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PANDEMİ POPÜLİZMİN SONUNU GETİREBİLİR Mİ? Batı Avrupa’daki Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 783 - 811, 31.12.2021


Popülist radikal sağ partiler günümüzde Batı Avrupa siyasetinin dikkate değer aktörlerinden birine dönüşmüştür. Dışlayıcı kimlik tanımı ve otoriter siyasal yönelimleri nedeniyle demokratik sistemler açısından bir tehdit oluşturan bu partilerin yükselişi talep ve arz temelli etmenlere dayandırılırken, krizlerin bu yükselişe olumlu katkı sağladığına ilişkin yaygın bir kabul vardır. Ancak, ekonomik ve siyasal krizler söz konusu olduğunda bu tezi destekleyecek pek çok örnek olmasına karşın, bir sağlık krizi olarak ortaya çıkan COVID-19 pandemisinin popülist partiler açısından yaygın ve düzenli şekilde aynı olumlu etkiyi yapmadığı görülmektedir. Hatta bu gözlemden yola çıkarak, pandeminin popülizmin sonunu getirmekte olduğuna varan abartılı yorumlar yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, pandeminin yarattığı sağlık krizinin popülist radikal sağ partilerin söylem ve politikaları açısından yol açtığı zorluklar ve söz konusu partilerin krize verdikleri tepkilerin yanı sıra, yeni koşulların bu partilerin siyasi gelecekleri üzerindeki olası etkileri ele alınmaktadır. Bu amaçla, Almanya’dan AfD (Alternative für Deutschland – Almanya için Alternatif), Fransa’dan RN (Rassemblement National – Ulusal Birlik), İtalya’dan Lega (Birlik Partisi), İspanya’dan Vox (Ses Partisi) ve Hollanda’dan PVV (Partij vor Vrijheid – Özgürlük Partisi) incelenmektedir. Bu çalışma göstermektedir ki pandeminin yarattığı sağlık krizi popülist radikal sağ partileri siyaseten zora sokmuş görünse de onları etkisizleştirecek nitelikte değildir. Aksine, mevcut yapısal sorunları derinleştirmesi nedeniyle pandeminin bu partileri orta ve uzun vadede daha da güçlendirmesi beklenebilir.


  • Abts, Koen; Rummens, Stefan (2007). “Populism versus Democracy”. Political Studies, 55(6), 405-424.
  • Akkerman, Tjistke (2020). “The Netherlands”, Katsambekis, Giorgos; Stavrakakis, Yannis (Der.). Populism and the Pandemic – A Collaborative Report,, 34-36, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2021).
  • Aknur, Müge (2020). “Almanya’da Radikal Sağın Yükselişi: Almanya İçin Alternatif Partisi, Popülizm ve Demokrasi”. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 13(2), 415-446.
  • Aknur, Müge; Saylan, İbrahim (2021). Batı Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Albertazzi, Daniele (2021). “Untamed and Close to Power: How Europe’s Populist Parties Are Navigating Cornovirus”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Art, David (2018). “The AfD and the End of Containment in Germany”. German Politics and Society, 36(2), 76-86.
  • Betz, Hans-Georg ve Johnson, Carol (2004). “Against the Current-Stemming the Tide: The Nostalgic Ideology of the Contemporary Radical Populist Right”. Journal of Political Ideologies, 9(3), 311-327.
  • Bobba, Guiliano; Nicolas Hubé (2021). “Covid-19 and Populism: A Sui Generis Crisis”, Bobba, Guiliano; Nicolas Hubé (Der.). Populism and the Politicization of the Covid-19 Crisis in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan (E-Kitap), 1-16.
  • Brubaker, Rogers (2020). “Paradoxes of Populism During The Pandemic”. Thesis Eleven, 1-15. (Erişim Tarihi: 02.05.2021).
