and Molecular Docking. Neurochem Res. 2019.
  • 33. Işık M, Beydemir Ş, Yılmaz A, Naldan ME, Aslan HE, Gülçin İ. Oxidative stress and mRNA expression of acetylcholinesterase in the leukocytes of ischemic patients. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017.
  • 34. Feng Y, Yang S gao, Du X ting, Zhang X, Sun X xia, Zhao M, et al. Ellagic acid promotes Aβ42 fibrillization and inhibits Aβ42-induced neurotoxicity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009.
  • 35. Neagu E, Paun G, Albu C, Radu GL. Assessment of acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitory and antioxidant activity of Alchemilla vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria extracts. J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng. 2015.
  • 36. Jha AB, Panchal SS, Shah A. Ellagic acid: Insights into its neuroprotective and cognitive enhancement effects in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2018.
  • 37. Işık M, Beydemir Ş, Yılmaz A, Naldan ME, Aslan HE, Gülçin İ. Oxidative stress and mRNA expression of acetylcholinesterase in the leukocytes of ischemic patients. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017.
  • 38. Khatib S, Harnafi M, Touiss I, Bekkouch O, Amrani S, Harnafi H. Phenolic Extract of Basil Prevents Lipid Oxidation in Sunflower Oil, Beef and Turkey Meat: A Comparison with Synthetic Antioxidant BHA. Am J Food Sci Nutr. 2018;5:66–75.

Salvia officinalis L. Etanol Ekstraktının Antikolinerjik ve Antioksidan Aktivitesi ve LC-MS/MS Analizi

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 51 - 61, 15.04.2020


Tıbbi bitkiler, yeni ilaç gelişiminde kullanılabilecek önemli fenolik ve flavonoid bileşikleri içerdiklerinden dolayı birçok biyolojik aktiviteye sahiptir. Bu yüzden bitkilerin fenolik içeriğinin biyoaktivitelere katkısının bilinmesi önem arzetmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Salvia officinalis L. etanol (SOLE) ekstresinin fenolik içeriği LC-MS/MS ile belirlendi. Bu ektrenin in vitro olarak, antikolinerjik ve antioksidan (metal indirgeme, radikal ve lipit peroksidasyon giderme) aktiviteleri materyal metotta belirtilen yöntemlerle belirlendi. The SOLE ektresi AChE enzimi üzerine (IC50: 0.136 mg / ml) inhibisyon etkisi göstermiştir. Dahası, bu bitki ektresi % 17 oranında DPPH radikal giderme aktivitesi gösterirken, % 22 oranında ABTS radikal giderme aktivitesi göstermiştir. The SOLE (10 μg/mL) ektresi lineloik asit oksidasyonunu % 24 inhibe etmiştir. Bu çıktılar oksidatif strese karşı bu bitkinin antioksidan savunma sistemlerine katkıda bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, asetilkolinesteraz inhibitör etkisi ve antioksidan aktiviteleri nedeniyle önemli biyoaktiviteye sahip olan bu tıbbi bitki ateroskleroz, Alzheimer gibi birçok hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılabilir.


