Entrepreneurship in Finnish Teacher Training
Year 2015,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 24 - 39, 24.10.2015
İsa Deveci
Jaana Seikkula-leino
Concrete steps are taken on entrepreneurship education in Turkey, as in a lot of countries. One example to such concrete steps is the treatment of entrepreneurship as one of the skills which students are to be provided in curricula from primary education to higher education. However, as entrepreneurship has just started to be focused on in education, observation of other countries engaged in it for a long time is important. Finland is a country which is always shown as a model for entrepreneurship education in the reports of the European Commission and is one of those countries which conduct most scientific research on this subject. Thus, the way Finnish education system handles entrepreneurship education should be examined. In this sense, the present study aims to explain how Finnish education system handles entrepreneurship education; what steps they take in this matter; and what kinds of supporting elements they use. This is a compilation work. It gives brief information about primary education and secondary education, but focuses most attention on teacher training.
- Allen, I Annala, J., & Mäkinen, M. (2011). Korkeakoulutuksen opetussuunnitelma – kohti tietämisen ja taitamisen päämääriä, [Curriculum in Higher Education – towards the goals of knowing and mastering], Kasvatus, 42(1), 6-18.
- Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, (2012). Entrepreneurship education at school in europe, national strategies, curricula and learning outcomes. by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA P9 Eurydice and Policy Support). ISBN 978-92-9201-252-6. doi:10.2797/80384.
- Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, (2012). Entrepreneurship education at school in europe, national strategies, curricula and learning outcomes, Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOU2), ISBN 978-92-9201-252-6, doi:10.2797/80384.
- Barnett, R., & Coate, K. (2005) Engaging the curriculum in higher education. Buckingham: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill.
- Bozkurt, Ç. Ö. (2011). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de girişimcilik eğitimi: başarili girişimciler ve öğretim üyelerinden öneriler. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Burduş, E. (2010). Fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Review of International Comparative Management ,11(1), 33-42.
- COPIE2, (2011). Finland study visit, Final report Entrepreneurship education subgroup COPIE2 Langreo. June 2011. Retrieved from http://www.copie.eu/sites /default/files/TG_Education_Finland_studyvisit_ report_ may2011.pdf at 15.01.2015
- European Communities, (2004). Helping to create an entrepreneurial culture A guide on good practices in promoting entrepreneurial attitudes. ISBN 92-894-6174-8. Printed in Belgium Prınted On White Chlorıne-Free Paper. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
- European Commission, (2008). Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies. Final Report of the Expert Group. Enterprıse And Industry Dırectorate- General. Unit E.1: Entrepreneurship.
- European Commission, (2011). Entrepreneurship education: enabling teachers as a critical success factor. a report on teacher education and training to prepare teachers for the challenge of entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship Unit Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, Bruxelles.
- European Commission, (2012). Guidebook series how to support SME policy from structural funds. Building entrepreneurial mindsets and skills in the EU. Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, ISBN 978-92-79-25878-7. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Union. doi: 10.2769/40659
- European Commission, (2013). Entrepreneurship education: A guide for educators. June 2013. Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Unit. European Union, Bruxelles.
- Finnish Enterprise Agencies, (2014). Guide: Becoming an entrepreneur in Finland. Suomen Uusyrityskeskukset ry Texts: Uusyrityskeskusverkosto Graphic design: Unikuva / Mats Vuorenjuuri Update of information: Asiatieto Oy / Tuulikki Holopainen © The Finnish Enterprise Agencies 2014.
- Finnish National Board of Education, (2003). National core curriculum for upper secondary schools. Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy. ISBN 978-952-13-3347-7. Vammala, Finland.
- Fisher, E., & Reuber, R. (2010). The state of entrepreneurship in Canada. Small business and tourism branch ındustry Canada chris parsley, Manager Sonja Djukic, Economist. Publishing and Depository Services Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa ON K1A 0S5. Cat. No. Iu188-99/2010E-PDF ISBN 978-1-100-14889-2 60719.
- Gustafsson-Pesonen, A., & Remes, L. (2012). Evaluation of entrepreneurial development coaching: changing the Teachers’ thinking and action on entrepreneurship. Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 3. doi: 10.3402/aie.v3i0.1721.
