Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 45 - 62, 18.12.2024



  • Abu-Saris, R., Cinar, C. and Yalcinkaya, I., 2008, On the asymptotic stability of xn+1 = (xnxn−k + a)/(xn + xn−k), Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56(5), 1172-1175.
  • Boulouh, M., Touafek, N., and Tollu, D. T., 2021, On the behavior of the solutions of an abstract system of difference equations. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1-33. 021-01641-7
  • Camouzis E., Chatterjee, E., Ladas, G., 2007, On the dynamics of xn+1 = δxn−2 + xn−3/A + xn−3, Journal Mathematical Analysis And Applications, 331, 230-239.
  • Camouzis, E. and Ladas, G., 2008, Dynamics of third-order rational difference equations with open problems and conjectures, Volume 5 of Advances in Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL
  • Clark D., Kulenovi´c M.R.S., 2002, A coupled system of rational difference equations, An International Journal Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 43, 849-867.
  • Das, S. E., Bayram, M., 2010, On a system of rational difference equations, World Applied Sciences Journal, 10(11), 1306-1312.
  • Dekkar, I., Touafek, N. and Yazlik, Y., 2017, Global stability of a third-order nonlinear system of difference equations with period-two coefficients, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales- Serie A: Matematicas, 111, 325-347.
  • Din, Q., Ibrahim, T. F., Khan, K. A., 2014, Behavior of a competitive system of second-order difference equations, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, Article ID 283982, 9 pages.
  • Din, Q. and Elsayed E. M., 2014, Stability analysis of a discrete ecological model, Computational Ecology and Software, 4(2), 89–103.
  • Din, Q., 2016, Asymptotic behavior of an anti-competitive system of second-order difference equations, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 24, 37-43.
  • Elaydi, S., 1995, An Introduction to Difference Equations, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • El-Metwally, H., 2013, Solutions form for some rational systems of difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,, 2013, Article ID 903593, 10 pages.
  • Elsayed, E. M. and Ahmed, A. M., 2016, Dynamics of a three-dimensional systems of rational difference equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39, 1026-1038.
  • Elsayed, E. M. and Alghamdi, A., 2016, The form of the solutions of nonlinear difference equations systems, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9(5), 3179-3196.
  • Elsayed, E. M., Alotaibi, A. and Almaylabi, A. H., 2017, On a solutions of fourth order rational systems of difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 7(22), 1298-1308.
  • Gibbons, C. H., Kulenovi´c, M. and Ladas, G., 2000, On the recursive sequence yn+1 = α+βyn−1 γ+yn , Mathematical Sciences Research Hot-Line, 4(2), 1-11.
  • Gümüş, M., Abo-Zeid, R., 2020, Global behavior of a rational second order difference equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 62, 119–133.
  • Gümüş, M., Abo-Zeid, R., 2020, An explicit formula and forbidden set for a higher order difference equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 63, 133–142.
  • Haddad, N., Touafek, N. and Rabago, J. F. T., 2017, Solution form of a higher-order system of difference equations and dynamical behavior of its special case, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(10), 3599-3607.
  • Halilm, Y., Touafek, N. and Yazlik, Y., 2015, Dynamic behavior of a second-order nonlinear rational difference equation, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 39, 1004-1018.
  • Kara, M., Yazlık, Y., Touafek, N., and Akrour, Y., 2021, 1. On a three-dimensional system of difference equations with variable coefficients, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics, 39(3-4), 381–403.
  • Khan, A. Q. and Din, Q., Qureshi, M. N. and Ibrahim, T.F., 2014, Global behavior of an anti-competitive system of fourth-order rational difference equations, Computational Ecology and Software, 4(1), 35-46.
  • Kocic, V. L. and Ladas, G., 1993, Global Behavior of Nonlinear Difference Equations of Higher Order with Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
  • Kulenovi´c, M. R. S. and Ladas, G., 2002, Dynamics of second order rational difference equations, Chapman & Hall/CRC , Boca Raton, Fla, USA, 232s.
  • Kurbanli, A. S., Çınar, C. and Şimşek, D., 2011, On the periodicity of solutions of the system of rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics, 2, 410-413.
  • Kurbanli, A. S., Cinar C. and Yalcinkaya, I., 2011, On the behavior of positive solutions of the system of rational difference equations xn+1 = xn−1/(ynxn+1 + 1), yn+1 = yn−1/(xnyn+1 + 1), Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 53, 1261-1267.