  • Caramani, Daniele; Manucci, Luca (2019). “National Past and Populism: the Re-elaboration of Fascism and Its Impact on Right-wing Populism in Western Europe”. West European Politics, 42(6), 1159-1187.
  • Chazel, Laura (2020). “France”, Katsambekis, Giorgos; Stavrakakis, Yannis (Der.). Populism and the Pandemic – A Collaborative Report, 21-23, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2021).
  • Cook, Cindi (2020). “France: 61% Feel Macron Failed in Pandemic”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (08.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 11.06.2021).
  • “Covid-19, Salvini Dice (di nuovo) Che il Virus è Nato da Esperimenti Cinesi. Senza Alcuna Prova”, Open, , (10.01.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2021).
  • Dawsey, Josh (2021). “Poor Handling of Virus Cost Trump His Reelection, Campaign Autopsy Finds”, The Washington Post,, (02.02.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2021).
  • De Ghantuz Cubbe, Giovanni (2020). “Assessing the Political Impact of Covid-19 in Italy”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • de Lange, Sarah (2007). “New Winning Formula? The Programmatic Appeal of the Radical Right”. Party Politics, 13(4), 411-435.
  • Devlin, Kat; Mordecai, Mara. “Supporters of European Populist Parties Stand Out on Key Issues from EU to Putin”, Pew Research Center,, (18.11.2019), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Eatwell, Roger (2003). “Ten Theories of the Extreme Right”, Merkl, Peter H.; Weinberg, Leonard (Der.). Right-wing Extremism in the Twenty-first Century, London: Frank Cass, 47-73.
  • European Commission, European Recovery Plan, 2020, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2021).
  • “German Election: Merkel Wins Fourth Term, AfD Nationalists Rise”, BBC,, (25.09.2017), (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2017).
  • “Germany Places Entire far-Right Under Surveillance – Reports”, Deutsche Welle,, (03.03.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 11.06.2021).
  • “Germany’s Far-right, Anti-immigrant AfD Calls for End to Covid-19 Restrictions”,, (11.04.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2021).
  • Ghiles, Francis (2019). “Vox Reinvents History to Claim ‘Reconquista of Spain’, The Arab Weekly,, (17.11.2019), (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2021).
  • Gonzalez Enriken, Carmen; Rinken, Sebastian (2021). “Spanish Public Opinion on Immigration and the Effect of Vox”. Elcano Royal Institute, (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2021).
  • Henley, Jon ve Duncan, Pamela (2020). “European Support for Populist Beliefs Falls, YouGov Survey Suggests”, Guardian,, (26.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2021).
  • Högl, Maximilian; Hackenesh, Christine (2020). “Ideology vs Crisis Management - Why the Corona Virus is Particularly Difficult for Right-Wing Populist Governments”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Irish, John (2020) “Defying French Lockdown, Le Pen Places May Day Wreath as Macron Urges Unity”, Reuters,, (01.05.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2021).
  • “İtalya’da Mario Draghi Yeni Hükümeti Kurdu”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (12.02.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 10.06. 2021).
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2021). Halk Yönetimi: Demokrasi ve Popülizm Çatışmasında Dünya. Ankara: Efil Yayınları.
  • King, Esther (2017). “Matteo Salvini: Islam Incompatible with European Values”, Politico,, (03.01.2017), (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2021).
  • Kotroyannos, Dimitrios vd. (2018). “South European Populism and as a Consequence of the Multidimensional Crisis? The Cases of SYRIZA, PODEMOS and M5S”. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, 7(5), 1-18.
  • Kriesi, Hanspeter; Pappas, Takis (2015). “Populism in Europe During Crisis: An Introduction”, Kriesi, Hanspeter; Pappas, Takis (Der.). European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession, Colchester: ECPR Press, 1-19.
  • Lazar, Marc (2020). “Italy, Coronavirus and the European Union”, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.04.2021).
  • “Leader of French Far-Right Says Government Lied, Concealed Covid Failures”,, (29.07.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 10.06.2021).