- Halinen, I. (2015). What is going on in Finland? Curriculum reform 2016. Head of curriculum development finnish national board of education, Published. Retrieved from http://www.oph.fi/english/current_issues/101/0/what_is_going_on_in_finland_curriculum_reform_2016 at 25.3.2015
- Hannula, H. (2010). Education, V. T. Entrepreneurship education in the strategies and curricula of finnish vocational teacher education, Minttu Lampinen (ed.), Contemporary views on business developing business excellence COMBİ2011 conference proceedings,Minttu Lampinen (ed.), 58HAMK Publications, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
- Hannula, H., Ruskovaara, E., Seikkula-Leino, J., & Tiikkala, A. (2012). Evaluating finnish teacher educators as entrepreneurship educators. 8Th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice, Improvement by Evaluation, A Conference for Experts of Education, Human Services and Policy 18–20 June 2012, University of Tampere, Pori, Finland.
- Hatak, I., & Reiner, E. (2011). Entrepreneurship education in secondary schools: Education systems, teaching methods and best practice - a survey of Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, in: RiCC - research report 2011/1, hrsg. v. Rößl Dietmar. Wien: RiCC - Research Institute for Co-operation and Co-operatives.
- Heinonen, J.P. (2005). Opetussuunnitelmat vai oppimateriaalit. Peruskoulun opettajien käsityksiäopetussuunnitelmien ja oppimateriaalien merkityksestä opetuksessa [Curricula or learning material.Conceptions of basic education teachers on the meaning of curricula and learning material in teaching].University of Helsinki, Department of Applied Sciences of Education. Tutkimuksia [Research], 257. Retrieved from http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/kay/sovel/vk/heinonen/opetussu.pdf at 01.02.2015.
- Hietanen, L. (2013) Entrepreneurial way of acting as a method in student teachers' compulsory music course. Proceedings Book for the Conference on Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP2013), Published by Guarda Polytechnic Institute, Edited by Guarda Polytechnic Institute, 7-8 June, Potugal.
- Krokfors L., Kynäslahti H., & Stenberg, K. Toom, A., Maaranen, K., Jyrhämä, R., & Kansanen, P. (2009). Opettajia muuttuvaan kouluun Tutkimuspainotteisen opettajankoulutuksen arviointia [Teachers to Changing Schools – evaluation of research-oriented teacher education], Kasvatus: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen aikakauskirja, 40(3), 206-219.
- Lepistö, J., & Ronkko, M. L. (2013). Teacher students as future entrepreneurship educators and learning facilitators. Education+ Training, 55(7), 641-653.
- Macdonald, D. (2003). Curriculum change and the post-modern world: is the school curriculum-reform movement an anachronism? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(2), 139–149.
- Mattila, M., Rytkölä, T., & Ruskovaara, E. (2009). Creating a picture of a teacher as an entrepreneurship educator. In EFMD conference, February 26-27, Barcelona.
- National Core Curriculum Basic Education, (2004). Finnish national board of education: Learning objectives and core contents of education in Finland basic education. ISBN 952-13-2081-8. Retrieved from http://www.oph.fi/english/curricula_and_qualifications /basic_education at 04.04.2015
- Nordic Inovation, (2012). Entrepreneurship education in the Nordic countries, strategy implementation and good practices. Nordic innovation report 2012:24 /December 2012, ISBN 978-82-8277-047-7. Nordic Innovation Publication, Oslo.
- Nurmi, P. & Paasio, K. (2007) Entrepreneurship in Finnish Universities, Education + Training, 49(1), 56-66.
- Ruskovaara, E., Pihkala, T., Rytkölä, T., & Seikkula-Leino, J. (2010). Studying teachers’ teaching methods and working approaches in entrepreneurship education. In Proceedings of the 7th ESU Conference 2010. Sage.
- Ruskovaara, E., Pihkala, T., Rytkölä, T., & Seikkula-Leino, J. (2010). Studying teachers’ teaching methods and working approaches in entrepreneurship education. In Proceedings of the 7th ESU Conference 2010. Sage.
- Santakallio, E. (1998). On the development of education in technology and entrepreneurship in Finland: The KYTKE 2005 Project as an example. IDATER 1998 Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University.
- Seikkula-Leino, J. (2011). The implementation of entrepreneurship education through curriculum reform in Finnish comprehensive schools. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(1), 69-85. doi: 0.1080/00220270903544685.
- Seikkula-Leino, J., Ruskovaara, E., Hannula, H., & Saarivirta, T. (2012). Facing the changing demands of Europe: integrating entrepreneurship education in finnish teacher training curricula. European Educational Research Journal, 11(3), 382-399. doi: 10.2304/ eerj.2012.11.3.382
- Teacher Training School Strategy for 2020 (2011). Teacher training school strategy for 2020. Retrieved from http://www.enorssi.fi/suhoharre/ Harjoittelukoulujen_strategia_2020.pdf at 05.02.2015.
