Research Article
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Common Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Breeding Studies in Central Anatolian Climatic Conditions

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, Special Issue 2, 499 - 507, 20.12.2017


Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae, known as Dalmatian Sage or common sage has been gaining popularity in food and drug industries worldwide, recently. Even the existence of many sage species on the World, the genus officinalis has medicinal common use. Indigestion and inflammation disorders, excessive sweating, including that associated with peri-menopause; relief of pressure spots that result from the use of a prosthesis; and as a flavoring for foods are the main areas where the plant is mainly consumed. Sage essential oil has also been employed as a fragrance in soaps and perfumes. Wide adaptability and non-selective climatic requirements of the plats made it possible to receive high biomass, and several harvests during the same plantation period. Present study was conducted in Ankara, during the successive two growing season of 2014 and 2016. Thirty-three spontaneous hybrid common sage lines (Salvia officinalis L.) were evaluated regarding their biomass production and essential oil characteristics employing 4 different standard sage cultivars and lines. Following yield parameters were recorded as; the plant height was ranged 50.3 to 97.5 cm, canopy diameter was 36.0 to 95.0 cm, fresh herb yield was changed 59.9 to 593.4 g/per plant, drug herb yield was 12.6 to 183.9 g/per plant, drug leaf yield was 16.1 to 74.5 g/per plant and the leaf ratio was around 53.42-67.01%. The essential oil ratio was changed between 0.88 and 2.42%. All the yield parameters of the lines were found statistically significant. α-thujone, 1.8 cineole, borneol, camphor, β-thujone, camphene and viridiflorol were the main components. More than ten lines had less than 20% of α-thujone. Phytophtora cryptogea was identified as devastating pathogen confirmed by molecular characterization.


  • Madaus, G. (1938). Textbook of Biological remedies. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1, 12.
  • Hanson, A.A., Barns, D.K., Hill, R.R., (1988). Alfalfa and Alfalfa Improvement. Printed in the 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711 USA, 1083, 784-785.
  • Tannous, P., Juliani, R., Wang, M., & Simon, J. (2004). Water balance in hydrosol production via steam distillation: case study using lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia). New Use Agricultural and Natural Plant Products and ASNAPP Program. The State University of New Jersey: New Jersey.
  • Baydar, H., & Kineci, S. (2009). Scent composition of essential oil, concrete, absolute and hydrosol from lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 12(2), 131-136.
  • Boutekedjiret, C., Belabbes, R., Bentahar, F., Bessiere, J. M., & Rezzoug, S. A. (2004). Isolation of rosemary oils by different processes. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16(3), 195-199.
  • Adams, R.P. (2007). Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. 4th Ed. Allured Publ. Corp. Carol Stream, IL
  • Davies, N. W. (1990). Gas chromatographic retention indices of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes on methyl silicon and Carbowax 20M phases. Journal of Chromatography A, 503, 1-24.
  • Jennings, W. (2012). Qualitative analysis of flavor and fragrance volatiles by glass capillary gas chromatography. Elsevier.
  • Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O. ve Gürbüz, F. (1987). Statistical Methods in Research. Journal of Ankara University Agricultural Faculty. 1021, P.381. Ankara
  • Jung, T., Blaschke, H., & Neumann, P. (1996). Isolation, identification and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species from declining oak stands. Forest Pathology, 26(5), 253-272.
  • Akıllı, S., Serçe, Ç. U., & Maden, S. (2012). Involvement of Phytophthora spp. in chestnut decline in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Forest Pathology, 42(5), 377-386.
  • Wilcox, W. F., & Ellis, M. A. (1989). Phytophthora root and crown rots of peach trees in the eastern Great Lakes region. Plant disease, 73(10), 794-798.
  • Çakır, E., Bahtiyarca Bağdat, R., Katırcıoglu, Y.Z., Maden, S. (2017). Occurrence of root rot caused by Phytophthora cryptogea on common sage (Salvia officinalis) in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Science and Tecnology A. 7 (2017) 401-406. doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2017.06.005.
  • Anonymous, (2012).
  • Anonymous, (2006). Substances generally recognized as safe. Food and Drug Administration (2003). Retrieved Oct 28, 2006.
  • Anonymous, (2009). EMA. Community herbal monograph on Salvia officinalis L., folium. London, UK: European Medicines Agency; 2009.
  • Perry, N. B., Anderson, R. E., Brennan, N. J., Douglas, M. H., Heaney, A. J., McGimpsey, J. A., & Smallfield, B. M. (1999). Essential oils from Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.): variations among individuals, plant parts, seasons, and sites. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47(5), 2048-2054.
  • Oelschlägel, S., Quaas, S., & Speer, K. (2012). The essential oil content and composition of selected Salvia species, sage teas, and sage drops. Journal of Food Science and Engineering, 2(8), 427.
  • Wichtl, M. (Ed.). (2004). Herbal drugs and phytopharmaceuticals: a handbook for practice on a scientific basis. CRC press.
  • Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A., & Phillipson, J. D. (1996). Herbal medicines. A guide for health-care professionals. The pharmaceutical press.
  • Blumental, M., Goldberg, A., & Brinckmann, J. (2000). Herbal medicine. Expanded Commission Monographs. Austin, TX: American Botanical Council.
  • Lawrence, M. B. (1998). Progress in Essential Oils-Sage Oil, Fennel Oil and Cardamom Oil. Perfumer and Flavorist, 23(2), 47-57.
  • Lawrence, B. M. (1992). Chemical components of Labiatae oils and their exploitation. Advances in Labiatae science, 399-436.
  • Pitarević, I., Kuftinec, J., Blažević, N., & Kuštrak, D. (1984). Seasonal variation of essential oil yield and composition of dalmatian sage, Salvia officinalis. Journal of natural products, 47(3), 409-412.
  • Garibaldi, A., Bertetti, D., Pensa, P., Ortu, G., & Gullino, M. L. (2015). Phytophthora cryptoea on Common Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) in Italy. Plant Disease, 99(1), 161-161.
  • Koike, S. T., Henderson, D. M., MacDonald, J. D., & Ali-Shtayeh, M. S. (1997). Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot of Sage Caused by Phytophthora cryptogea in California. Plant Disease, 81(8), 959-959.

