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An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 7, 131 - 152, 28.02.2022


Tajik is an Iranian language spoken mostly by Tajiks in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It is also a South-West Iranian language genetically closely related to Iranian languages such as Persian and Dari. Tajiks have lived together with Uzbek Turks for centuries and as a result they have influenced each other linguistically.
In this article, two usages of –a šudan structure in Tajik are explained. This structure serves to mark both passivity and the aspect of completion. In this article, two usages of –a šudan structure in Tajik are explained. This structure serves to mark both passivity and the appearance of completion. The first use of the –a šudan structure in Tajik, the passive form is formed by combining the gerund form of a verb with the auxiliary verb šudan 'to be'. When we look at the structure of the completion aspect marker, which is its second use, it has been determined that there are common points between Uzbek Turkish and Tajik. It is seen that a language contact with Uzbek Turkish is effective in the emergence of the -a šudan completion aspect marker in Tajik. However, this is not always the case in Bukhara Tajik. Bukhara is one of the cities where Tajik-Uzbek Turkish is the most bilingual. In Bukhara Tajik, only one of the two uses of the -a šudan structure is evident. The use of a šudan as a passive structure is not seen. a šudan is used as a completion aspect marker in Bukhara Tajik. The prevalence of –a šudan in Bukhara Tajik, which corresponds to the aspect marker (i)b bo'lmoq in Uzbek Turkish, is attributed to Tajik-Uzbek bilingualism.


