Research Article
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Turkey’s Preventive Operations against Terrorists across Southern Border

Year 2022, , 106 - 142, 01.05.2022


Türkiye jeostratejik konumu nedeniyle avantajlarının yanı sıra risk ve tehditlere açıktır. Arap Baharından sonra güney komşularından gelen çok sayıda göçmenin insani, sosyal, ekonomik, sağlık ve eğitim zorluklarının yanı sıra, neden oldukları sınır güvenliği de Türkiye için bir başka endişe kaynağı haline geldi. Suriye ve Irak'ta yaşanan otorite boşluğu ve çatışmalar nedeniyle Türkiye güney sınırlarında ek önlemler almaya kendini zorunlu hissetmiştir. Bu nedenle bu makale, terör eylemlerinin önlenmesi kapsamında Türkiye’nin güney sınırlarında ve sınır ötesinde gerçekleştirdiği operasyonlarla, bu kapsamda alınan fiziki önlemleri incelemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı terör örgütlerine karşı sınır ötesi mevcudiyet sağlamanın yararlarını ve zorluklarını incelemektir. Ayrıca otorite boşluğu olan sınır komşusu bir ülkede gerçekleştirilen önleyici askeri operasyonların sınır güvenliğine fayda sağlayıp sağlamadığı sorusuna da yanıt aranmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma, 2016 ve 2021 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen sınır ötesi operasyonlarla sınırlandırılmıştır.


