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Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 25 - 29, 05.10.2018


Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı



        Orta zincirli yağ asitleri 6-12 karbonlu yağ asitlerinden oluşur ve sindirimleri için pankreas enzimlerine ya da safra tuzlarına gereksinim duymazlar. İnce bağırsağa ulaştıklarında yağ asidi formunda olduklarından hemen karaciğere taşınır ve karaciğerde metabolize edilirler. Orta zincirli yağ asitlerinin sindirilmesindeki bu farklılık pek çok hastalığın tedavisine ışık tuttuğu için son derece önemlidir. Orta zincirli yağ asitleri son yıllarda epilepsi, obezite, anoreksiya nevroza, yağ metabolizması bozuklukları, inflamatuvar bağırsak hastalıkları ve tip 2 diyabet gibi bazı kronik hastalıkların tedavisinde alternatif tedavi olarak düşünülmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarda orta zincirli yağ asitlerinden zengin diyetin keton cisimlerini arttırdığı, açlık ve tokluk metabolizmasında etkili olduğu, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirdiği, insülin direncini düşürerek glukoz metabolizmasını etkilediği ve beyin fonksiyonlarında olumlu etkilerinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Ancak diğer yağ asitlerinden üstünlük sağlamadığı konusunda da bazı çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu derlemede orta zincirli yağ asitlerinin bazı özellikleri ve kronik hastalıklarda kullanımı konusunda bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır.

(3-5 Kelime): Orta zincirli yağ asidi, beslenme, beslenme tedavisi, hastalıklar


Use of Medium Chain Fatty Acids in Diseases


Abstract (≤250 WORDS)

       Medium chain fatty acids are composed of 6-12 carbon fatty acids and do not require bile salts and pancreatic enzymes for digestion. When they reach the small intestine, they are immediately transported to the liver and metabolized in the liver because they are in the form of fatty acids. This difference in the digestibility of medium chain fatty acids is extremely important because it sheds light on the treatment of many diseases. In recent years, medium chain fatty acids have been considered as an alternative treatment for some chronic diseases such as epilepsy, obesity, anorexia nervosa, disorders of lipid metabolism, inflammatory bowel diseases and type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that diet rich in medium chain fatty acids increase ketone bodies, are effective in hunger and satiety metabolism, boost immune system, affect glucose metabolism by reducing insulin resistance and have positive effects on brain functions. However there are some studies concluding they are not superior to other fatty acids. This review was written to provide information on some properties of medium chain fatty acids and their use in some chronic diseases

Words): Medium chain triglyceride, nutrition, nutritional therapy, diseases.