Entrepreneurship in Finnish Teacher Training1
Year 2015,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 24 - 39, 24.10.2015
İsa Deveci
Jaana Seikkula-leino
Son yıllarda birçok ülkede olduğu gibi ülkemizde de girişimcilik eğitimi konusunda somut adımların atıldığı görülmektedir. Bu anlamda ilköğretimden yükseköğretime kadar girişimci özelliklerin öğrencilere kazandırılması düşünülen beceriler arasında yer almaya başlaması bu somut adımlara örnek teşkil etmektedir
- Allen, I Annala, J., & Mäkinen, M. (2011). Korkeakoulutuksen opetussuunnitelma – kohti tietämisen ja taitamisen päämääriä, [Curriculum in Higher Education – towards the goals of knowing and mastering], Kasvatus, 42(1), 6-18.
- Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, (2012). Entrepreneurship education at school in europe, national strategies, curricula and learning outcomes. by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA P9 Eurydice and Policy Support). ISBN 978-92-9201-252-6. doi:10.2797/80384.
- Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, (2012). Entrepreneurship education at school in europe, national strategies, curricula and learning outcomes, Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOU2), ISBN 978-92-9201-252-6, doi:10.2797/80384.
- Barnett, R., & Coate, K. (2005) Engaging the curriculum in higher education. Buckingham: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill.
- Bozkurt, Ç. Ö. (2011). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de girişimcilik eğitimi: başarili girişimciler ve öğretim üyelerinden öneriler. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Burduş, E. (2010). Fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Review of International Comparative Management ,11(1), 33-42.
- COPIE2, (2011). Finland study visit, Final report Entrepreneurship education subgroup COPIE2 Langreo. June 2011. Retrieved from http://www.copie.eu/sites /default/files/TG_Education_Finland_studyvisit_ report_ may2011.pdf at 15.01.2015
- European Communities, (2004). Helping to create an entrepreneurial culture A guide on good practices in promoting entrepreneurial attitudes. ISBN 92-894-6174-8. Printed in Belgium Prınted On White Chlorıne-Free Paper. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
- European Commission, (2008). Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies. Final Report of the Expert Group. Enterprıse And Industry Dırectorate- General. Unit E.1: Entrepreneurship.
- European Commission, (2011). Entrepreneurship education: enabling teachers as a critical success factor. a report on teacher education and training to prepare teachers for the challenge of entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship Unit Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, Bruxelles.
- European Commission, (2012). Guidebook series how to support SME policy from structural funds. Building entrepreneurial mindsets and skills in the EU. Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, ISBN 978-92-79-25878-7. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Union. doi: 10.2769/40659
- European Commission, (2013). Entrepreneurship education: A guide for educators. June 2013. Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Unit. European Union, Bruxelles.
- Finnish Enterprise Agencies, (2014). Guide: Becoming an entrepreneur in Finland. Suomen Uusyrityskeskukset ry Texts: Uusyrityskeskusverkosto Graphic design: Unikuva / Mats Vuorenjuuri Update of information: Asiatieto Oy / Tuulikki Holopainen © The Finnish Enterprise Agencies 2014.
- Finnish National Board of Education, (2003). National core curriculum for upper secondary schools. Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy. ISBN 978-952-13-3347-7. Vammala, Finland.
- Fisher, E., & Reuber, R. (2010). The state of entrepreneurship in Canada. Small business and tourism branch ındustry Canada chris parsley, Manager Sonja Djukic, Economist. Publishing and Depository Services Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa ON K1A 0S5. Cat. No. Iu188-99/2010E-PDF ISBN 978-1-100-14889-2 60719.
- Gustafsson-Pesonen, A., & Remes, L. (2012). Evaluation of entrepreneurial development coaching: changing the Teachers’ thinking and action on entrepreneurship. Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 3. doi: 10.3402/aie.v3i0.1721.
- Halinen, I. (2015). What is going on in Finland? Curriculum reform 2016. Head of curriculum development finnish national board of education, Published. Retrieved from http://www.oph.fi/english/current_issues/101/0/what_is_going_on_in_finland_curriculum_reform_2016 at 25.3.2015
- Hannula, H. (2010). Education, V. T. Entrepreneurship education in the strategies and curricula of finnish vocational teacher education, Minttu Lampinen (ed.), Contemporary views on business developing business excellence COMBİ2011 conference proceedings,Minttu Lampinen (ed.), 58HAMK Publications, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
- Hannula, H., Ruskovaara, E., Seikkula-Leino, J., & Tiikkala, A. (2012). Evaluating finnish teacher educators as entrepreneurship educators. 8Th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice, Improvement by Evaluation, A Conference for Experts of Education, Human Services and Policy 18–20 June 2012, University of Tampere, Pori, Finland.