Common Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Breeding Studies in Central Anatolian Climatic Conditions

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, Special Issue 2, 499 - 507, 20.12.2017


Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae,
known as Dalmatian Sage or common sage has been gaining popularity in food and drug
industries worldwide, recently. Even the existence of many sage species on the World,
the genus officinalis has medicinal common
use. Indigestion and inflammation disorders, excessive sweating, including that
associated with peri-menopause; relief of pressure spots that result from the use
of a prosthesis; and as a flavoring for foods are the main areas where the plant
is mainly consumed. Sage essential oil has also been employed as a fragrance in
soaps and perfumes. Wide adaptability and non-selective climatic requirements of
the plats made it possible to receive high biomass, and several harvests during
the same plantation period. Present study was conducted in Ankara, during the successive
two growing season of 2014 and 2016. Thirty-three spontaneous hybrid common sage
lines (Salvia officinalis L.) were evaluated
regarding their biomass production and essential oil characteristics employing 4
different standard sage cultivars and lines. Following yield parameters were recorded
as; the plant height was ranged 50.3 to 97.5 cm, canopy diameter was 36.0 to 95.0
cm, fresh herb yield was changed 59.9 to 593.4 g/per plant, drug herb yield was
12.6 to 183.9 g/per plant, drug leaf yield was 16.1 to 74.5 g/per plant and the
leaf ratio was around 53.42-67.01%. The essential oil ratio was changed between
0.88 and 2.42%. All the yield parameters of the lines were found statistically significant.
α-thujone, 1.8 cineole, borneol, camphor, β-thujone, camphene and viridiflorol were
the main components. More than ten lines had less than 20% of α-thujone. Phytophtora cryptogea was identified as devastating
pathogen confirmed by molecular characterization.