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  • Aslan Murat, “Yeniden Yapılandırma Türkiye’nin Suriye’deki Modeli”, (Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı, 2019)
  • Aslan Murat, “Türkiye’nin Terörizmle Mücadelesi Pençe Harekatı”, (SETA, 2019), p. 8.
  • Ataman Muhittin and Özdemir Çağatay, “Turkey’s Syria Policy: Constant Objectives, Shifting Priorities”, Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 5(2) (2018)
  • Barkey Henri J., “Syria’s Dark Shadow over US-Turkey Relations,” Turkish Policy Quarterly, 14(4) (2016),
  • Başeren Sertaç Hami Uluslararası Hukukta Devletlerin Münferiden Kuvvet Kullanmalarının Sınırları, (Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2003)
  • Duran Burhanettin and Ulutaş Ufuk, "Türkiye’nin DEAŞ’la Mücadelesinin Kritik Dönemeci: Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı", (SETA, 2017)
  • Düz Sibel, The Ascension of Turkey as a Drone Power History, Strategy, and Geopolitical Implications, (SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research, 2020)
  • Erickson Richard J., Legitimate Use of Force Against State-Sponsored Terrorism, (Air University Press, 1989)
  • European Asylum Support Office, “Syria Socio-economic situation: Country of Origin Information Report,” (May 2020)
  • Ferris Elizabet and Kirişçi Kemal, he Consequences of Chaos, Syria’s Humanitarian Crises and the Failure to Protect, (Brooking Institution Press, 2016)
  • Greenwood Christopher, “International law and the war against terrorism”, International affairs 78(2) (2002),
  • Gunter Michael M., “Iraq, Syria, ISIS and the Kurds: Geostrategic Concerns for the U.S. and Turkey”, Middle East Policy, 22(1) (2015)
  • Hinnebusch Raymond, "Authoritarian Resilience and the Arab Uprising: Syria in Comparative Perspective" Centre of Middle East Studies, 7(1) (2015)
  • Joya Angela, “Syria and the Arab Spring: The Evolution of the Conflict and the Role of the Domestic and External Factors”, Ortadoğu Etütleri. 4 (1) (2012),
  • Kardaş Tuncay and Özdemir Ömer Behram, “The Making of European Foreign Fighters: Identity, Social Media and Virtual Radicalization”, (SETA Analysis, No: 11, October 2014),
  • Kasapoğlu Can and Ülgen Sinan, “Operation Euphrates Shield and the al-Bab Campaign: A Strategic Assessment”, EDAM Foreign Policy and Security Paper Series, (2017)
  • Kasapoğlu Can and Ülgen Sinan, “Operation Olive Branch: A Political – Military Assessment”, (EDAM Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy, 2018)
  • Kaya Karen, “The Syrian Crisis from a Neighbor’s Perspective: View from Turkey”, Military Review, 94(2) (2014)
  • Lanoszka Alexander, Leuprecht Christian, and Moens Alexander, “Lessons from the Enhanced Forward Presence 2017-2020”, (NATO Defense Collage, November 2020)
  • Lesch David W., “The Arab Spring –and winter in Syria”, Global Change, Peace and Security, 23(3) (2011)
  • Letter from the Chargé d’affairesa.i. of the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the UN addressed to the President of the Security Council, UN, 24 July 2015, UN Doc. S/2015/563.
  • Ma’oz Moshe, “The Arab Spring in Syria: Domestic and Regional Developments”, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict. 7(1) (2014)
  • MoI of Turkey, “PKK/KCK Terrorist Organization’s Extension in Syria: PYD-YPG” (2017), p. 3
  • Owens Mackubin Thomas, “The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2009
  • Ozan Emre, “Suriye İç Savaşı ve Türkiye’nin Değişen Güvenlik Gündemi”, (Ankara Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Merkezi, 2017)
  • Özçelik Necdet and Acun Can, “Terörle Mücadelede Yeni Safha Zeytin Dalı Harekâtı”, (SETA, 2018)
  • Özdemir Seçil, Iran-Iraq War: Effect on Terrorism on Turkey’s Borders, Akademik Bakış, Gazi University 13(26) (2020)
  • Polat Doğan Şafak, “Objectives and Results of Turkish Military Operations in the North of Syria”, The Journal of Security Strategies, 16(33) (2020)
  • Republic of Turkey Legal Gazette, 6 October 2012, Serial: 28433.
  • Rubin Alfred P., “Current Legal Approaches to International Terrorism: Alternative Legal Approaches”, in Terrorism & Political Violence: Limits& Possibilities of Legal Control, (Henry H. Han, eds. Oceana Publications Inc., 1993)
  • Schmitt Michael N., “The Syrian Intervention: Assessing the Possible International Law Justifications”, (International Law Studies, 2013)
  • Soyluk Asena, Yıldız Aslı, Sarıcıoğlu Pelin, “Border Walls from Past to Today”, Asia Minor Studies-International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6) (2018)
  • Söyler Soner and Ertaş Mehmet, “The Effect of the Syrian War on Tourism: A Research On Border Provinces”, (16. Tourism Congress, 2015)
  • Şen Osman and Akarslan Hüseyin, “Terrorist Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Turkey’s Example”, Defence Against Terrorism Review, (13) 2020
