Research Article
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Gayrimenkul Sektörünün Kara Para Aklamada Rolü ve Yeri: Riskler ve Türkiye’deki Durum

Year 2024, , 359 - 384, 25.12.2024


Bu çalışma, gayrimenkul sektöründe kara para aklamanın nasıl gerçekleştiğini, bu sektörde kara para aklama açısından hangi risklerin bulunduğunu ve Türkiye’de kara para aklamayı önlemeye yönelik faaliyetleri incelemektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, gayrimenkul sektörünün kara para aklama için neden uygun olduğunu ve Türkiye'deki durumu analiz etmektir. Yöntem olarak literatür taraması ve Türkiye'deki 2018-2023 yılları arasındaki kara para aklama faaliyetlerine ilişkin verilerin analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, gayrimenkul sektörünün uluslararası ve ulusal düzeyde suçlular için birçok olanak sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır.
Araştırma, gayrimenkul sektörünün yüksek değerli işlemleri ve düzenleyici zayıflıkları nedeniyle kara para aklama için cazip olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Türkiye’de, denetimlerin yetersizliği, şüpheli bildirimlerin azlığı ve eğitim faaliyetlerinin eksikliği önemli riskler olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu durum, Türkiye ekonomisi ve gayrimenkul sektörü için büyük tehditler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın özgünlüğü, Türkiye'deki gayrimenkul sektöründe kara para aklamanın kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alınması ve mevcut durumu detaylı olarak incelemesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Temel bulgular, daha etkili denetim mekanizmalarının ve eğitim faaliyetlerinin gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Ahtik, M., Pilipovic, O., & Marelja, M. (2019). Economic analysis of money laundering prevention in Croatia and Slovenia. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 22(1), 97-109.
  • Albrecht, C., Duffin, K. M., Hawkins, S., & Morales Rocha, V. M. (2019). The use of cryptocurrencies in the money laundering process. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 22(2), 210-216.
  • BAI. (2023). Global ranking in 2023. (Erişim: 10/06/2024).
  • Bardin, P., Bouveret, A., Jackson, G., & Markevych, M. (2023). Money Laundering Poses a Risk to Financial Sector Stability. (Erişim: 10/02/2024).
  • Boles, J. R. (2017). Anti-money laundering initiatives for the South African real estate market. JCULP, 1, 197-202.
  • Camdessus, M. (1998). Money laundering: the importance of international countermeasures. (Erişim: 10/02/2024).
  • Claver, C., El Khoury, C., & Weeks-Brown, R. (2023). Financial Crimes Hurt Economies and Must be Better Understood and Curbed. (Erişim: 12/02/2024)
  • Cox, D. (2014). Handbook of anti-money laundering. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Çevik, S., & Teber, D. (2021). The determinants of consumer cash usage in Turkey. TCMB.
  • De Sanctis, F. M. (2017). Money Laundering Through Real Estate. In F. M. De Sanctis (Ed.), International Money Laundering Through Real Estate and Agribusiness: A Criminal Justice Perspective from the “Panama Papers” (pp. 1-23). Springer International Publishing.
  • Ertl, B. (2004). Der Kampf gegen Geldwäscherei und Terrorismusfinanzierung. Bundesministerium für Finanzen. Wien(09), 8.
  • FATF. (2018). Professional Money Laundering. (Erişim: 25/02/2024).
  • FATF. (2019). Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures - Turkey Mutual Evaluation Report.
  • FATF. (2022). Risk-Based Approach Guidance for the Real Estate Sector. (Erişim: 25/02/2024).
  • FATF. (2023). Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures Türkiye - Follow-up Report & Technical Compliance Re-Rating. (Erişim: 20/06/2024).
  • FATF. (2024a). FATF. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • FATF. (2024b). High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action - February 2024. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • FBI. (2024). Money Mules.
  • Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2013). 21. Detecting money laundering in the real estate sector. Research handbook on money laundering, 268.
  • Geiger, H., & Wuensch, O. (2007). The fight against money laundering: An economic analysis of a cost‐benefit paradoxon. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 10(1), 91-105.
  • Gjoni, M., Gjoni, A., & Kora, H. (2015). Money laundering effects. University of Business and Technology in Kosovo. International Conference on Management, Business and Economics. Retrieved from https://www. researchgate. net/publication/330630840_Money_ Laundering_Effects,