  • Lowles, Nick (2021). “Polling: Attitudes Across Europe”, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2021).
  • “Marine Le Pen Cumhurbaşkanlığı İçin Adaylığını Açıkladı”, Perspektif,, (11.04.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 27.05.2021).
  • Martinez, Elena. R. G. (2020) “Waving Spanish Flags, Vox Supporters Protests Against Madrid Lockdown”, Reuters,, (12.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi 10.06. 2021).
  • Mazzoleni, Gianpietro (2008). “Populism and the Media”, Albertazzi, Daniele; McDonnell, Duncan (Der.). Twenty-First Century Populism, the Spectre of Western European Democracy, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 48-64.
  • McMurtry, Alyssa (2020) “Spanish Government Survives No-Confidence Vote”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (22.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 25.05.2021).
  • Meyer, Brett (2020). “Pandemic Populism: An Analysis of Populist Leaders’ Responses to Covid-19”,, (17.08.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 01.05.2021).
  • Meyer, Brett (2021). “Capitalising on a Crisis? Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Populist Parties in Western Europe”,, (16.03.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2021)
  • Moffitt, Benjamin (2015). “How to Perform a Crisis: A Model for Understanding the Key Role of Crisis in Contemporary Populism”. Government and Opposition, 50(2), 189-217.
  • Mols, Frank; Jetten, Jolanda (2020). “Understanding Support for Populist Radical Right Parties: Toward a Model That Captures Both Demand-and Supply-Side Factors”. Frontiers in Communication, 5, 1-13.
  • Morieson, Nicholas (2017) “Religion and Identity at the 2017 Dutch Elections, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2021).
  • Movarelli, Margherita (2020). “The Success of Populism, Why It’s All About the Middle Class”, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.05.2021).
  • Mudde, Cas (2017). “An Ideational Approach”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal (Der.). The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 27-47.
  • Mudde, Cas (2016). The Study of Populist Radical Right Parties: Towards a Fourth Wave, C-Rex Working Paper Series 1, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.04.2021)
  • Mudde, Cas (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Müller, Jan-Werner (2016). What is Populism?. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Press.
  • Roberts, Hannah (2020a) “Salvini Occupies Italian Parliament in Lockdown Protest”, Politico,, (30.04.2020), (Erişim Tarihi 10.06.2021).
  • Roberts, Hannah (2020b) “Conte’s Coronovirus Honeymoon Comes to a Close”, Politico,, (05.05.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 05.06.2021).
  • Roberts, Kenneth M. (2017). “Populism and Populist Parties”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal vd. (Der.). The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 287-304.
  • Rooduijn, Matthijs (2018). “What Unites the Voter Bases of Populist Parties? Comparing the Electorates of 15 Populist Parties”. European Political Science Review, 10(3), 351-368.
  • Saylan, İbrahim (2021). “Batı Avrupa Siyasetinde Popülist Radikal Sağın Yükselişi”, Aknur, Müge; Saylan, İbrahim (Der.). Batı Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları, 5-38.
  • Taylor, Paul (2021). “Corona Politics Make the Boring Center Desirable Again”,, (14.04.2021), (Erişim Tarihi 03.05.2021).
  • van Kessel, Stijn (2015). Populist Parties in Europe – Agents of Discontent?. Houndsmill & New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
  • Varrella, Simona (2021). “Voting Intentions in Italy as of May 2021”, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2021).
  • Vasilopoulou, Sofia (2011). “European Integration and the Radical Right”. Government and Opposition, 46(2), 223-244.
  • Weyland, Kurt (2017). “A Political-Strategic Approach”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal vd. (Der.). The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 48-72.
  • Widfelt, Anders (2018). “The Growth of the Radical Right in Nordic Countries: Observations from the Past 20 Years”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.06.2021).