  • Ahmad, Z.M.D. & Wilson, M.D.F. (2014). Familial chylomicronemia syndrome andresponse to medium-chain triglyceride therapy in an infant with novel mutations in GPIHBP1. Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 8, 635-639.
  • Altınok, Y., Uçar, S., Kağnıcı, M, & Çoker, M. (2011, Nisan). Hipertrigliserimide MCT kullanım. Uluslararası Katılımlı XI. Metabolik Hastalıklar ve Beslenme Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri. Çocuk Beslenme ve Metabolizma Derneği, İzmir.
  • Asakura, L., Lottenberg, A.M., Neves, M.Q., Nunes, V.S., Rocha, J.C., et al. (2000). Dietary medium-chain triacylglycerol prevents the postprandial rise of plasma triacylglycerols but induces hypercholesterolemia in primary hypertriglyceridemic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr, 71(3), 701-705.
  • Babayan, V.K. (1987). Medium chain triglycerides and structured lipids. Lipids, 22(6), 417-420.
  • Chanez, M., Bois-Joyeux, B., Arnaud, M.J., & Peret, J. (1991). Metabolic effects in rats of a diet with a moderate level of medium-chain triglycerides. Journal of Nutrition, 121(5), 585-594.
  • Freeman, J.M., Kosoff, E.H., & Hartman, A.L. (2007). The ketogenic diet: One decade later. Pediatrics, 119(3), 535-543.
  • González-Domínguez, R. (2016). Medium-chain Fatty Acids as Biomarkers of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Traumatic Brain Injury. EBioMedicine, 12, 8–9.
  • Güzoğlu, N., Say, B., Uras, N., & Dilmen, U. (2014). Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Newborn. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi, 30(3), 137-138.
  • Han, J.R., Hamilton, J.A., Kirkland, J.L., Corkey, B.E., & Guo, W. (2003). Medium-chain oil reduces fat mass and downregulates expression of adipogenic genes in rats. Obesity Research, 11, 734–744.
  • Hill, J.O., Peters, J.C., Swift, L.L., Yang, D., Sharp, T., Abumrad, N., et al. (1990). Changes in blood-lipids during 6 days of overfeeding with medium or long-chain triglycerides. Journal of Lipid Research, 31, 407–416.
  • Kawai, K., Nakashima, M., Kojima, M., Yamashita, S., Takakura, S., Shimizu, M., et al. (2016). Ghrelin activation and neuropeptide Y elevation in response to medium chain triglyceride administration in anorexia nervosa patients. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 100-104. .
  • Kosoff, E. H. (2004). More fat and fewer seizures: Dietary therapies for epilepsy. The Lancet Neurology, 3, 415-420.
  • Lambrechts, DA., De Kinderen, R.J., Vles, H.S., Louw, A.J., Aldenkamp, A.P., & Majoje, M.J. (2015). The MCT-ketogenic diet as a treatment option in refractory childhoodepilepsy: A prospective study with 2-year follow-up. Epilepsy & Behavior, 51, 261–266.
  • Li, J., Wang, Y., Tang, L., de Villiers, W.J., Cohen, D., Woodward, J., et al. (2013). Dietary medium-chain triglycerides promote oral allergic sensitization and orally induced anaphylaxis to peanut protein in mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 131(2), 442-450.
  • Liu, Y.C. & Wang, H. (2013). Medium-chain Triglyceride Ketogenic Diet, An Effective Treatment for Drug-resistant Epilepsy and A Comparison with Other Ketogenic Diets. Biomed J, 36, 9-15.
  • Miners, J.S., Baig, S., Palmer, J., Palmer, L.E., Kehoe, P.G., & Love, S. (2008). Abeta-degrading enzymes in alzheimer’s disease. Brain Pathol, 18(2), 240-252.
  • Papamandjaris, A.A.A., Diane, E.M., & Peter, J.H.J. (1998). Medium chain fatty acid metabolism and energy expenditure: Obesity treatment plications. Life Sciences, 62, 1203-1215.
  • PFeuffer, M., Schrezenmeir, J., & Marten, M. (2006). Medium-chain triglycerides. International Daıry Journal, 16, 1374–1382.
  • Plat, J., & Mensink, R.P. (2005). Food components and immune function. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 16, 31–37.
  • Schuck, P.F., Ferreira, G.C., Moura, A.P., Busanello, E.N., Tonin, A.M., Dutra- Filho, C.S., et al. (2009). Medium-chain fatty acids accumulating in MCAD deficiency elicit lipid and protein oxidative damage and decrease non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses. Neurochemistry international, 54(8), 519-525.
  • Seaton, T.B., Welle, S.L., Warenko, M.K., & Campbell, R.G. (1986). Thermic effect of medium-chain and long-chain triglycerides in man. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 44(5), 630-634.
  • Sharma, A., Bemis, M., & Desilets, A.R. (2014). Role of Medium Chain Triglycerides (Axona®) in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen, 29(5), 409-414
  • Shah, N.D., & Limketkai, B.N. (2017). The Use of Medium-Chain Triglycerides in Gastrointestinal Disorders. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology 2017.
  • Sills, M.A., Forsythe, W.I., Haidukewych, D., Macdonald, A., & Robinson, M. (1986). The medium chain triglyceride diet and intractable epilepsy. Arch Dis Child, 61, 1168–1172.
  • Stefanutti, C., Gozzer, M., Pisciotta, L., D’eufemia, P., Bosco, G., Morozzi, C., et al. (2013). A three month-old infant with severe hyperchylomicronemia: Molecular diagnosis and extracorporeal treatment. Atherosclerosis Supplements, 14, 73-76.
  • Sugiyama, C., Akter, N.A., Morishita, S., Miura, A., & Takase, S. (2015). Effects of medium-chain triglycerides on gluconeogenesis and ureagenesis in weaned rats fed a high fat diet. Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 2, 65-68.
  • Tanaka, S., Saitoh, O., Tabata, K., Matsuse, R., Kojima, K., Sugi, K., et al. (2001). Medium-chain fatty acids stimulate interleukin-8 production in Caco-2 cells with different mechanisms from long-chain fatty acids. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 16, 748–754.
  • Traul, K.A., Driedger, A., Ingle, D.L, & Nakhasi, D. (2000). Review of the toxicologic properties of medium-chain triglycerides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 38, 79–98.
  • Tucci, S., Flögel, U., & Spiekerkoetter, U. (2015). Sexual dimorphism of lipid metabolism in very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient (VLCAD-/-) mice in response to medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). Biochim Biophys Acta, 1852(7), 1442-1450.
  • Wang, D., & Mitchell, ES. (2016). Cognition and Synaptic-Plasticity Related Changes in Aged Rats Supplemented with 8- and 10-Carbon Medium Chain Triglycerides. PLoS ONE, 11(8), 159-160.
  • Yost, T.J., Erskine, J.M., Gregg, T.S., Podlecki, D.L., Brass, E.P., & Eckel, R.H. (1994). Dietary substitution of medium-chain triglycerides in subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes-mellitus in an ambulatory setting - Impact on glycemic control and insulinmediatedglucose- metabolism. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 13, 615–622.
  • Yudkoff, M., Daikhin, Y., Horyn, O., Nissim, I., & Nissim, I. (2008). Ketosis and brain handling of glutamate, glutamine, and GABA. Epilepsia, 49(8), 73–75.
Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 25 - 29, 05.10.2018