  • Moaaz, O., Chalishajar, D. and Bazighifan, O., 2019, Some qualitative behavior of solutions of general class of difference equations, Mathematics, 7, Article 585, 12 pages.
  • Ozkan, O. and Kurbanli, A. S., 2013, On a system of difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013, Article ID 970316, 7 pages.
  • Papaschinopoulos, G., Radin, M. A. and Schinas, C. J., 2011, On the system of two difference equations of exponential form: xn+1 = a + βxn−1e−xn , Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(11-12), 2969–2977.
  • Papaschinopoulos, G. and Schinas, C. J., 2012, On the dynamics of two exponential type systems of difference equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64(7), 2326–2334.
  • Pituk, M., 2002, More on Poincare’s and Perron’s theorems for difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 8(3), 201–216.
  • Şahinkaya, A. F., Yalçınkaya, İ. and Tollu, D. T., 2020, A solvable system of nonlinear difference equations, Ikonion Journal of Mathematics, 2(1), 10-20.
  • Thai, T. H., and Khuong, V. V., 2016. Stability analysis of a system of second-order difference equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39(13), 3691-3700.
  • Tollu, D. T., Yazlik, Y. and Taskara, N., 2017, On global behavior of a system of nonlinear difference equations of order two, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 27(3), 373-383.
  • Tollu D. T. and Yalcinkaya, I. 2019, Global behavior of a three-dimensional system of difference equations of order three, Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1-Mathematics and Statistics, 68(1), 1-16.
  • Tollu, D. T. YalÇınkaya, İ., Ahmad H. and Yao, S. W., 2021, A detailed study on a solvable system related to the linear fractional difference equation, Mathematical Bioscienses and Engineering, 18(5), 5392–5408.
  • N. Touafek, D. T. Tollu and Y. Akrour, 2021, On a general homogeneous three-dimensional system of difference equations, Electronic Research Archive, 29(5), 2841-2876.
  • Yalcinkaya, I., Cinar, C. and Simsek D., 2008, Global asymptotic stability of a system of difference equations, Applicable Analysis, 87(6), 677-687.
  • Yalcinkaya, I. and Tollu, D. T., 2016, Global behavior of a second-order system of difference equations, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 26(4), 653-667.
  • Yazlik, Y., Tollu, D. T. and Taskara, N., 2013, On the solutions of difference equation systems with padovan numbers,Applied Mathematics,, 4, 15-20.
  • Yazlik, Y., Elsayed, E. M., and Taskara, N., 2014, On the behaviour of the solutions of difference equation systems, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 16(5), 932-941.
  • Yazlik, Y., Tollu, D. T. and Taskara, N., 2015, On the behaviour of solutions for some systems of difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 18(1), 166-178.
  • Yazlik, Y. and Kara, M., 2019, On a solvable system of difference equations of higher-order with period two coefficients, Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1-Mathematics and Statistics, 68, 1675-1693.
  • Yıldırım, A. and Tollu, D. T., 2022, Global behavior of a second order difference equation with two-period coefficient, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 16(4), 1-21.

Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 45 - 62, 18.12.2024


In this study, the rational system
x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha _{1}+\beta _{1}y_{n-1}}{a_{1}+b_{1}y_{n}}, \quad y_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha _{2}+\beta_{2}x_{n-1}}{a_{2}+b_{2}x_{n}}, \quad n\in\mathbb{N}_{0},
where $\alpha_{i}$, $\beta_{i}$, $a_{i}$, $b_{i}$, $(i=1,2)$, and $x_{-j}$, $y_{-j}$, $(j=0,1)$, are positive real numbers, is defined and its qualitative behavior is discussed. The system in question is a two-dimensional extension of an old difference equation in the literature. The results obtained generalize the results in the literature on the equation in question.


  • Abu-Saris, R., Cinar, C. and Yalcinkaya, I., 2008, On the asymptotic stability of xn+1 = (xnxn−k + a)/(xn + xn−k), Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56(5), 1172-1175.
  • Boulouh, M., Touafek, N., and Tollu, D. T., 2021, On the behavior of the solutions of an abstract system of difference equations. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1-33. 021-01641-7
  • Camouzis E., Chatterjee, E., Ladas, G., 2007, On the dynamics of xn+1 = δxn−2 + xn−3/A + xn−3, Journal Mathematical Analysis And Applications, 331, 230-239.