  • “Wilders Sparks Outrage with Tweet over Covid, Minorities”, NL Times,, (12.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Wolf, Martin (2020). “Coronavirus Could Kill off Populism”, Financial Times,, (29.06.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2021).
  • Vox (2020), “Crisis Nacional Coronavirus – Programa Protejamos España”, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.06.2021).
  • Yumul, Arus (2021). “Yine Bir Salgın, Yeni Bir Salgın”. İnsan & İnsan, 28, 13-31.


Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 783 - 811, 31.12.2021


Populist radical right parties have become one of the significant actors of contemporary European politics. These parties are considered to threaten democratic systems due to their exclusionary notion of identity and authoritarian political tendencies. While their rise is explained either through demand- or supply-side factors, there is a widespread consensus that crises positively contribute to these parties. Indeed, there are many examples which support this thesis in the cases of economic and political crises; however, in the case of a health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it looks as this new kind of crisis has not generated common and constant positive conditions for populist parties to exploit. Some scholars even argue that the pandemic is bringing the end of populism. This study seeks to explore impediments caused by the health crisis to the discourses and policies of populist radical right parties as well as their responses to the crisis and the possible impact of the pandemic on the political prospects of the parties. To analyze these issues, this article examines AfD (Alternative für Deutschland – Germany), RN (Rassemblement National – France), Lega (Italy), Vox (Spain), and PVV (Partij vor Vrijheid – the Netherlands). This research shows that although the COVID-19 crisis has posed some significant challenges to populist radical right parties, it was not able to marginalize them. On the contrary, the pandemic which is deepening existing structural problems is likely to empower these parties in the medium and long term


  • Abts, Koen; Rummens, Stefan (2007). “Populism versus Democracy”. Political Studies, 55(6), 405-424.
  • Akkerman, Tjistke (2020). “The Netherlands”, Katsambekis, Giorgos; Stavrakakis, Yannis (Der.). Populism and the Pandemic – A Collaborative Report,, 34-36, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2021).
  • Aknur, Müge (2020). “Almanya’da Radikal Sağın Yükselişi: Almanya İçin Alternatif Partisi, Popülizm ve Demokrasi”. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 13(2), 415-446.
  • Aknur, Müge; Saylan, İbrahim (2021). Batı Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Albertazzi, Daniele (2021). “Untamed and Close to Power: How Europe’s Populist Parties Are Navigating Cornovirus”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Art, David (2018). “The AfD and the End of Containment in Germany”. German Politics and Society, 36(2), 76-86.
  • Betz, Hans-Georg ve Johnson, Carol (2004). “Against the Current-Stemming the Tide: The Nostalgic Ideology of the Contemporary Radical Populist Right”. Journal of Political Ideologies, 9(3), 311-327.
  • Bobba, Guiliano; Nicolas Hubé (2021). “Covid-19 and Populism: A Sui Generis Crisis”, Bobba, Guiliano; Nicolas Hubé (Der.). Populism and the Politicization of the Covid-19 Crisis in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan (E-Kitap), 1-16.
  • Brubaker, Rogers (2020). “Paradoxes of Populism During The Pandemic”. Thesis Eleven, 1-15. (Erişim Tarihi: 02.05.2021).
  • Caramani, Daniele; Manucci, Luca (2019). “National Past and Populism: the Re-elaboration of Fascism and Its Impact on Right-wing Populism in Western Europe”. West European Politics, 42(6), 1159-1187.
  • Chazel, Laura (2020). “France”, Katsambekis, Giorgos; Stavrakakis, Yannis (Der.). Populism and the Pandemic – A Collaborative Report, 21-23, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2021).
  • Cook, Cindi (2020). “France: 61% Feel Macron Failed in Pandemic”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (08.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 11.06.2021).
  • “Covid-19, Salvini Dice (di nuovo) Che il Virus è Nato da Esperimenti Cinesi. Senza Alcuna Prova”, Open, , (10.01.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 2021).