  • Talbot Valeria, “Turkey in Syria: Role, Interests and Challenges”, in Rebuilding Syria: The Middle East’s Next Power Game? (Eugenio Dacrema and Valeria Talbot, eds, Ledizioni Ledi Publishing 2019)
  • Tanrısever Oktay F., “Türkiye-Rusya Krizinin Dinamikleri ve İkili İlişkilere Etkileri”, Bilge Strateji, 8(14) (2016)
  • Taşdemir Fatma, Suriye, Çatışma ve Uluslararası Hukuk, (Nobel Akademik Yayınları, 2020)
  • Taşdemir Fatma and Özer Adem, “The Operation Euphrates Shield from The Perspective of Use Of Force Law”, (The Academic Elegance, 2017)
  • Terzioğlu Süleyman Sırrı, “The Issue of Legitimacy of the Operation Euphrates Shield in terms of International Law”, Union of Turkish Bar Associations Journal (134) (2018)
  • Tunca Hakan Ömer, “Suriyeli Sığınmacılara Yönelik Güvenlik Algısı” Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, (2020).
  • Valenta Marko, “Syrian Refugee Migration, Transitions in Migrant Statuses and Future Scenarios of Syrian Mobility”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 39 (2020)
  • Yaycı Cihat, “Wars in Iraq and their Effects on Turkey”, The Journal of Security Strategies, 15(30) (2019) Yeşiltaş Murat, “Zeytin Dalı Harekatı: Kazananlar ve Kaybedenler”, (SETA, 2018), available at
  • Ahmet Şahin, “Major Operations in Northern Iraq”,
  • “Ballistic Protection Systems”, Roketsan,, (15 May 2021)
  • “Boosting NATO’s presence in the east and southeast” NATO,, (30 April 2021)
  • “DAESH Declared Its Caliphate”, Hürriyet,, (20 March 2021)
  • “Decisive Operations”, Habertürk,, (16 July 2021)
  • “Dünya Ülkeleri Cerablusa Ne dedi?”, Hürriyet,, (15 April 2021)
  • “Interview with Minister”, Anadolu Agency, (21 July 2021)
  • Nedim Şener, “The bloody balance sheet of the PKK”, Hürriyet (4 September 2020)
  • “Operation Euphrates Shield”, Land Forces Command, at (23 July 2021)
  • “Operation Launched in Hakurk Region, Northern Iraq”, MoD,, (23 June 2021)
  • Pençe-Kaplan Operasyonu”, BBC, at, (23 June 2021)
  • “Pençe-Kartal Operasyonu”, BBC, at, (23 June 2021)
  • “Pençe-Şimşek ve Pençe Yıldırım Operasyonları”, MoD,, (23 June 2021)
  • “President Erdoğan announced that Afrin city center has been taken under full control as of 08:30 a.m.”, Presidency of Republic of Turkey, at, ( 23 April 2021).
  • “Press Release”, Secretariat-General of the National Security Council,, (25 April 2021)
  • “Pursuit of a safe zone does not meet our expectations”, an interview with Reuters,, ( 12 May 2021)
  • Relations between Turkey–Syria”, MoFA,, (23 April 2021)
  • “Remarkable detail on armored vehicles in Afrin” Hurriyet,, (15 May 2021)
  • “Remarks by António Guterres, UNHCR. Conference on the Syrian Refugee Situation”, The UN Refugee Agency,, (11 January 2021)
  • “Russia, Turkey, Iran Agree On Borders of Syrian De-Escalation Zones”, Radio Free Europe, at ( 25 July 2021)
  • “Sensitivity of Turkish Armed Forces on Civilians” Star,, (4 May 2021)
  • Sercan Çalışkan and Hamza Haşıl, available at
  • “Speech of President of Turkey”, cumhurbaskani-erdogan-turkiye-nin-kahraman-kadinlari-programina-katildi (15 March 2021)
  • “Speech of Minister of Defence”, at (26 July 2021)
  • “Statement by Minister Akar about Operation Spring Shield”, NTV,,TnMyd_K1N0Gg7os_4QlYyw (23 July 2021)
  • “Support from Israil over Cerablus” Anadolu Agency,, (15 April 2021)
  • “Syria Regional Refugee Concept”, The UN Refugee Agency, at, (15 January 2021)
  • “Syrian Kurds declared Its Autonomy”, Aljazeera Türk,, (20 March 2021)
  • Syria war: Russia and Turkey agree Idlib ceasefire”, BBC, (23 July 2021)
  • “Temporary Protection”, Directorate General of Migration Management, (15 January 2021)
  • “Terör mevzilerine Kartal ve Pars vuruşu”, Hürriyet, at gundem/teror-mevzilerine-kartal-ve-pars-vurusu-40723074 (14 May 2021)
  • “The Positive Impact of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence the Positive Impact of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence” (30 April 2021)
  • “Turkish Armed Forces Established 12Th Observation Point”, Anadolu Agency,, (24 July 2021)
  • “Turkey finishes setting up observation posts in Idlib”, Hurriyet Daily News,, (24 July 2021)
  • “Turkey launches Operation Spring Shield against regime aggression in Syria”, Daily Sabah, (19 July 2021)
  • Turkey, Russia, Iran FMs to assess Astana Syria process”, Anadolu Agency,, (24 July 2021)
  • “Turkey has right to act in self-defense in Afrin, NATO chief Stoltenberg says”, Eurasia Diary, stoltenberg-says (13 May 2021)
  • “Turkey's Operation Olive Branch: 10 questions answered”, (22 July 2021)
  • “Turkey's T-129 helicopters hit PYD/PKK targets in Afrin” Anadolu Agency,, (15 May 2021)
  • “Turkish Armed Forces is in Idlib”, CNN Turk,, (25 July 2021)
  • Turkish Armed Forces Official Twitter Account, at (25 July 2021)
  • “UAVs captured the terrorist attacks in Afrin”, TRT Haber Official YouTube Account. (21 March 2021)
  • “Why has the Syrian war lasted 10 years?”, BBC,, (23 July 2021)