  • Ahmad, Z.M.D. & Wilson, M.D.F. (2014). Familial chylomicronemia syndrome andresponse to medium-chain triglyceride therapy in an infant with novel mutations in GPIHBP1. Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 8, 635-639.
  • Altınok, Y., Uçar, S., Kağnıcı, M, & Çoker, M. (2011, Nisan). Hipertrigliserimide MCT kullanım. Uluslararası Katılımlı XI. Metabolik Hastalıklar ve Beslenme Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri. Çocuk Beslenme ve Metabolizma Derneği, İzmir.
  • Asakura, L., Lottenberg, A.M., Neves, M.Q., Nunes, V.S., Rocha, J.C., et al. (2000). Dietary medium-chain triacylglycerol prevents the postprandial rise of plasma triacylglycerols but induces hypercholesterolemia in primary hypertriglyceridemic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr, 71(3), 701-705.
  • Babayan, V.K. (1987). Medium chain triglycerides and structured lipids. Lipids, 22(6), 417-420.
  • Chanez, M., Bois-Joyeux, B., Arnaud, M.J., & Peret, J. (1991). Metabolic effects in rats of a diet with a moderate level of medium-chain triglycerides. Journal of Nutrition, 121(5), 585-594.
  • Freeman, J.M., Kosoff, E.H., & Hartman, A.L. (2007). The ketogenic diet: One decade later. Pediatrics, 119(3), 535-543.
  • González-Domínguez, R. (2016). Medium-chain Fatty Acids as Biomarkers of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Traumatic Brain Injury. EBioMedicine, 12, 8–9.
  • Güzoğlu, N., Say, B., Uras, N., & Dilmen, U. (2014). Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Newborn. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi, 30(3), 137-138.
  • Han, J.R., Hamilton, J.A., Kirkland, J.L., Corkey, B.E., & Guo, W. (2003). Medium-chain oil reduces fat mass and downregulates expression of adipogenic genes in rats. Obesity Research, 11, 734–744.
  • Hill, J.O., Peters, J.C., Swift, L.L., Yang, D., Sharp, T., Abumrad, N., et al. (1990). Changes in blood-lipids during 6 days of overfeeding with medium or long-chain triglycerides. Journal of Lipid Research, 31, 407–416.
  • Kawai, K., Nakashima, M., Kojima, M., Yamashita, S., Takakura, S., Shimizu, M., et al. (2016). Ghrelin activation and neuropeptide Y elevation in response to medium chain triglyceride administration in anorexia nervosa patients. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 100-104. .
  • Kosoff, E. H. (2004). More fat and fewer seizures: Dietary therapies for epilepsy. The Lancet Neurology, 3, 415-420.
  • Lambrechts, DA., De Kinderen, R.J., Vles, H.S., Louw, A.J., Aldenkamp, A.P., & Majoje, M.J. (2015). The MCT-ketogenic diet as a treatment option in refractory childhoodepilepsy: A prospective study with 2-year follow-up. Epilepsy & Behavior, 51, 261–266.
  • Li, J., Wang, Y., Tang, L., de Villiers, W.J., Cohen, D., Woodward, J., et al. (2013). Dietary medium-chain triglycerides promote oral allergic sensitization and orally induced anaphylaxis to peanut protein in mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 131(2), 442-450.
  • Liu, Y.C. & Wang, H. (2013). Medium-chain Triglyceride Ketogenic Diet, An Effective Treatment for Drug-resistant Epilepsy and A Comparison with Other Ketogenic Diets. Biomed J, 36, 9-15.
  • Miners, J.S., Baig, S., Palmer, J., Palmer, L.E., Kehoe, P.G., & Love, S. (2008). Abeta-degrading enzymes in alzheimer’s disease. Brain Pathol, 18(2), 240-252.
  • Papamandjaris, A.A.A., Diane, E.M., & Peter, J.H.J. (1998). Medium chain fatty acid metabolism and energy expenditure: Obesity treatment plications. Life Sciences, 62, 1203-1215.
  • PFeuffer, M., Schrezenmeir, J., & Marten, M. (2006). Medium-chain triglycerides. International Daıry Journal, 16, 1374–1382.
  • Plat, J., & Mensink, R.P. (2005). Food components and immune function. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 16, 31–37.
  • Schuck, P.F., Ferreira, G.C., Moura, A.P., Busanello, E.N., Tonin, A.M., Dutra- Filho, C.S., et al. (2009). Medium-chain fatty acids accumulating in MCAD deficiency elicit lipid and protein oxidative damage and decrease non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses. Neurochemistry international, 54(8), 519-525.