  • Dawsey, Josh (2021). “Poor Handling of Virus Cost Trump His Reelection, Campaign Autopsy Finds”, The Washington Post,, (02.02.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2021).
  • De Ghantuz Cubbe, Giovanni (2020). “Assessing the Political Impact of Covid-19 in Italy”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • de Lange, Sarah (2007). “New Winning Formula? The Programmatic Appeal of the Radical Right”. Party Politics, 13(4), 411-435.
  • Devlin, Kat; Mordecai, Mara. “Supporters of European Populist Parties Stand Out on Key Issues from EU to Putin”, Pew Research Center,, (18.11.2019), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Eatwell, Roger (2003). “Ten Theories of the Extreme Right”, Merkl, Peter H.; Weinberg, Leonard (Der.). Right-wing Extremism in the Twenty-first Century, London: Frank Cass, 47-73.
  • European Commission, European Recovery Plan, 2020, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2021).
  • “German Election: Merkel Wins Fourth Term, AfD Nationalists Rise”, BBC,, (25.09.2017), (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2017).
  • “Germany Places Entire far-Right Under Surveillance – Reports”, Deutsche Welle,, (03.03.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 11.06.2021).
  • “Germany’s Far-right, Anti-immigrant AfD Calls for End to Covid-19 Restrictions”,, (11.04.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2021).
  • Ghiles, Francis (2019). “Vox Reinvents History to Claim ‘Reconquista of Spain’, The Arab Weekly,, (17.11.2019), (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2021).
  • Gonzalez Enriken, Carmen; Rinken, Sebastian (2021). “Spanish Public Opinion on Immigration and the Effect of Vox”. Elcano Royal Institute, (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2021).
  • Henley, Jon ve Duncan, Pamela (2020). “European Support for Populist Beliefs Falls, YouGov Survey Suggests”, Guardian,, (26.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2021).
  • Högl, Maximilian; Hackenesh, Christine (2020). “Ideology vs Crisis Management - Why the Corona Virus is Particularly Difficult for Right-Wing Populist Governments”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Irish, John (2020) “Defying French Lockdown, Le Pen Places May Day Wreath as Macron Urges Unity”, Reuters,, (01.05.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2021).
  • “İtalya’da Mario Draghi Yeni Hükümeti Kurdu”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (12.02.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 10.06. 2021).
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin (2021). Halk Yönetimi: Demokrasi ve Popülizm Çatışmasında Dünya. Ankara: Efil Yayınları.
  • King, Esther (2017). “Matteo Salvini: Islam Incompatible with European Values”, Politico,, (03.01.2017), (Erişim Tarihi: 14.06.2021).
  • Kotroyannos, Dimitrios vd. (2018). “South European Populism and as a Consequence of the Multidimensional Crisis? The Cases of SYRIZA, PODEMOS and M5S”. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, 7(5), 1-18.
  • Kriesi, Hanspeter; Pappas, Takis (2015). “Populism in Europe During Crisis: An Introduction”, Kriesi, Hanspeter; Pappas, Takis (Der.). European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession, Colchester: ECPR Press, 1-19.
  • Lazar, Marc (2020). “Italy, Coronavirus and the European Union”, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.04.2021).
  • “Leader of French Far-Right Says Government Lied, Concealed Covid Failures”,, (29.07.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 10.06.2021).
  • Lowles, Nick (2021). “Polling: Attitudes Across Europe”, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2021).
  • “Marine Le Pen Cumhurbaşkanlığı İçin Adaylığını Açıkladı”, Perspektif,, (11.04.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 27.05.2021).
  • Martinez, Elena. R. G. (2020) “Waving Spanish Flags, Vox Supporters Protests Against Madrid Lockdown”, Reuters,, (12.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi 10.06. 2021).
  • Mazzoleni, Gianpietro (2008). “Populism and the Media”, Albertazzi, Daniele; McDonnell, Duncan (Der.). Twenty-First Century Populism, the Spectre of Western European Democracy, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 48-64.