Turkey’s Preventive Operations against Terrorists across Southern Border

Year 2022, , 106 - 142, 01.05.2022


Besides having advantages due to its geostrategic location, Turkey has a position open to risks and threats. In addition to the humanitarian, social, economic, health and education difficulties of a large number of immigrants from the Arab Spring, border security has also become another concern. For this reason, this paper examines the physical measures taken at the border and cross-border operations within the scope of preventing terrorists. The purpose of this study is to examine the benefits and difficulties of having a cross-border presence against terrorist organizations. In addition, an answer will be sought to the question of whether the preventive military operations carried out in the authority vacuum country benefit the border security or not. In this context, the study is limited to the cross-border operations conducted between 2016 and 2021.


  • Arend Antony Clark and Beck Robert J., International Law and the Use of Force, (Routledge Publication, 2013)
  • Aslan Murat, “Yeniden Yapılandırma Türkiye’nin Suriye’deki Modeli”, (Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı, 2019)
  • Aslan Murat, “Türkiye’nin Terörizmle Mücadelesi Pençe Harekatı”, (SETA, 2019), p. 8.
  • Ataman Muhittin and Özdemir Çağatay, “Turkey’s Syria Policy: Constant Objectives, Shifting Priorities”, Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 5(2) (2018)
  • Barkey Henri J., “Syria’s Dark Shadow over US-Turkey Relations,” Turkish Policy Quarterly, 14(4) (2016),
  • Başeren Sertaç Hami Uluslararası Hukukta Devletlerin Münferiden Kuvvet Kullanmalarının Sınırları, (Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2003)
  • Duran Burhanettin and Ulutaş Ufuk, "Türkiye’nin DEAŞ’la Mücadelesinin Kritik Dönemeci: Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı", (SETA, 2017)
  • Düz Sibel, The Ascension of Turkey as a Drone Power History, Strategy, and Geopolitical Implications, (SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research, 2020)
  • Erickson Richard J., Legitimate Use of Force Against State-Sponsored Terrorism, (Air University Press, 1989)
  • European Asylum Support Office, “Syria Socio-economic situation: Country of Origin Information Report,” (May 2020)
  • Ferris Elizabet and Kirişçi Kemal, he Consequences of Chaos, Syria’s Humanitarian Crises and the Failure to Protect, (Brooking Institution Press, 2016)
  • Greenwood Christopher, “International law and the war against terrorism”, International affairs 78(2) (2002),
  • Gunter Michael M., “Iraq, Syria, ISIS and the Kurds: Geostrategic Concerns for the U.S. and Turkey”, Middle East Policy, 22(1) (2015)
  • Hinnebusch Raymond, "Authoritarian Resilience and the Arab Uprising: Syria in Comparative Perspective" Centre of Middle East Studies, 7(1) (2015)
  • Joya Angela, “Syria and the Arab Spring: The Evolution of the Conflict and the Role of the Domestic and External Factors”, Ortadoğu Etütleri. 4 (1) (2012),
  • Kardaş Tuncay and Özdemir Ömer Behram, “The Making of European Foreign Fighters: Identity, Social Media and Virtual Radicalization”, (SETA Analysis, No: 11, October 2014),
  • Kasapoğlu Can and Ülgen Sinan, “Operation Euphrates Shield and the al-Bab Campaign: A Strategic Assessment”, EDAM Foreign Policy and Security Paper Series, (2017)
  • Kasapoğlu Can and Ülgen Sinan, “Operation Olive Branch: A Political – Military Assessment”, (EDAM Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy, 2018)
  • Kaya Karen, “The Syrian Crisis from a Neighbor’s Perspective: View from Turkey”, Military Review, 94(2) (2014)
  • Lanoszka Alexander, Leuprecht Christian, and Moens Alexander, “Lessons from the Enhanced Forward Presence 2017-2020”, (NATO Defense Collage, November 2020)