  • Abdorahmonov, G’ani. 1996. O’zbek tili grammatikasi: Sintaksis. Toshkent: O’qituvchi.
  • Aikhenvald, Alexandra Yurievna. / Dixon, Robert M. W. eds. 2001. Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance: problems in comparative linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Akiner, Shirin. 1989. Uzbekistan: Republic of many tongues. IN Kirkwood, Michael II. ed. 1989. 100-122.
  • Arzumanov, Stepan D. 1951. Zaboni tojikī. Stalinabad: Tadžikgosizdat.
  • Arzumanov, Stepan. / Sanginov, Axmadjon. 1988. Zaboni tojikī. Dušanbe: Maorif.
  • Asimova, Bašorat Sajfitdinovna. 1982. Jazykovoe stroitel’stvo v tadžikistane (1920-1940 gg.). Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Barakaeva, G. B. ed. 1968. Luğati muxtasari tojikī-anglisī. Dušanbe: Universiteti Davlatii Tojikiston ba nomi V. I. Lenin.
  • Boeschoten, Hendrik / Vandamme, Marc. 1998. Chaghatay. IN Johanson, Lars / Csató, Éva Ágnes. eds. 1998. 166-178.
  • Caferoğlu, Ahmet. 1984. Türk Dili Tarihi II 3. Baskı. İstanbul: Enderun Kitabevi.
  • Chodzko (Xodzko), Alexander. 1852. Grammaire persane ou principes de ľiranien moderne, accompagnées de fac-similés pour servir de modèle ďécriture et de style pour la correspondance diplomatique et familière. Paris. (2nd Edition published in 1883 as Grammaire de la langue persane, 2ème édition, augmentée de textes persans inédits et ďun glossaire. Paris: Maisonneuve & Cie.)
  • Curnow, Timothy Jowan. 2001. What language features can be ’borrowed’? IN Aikhenvald, A. Y. / Dixon, R. M. W. eds. 2001. 412-436.
  • Doerfer, Gerhard. 1967. Türkische Lehnwörter im Tadschikischen. Wiesbaden: Kommissionsverlag Franz Steiner GmbH.
  • Eckmann, János. 1988. Çağatayca El Kitabı. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi.
  • EurasiaNet. 20 August 2001. Not enough Tajik-language educational establishments in Uzbekistan - Iran radio. <>.
  • Ğafforov, Razzoq. / Juraev, Ğ. eds. 1970. Mas”alahoi ševašinosii tojik (Jildi 1). Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Halimov, S. 1974. Sadriddin Aynī va ba”ze mas”alahoi inkišofi zaboni adabii tojik. Dušanbe: Irfon.
  • Hojiev, A. P. 1975. Fe"l. IN Kollekiv. 1975. 365-527.
  • Ido, Shinji 2002a. An Analysis of ’Incomplete Sentences’ in Agglutinative Languages: With some reference to LCS (Lexical Conceptual Semantics). Paper presented at the departmental seminar of SEAMELS, University of Sydney. 28 May 2002.
  • Ido, Shinji. 2002b. Şimdiki Buharalı Gençlerin Tacikçesinin Sözdizimsel ve Şekilbilgisel Özellikleri. İlmî Araştırmalar, 13, spring. 51-65.
  • Jackendoff, Ray. 1990. Semantic Structures. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Johanson, Lars. 1998. Code-copying in Irano-Turkic. Language Sciences, 20, 3. 325-337.
  • Johanson, Lars / Csató, Éva Ágnes. eds. 1998. The Turkic Languages. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Kirkwood, Michael II. ed. 1989. Language planning in the Soviet Union. London: The Macmillan Press.
  • Kollektiv. 1975. O’zbek tili grammatikasi (I tom: Morfologiya). Toshkent: Fan.
  • Lazard, Gilbert. 1970. Persian and Tajik. IN Seboek, Thomas A. ed. 1970. 64-96.
  • Lewis, Glyn. 1972. Multilingualism in the Soviet Union: Aspects of language policy and its implementation. The Hague; Paris: Mouton.
  • Megerdoomian, Karine. 2000. Persian computational morphology: A unification-based approach (Memoranda in computer and cognitive science MCCS-00-320). Las Cruces: New Mexico State University Computing Research Laboratory.
  • Melex, N. A. 1968. Gižduvanskij govor tadžikskogo jazyka (Avtoref. kand. diss.). Leningrad.
  • Moyne, John A. 1974. The so-called passive in Persian. Foundation of Language, 12. 249-267.
  • Muruvvatov, J. 1970. Doir ba munosibati zaboni tojikī va ūzbekī (Dar asosi materiali ševahoi tojikoni viloyati Andijon). IN Ğafforov, R. / Juraev, Ğ. eds. 1970. 258-274.
  • Niëzmuhammadov, B. / Niëzī, Š. / Buzurgzoda, L. 1955. Grammatikai zaboni tojikī (Qismi I). Stalinobod: Našriëti Davlatii Tojikiston.
  • Niëzmuhammadov, B. / Niëzī, Š. 1955. Grammatikai zaboni tojikī (Qismi II). Stalinobod: Našriëti Davlatii Tojikiston.
  • Phillot, Douglous Craven. 1919. Higher Persian Grammar for the Use of the Calcutta University, showing differences between Afghan and modern Persian with notes to rhetoric. Culcutta: The University Press.
  • Rahimī, M. V. / Uspenskaya, L. V. eds. 1954. Luğati tojõkī-rusī. Moskva: Našriyoti davlatii luğathoi xorijī va millī.
  • Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna. 1956. Očerki po tadžikskoj dialektologii Vypusk 3: Leninabadsko-kanibadamskaja gruppa severnyx tadžikskix govorov. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo adademii nauk SSSR.
  • Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna. 1964. Opyt sravnitel’nogo izučenija tadžikskix govorov. Moskva: Nauka.
  • Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna. / Bakaev, C. X. / Isaev, M. I. / Kerimova, A. A. / Pirejko, L. A. 1970. Different Types of Bilingualism among Iranaian Peoples of the USSR. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (7th, 1964, Moskva). Moskva: Nauka. 715-721.
  • Raxim-mim (Rahim Hašim Mim) ed. 1930. O tadžikskom literaturnom jazyke. Stalinabad: Tažgiz.
  • Rustamov, Šarofiddin / Ğafforov, Razzoq ed. 1985. Grammatikai zaboni adabii hozirai tojik Jildi I: Fonetika va morfologiya. Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Sapoev, Rustam / Avezmetov, Sherali eds. 1996. O’zbek tilidagi arabcha va forscha so’zlar lug’ati. Toshkent: O’qituvchi.
  • Seboek, Thomas A. ed. 1970. Current Issues in Linguistics, volume 6: Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa. The Hague; Paris: Mouton.
  • Shoabdurahmonov, Shonazar. 1971. O’zbek shevalari va ularni o’rganish haqida umumiy malumot. IN Shoabdurahmonov, Shonazar ed. 1971. 386-407.
  • Shoabdurahmonov, Shonazar ed. 1971. O’zbek xalq shevalari lug’ati. Toshkent: Fan.
  • Şahinoğlu, M. Nazif. 1997. Farsça Grameri. İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Tursunov, Ulug’ / O’rinboev, Bozor / Aliev, Abdug’ani 1995. O’zbek adabiy tili tarixi. Toshkent: O’qituvchi.
  • Tursunova, Husniya. 1979. Tadqiqi muqoisavii frazeologizmhoi paralleli zabonhoi tojikī va ūzbekī (dar asosi asari S. Aynī “Ğulomon”-“Qullar”). Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Windfuhr, Gernot L. 1979. Persian Grammar: History and State of its Study. The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton Publishers.
  • Zehnī, T. (Zexni, Turakul).1987. Az ta”rixi leksikai zaboni tojikī. Dušanbe: Doniš.