  • McMurtry, Alyssa (2020) “Spanish Government Survives No-Confidence Vote”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (22.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 25.05.2021).
  • Meyer, Brett (2020). “Pandemic Populism: An Analysis of Populist Leaders’ Responses to Covid-19”,, (17.08.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 01.05.2021).
  • Meyer, Brett (2021). “Capitalising on a Crisis? Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Populist Parties in Western Europe”,, (16.03.2021), (Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2021)
  • Moffitt, Benjamin (2015). “How to Perform a Crisis: A Model for Understanding the Key Role of Crisis in Contemporary Populism”. Government and Opposition, 50(2), 189-217.
  • Mols, Frank; Jetten, Jolanda (2020). “Understanding Support for Populist Radical Right Parties: Toward a Model That Captures Both Demand-and Supply-Side Factors”. Frontiers in Communication, 5, 1-13.
  • Morieson, Nicholas (2017) “Religion and Identity at the 2017 Dutch Elections, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2021).
  • Movarelli, Margherita (2020). “The Success of Populism, Why It’s All About the Middle Class”, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.05.2021).
  • Mudde, Cas (2017). “An Ideational Approach”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal (Der.). The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 27-47.
  • Mudde, Cas (2016). The Study of Populist Radical Right Parties: Towards a Fourth Wave, C-Rex Working Paper Series 1, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.04.2021)
  • Mudde, Cas (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Müller, Jan-Werner (2016). What is Populism?. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Press.
  • Roberts, Hannah (2020a) “Salvini Occupies Italian Parliament in Lockdown Protest”, Politico,, (30.04.2020), (Erişim Tarihi 10.06.2021).
  • Roberts, Hannah (2020b) “Conte’s Coronovirus Honeymoon Comes to a Close”, Politico,, (05.05.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 05.06.2021).
  • Roberts, Kenneth M. (2017). “Populism and Populist Parties”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal vd. (Der.). The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 287-304.
  • Rooduijn, Matthijs (2018). “What Unites the Voter Bases of Populist Parties? Comparing the Electorates of 15 Populist Parties”. European Political Science Review, 10(3), 351-368.
  • Saylan, İbrahim (2021). “Batı Avrupa Siyasetinde Popülist Radikal Sağın Yükselişi”, Aknur, Müge; Saylan, İbrahim (Der.). Batı Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları, 5-38.
  • Taylor, Paul (2021). “Corona Politics Make the Boring Center Desirable Again”,, (14.04.2021), (Erişim Tarihi 03.05.2021).
  • van Kessel, Stijn (2015). Populist Parties in Europe – Agents of Discontent?. Houndsmill & New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
  • Varrella, Simona (2021). “Voting Intentions in Italy as of May 2021”, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2021).
  • Vasilopoulou, Sofia (2011). “European Integration and the Radical Right”. Government and Opposition, 46(2), 223-244.
  • Weyland, Kurt (2017). “A Political-Strategic Approach”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal vd. (Der.). The Oxford Handbook of Populism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 48-72.
  • Widfelt, Anders (2018). “The Growth of the Radical Right in Nordic Countries: Observations from the Past 20 Years”, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.06.2021).
  • “Wilders Sparks Outrage with Tweet over Covid, Minorities”, NL Times,, (12.10.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • Wolf, Martin (2020). “Coronavirus Could Kill off Populism”, Financial Times,, (29.06.2020), (Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2021).
  • Vox (2020), “Crisis Nacional Coronavirus – Programa Protejamos España”, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.06.2021).
  • Yumul, Arus (2021). “Yine Bir Salgın, Yeni Bir Salgın”. İnsan & İnsan, 28, 13-31.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Saylan

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date June 22, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Saylan, İ. (2021). PANDEMİ POPÜLİZMİN SONUNU GETİREBİLİR Mİ? Batı Avrupa’daki Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 14(2), 783-811.


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