  • Camouzis, E. and Ladas, G., 2008, Dynamics of third-order rational difference equations with open problems and conjectures, Volume 5 of Advances in Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL
  • Clark D., Kulenovi´c M.R.S., 2002, A coupled system of rational difference equations, An International Journal Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 43, 849-867.
  • Das, S. E., Bayram, M., 2010, On a system of rational difference equations, World Applied Sciences Journal, 10(11), 1306-1312.
  • Dekkar, I., Touafek, N. and Yazlik, Y., 2017, Global stability of a third-order nonlinear system of difference equations with period-two coefficients, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales- Serie A: Matematicas, 111, 325-347.
  • Din, Q., Ibrahim, T. F., Khan, K. A., 2014, Behavior of a competitive system of second-order difference equations, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, Article ID 283982, 9 pages.
  • Din, Q. and Elsayed E. M., 2014, Stability analysis of a discrete ecological model, Computational Ecology and Software, 4(2), 89–103.
  • Din, Q., 2016, Asymptotic behavior of an anti-competitive system of second-order difference equations, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 24, 37-43.
  • Elaydi, S., 1995, An Introduction to Difference Equations, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • El-Metwally, H., 2013, Solutions form for some rational systems of difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,, 2013, Article ID 903593, 10 pages.
  • Elsayed, E. M. and Ahmed, A. M., 2016, Dynamics of a three-dimensional systems of rational difference equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39, 1026-1038.
  • Elsayed, E. M. and Alghamdi, A., 2016, The form of the solutions of nonlinear difference equations systems, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9(5), 3179-3196.
  • Elsayed, E. M., Alotaibi, A. and Almaylabi, A. H., 2017, On a solutions of fourth order rational systems of difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 7(22), 1298-1308.
  • Gibbons, C. H., Kulenovi´c, M. and Ladas, G., 2000, On the recursive sequence yn+1 = α+βyn−1 γ+yn , Mathematical Sciences Research Hot-Line, 4(2), 1-11.
  • Gümüş, M., Abo-Zeid, R., 2020, Global behavior of a rational second order difference equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 62, 119–133.
  • Gümüş, M., Abo-Zeid, R., 2020, An explicit formula and forbidden set for a higher order difference equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 63, 133–142.
  • Haddad, N., Touafek, N. and Rabago, J. F. T., 2017, Solution form of a higher-order system of difference equations and dynamical behavior of its special case, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(10), 3599-3607.
  • Halilm, Y., Touafek, N. and Yazlik, Y., 2015, Dynamic behavior of a second-order nonlinear rational difference equation, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 39, 1004-1018.
  • Kara, M., Yazlık, Y., Touafek, N., and Akrour, Y., 2021, 1. On a three-dimensional system of difference equations with variable coefficients, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics, 39(3-4), 381–403.
  • Khan, A. Q. and Din, Q., Qureshi, M. N. and Ibrahim, T.F., 2014, Global behavior of an anti-competitive system of fourth-order rational difference equations, Computational Ecology and Software, 4(1), 35-46.
  • Kocic, V. L. and Ladas, G., 1993, Global Behavior of Nonlinear Difference Equations of Higher Order with Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
  • Kulenovi´c, M. R. S. and Ladas, G., 2002, Dynamics of second order rational difference equations, Chapman & Hall/CRC , Boca Raton, Fla, USA, 232s.
  • Kurbanli, A. S., Çınar, C. and Şimşek, D., 2011, On the periodicity of solutions of the system of rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics, 2, 410-413.
  • Kurbanli, A. S., Cinar C. and Yalcinkaya, I., 2011, On the behavior of positive solutions of the system of rational difference equations xn+1 = xn−1/(ynxn+1 + 1), yn+1 = yn−1/(xnyn+1 + 1), Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 53, 1261-1267.
  • Moaaz, O., Chalishajar, D. and Bazighifan, O., 2019, Some qualitative behavior of solutions of general class of difference equations, Mathematics, 7, Article 585, 12 pages.
  • Ozkan, O. and Kurbanli, A. S., 2013, On a system of difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013, Article ID 970316, 7 pages.
  • Papaschinopoulos, G., Radin, M. A. and Schinas, C. J., 2011, On the system of two difference equations of exponential form: xn+1 = a + βxn−1e−xn , Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(11-12), 2969–2977.