  • GYODER. (2024). GYO'lar.,343%20milyar%20TL'ye%20ula%C5%9Ft%C4%B1. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • IMF. (2018). Countries are advancing efforts to stop criminals from laundering their trillions. Retrieved 01/06/2024 from
  • Johannes Teichmann, F. M. (2018). Real estate money laundering in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 21(3), 370-375.
  • Kruisbergen, E. W., Leukfeldt, E. R., Kleemans, E. R., & Roks, R. A. (2019). Money talks money laundering choices of organized crime offenders in a digital age. Journal of Crime and Justice, 42(5), 569-581.
  • Levi, M. (2002). Money laundering and its regulation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 582(1), 181-194.
  • Manning, M., Wong, G. T., & Jevtovic, N. (2021). Investigating the relationships between FATF recommendation compliance, regulatory affiliations and the Basel Anti-Money Laundering Index. Security Journal, 34, 566-588.
  • MASAK. (2021). Şüpheli İşlem Bildirimi Rehberi (Ticaret Amacıyla Taşınmaz Alım Satımıyla Uğraşanlar ile Bu İşlemlere Aracılık Edenler). Ankara: Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, (Erişim: 22/05/2024).
  • MASAK. (2022). Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu Başkanlığı - 2022 Yılı Faaliyet Raporu. Ankara. (Erişim: 22/02/2024).
  • MASAK. (2023). Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu Başkanlığı - 2023 Yılı Faaliyet Raporu. (Erişim: 22/02/2024).
  • McPherson, G. (2017). Floating on Sea of Funny Money: An Analysis of Money Laundering through Miami Real Estate and the Federal Government's Attempt to Stop It. U. Miami Bus. L. Rev., 26, 159.
  • Meloen, J., Landman, R., De Miranda, H., Van Eekelen, J., Van Soest, S., Van Duyne, P., & Van Tilburg, W. (2003). Buit en besteding: Een empirisch onderzoek naar de omvang, de kenmerken en de besteding van misdaadgeld. Den Haag: Reed Business Information, 186, 380-396.
  • Nelen, H. (2008). Real estate and serious forms of crime. International Journal of Social Economics, 35(10), 751-762.
  • Ogbodo, U. K., & Mieseigha, E. G. (2013). The economic implications of money laundering in Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 3(4), 170-184.
  • Sanctis, F. D. (2017). Money Laundering Through Real Estate. 1-23.
  • Schneider, S. (2004). Organized crime, money laundering, and the real estate market in Canada. Journal of property research, 21(2), 99-118.
  • SPK. (2024). e-Veri Bankası - İlgili Kurum ve Kuruluşlar. SPK. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • Surendran, S., & Ramasamy, M. (2012). Money Laundering Through Real Estate Market. National Journal on Advances in Computing and Management, 3(2).
  • TCCYO. (2024). Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yatırım Ofisi - Gayrimenkul Sektörü. (Erişim: 05/03/2024).
  • Teichmann, F. M. J. (2017). Twelve methods of money laundering. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 20(2), 130-137.
  • Treasury(USA). (2018). The 2018 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment. (Erişim: 15/02/2024).
  • TÜİK. (2024a). Dönemsel Gayrisafi Yurt İçi Hasıla, I. Çeyrek: Ocak-Mart, 2024 (Tablo-1 Gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla iktisadi faaliyet kollarına (A10) göre cari fiyatlarla (değer pay değişim oranı)). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu.,-2024-53753&dil=1 (Erişim: 01/06/2024).
  • TÜİK. (2024b). Konut Satış İstatistikleri, Nisan 2024. (Erişim: 02/06/2024).
  • UN. (2020). Discussion Group VI: Illicit Financial Flows. Retrieved 02/06/2024 from
  • Unger, B., & Busuioc, E. M. (2007). The scale and impacts of money laundering. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2011). Money laundering in the real estate sector: Suspicious properties. In Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Unger, B., Siegel, M., Ferwerda, J., De Kruijf, W., Busuioic, M., Wokke, K., & Rawlings, G. (2006). The amounts and the effects of money laundering. Report for the Ministry of Finance, 16(2020.08), 22.
  • Vaithilingam, S., & Nair, M. (2007). Factors affecting money laundering: lesson for developing countries. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 10(3), 352-366.
  • Van Duyne, P. C., & Soudijn, M. R. (2009). Hot money, hot stones and hot air: crime‐money threat, real estate and real concern. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 12(2), 173-188.
  • Villányi, B. (2021). Money laundering: History, regulations, and techniques. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
  • Walker, J. (1999). How Big is Global Money Laundering? Journal of Money Laundering Control, 3(1), 25-37.
  • Zavoli, I. (2020). The use of cryptocurrencies in the UK real estate market: an assessment of money laundering risks. In Assets, Crimes and the State (pp. 140-153). Routledge.