  • 1. Giorgi A, Mingozzi M, Madeo M, Speranza G, Cocucci M. Effect of nitrogen starvation on the phenolic metabolism and antioxidant properties of yarrow (Achillea collina Becker ex Rchb.). Food Chem. 2009.
  • 2. Landry LG, Chapple CCS, Last RL. Arabidopsis mutants lacking phenolic sunscreens exhibit enhanced ultraviolet-B injury and oxidative damage. Plant Physiol. 1995.
  • 3. Rice-Evans CA, Miller NJ, Paganga G. Structure-antioxidant activity relationships of flavonoids and phenolic acids. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 1996.
  • 4. Bettaieb I, Hamrouni-Sellami I, Bourgou S, Limam F, Marzouk B. Drought effects on polyphenol composition and antioxidant activities in aerial parts of Salvia officinalis L. Acta Physiol Plant. 2011.
  • 5. Abdelkader M, Ahcen B, Rachid D, Hakim H, Materiel AP. Phytochemical Study and Biological Activity of Sage. Int J Biol Biomol Agric Food Biotechnol Eng. 2014;8:1227–31.
  • 6. Lu Y, Yeap Foo L. Flavonoid and phenolic glycosides from Salvia officinalis. Phytochemistry. 2000.
  • 7. Tepe B. Antioxidant potentials and rosmarinic acid levels of the methanolic extracts of Salvia virgata (Jacq), Salvia staminea (Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham) and Salvia verbenaca (L.) from Turkey. Bioresour Technol. 2008. 8. Jaberian H, Piri K, Nazari J. Phytochemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of some medicinal plants. Food Chem. 2013.
  • 9. Ternes W, Schwarz K. Antioxidative constituents of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis - IV. Determination of carnosic acid in different foodstuffs. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1995.
  • 10. Et-Touys A, Fellah H, Mniouil M, Bouyahya A, Dakka N, Abdennebi H, et al. Screening of Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Antileishmanial Activities of Salvia officinalis L. Extracts from Morocco. Br Microbiol Res J. 2016.
  • 11. Akhondzadeh S, Noroozian M, Mohammadi M, Ohadinia S, Jamshidi AH, Khani M. Salvia officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: A double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2003.
  • 12. Oyaizu M. Studies on products of browning reaction. Antioxidative activities of products of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. Japanese J Nutr Diet. 1986;44:307–15.
  • 13. Elmastaş M, Gülçin I, Beydemir Ş, Küfrevioǧlu ÖI, Aboul-Enein HY. A study on the in vitro antioxidant activity of juniper (Juniperus communis L.) fruit extracts. Anal Lett. 2006;39:47–65.
  • 14. Apak R, Güçlü K, Özyürek M, Karademir SE. Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC method. J Agric Food Chem. 2004;52:7970–81.
  • 15. Blois MS. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature. 1958;181:1199–200.
  • 16. Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radic Biol Med. 1999;26:1231–7.
  • 17. Mitsuda H, Yasumoto K, Iwami K. Antioxidative Action of Indole Compounds during the Autoxidation of Linoleic Acid. Eiyo To Shokuryo. 1966.
  • 18. Ellman GL, Courtney KD, Andres V, Featherstone RM. A new and rapid colorimetric determination of acetylcholinesterase activity. Biochem Pharmacol. 2002.
  • 19. Demir Y, Işık M, Gülçin İ, Beydemir Ş. Phenolic compounds inhibit the aldose reductase enzyme from the sheep kidney. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2017.
  • 20. Necip A, Isik M. Bioactivities of Hypericum perforatum L . and Equisetum arvense L . fractions obtained with different solvents. 2019;2:221–30.
  • 21. Popovici C, Saykova I. Evaluation de l ’ activité antioxydant des composés phénoliques par la réactivité avec le radical libre DPPH. Génie Ind. 2009.
  • 22. Hanasaki Y, Ogawa S, Fukui S. The correlation between active oxygens scavenging and antioxidative effects of flavonoids. Free Radic Biol Med. 1994.
  • 23. Cos P, Ying L, Calomme M, Hu JP, Cimanga K, Van Poel B, et al. Structure-activity relationship and classification of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and superoxide scavengers. J Nat Prod. 1998.
  • 24. van Acker SABE, Koymans LMH, Bast A. Molecular pharmacology of vitamin E: Structural aspects of antioxidant activity. Free Radic Biol Med. 1993.
  • 25. Justino GC, Santos MR, Canário S, Borges C, Florêncio MH, Mira L. Plasma quercetin metabolites: Structure-antioxidant activity relationships. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2004.
  • 26. Soobrattee MA, Neergheen VS, Luximon-Ramma A, Aruoma OI, Bahorun T. Phenolics as potential antioxidant therapeutic agents: Mechanism and actions. Mutat Res - Fundam Mol Mech Mutagen. 2005.
  • 27. Dewick PM. Medicinal Natural Products. 2001.
  • 28. Luqman S, Rizvi SI. Protection of lipid peroxidation and carbonyl formation in proteins by capsaicin in human erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress. Phyther Res. 2006.
  • 29. Farhat M Ben, Chaouch-Hamada R, Sotomayor JA, Landoulsi A, Jordán MJ. Antioxidant potential of Salvia officinalis L. residues as affected by the harvesting time. Ind Crops Prod. 2014.
  • 30. Dorman HJD, Peltoketo A, Hiltunen R, Tikkanen MJ. Characterisation of the antioxidant properties of de-odourised aqueous extracts from selected Lamiaceae herbs. Food Chem. 2003.
  • 31. Kakinuma Y, Furihata M, Akiyama T, Arikawa M, Handa T, Katare RG, et al. Donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor against Alzheimer’s dementia, promotes angiogenesis in an ischemic hindlimb model. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2010.
  • 32. Işık M. The Binding Mechanisms and Inhibitory Effect of Intravenous Anesthetics on AChE In Vitro and In Vivo: Kinetic Analysis and Molecular Docking. Neurochem Res. 2019.
  • 33. Işık M, Beydemir Ş, Yılmaz A, Naldan ME, Aslan HE, Gülçin İ. Oxidative stress and mRNA expression of acetylcholinesterase in the leukocytes of ischemic patients. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017.
  • 34. Feng Y, Yang S gao, Du X ting, Zhang X, Sun X xia, Zhao M, et al. Ellagic acid promotes Aβ42 fibrillization and inhibits Aβ42-induced neurotoxicity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009.
  • 35. Neagu E, Paun G, Albu C, Radu GL. Assessment of acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitory and antioxidant activity of Alchemilla vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria extracts. J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng. 2015.
  • 36. Jha AB, Panchal SS, Shah A. Ellagic acid: Insights into its neuroprotective and cognitive enhancement effects in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2018.
  • 37. Işık M, Beydemir Ş, Yılmaz A, Naldan ME, Aslan HE, Gülçin İ. Oxidative stress and mRNA expression of acetylcholinesterase in the leukocytes of ischemic patients. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017.
  • 38. Khatib S, Harnafi M, Touiss I, Bekkouch O, Amrani S, Harnafi H. Phenolic Extract of Basil Prevents Lipid Oxidation in Sunflower Oil, Beef and Turkey Meat: A Comparison with Synthetic Antioxidant BHA. Am J Food Sci Nutr. 2018;5:66–75.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mesut Işık 0000-0002-4677-8104

Publication Date April 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


EndNote Işık M (April 1, 2020) Salvia officinalis L. Etanol Ekstraktının Antikolinerjik ve Antioksidan Aktivitesi ve LC-MS/MS Analizi. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology 3 1 51–61.

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