Tipolojik Olarak İki Farklı Dil Tarafından Paylaşılan Bir Görünüş İşaretleme Yapısı

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 7, 131 - 152, 28.02.2022


Tacikçe, en çok Tacikistan ve Özbekistan’da Tacikler tarafından konuşulan İranî bir dildir. Ayrıca Farsça ve Dari gibi İranî dillerle genetik olarak yakından ilişkili Güney-Batı İranî dildir. Tacikler Özbek Türkleri ile yüzyıllardır birlikte yaşamaktadırlar ve bunun sonucunda da dilsel açıdan birbirlerini etkilemişlerdir.
Bu yazıda Tacikçede –a šudan yapısının iki kullanımı anlatılmıştır. Bu yapı hem edilgenlik hem de tamamlanma görünüşü işaretlemeye hizmet etmektedir. Tacikçede –a šudan yapısının ilk kullanımı olan edilgen yapı, bir fiilin fiilimsi formunun yardımcı fiil šudan 'olmak' ile birleştirilmesiyle oluşur. İkinci kullanımı olan tamamlanma görünüş işaretleyicisi yapısına bakıldığında Özbek Türkçesi ve Tacikçe arasında ortak noktalar bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Tacikçede -a šudan tamamlanma görünüş işaretleyicisinin ortaya çıkmasında Özbek Türkçesiyle bir dil temasının etkili olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak Buhara Tacikçesinde durum her zaman böyle değildir. Buhara, Tacikçe-Özbek Türkçesi iki dilliliğinin en fazla olduğu şehirlerden birisidir. Buhara Tacikçesinde -a šudan yapısının iki kullanımından yalnızca birinin belirgin yaygınlığı gözlemlenmektedir. a šudan’ın edilgen yapı olarak kullanımı görülmemektedir. a šudan Buhara Tacikçesinde tamamlanma görünüş işaretleyicisi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Özbek Türkçesinde görünüş işaretleyicisi (i)b bo'lmoq'a karşılık gelen Buhara Tacikçesindeki –a šudan yapısının yaygınlığı Tacikçe-Özbek Türkçesi iki dilliliğine atfedilmektedir.