  • Seaton, T.B., Welle, S.L., Warenko, M.K., & Campbell, R.G. (1986). Thermic effect of medium-chain and long-chain triglycerides in man. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 44(5), 630-634.
  • Sharma, A., Bemis, M., & Desilets, A.R. (2014). Role of Medium Chain Triglycerides (Axona®) in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen, 29(5), 409-414
  • Shah, N.D., & Limketkai, B.N. (2017). The Use of Medium-Chain Triglycerides in Gastrointestinal Disorders. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology 2017.
  • Sills, M.A., Forsythe, W.I., Haidukewych, D., Macdonald, A., & Robinson, M. (1986). The medium chain triglyceride diet and intractable epilepsy. Arch Dis Child, 61, 1168–1172.
  • Stefanutti, C., Gozzer, M., Pisciotta, L., D’eufemia, P., Bosco, G., Morozzi, C., et al. (2013). A three month-old infant with severe hyperchylomicronemia: Molecular diagnosis and extracorporeal treatment. Atherosclerosis Supplements, 14, 73-76.
  • Sugiyama, C., Akter, N.A., Morishita, S., Miura, A., & Takase, S. (2015). Effects of medium-chain triglycerides on gluconeogenesis and ureagenesis in weaned rats fed a high fat diet. Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 2, 65-68.
  • Tanaka, S., Saitoh, O., Tabata, K., Matsuse, R., Kojima, K., Sugi, K., et al. (2001). Medium-chain fatty acids stimulate interleukin-8 production in Caco-2 cells with different mechanisms from long-chain fatty acids. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 16, 748–754.
  • Traul, K.A., Driedger, A., Ingle, D.L, & Nakhasi, D. (2000). Review of the toxicologic properties of medium-chain triglycerides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 38, 79–98.
  • Tucci, S., Flögel, U., & Spiekerkoetter, U. (2015). Sexual dimorphism of lipid metabolism in very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient (VLCAD-/-) mice in response to medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). Biochim Biophys Acta, 1852(7), 1442-1450.
  • Wang, D., & Mitchell, ES. (2016). Cognition and Synaptic-Plasticity Related Changes in Aged Rats Supplemented with 8- and 10-Carbon Medium Chain Triglycerides. PLoS ONE, 11(8), 159-160.
  • Yost, T.J., Erskine, J.M., Gregg, T.S., Podlecki, D.L., Brass, E.P., & Eckel, R.H. (1994). Dietary substitution of medium-chain triglycerides in subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes-mellitus in an ambulatory setting - Impact on glycemic control and insulinmediatedglucose- metabolism. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 13, 615–622.
  • Yudkoff, M., Daikhin, Y., Horyn, O., Nissim, I., & Nissim, I. (2008). Ketosis and brain handling of glutamate, glutamine, and GABA. Epilepsia, 49(8), 73–75.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Aylin Bayındır Gümüş

Hülya Yardımcı This is me

Publication Date October 5, 2018
Submission Date February 5, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Bayındır Gümüş, A., & Yardımcı, H. (2018). Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 25-29.
AMA Bayındır Gümüş A, Yardımcı H. Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı. İKÇÜSBFD. October 2018;3(3):25-29.
Chicago Bayındır Gümüş, Aylin, and Hülya Yardımcı. “Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 3, no. 3 (October 2018): 25-29.
EndNote Bayındır Gümüş A, Yardımcı H (October 1, 2018) Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 3 3 25–29.
IEEE A. Bayındır Gümüş and H. Yardımcı, “Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 25–29, 2018.
ISNAD Bayındır Gümüş, Aylin - Yardımcı, Hülya. “Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 3/3 (October 2018), 25-29.
JAMA Bayındır Gümüş A, Yardımcı H. Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı. İKÇÜSBFD. 2018;3:25–29.
MLA Bayındır Gümüş, Aylin and Hülya Yardımcı. “Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 3, 2018, pp. 25-29.
Vancouver Bayındır Gümüş A, Yardımcı H. Bazı Kronik Hastalıklarda Orta Zincirli Yağ Asitlerinin Kullanımı. İKÇÜSBFD. 2018;3(3):25-9.

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