The Role and Position of the Real Estate Sector in Money Laundering: Risks and the Situation in Türkiye

Year 2024, , 359 - 384, 25.12.2024


This study examines how money laundering is carried out in the real estate sector, the risks associated with money laundering in this sector, and the activities aimed at preventing money laundering in Turkey. The aim of the research is to analyze why the real estate sector is suitable for money laundering and the situation in Turkey. The methodology includes a literature review and analysis of money laundering activities in Turkey between 2018-2022. The study reveals that despite many international and national initiatives, the real estate sector provides many opportunities for criminals.
The research highlights that the real estate sector is attractive for money laundering due to high-value transactions and regulatory weaknesses. In Turkey, the inadequacy of compliance audits, the low number of suspicious transaction reports, and the lack of training activities are identified as significant risks. This poses major threats to both the Turkish economy and the real estate sector. The originality of the study lies in its comprehensive examination of money laundering in the Turkish real estate sector and its detailed analysis of the current situation. The key findings emphasize the necessity for more effective compliance mechanisms and educational activities.


  • Ahtik, M., Pilipovic, O., & Marelja, M. (2019). Economic analysis of money laundering prevention in Croatia and Slovenia. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 22(1), 97-109.
  • Albrecht, C., Duffin, K. M., Hawkins, S., & Morales Rocha, V. M. (2019). The use of cryptocurrencies in the money laundering process. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 22(2), 210-216.
  • BAI. (2023). Global ranking in 2023. (Erişim: 10/06/2024).
  • Bardin, P., Bouveret, A., Jackson, G., & Markevych, M. (2023). Money Laundering Poses a Risk to Financial Sector Stability. (Erişim: 10/02/2024).
  • Boles, J. R. (2017). Anti-money laundering initiatives for the South African real estate market. JCULP, 1, 197-202.
  • Camdessus, M. (1998). Money laundering: the importance of international countermeasures. (Erişim: 10/02/2024).
  • Claver, C., El Khoury, C., & Weeks-Brown, R. (2023). Financial Crimes Hurt Economies and Must be Better Understood and Curbed. (Erişim: 12/02/2024)
  • Cox, D. (2014). Handbook of anti-money laundering. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Çevik, S., & Teber, D. (2021). The determinants of consumer cash usage in Turkey. TCMB.
  • De Sanctis, F. M. (2017). Money Laundering Through Real Estate. In F. M. De Sanctis (Ed.), International Money Laundering Through Real Estate and Agribusiness: A Criminal Justice Perspective from the “Panama Papers” (pp. 1-23). Springer International Publishing.
  • Ertl, B. (2004). Der Kampf gegen Geldwäscherei und Terrorismusfinanzierung. Bundesministerium für Finanzen. Wien(09), 8.
  • FATF. (2018). Professional Money Laundering. (Erişim: 25/02/2024).
  • FATF. (2019). Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures - Turkey Mutual Evaluation Report.
  • FATF. (2022). Risk-Based Approach Guidance for the Real Estate Sector. (Erişim: 25/02/2024).
  • FATF. (2023). Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures Türkiye - Follow-up Report & Technical Compliance Re-Rating. (Erişim: 20/06/2024).
  • FATF. (2024a). FATF. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • FATF. (2024b). High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action - February 2024. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • FBI. (2024). Money Mules.
  • Ferwerda, J., & Unger, B. (2013). 21. Detecting money laundering in the real estate sector. Research handbook on money laundering, 268.
  • Geiger, H., & Wuensch, O. (2007). The fight against money laundering: An economic analysis of a cost‐benefit paradoxon. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 10(1), 91-105.
  • Gjoni, M., Gjoni, A., & Kora, H. (2015). Money laundering effects. University of Business and Technology in Kosovo. International Conference on Management, Business and Economics. Retrieved from https://www. researchgate. net/publication/330630840_Money_ Laundering_Effects,
  • GYODER. (2024). GYO'lar.,343%20milyar%20TL'ye%20ula%C5%9Ft%C4%B1. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • IMF. (2018). Countries are advancing efforts to stop criminals from laundering their trillions. Retrieved 01/06/2024 from
  • Johannes Teichmann, F. M. (2018). Real estate money laundering in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 21(3), 370-375.