  • Abdorahmonov, G’ani. 1996. O’zbek tili grammatikasi: Sintaksis. Toshkent: O’qituvchi.
  • Aikhenvald, Alexandra Yurievna. / Dixon, Robert M. W. eds. 2001. Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance: problems in comparative linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Akiner, Shirin. 1989. Uzbekistan: Republic of many tongues. IN Kirkwood, Michael II. ed. 1989. 100-122.
  • Arzumanov, Stepan D. 1951. Zaboni tojikī. Stalinabad: Tadžikgosizdat.
  • Arzumanov, Stepan. / Sanginov, Axmadjon. 1988. Zaboni tojikī. Dušanbe: Maorif.
  • Asimova, Bašorat Sajfitdinovna. 1982. Jazykovoe stroitel’stvo v tadžikistane (1920-1940 gg.). Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Barakaeva, G. B. ed. 1968. Luğati muxtasari tojikī-anglisī. Dušanbe: Universiteti Davlatii Tojikiston ba nomi V. I. Lenin.
  • Boeschoten, Hendrik / Vandamme, Marc. 1998. Chaghatay. IN Johanson, Lars / Csató, Éva Ágnes. eds. 1998. 166-178.
  • Caferoğlu, Ahmet. 1984. Türk Dili Tarihi II 3. Baskı. İstanbul: Enderun Kitabevi.
  • Chodzko (Xodzko), Alexander. 1852. Grammaire persane ou principes de ľiranien moderne, accompagnées de fac-similés pour servir de modèle ďécriture et de style pour la correspondance diplomatique et familière. Paris. (2nd Edition published in 1883 as Grammaire de la langue persane, 2ème édition, augmentée de textes persans inédits et ďun glossaire. Paris: Maisonneuve & Cie.)
  • Curnow, Timothy Jowan. 2001. What language features can be ’borrowed’? IN Aikhenvald, A. Y. / Dixon, R. M. W. eds. 2001. 412-436.
  • Doerfer, Gerhard. 1967. Türkische Lehnwörter im Tadschikischen. Wiesbaden: Kommissionsverlag Franz Steiner GmbH.
  • Eckmann, János. 1988. Çağatayca El Kitabı. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi.
  • EurasiaNet. 20 August 2001. Not enough Tajik-language educational establishments in Uzbekistan - Iran radio. <>.
  • Ğafforov, Razzoq. / Juraev, Ğ. eds. 1970. Mas”alahoi ševašinosii tojik (Jildi 1). Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Halimov, S. 1974. Sadriddin Aynī va ba”ze mas”alahoi inkišofi zaboni adabii tojik. Dušanbe: Irfon.
  • Hojiev, A. P. 1975. Fe"l. IN Kollekiv. 1975. 365-527.
  • Ido, Shinji 2002a. An Analysis of ’Incomplete Sentences’ in Agglutinative Languages: With some reference to LCS (Lexical Conceptual Semantics). Paper presented at the departmental seminar of SEAMELS, University of Sydney. 28 May 2002.
  • Ido, Shinji. 2002b. Şimdiki Buharalı Gençlerin Tacikçesinin Sözdizimsel ve Şekilbilgisel Özellikleri. İlmî Araştırmalar, 13, spring. 51-65.
  • Jackendoff, Ray. 1990. Semantic Structures. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Johanson, Lars. 1998. Code-copying in Irano-Turkic. Language Sciences, 20, 3. 325-337.
  • Johanson, Lars / Csató, Éva Ágnes. eds. 1998. The Turkic Languages. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Kirkwood, Michael II. ed. 1989. Language planning in the Soviet Union. London: The Macmillan Press.
  • Kollektiv. 1975. O’zbek tili grammatikasi (I tom: Morfologiya). Toshkent: Fan.
  • Lazard, Gilbert. 1970. Persian and Tajik. IN Seboek, Thomas A. ed. 1970. 64-96.
  • Lewis, Glyn. 1972. Multilingualism in the Soviet Union: Aspects of language policy and its implementation. The Hague; Paris: Mouton.
  • Megerdoomian, Karine. 2000. Persian computational morphology: A unification-based approach (Memoranda in computer and cognitive science MCCS-00-320). Las Cruces: New Mexico State University Computing Research Laboratory.
  • Melex, N. A. 1968. Gižduvanskij govor tadžikskogo jazyka (Avtoref. kand. diss.). Leningrad.
  • Moyne, John A. 1974. The so-called passive in Persian. Foundation of Language, 12. 249-267.
  • Muruvvatov, J. 1970. Doir ba munosibati zaboni tojikī va ūzbekī (Dar asosi materiali ševahoi tojikoni viloyati Andijon). IN Ğafforov, R. / Juraev, Ğ. eds. 1970. 258-274.
  • Niëzmuhammadov, B. / Niëzī, Š. / Buzurgzoda, L. 1955. Grammatikai zaboni tojikī (Qismi I). Stalinobod: Našriëti Davlatii Tojikiston.
  • Niëzmuhammadov, B. / Niëzī, Š. 1955. Grammatikai zaboni tojikī (Qismi II). Stalinobod: Našriëti Davlatii Tojikiston.
  • Phillot, Douglous Craven. 1919. Higher Persian Grammar for the Use of the Calcutta University, showing differences between Afghan and modern Persian with notes to rhetoric. Culcutta: The University Press.
  • Rahimī, M. V. / Uspenskaya, L. V. eds. 1954. Luğati tojõkī-rusī. Moskva: Našriyoti davlatii luğathoi xorijī va millī.
  • Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna. 1956. Očerki po tadžikskoj dialektologii Vypusk 3: Leninabadsko-kanibadamskaja gruppa severnyx tadžikskix govorov. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo adademii nauk SSSR.
  • Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna. 1964. Opyt sravnitel’nogo izučenija tadžikskix govorov. Moskva: Nauka.
  • Rastorgueva, Vera Sergeevna. / Bakaev, C. X. / Isaev, M. I. / Kerimova, A. A. / Pirejko, L. A. 1970. Different Types of Bilingualism among Iranaian Peoples of the USSR. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (7th, 1964, Moskva). Moskva: Nauka. 715-721.
  • Raxim-mim (Rahim Hašim Mim) ed. 1930. O tadžikskom literaturnom jazyke. Stalinabad: Tažgiz.
  • Rustamov, Šarofiddin / Ğafforov, Razzoq ed. 1985. Grammatikai zaboni adabii hozirai tojik Jildi I: Fonetika va morfologiya. Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Sapoev, Rustam / Avezmetov, Sherali eds. 1996. O’zbek tilidagi arabcha va forscha so’zlar lug’ati. Toshkent: O’qituvchi.
  • Seboek, Thomas A. ed. 1970. Current Issues in Linguistics, volume 6: Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa. The Hague; Paris: Mouton.
  • Shoabdurahmonov, Shonazar. 1971. O’zbek shevalari va ularni o’rganish haqida umumiy malumot. IN Shoabdurahmonov, Shonazar ed. 1971. 386-407.
  • Shoabdurahmonov, Shonazar ed. 1971. O’zbek xalq shevalari lug’ati. Toshkent: Fan.
  • Şahinoğlu, M. Nazif. 1997. Farsça Grameri. İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Tursunov, Ulug’ / O’rinboev, Bozor / Aliev, Abdug’ani 1995. O’zbek adabiy tili tarixi. Toshkent: O’qituvchi.
  • Tursunova, Husniya. 1979. Tadqiqi muqoisavii frazeologizmhoi paralleli zabonhoi tojikī va ūzbekī (dar asosi asari S. Aynī “Ğulomon”-“Qullar”). Dušanbe: Doniš.
  • Windfuhr, Gernot L. 1979. Persian Grammar: History and State of its Study. The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton Publishers.
  • Zehnī, T. (Zexni, Turakul).1987. Az ta”rixi leksikai zaboni tojikī. Dušanbe: Doniš.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Language Studies
Journal Section Translation

