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Ekolojik Mimarlık ve Eko-Mimari Üzerine Sistematik Literatür Taraması ve Bilimsel Haritaları

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 369 - 380, 31.12.2023


Bu makalenin amacı Ekolojik mimari, eko-mimari, ekolojik mimari tasarım konularında sistematik literatür taraması ve bilimsel haritaları incelemektir. Bu araştırmanın yöntemi nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan bibliyometrik analizdir. Araştırmanın verileri Scopus veri tabanında 2000-2023 yılları arasında yapılan yayınlardır. Söz konusu analiz için Scopus veri tabanı ve Biblioshiny yazılım programının grafikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları ekolojik mimari, eko-mimari ve ekolojik mimari tasarım alanındaki teoriler, kavramlar, eğilimler ve yayınlara ilişkin kapsamlı içerik sunmaktadır. Ayrıca, yayınlarda öne çıkan kavramlar ise ekoloji, sürdürülebilir mimari mimari tasarım, çevre, yeşil bina, tasarım, enerji verimliliği, mimari tasarım, yeşil mimari, deneysel simülasyon, sürdürülebilir tasarım, peyzaj, doğa, sürdürülebilir tasarım, termal tasarım, mimari eğitim, iklim değişikliği, inşaat, ekolojik mimari tasarım. Bu araştırmanın alana katkısı ise ekoloji ve mimarlık üzerine gelecekteki araştırmalar için kavramsal bir temel sunmasıdır. Gelecekte yapılacak diğer araştırmalar için farklı veri tabanlarında (Web of Science, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global vb.) farklı yıl aralıklarında araştırma yapılması önerilebilir.