  • Lesch David W., “The Arab Spring –and winter in Syria”, Global Change, Peace and Security, 23(3) (2011)
  • Letter from the Chargé d’affairesa.i. of the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the UN addressed to the President of the Security Council, UN, 24 July 2015, UN Doc. S/2015/563.
  • Ma’oz Moshe, “The Arab Spring in Syria: Domestic and Regional Developments”, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict. 7(1) (2014)
  • MoI of Turkey, “PKK/KCK Terrorist Organization’s Extension in Syria: PYD-YPG” (2017), p. 3
  • Owens Mackubin Thomas, “The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2009
  • Ozan Emre, “Suriye İç Savaşı ve Türkiye’nin Değişen Güvenlik Gündemi”, (Ankara Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Merkezi, 2017)
  • Özçelik Necdet and Acun Can, “Terörle Mücadelede Yeni Safha Zeytin Dalı Harekâtı”, (SETA, 2018)
  • Özdemir Seçil, Iran-Iraq War: Effect on Terrorism on Turkey’s Borders, Akademik Bakış, Gazi University 13(26) (2020)
  • Polat Doğan Şafak, “Objectives and Results of Turkish Military Operations in the North of Syria”, The Journal of Security Strategies, 16(33) (2020)
  • Republic of Turkey Legal Gazette, 6 October 2012, Serial: 28433.
  • Rubin Alfred P., “Current Legal Approaches to International Terrorism: Alternative Legal Approaches”, in Terrorism & Political Violence: Limits& Possibilities of Legal Control, (Henry H. Han, eds. Oceana Publications Inc., 1993)
  • Schmitt Michael N., “The Syrian Intervention: Assessing the Possible International Law Justifications”, (International Law Studies, 2013)
  • Soyluk Asena, Yıldız Aslı, Sarıcıoğlu Pelin, “Border Walls from Past to Today”, Asia Minor Studies-International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6) (2018)
  • Söyler Soner and Ertaş Mehmet, “The Effect of the Syrian War on Tourism: A Research On Border Provinces”, (16. Tourism Congress, 2015)
  • Şen Osman and Akarslan Hüseyin, “Terrorist Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Turkey’s Example”, Defence Against Terrorism Review, (13) 2020
  • Talbot Valeria, “Turkey in Syria: Role, Interests and Challenges”, in Rebuilding Syria: The Middle East’s Next Power Game? (Eugenio Dacrema and Valeria Talbot, eds, Ledizioni Ledi Publishing 2019)
  • Tanrısever Oktay F., “Türkiye-Rusya Krizinin Dinamikleri ve İkili İlişkilere Etkileri”, Bilge Strateji, 8(14) (2016)
  • Taşdemir Fatma, Suriye, Çatışma ve Uluslararası Hukuk, (Nobel Akademik Yayınları, 2020)
  • Taşdemir Fatma and Özer Adem, “The Operation Euphrates Shield from The Perspective of Use Of Force Law”, (The Academic Elegance, 2017)
  • Terzioğlu Süleyman Sırrı, “The Issue of Legitimacy of the Operation Euphrates Shield in terms of International Law”, Union of Turkish Bar Associations Journal (134) (2018)
  • Tunca Hakan Ömer, “Suriyeli Sığınmacılara Yönelik Güvenlik Algısı” Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, (2020).
  • Valenta Marko, “Syrian Refugee Migration, Transitions in Migrant Statuses and Future Scenarios of Syrian Mobility”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 39 (2020)
  • Yaycı Cihat, “Wars in Iraq and their Effects on Turkey”, The Journal of Security Strategies, 15(30) (2019) Yeşiltaş Murat, “Zeytin Dalı Harekatı: Kazananlar ve Kaybedenler”, (SETA, 2018), available at
  • Ahmet Şahin, “Major Operations in Northern Iraq”,
  • “Ballistic Protection Systems”, Roketsan,, (15 May 2021)
  • “Boosting NATO’s presence in the east and southeast” NATO,, (30 April 2021)
  • “DAESH Declared Its Caliphate”, Hürriyet,, (20 March 2021)
  • “Decisive Operations”, Habertürk,, (16 July 2021)
  • “Dünya Ülkeleri Cerablusa Ne dedi?”, Hürriyet,, (15 April 2021)
  • “Interview with Minister”, Anadolu Agency, (21 July 2021)