  • Kruisbergen, E. W., Leukfeldt, E. R., Kleemans, E. R., & Roks, R. A. (2019). Money talks money laundering choices of organized crime offenders in a digital age. Journal of Crime and Justice, 42(5), 569-581.
  • Levi, M. (2002). Money laundering and its regulation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 582(1), 181-194.
  • Manning, M., Wong, G. T., & Jevtovic, N. (2021). Investigating the relationships between FATF recommendation compliance, regulatory affiliations and the Basel Anti-Money Laundering Index. Security Journal, 34, 566-588.
  • MASAK. (2021). Şüpheli İşlem Bildirimi Rehberi (Ticaret Amacıyla Taşınmaz Alım Satımıyla Uğraşanlar ile Bu İşlemlere Aracılık Edenler). Ankara: Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, (Erişim: 22/05/2024).
  • MASAK. (2022). Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu Başkanlığı - 2022 Yılı Faaliyet Raporu. Ankara. (Erişim: 22/02/2024).
  • MASAK. (2023). Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu Başkanlığı - 2023 Yılı Faaliyet Raporu. (Erişim: 22/02/2024).
  • McPherson, G. (2017). Floating on Sea of Funny Money: An Analysis of Money Laundering through Miami Real Estate and the Federal Government's Attempt to Stop It. U. Miami Bus. L. Rev., 26, 159.
  • Meloen, J., Landman, R., De Miranda, H., Van Eekelen, J., Van Soest, S., Van Duyne, P., & Van Tilburg, W. (2003). Buit en besteding: Een empirisch onderzoek naar de omvang, de kenmerken en de besteding van misdaadgeld. Den Haag: Reed Business Information, 186, 380-396.
  • Nelen, H. (2008). Real estate and serious forms of crime. International Journal of Social Economics, 35(10), 751-762.
  • Ogbodo, U. K., & Mieseigha, E. G. (2013). The economic implications of money laundering in Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 3(4), 170-184.
  • Sanctis, F. D. (2017). Money Laundering Through Real Estate. 1-23.
  • Schneider, S. (2004). Organized crime, money laundering, and the real estate market in Canada. Journal of property research, 21(2), 99-118.
  • SPK. (2024). e-Veri Bankası - İlgili Kurum ve Kuruluşlar. SPK. (Erişim: 22/06/2024).
  • Surendran, S., & Ramasamy, M. (2012). Money Laundering Through Real Estate Market. National Journal on Advances in Computing and Management, 3(2).
  • TCCYO. (2024). Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yatırım Ofisi - Gayrimenkul Sektörü. (Erişim: 05/03/2024).
  • Teichmann, F. M. J. (2017). Twelve methods of money laundering. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 20(2), 130-137.
  • Treasury(USA). (2018). The 2018 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment. (Erişim: 15/02/2024).
  • TÜİK. (2024a). Dönemsel Gayrisafi Yurt İçi Hasıla, I. Çeyrek: Ocak-Mart, 2024 (Tablo-1 Gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla iktisadi faaliyet kollarına (A10) göre cari fiyatlarla (değer pay değişim oranı)). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu.,-2024-53753&dil=1 (Erişim: 01/06/2024).
  • TÜİK. (2024b). Konut Satış İstatistikleri, Nisan 2024. (Erişim: 02/06/2024).
  • UN. (2020). Discussion Group VI: Illicit Financial Flows. Retrieved 02/06/2024 from
  • Unger, B., & Busuioc, E. M. (2007). The scale and impacts of money laundering. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Unger, B., & Ferwerda, J. (2011). Money laundering in the real estate sector: Suspicious properties. In Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Unger, B., Siegel, M., Ferwerda, J., De Kruijf, W., Busuioic, M., Wokke, K., & Rawlings, G. (2006). The amounts and the effects of money laundering. Report for the Ministry of Finance, 16(2020.08), 22.
  • Vaithilingam, S., & Nair, M. (2007). Factors affecting money laundering: lesson for developing countries. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 10(3), 352-366.
  • Van Duyne, P. C., & Soudijn, M. R. (2009). Hot money, hot stones and hot air: crime‐money threat, real estate and real concern. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 12(2), 173-188.
  • Villányi, B. (2021). Money laundering: History, regulations, and techniques. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
  • Walker, J. (1999). How Big is Global Money Laundering? Journal of Money Laundering Control, 3(1), 25-37.
  • Zavoli, I. (2020). The use of cryptocurrencies in the UK real estate market: an assessment of money laundering risks. In Assets, Crimes and the State (pp. 140-153). Routledge.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Hakan Özdemir 0000-0002-2740-3737

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date March 18, 2024
Acceptance Date August 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Özdemir, H. (2024). Gayrimenkul Sektörünün Kara Para Aklamada Rolü ve Yeri: Riskler ve Türkiye’deki Durum. International Journal of Public Finance, 9(2), 359-384.


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