  • Madaus, G. (1938). Textbook of Biological remedies. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1, 12.
  • Hanson, A.A., Barns, D.K., Hill, R.R., (1988). Alfalfa and Alfalfa Improvement. Printed in the 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711 USA, 1083, 784-785.
  • Tannous, P., Juliani, R., Wang, M., & Simon, J. (2004). Water balance in hydrosol production via steam distillation: case study using lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia). New Use Agricultural and Natural Plant Products and ASNAPP Program. The State University of New Jersey: New Jersey.
  • Baydar, H., & Kineci, S. (2009). Scent composition of essential oil, concrete, absolute and hydrosol from lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 12(2), 131-136.
  • Boutekedjiret, C., Belabbes, R., Bentahar, F., Bessiere, J. M., & Rezzoug, S. A. (2004). Isolation of rosemary oils by different processes. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16(3), 195-199.
  • Adams, R.P. (2007). Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. 4th Ed. Allured Publ. Corp. Carol Stream, IL
  • Davies, N. W. (1990). Gas chromatographic retention indices of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes on methyl silicon and Carbowax 20M phases. Journal of Chromatography A, 503, 1-24.
  • Jennings, W. (2012). Qualitative analysis of flavor and fragrance volatiles by glass capillary gas chromatography. Elsevier.
  • Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O. ve Gürbüz, F. (1987). Statistical Methods in Research. Journal of Ankara University Agricultural Faculty. 1021, P.381. Ankara
  • Jung, T., Blaschke, H., & Neumann, P. (1996). Isolation, identification and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species from declining oak stands. Forest Pathology, 26(5), 253-272.
  • Akıllı, S., Serçe, Ç. U., & Maden, S. (2012). Involvement of Phytophthora spp. in chestnut decline in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Forest Pathology, 42(5), 377-386.
  • Wilcox, W. F., & Ellis, M. A. (1989). Phytophthora root and crown rots of peach trees in the eastern Great Lakes region. Plant disease, 73(10), 794-798.
  • Çakır, E., Bahtiyarca Bağdat, R., Katırcıoglu, Y.Z., Maden, S. (2017). Occurrence of root rot caused by Phytophthora cryptogea on common sage (Salvia officinalis) in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Science and Tecnology A. 7 (2017) 401-406. doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2017.06.005.
  • Anonymous, (2012).
  • Anonymous, (2006). Substances generally recognized as safe. Food and Drug Administration (2003). Retrieved Oct 28, 2006.
  • Anonymous, (2009). EMA. Community herbal monograph on Salvia officinalis L., folium. London, UK: European Medicines Agency; 2009.
  • Perry, N. B., Anderson, R. E., Brennan, N. J., Douglas, M. H., Heaney, A. J., McGimpsey, J. A., & Smallfield, B. M. (1999). Essential oils from Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.): variations among individuals, plant parts, seasons, and sites. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47(5), 2048-2054.
  • Oelschlägel, S., Quaas, S., & Speer, K. (2012). The essential oil content and composition of selected Salvia species, sage teas, and sage drops. Journal of Food Science and Engineering, 2(8), 427.
  • Wichtl, M. (Ed.). (2004). Herbal drugs and phytopharmaceuticals: a handbook for practice on a scientific basis. CRC press.
  • Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A., & Phillipson, J. D. (1996). Herbal medicines. A guide for health-care professionals. The pharmaceutical press.
  • Blumental, M., Goldberg, A., & Brinckmann, J. (2000). Herbal medicine. Expanded Commission Monographs. Austin, TX: American Botanical Council.
  • Lawrence, M. B. (1998). Progress in Essential Oils-Sage Oil, Fennel Oil and Cardamom Oil. Perfumer and Flavorist, 23(2), 47-57.
  • Lawrence, B. M. (1992). Chemical components of Labiatae oils and their exploitation. Advances in Labiatae science, 399-436.
  • Pitarević, I., Kuftinec, J., Blažević, N., & Kuštrak, D. (1984). Seasonal variation of essential oil yield and composition of dalmatian sage, Salvia officinalis. Journal of natural products, 47(3), 409-412.
  • Garibaldi, A., Bertetti, D., Pensa, P., Ortu, G., & Gullino, M. L. (2015). Phytophthora cryptoea on Common Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) in Italy. Plant Disease, 99(1), 161-161.
  • Koike, S. T., Henderson, D. M., MacDonald, J. D., & Ali-Shtayeh, M. S. (1997). Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot of Sage Caused by Phytophthora cryptogea in California. Plant Disease, 81(8), 959-959.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Reyhan Bahtiyarca Bagdat This is me

Nurettin Cinkaya This is me

Kadriye Yuksel Demiray This is me

Cigdem Bozdemir

Emel Cakır

Publication Date December 20, 2017
Submission Date April 28, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 3, Special Issue 2


APA Bahtiyarca Bagdat, R., Cinkaya, N., Yuksel Demiray, K., Bozdemir, C., et al. (2017). Common Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Breeding Studies in Central Anatolian Climatic Conditions. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 4(3, Special Issue 2), 499-507.

Cited By

International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

e-ISSN: 2148-6905