  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
  • Ardiani, Y. M. (2022). Ecology and Architecture in the art of making an Aesthetics Artwork. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 998, No. 1, p. 012035). IOP Publishing.
  • Beyhan, F., & Erbas, M. (2013). A Study on Green Roofs with the Examples from the World and Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science, 26(2), 303-318.
  • Bielek, B., & Bielek, M. (2012). Environmental Strategies for Design of Sustainable Buildings in Technique of Green Eco-Architecture. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(7), 892.
  • Brebbia, C. A., & Pulselli, R. (Eds.). (2014). Eco-Architecture V: Harmonisation between architecture and nature (Vol. 142). Wit Press.
  • Bicer, Z. O. P. (2016). Assessing the economic contribution of ecological architecture case study: Kayseri Kadir has stadium. Open House International, 41(1), 107-111.
  • Canan, F., Korumaz, M., & Güleç, S. A. (2006). Vision evaluation of the students in architecture about sustainable architecture in a local context in Konya/Turkey. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, PLEA (pp. 11785-11791).
  • Chen, N. (2021). Research on ecological building and sustainable building development. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30(3), 2998-3004.
  • Costa Santos, Sandra, Klein, Gerald and Despang, Martin (2010) Educating ecological architecture - ecological educational architecture. In: Eco-Architecture III. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 3 . WIT Press, Southampton, UK, pp. 235-244.
  • Crowther, R. L., (1990). “Ecologic Architecture”, Butterworth Architecture Press, U.S.A.
  • Danaci, H. M., & Kavas, K. R. (2016). Is your building, which is designed according to “Ecological Architecture”, really ecological?. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 22 (1). pp. (47-51).
  • Durak, Ş., & Ayyıldız, S. (2023). A model trial for the ecological evaluation of the traditional rural houses: Case of Yalova. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 38(1), 85-102.
  • El-Hitami, H., Mahall, M., & Serbest, A. (2023). An ecology of space. Architectural design for transboundary relationships. AGATHÓN| International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 13, 153-164.
  • Eyüce, A. (2007). Learning from the vernacular: sustainable planning and design. Open House International, 32(4), 9-22.
  • Garcia, D. A., Cumo, F., Giustini, F., Pennacchia, E., & Fogheri, A. M. (2014). Eco-architecture and sustainable mobility: An integrated approach in Ladispoli town. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 142, 59-68.
  • Gupta, V. (2012). ECO Architecture. Architecture+ Design, 29(1), 112.
  • Hsiao, J. S., Perng, Y. H., & Shih, S. G. (2021). Discussion of critical factors in sustainably ecological architecture design. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 22(1), 227-235.
  • Ibrahim, I. (2010). Socio environmental impact in eco-architecture. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 128, 185-195.
  • Konyuhov, V. Y., Gladkih, A. M., Galyautdinov, I. I., & Kiseleva, T. Y. (2019). Ecological architecture: The green roofs. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 350, No. 1, p. 012035). IOP Publishing.
  • Krivenko, O., Pylypchuk, O., Avdieieva, N., Avdieieva, M., & Bieber, S. (2021, May). Biomimetic approaches to color formation in ecological architecture. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1150, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
  • Kwak, M. J., Hong, Y. S., & Cho, N. W. (2009). Eco-architecture analysis for end-of-life decision making. International Journal of Production Research, 47(22), 6233-6259.
  • Lan, M. (2011). Create a harmonious environment together of ecological architecture design method. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 10, 1774-1780.
  • Lau, P. (2005). Eco Architecture. Green Building Design: Experiences in Hong Kong and Shanghai, 73.
  • Lavrentyev, A., Burganova, M., & Fusu, L. (2022, October). Application of foresight technologies: On the example of development of actual ecological architecture. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2657, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  • Liao, C. W., Lin, J. H., & Chen, T. W. (2022). Research on a Framework for Sustainable Campus Eco-Architecture Selection: Taking a Taiwan High School as an Example. Sustainability, 14(10), 6265.
  • Lucas, D. (2021). Ecological buildings: new strategies for sustainable architecture. Braun Publishing.
  • Marangoni, M., & Mucci, M. (2023). Eco-architecture and Revolution: A critical review of the relationship between sustainability and architecture. OFFICINA* Journal, (40), 46-53.
  • Muller, B. (2014). Ecology and the architectural imagination. Routledge.
  • Olga, S., Zhandarbek, M., Temirkhan, Z. O., Khalil, M., Azamat, D., Kaldybay, A., & Makhabbat, K. (2022). Ecological Architecture in the Steppe Zone of Northern Kazakhstan. In International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (pp. 297-307). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Porteous, C. (2013). The new eco-architecture: alternatives from the modern movement. Taylor & Francis.
  • Pratiwi, E. I., Sudikno, A., & Kusdiwanggo, S. (2023). Ecological Rural Expressions of Eko Prawoto’s Tectonic Architecture to Create Modern House Sustainability. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1169, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing.
  • Sari, R. M., Sen, D. E., & Sagsöz, A. (2011). Reflection of Ecological Design Principles in the Example of Mass Housing in Turkey. European Journal of Scientific Research, 48(3), 381-398.
  • Schröpfer, T. (2012). Ecological urban architecture: qualitative approaches to sustainability. Walter de Gruyter.
  • Semenyuk, O., Abdrashitova, T., Beloussova, E., Nechay, N., Listkov, V., Kurbatova, V., & Niyazbekova, S. (2018). The influence of ecology and economic factors on eco-architecture and the design of energy efficient buildings. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 16(2), 186-192.
  • Semenyuk, O., Sadykova, S., Ernar, A., Beloussova, E., Nechay, N., Listkov, V., & Jamankulova, B. (2017). The influence of the green economy on the development of eco-architecture. World Trans. on Engng. And Technol. Educ, 15(4), 349-354.
  • Setiawan, D. (2020). Designing co-living housing with green and ecology architecture concept. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 426, No. 1, p. 012077). IOP Publishing.
  • Sipahi, S., & Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. (2021). A study on reducing the carbon footprint of architectural buildings based on their materials under the guidance of eco-design strategies. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 23, 991-1005.
  • Tönük, S. (2001). Bina tasarımında ekoloji. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul.
  • Troiani, I. (2012). Sci-fi Eco-Architecture: science fiction, sustainability and design studio. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 16(4), 313-324.
  • Uffelen, C. V. (2009). Ecological Architecture. Architecture in Focus Series. Braun Publishing.
  • Williams, D. E. (2007). Sustainable design: ecology, architecture, and planning. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wu, Y. C., Yang, A. S., Tseng, L. Y., & Liu, C. L. (2011). Myth of ecological architecture designs: Comparison between design concept and computational analysis results of natural-ventilation for Tjibaou Cultural Center in New Caledonia. Energy and buildings, 43(10), 2788-2797.
  • Zareba, A., Krzeminska, A., Kozik, R., Adynkiewicz-Piragas, M., & Kristiánová, K. (2022). Passive and Active Solar Systems in Eco-Architecture and Eco-Urban Planning. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 3095.
  • Zhang,Y.(2023).Application of ecological architecture in architectural design based on information technology integration. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 0(0) -.

Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 369 - 380, 31.12.2023


The purpose of this article is to examine systematic literature reviews and scientific maps on the subjects of Ecological architecture, eco-architecture, and ecological architectural design. The method of this research is bibliometric analysis, one of the quantitative research methods. The data of the research are publications in the Scopus database between 2000 and 2023. For the analysis, graphics from the Scopus database and the Biblioshiny software program were used. Research findings offer a comprehensive overview of theories, concepts, trends, and publications in the field of ecological architecture, eco-architecture, and ecological architectural design. Additionally, the concepts that stand out in the publications are ecology, sustainable architecture architectural design, environment, green building, design, energy efficiency, architecture design, green architecture, experimental simulation, sustainable design, landscape, nature, sustainable design, thermal design, architectural education, climate change, construction, ecological architecture design. The significance of this research lies in its provision of a conceptual foundation for future studies in the intersection of ecology and architecture. For future research, it is recommended to conduct studies using various databases such as Web of Science, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, etc., at different intervals over the years.

Etik Beyan

CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Author report no conflict of interest relevant to this article RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION ETHICS STATEMENT The author declares that this study complies with research and publication ethics.


  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
  • Ardiani, Y. M. (2022). Ecology and Architecture in the art of making an Aesthetics Artwork. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 998, No. 1, p. 012035). IOP Publishing.
  • Beyhan, F., & Erbas, M. (2013). A Study on Green Roofs with the Examples from the World and Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science, 26(2), 303-318.
  • Bielek, B., & Bielek, M. (2012). Environmental Strategies for Design of Sustainable Buildings in Technique of Green Eco-Architecture. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(7), 892.
  • Brebbia, C. A., & Pulselli, R. (Eds.). (2014). Eco-Architecture V: Harmonisation between architecture and nature (Vol. 142). Wit Press.
  • Bicer, Z. O. P. (2016). Assessing the economic contribution of ecological architecture case study: Kayseri Kadir has stadium. Open House International, 41(1), 107-111.
  • Canan, F., Korumaz, M., & Güleç, S. A. (2006). Vision evaluation of the students in architecture about sustainable architecture in a local context in Konya/Turkey. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, PLEA (pp. 11785-11791).
  • Chen, N. (2021). Research on ecological building and sustainable building development. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30(3), 2998-3004.
  • Costa Santos, Sandra, Klein, Gerald and Despang, Martin (2010) Educating ecological architecture - ecological educational architecture. In: Eco-Architecture III. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 3 . WIT Press, Southampton, UK, pp. 235-244.
  • Crowther, R. L., (1990). “Ecologic Architecture”, Butterworth Architecture Press, U.S.A.
  • Danaci, H. M., & Kavas, K. R. (2016). Is your building, which is designed according to “Ecological Architecture”, really ecological?. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 22 (1). pp. (47-51).
  • Durak, Ş., & Ayyıldız, S. (2023). A model trial for the ecological evaluation of the traditional rural houses: Case of Yalova. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 38(1), 85-102.
  • El-Hitami, H., Mahall, M., & Serbest, A. (2023). An ecology of space. Architectural design for transboundary relationships. AGATHÓN| International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 13, 153-164.
  • Eyüce, A. (2007). Learning from the vernacular: sustainable planning and design. Open House International, 32(4), 9-22.
  • Garcia, D. A., Cumo, F., Giustini, F., Pennacchia, E., & Fogheri, A. M. (2014). Eco-architecture and sustainable mobility: An integrated approach in Ladispoli town. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 142, 59-68.
  • Gupta, V. (2012). ECO Architecture. Architecture+ Design, 29(1), 112.
  • Hsiao, J. S., Perng, Y. H., & Shih, S. G. (2021). Discussion of critical factors in sustainably ecological architecture design. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 22(1), 227-235.
  • Ibrahim, I. (2010). Socio environmental impact in eco-architecture. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 128, 185-195.
  • Konyuhov, V. Y., Gladkih, A. M., Galyautdinov, I. I., & Kiseleva, T. Y. (2019). Ecological architecture: The green roofs. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 350, No. 1, p. 012035). IOP Publishing.
  • Krivenko, O., Pylypchuk, O., Avdieieva, N., Avdieieva, M., & Bieber, S. (2021, May). Biomimetic approaches to color formation in ecological architecture. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1150, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
  • Kwak, M. J., Hong, Y. S., & Cho, N. W. (2009). Eco-architecture analysis for end-of-life decision making. International Journal of Production Research, 47(22), 6233-6259.
  • Lan, M. (2011). Create a harmonious environment together of ecological architecture design method. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 10, 1774-1780.