Ebru Dilbas

Publication Date February 28, 2022
Submission Date January 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 7


APA An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages (E. Dilbas, Trans.). (2022). Uluslararası İdil - Ural Ve Türkistan Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(7), 131-152.
AMA An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages. IJVUTS. February 2022;4(7):131-152.
Chicago Dilbas, Ebru, trans. “An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages”. Uluslararası İdil - Ural Ve Türkistan Araştırmaları Dergisi 4, no. 7 (February 2022): 131-52.
EndNote (February 1, 2022) An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages. Uluslararası İdil - Ural ve Türkistan Araştırmaları Dergisi 4 7 131–152.
IEEE E. Dilbas, Tran., “An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages”, IJVUTS, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 131–152, 2022.
ISNAD , trans.Dilbas, Ebru. “An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages”. Uluslararası İdil - Ural ve Türkistan Araştırmaları Dergisi 4/7 (February 2022), 131-152.
JAMA An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages. IJVUTS. 2022;4:131–152.
MLA Dilbas, Ebru, translator. “An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages”. Uluslararası İdil - Ural Ve Türkistan Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 7, 2022, pp. 131-52.
Vancouver An Aspect Marking Construction Shared by Two Typologically Different Languages. IJVUTS. 2022;4(7):131-52.