- Hatak, I., & Reiner, E. (2011). Entrepreneurship education in secondary schools: Education systems, teaching methods and best practice - a survey of Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, in: RiCC - research report 2011/1, hrsg. v. Rößl Dietmar. Wien: RiCC - Research Institute for Co-operation and Co-operatives.
- Heinonen, J.P. (2005). Opetussuunnitelmat vai oppimateriaalit. Peruskoulun opettajien käsityksiäopetussuunnitelmien ja oppimateriaalien merkityksestä opetuksessa [Curricula or learning material.Conceptions of basic education teachers on the meaning of curricula and learning material in teaching].University of Helsinki, Department of Applied Sciences of Education. Tutkimuksia [Research], 257. Retrieved from http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/kay/sovel/vk/heinonen/opetussu.pdf at 01.02.2015.
- Hietanen, L. (2013) Entrepreneurial way of acting as a method in student teachers' compulsory music course. Proceedings Book for the Conference on Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP2013), Published by Guarda Polytechnic Institute, Edited by Guarda Polytechnic Institute, 7-8 June, Potugal.
- Krokfors L., Kynäslahti H., & Stenberg, K. Toom, A., Maaranen, K., Jyrhämä, R., & Kansanen, P. (2009). Opettajia muuttuvaan kouluun Tutkimuspainotteisen opettajankoulutuksen arviointia [Teachers to Changing Schools – evaluation of research-oriented teacher education], Kasvatus: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen aikakauskirja, 40(3), 206-219.
- Lepistö, J., & Ronkko, M. L. (2013). Teacher students as future entrepreneurship educators and learning facilitators. Education+ Training, 55(7), 641-653.
- Macdonald, D. (2003). Curriculum change and the post-modern world: is the school curriculum-reform movement an anachronism? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(2), 139–149.
- Mattila, M., Rytkölä, T., & Ruskovaara, E. (2009). Creating a picture of a teacher as an entrepreneurship educator. In EFMD conference, February 26-27, Barcelona.
- National Core Curriculum Basic Education, (2004). Finnish national board of education: Learning objectives and core contents of education in Finland basic education. ISBN 952-13-2081-8. Retrieved from http://www.oph.fi/english/curricula_and_qualifications /basic_education at 04.04.2015
- Nordic Inovation, (2012). Entrepreneurship education in the Nordic countries, strategy implementation and good practices. Nordic innovation report 2012:24 /December 2012, ISBN 978-82-8277-047-7. Nordic Innovation Publication, Oslo.
- Nurmi, P. & Paasio, K. (2007) Entrepreneurship in Finnish Universities, Education + Training, 49(1), 56-66.
- Ruskovaara, E., Pihkala, T., Rytkölä, T., & Seikkula-Leino, J. (2010). Studying teachers’ teaching methods and working approaches in entrepreneurship education. In Proceedings of the 7th ESU Conference 2010. Sage.
- Ruskovaara, E., Pihkala, T., Rytkölä, T., & Seikkula-Leino, J. (2010). Studying teachers’ teaching methods and working approaches in entrepreneurship education. In Proceedings of the 7th ESU Conference 2010. Sage.
- Santakallio, E. (1998). On the development of education in technology and entrepreneurship in Finland: The KYTKE 2005 Project as an example. IDATER 1998 Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University.
- Seikkula-Leino, J. (2011). The implementation of entrepreneurship education through curriculum reform in Finnish comprehensive schools. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(1), 69-85. doi: 0.1080/00220270903544685.
- Seikkula-Leino, J., Ruskovaara, E., Hannula, H., & Saarivirta, T. (2012). Facing the changing demands of Europe: integrating entrepreneurship education in finnish teacher training curricula. European Educational Research Journal, 11(3), 382-399. doi: 10.2304/ eerj.2012.11.3.382
- Teacher Training School Strategy for 2020 (2011). Teacher training school strategy for 2020. Retrieved from http://www.enorssi.fi/suhoharre/ Harjoittelukoulujen_strategia_2020.pdf at 05.02.2015.