  • Lau, P. (2005). Eco Architecture. Green Building Design: Experiences in Hong Kong and Shanghai, 73.
  • Lavrentyev, A., Burganova, M., & Fusu, L. (2022, October). Application of foresight technologies: On the example of development of actual ecological architecture. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2657, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  • Liao, C. W., Lin, J. H., & Chen, T. W. (2022). Research on a Framework for Sustainable Campus Eco-Architecture Selection: Taking a Taiwan High School as an Example. Sustainability, 14(10), 6265.
  • Lucas, D. (2021). Ecological buildings: new strategies for sustainable architecture. Braun Publishing.
  • Marangoni, M., & Mucci, M. (2023). Eco-architecture and Revolution: A critical review of the relationship between sustainability and architecture. OFFICINA* Journal, (40), 46-53.
  • Muller, B. (2014). Ecology and the architectural imagination. Routledge.
  • Olga, S., Zhandarbek, M., Temirkhan, Z. O., Khalil, M., Azamat, D., Kaldybay, A., & Makhabbat, K. (2022). Ecological Architecture in the Steppe Zone of Northern Kazakhstan. In International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (pp. 297-307). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Porteous, C. (2013). The new eco-architecture: alternatives from the modern movement. Taylor & Francis.
  • Pratiwi, E. I., Sudikno, A., & Kusdiwanggo, S. (2023). Ecological Rural Expressions of Eko Prawoto’s Tectonic Architecture to Create Modern House Sustainability. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1169, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing.
  • Sari, R. M., Sen, D. E., & Sagsöz, A. (2011). Reflection of Ecological Design Principles in the Example of Mass Housing in Turkey. European Journal of Scientific Research, 48(3), 381-398.
  • Schröpfer, T. (2012). Ecological urban architecture: qualitative approaches to sustainability. Walter de Gruyter.
  • Semenyuk, O., Abdrashitova, T., Beloussova, E., Nechay, N., Listkov, V., Kurbatova, V., & Niyazbekova, S. (2018). The influence of ecology and economic factors on eco-architecture and the design of energy efficient buildings. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 16(2), 186-192.
  • Semenyuk, O., Sadykova, S., Ernar, A., Beloussova, E., Nechay, N., Listkov, V., & Jamankulova, B. (2017). The influence of the green economy on the development of eco-architecture. World Trans. on Engng. And Technol. Educ, 15(4), 349-354.
  • Setiawan, D. (2020). Designing co-living housing with green and ecology architecture concept. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 426, No. 1, p. 012077). IOP Publishing.
  • Sipahi, S., & Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. (2021). A study on reducing the carbon footprint of architectural buildings based on their materials under the guidance of eco-design strategies. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 23, 991-1005.
  • Tönük, S. (2001). Bina tasarımında ekoloji. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul.
  • Troiani, I. (2012). Sci-fi Eco-Architecture: science fiction, sustainability and design studio. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 16(4), 313-324.
  • Uffelen, C. V. (2009). Ecological Architecture. Architecture in Focus Series. Braun Publishing.
  • Williams, D. E. (2007). Sustainable design: ecology, architecture, and planning. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wu, Y. C., Yang, A. S., Tseng, L. Y., & Liu, C. L. (2011). Myth of ecological architecture designs: Comparison between design concept and computational analysis results of natural-ventilation for Tjibaou Cultural Center in New Caledonia. Energy and buildings, 43(10), 2788-2797.
  • Zareba, A., Krzeminska, A., Kozik, R., Adynkiewicz-Piragas, M., & Kristiánová, K. (2022). Passive and Active Solar Systems in Eco-Architecture and Eco-Urban Planning. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 3095.
  • Zhang,Y.(2023).Application of ecological architecture in architectural design based on information technology integration. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 0(0) -.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sürdürülebilir Mimari
Bölüm Makaleler

Emine Banu Burkut 0000-0003-0252-4054

Murat Dal 0000-0001-5330-1868

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 19 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Burkut, E. B., & Dal, M. (2023). Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 9(2), 369-380.
AMA Burkut EB, Dal M. Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. Aralık 2023;9(2):369-380. doi:10.29132/ijpas.1365407
Chicago Burkut, Emine Banu, ve Murat Dal. “Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 369-80.
EndNote Burkut EB, Dal M (01 Aralık 2023) Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 9 2 369–380.
IEEE E. B. Burkut ve M. Dal, “Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 369–380, 2023, doi: 10.29132/ijpas.1365407.
ISNAD Burkut, Emine Banu - Dal, Murat. “Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 9/2 (Aralık 2023), 369-380.
JAMA Burkut EB, Dal M. Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2023;9:369–380.
MLA Burkut, Emine Banu ve Murat Dal. “Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 9, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 369-80, doi:10.29132/ijpas.1365407.
Vancouver Burkut EB, Dal M. Systematic Literature Review and Scientific Maps on Ecological Architecture and Eco-Architecture. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2023;9(2):369-80.