  • Papaschinopoulos, G. and Schinas, C. J., 2012, On the dynamics of two exponential type systems of difference equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64(7), 2326–2334.
  • Pituk, M., 2002, More on Poincare’s and Perron’s theorems for difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 8(3), 201–216.
  • Şahinkaya, A. F., Yalçınkaya, İ. and Tollu, D. T., 2020, A solvable system of nonlinear difference equations, Ikonion Journal of Mathematics, 2(1), 10-20.
  • Thai, T. H., and Khuong, V. V., 2016. Stability analysis of a system of second-order difference equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39(13), 3691-3700.
  • Tollu, D. T., Yazlik, Y. and Taskara, N., 2017, On global behavior of a system of nonlinear difference equations of order two, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 27(3), 373-383.
  • Tollu D. T. and Yalcinkaya, I. 2019, Global behavior of a three-dimensional system of difference equations of order three, Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1-Mathematics and Statistics, 68(1), 1-16.
  • Tollu, D. T. YalÇınkaya, İ., Ahmad H. and Yao, S. W., 2021, A detailed study on a solvable system related to the linear fractional difference equation, Mathematical Bioscienses and Engineering, 18(5), 5392–5408.
  • N. Touafek, D. T. Tollu and Y. Akrour, 2021, On a general homogeneous three-dimensional system of difference equations, Electronic Research Archive, 29(5), 2841-2876.
  • Yalcinkaya, I., Cinar, C. and Simsek D., 2008, Global asymptotic stability of a system of difference equations, Applicable Analysis, 87(6), 677-687.
  • Yalcinkaya, I. and Tollu, D. T., 2016, Global behavior of a second-order system of difference equations, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 26(4), 653-667.
  • Yazlik, Y., Tollu, D. T. and Taskara, N., 2013, On the solutions of difference equation systems with padovan numbers,Applied Mathematics,, 4, 15-20.
  • Yazlik, Y., Elsayed, E. M., and Taskara, N., 2014, On the behaviour of the solutions of difference equation systems, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 16(5), 932-941.
  • Yazlik, Y., Tollu, D. T. and Taskara, N., 2015, On the behaviour of solutions for some systems of difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 18(1), 166-178.
  • Yazlik, Y. and Kara, M., 2019, On a solvable system of difference equations of higher-order with period two coefficients, Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1-Mathematics and Statistics, 68, 1675-1693.
  • Yıldırım, A. and Tollu, D. T., 2022, Global behavior of a second order difference equation with two-period coefficient, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 16(4), 1-21.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Applied Mathematics (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Durhasan Turgut Tollu 0000-0002-3313-8829

Merve Kayhan 0000-0001-9601-8384

Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date October 7, 2024
Acceptance Date December 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Tollu, D. T., & Kayhan, M. (2024). Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations. Ikonion Journal of Mathematics, 6(2), 45-62.
AMA Tollu DT, Kayhan M. Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations. ikjm. December 2024;6(2):45-62. doi:10.54286/ikjm.1562737
Chicago Tollu, Durhasan Turgut, and Merve Kayhan. “Qualitative Behavior of Solutions of a Two-Dimensional Rational System of Difference Equations”. Ikonion Journal of Mathematics 6, no. 2 (December 2024): 45-62.
EndNote Tollu DT, Kayhan M (December 1, 2024) Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations. Ikonion Journal of Mathematics 6 2 45–62.
IEEE D. T. Tollu and M. Kayhan, “Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations”, ikjm, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 45–62, 2024, doi: 10.54286/ikjm.1562737.
ISNAD Tollu, Durhasan Turgut - Kayhan, Merve. “Qualitative Behavior of Solutions of a Two-Dimensional Rational System of Difference Equations”. Ikonion Journal of Mathematics 6/2 (December 2024), 45-62.
JAMA Tollu DT, Kayhan M. Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations. ikjm. 2024;6:45–62.
MLA Tollu, Durhasan Turgut and Merve Kayhan. “Qualitative Behavior of Solutions of a Two-Dimensional Rational System of Difference Equations”. Ikonion Journal of Mathematics, vol. 6, no. 2, 2024, pp. 45-62, doi:10.54286/ikjm.1562737.
Vancouver Tollu DT, Kayhan M. Qualitative behavior of solutions of a two-dimensional rational system of difference equations. ikjm. 2024;6(2):45-62.