  • Nedim Şener, “The bloody balance sheet of the PKK”, Hürriyet (4 September 2020)
  • “Operation Euphrates Shield”, Land Forces Command, at (23 July 2021)
  • “Operation Launched in Hakurk Region, Northern Iraq”, MoD,, (23 June 2021)
  • Pençe-Kaplan Operasyonu”, BBC, at, (23 June 2021)
  • “Pençe-Kartal Operasyonu”, BBC, at, (23 June 2021)
  • “Pençe-Şimşek ve Pençe Yıldırım Operasyonları”, MoD,, (23 June 2021)
  • “President Erdoğan announced that Afrin city center has been taken under full control as of 08:30 a.m.”, Presidency of Republic of Turkey, at, ( 23 April 2021).
  • “Press Release”, Secretariat-General of the National Security Council,, (25 April 2021)
  • “Pursuit of a safe zone does not meet our expectations”, an interview with Reuters,, ( 12 May 2021)
  • Relations between Turkey–Syria”, MoFA,, (23 April 2021)
  • “Remarkable detail on armored vehicles in Afrin” Hurriyet,, (15 May 2021)
  • “Remarks by António Guterres, UNHCR. Conference on the Syrian Refugee Situation”, The UN Refugee Agency,, (11 January 2021)
  • “Russia, Turkey, Iran Agree On Borders of Syrian De-Escalation Zones”, Radio Free Europe, at ( 25 July 2021)
  • “Sensitivity of Turkish Armed Forces on Civilians” Star,, (4 May 2021)
  • Sercan Çalışkan and Hamza Haşıl, available at
  • “Speech of President of Turkey”, cumhurbaskani-erdogan-turkiye-nin-kahraman-kadinlari-programina-katildi (15 March 2021)
  • “Speech of Minister of Defence”, at (26 July 2021)
  • “Statement by Minister Akar about Operation Spring Shield”, NTV,,TnMyd_K1N0Gg7os_4QlYyw (23 July 2021)
  • “Support from Israil over Cerablus” Anadolu Agency,, (15 April 2021)
  • “Syria Regional Refugee Concept”, The UN Refugee Agency, at, (15 January 2021)
  • “Syrian Kurds declared Its Autonomy”, Aljazeera Türk,, (20 March 2021)
  • Syria war: Russia and Turkey agree Idlib ceasefire”, BBC, (23 July 2021)
  • “Temporary Protection”, Directorate General of Migration Management, (15 January 2021)
  • “Terör mevzilerine Kartal ve Pars vuruşu”, Hürriyet, at gundem/teror-mevzilerine-kartal-ve-pars-vurusu-40723074 (14 May 2021)
  • “The Positive Impact of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence the Positive Impact of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence” (30 April 2021)
  • “Turkish Armed Forces Established 12Th Observation Point”, Anadolu Agency,, (24 July 2021)
  • “Turkey finishes setting up observation posts in Idlib”, Hurriyet Daily News,, (24 July 2021)
  • “Turkey launches Operation Spring Shield against regime aggression in Syria”, Daily Sabah, (19 July 2021)
  • Turkey, Russia, Iran FMs to assess Astana Syria process”, Anadolu Agency,, (24 July 2021)
  • “Turkey has right to act in self-defense in Afrin, NATO chief Stoltenberg says”, Eurasia Diary, stoltenberg-says (13 May 2021)
  • “Turkey's Operation Olive Branch: 10 questions answered”, (22 July 2021)
  • “Turkey's T-129 helicopters hit PYD/PKK targets in Afrin” Anadolu Agency,, (15 May 2021)
  • “Turkish Armed Forces is in Idlib”, CNN Turk,, (25 July 2021)
  • Turkish Armed Forces Official Twitter Account, at (25 July 2021)
  • “UAVs captured the terrorist attacks in Afrin”, TRT Haber Official YouTube Account. (21 March 2021)
  • “Why has the Syrian war lasted 10 years?”, BBC,, (23 July 2021)
There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Arif Ferah 0000-0002-9991-4296

Hakan Ömer Tunca 0000-0002-1180-2549

Publication Date May 1, 2022
Submission Date October 4, 2021
Acceptance Date December 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


Chicago Ferah, Arif, and Hakan Ömer Tunca. “Turkey’s Preventive Operations Against Terrorists across Southern Border”. International Journal of Politics and Security 4, no. 1 (May 2022): 106-42.


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