Research Article
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The Relationship between Identity Status and Risk Taking in Adolescence

Year 2013, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 347 - 355, 26.06.2013


The purpose of this study is to examine whether an adolescent’s identity status predict their risk taking behavior. In addition, another purpose of this study is whether an adolescent’s risk taking behavior differs in terms of gender. The research group consisted of 315 (165 female, 150 male) university students. To collect data the EOM-EIS (Extended Version of Objective Measure of Ego Identity ) and the Risk Taking Scale (RTS) were used. To analyze data Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis and t-test were used. According to results, achievement, foreclosure, moratorium and diffusion identity status together accounted for a significant proportion of the variance (% 26) of the risk taking behavior. The results of this study also revealed that an adolescent’s risk taking behavior differentiated by gender.


  • Adams, G. R., Munro, B., Munro, G., Doherty-Poirer, M., & Edwards, J. (2004). Identity processing styles and Canadian adolescents’ self reported delinquency. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 5, 57–65
  • Allen, J. P., Marsh P., McFarland, C., McElhaney, K. B., Land, D. J., Jodl, K. M. & Peck, S. (2002). Attachment and autonomy as preditors of the development of social skills and deliquency during midadolescence, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 56–66.
  • Archer, S. L., & Waterman, A. S. (1990). Varieties of identity diffusions and foreclosure: An exploration of subcategories of the identity statuses. Journal of Adolescent Research, 5, 96–111.
  • Arnett, J.J. & Balle- Jensen. (1993). Cultural bases of risk behavior: danish adolescent, Child Development, 64, 1842–1855.
  • Arnett, J.J. (1995). Broad and narrow socialization: The family in the context of a cultural theory, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57, 617–628.
  • Arnett, J.J.(1999). Adolescent storm and stress reconsidered. American Psychologist, 54, 317–326.
  • Bayar, N. ve Sayıl, M. (2005). Brief report: Risk-taking behaviors in a non-western urban adolescent sample. Journal of Adolescence, 28, 671-676.
  • Bennion, L. D. & Adams, G. R. (1986) A revision of the extended version of the objective measure of ego identity status; an identity instrument for use with late adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1,183-198.
  • Beyaz, S. (2004). Heyecan arama gereksinimi ve akran baskısının ergenlerin risk alma egilimleri ile ilişkisi, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Bingham, C. R. & Shope, J. T. (2004). Adolescent problem behavior and problem driving in young adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19, 205–223.
  • Bukobza, G. (2009). Relations between rebelliousness, risk taking behavior, and identity status during emerging adulthood. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 9, 159-177.
  • Byrness, J.P., Miller, D. P. & W. D. (1999). Gender differences in risk taking: A meta analysis, Psychological Bulletin, 125, 367-383.
  • Chapman, J. A., Denholm, C. & Wyld, C. (2008). Gender differences in adolescent risk taking: Are they diminishing ?, Youth & Society, 40, 131-154.
  • Elkind, D.(1967). Adolescence Egocentrism, Child Development, 38, 1025–1034.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and Society, New York Norton.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
  • Eryüksel, G. N., Varan, A. (1999). Benlik kimliği statülerinin değerlendirilmesi, Yayınlanmamış Makale.
  • Essau, C. A. (2004). Risk-taking behavior among German adolescents. Journal of Youth Studies, 7, 499–512. Gonzales, J. & Tiffany, F. (1994). Adolescents perceptions of their risk taking behavior, Adolescence, 29, 701-7011.
  • Görgün, S, Tiryaki, A ve Topbaş, M. (2010). Üniversite öğrencilerinde madde kullanma ve anne babaya bağlanma biçimleri, Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 11, 305-312.
  • Grier, L. K. (1997). Identity status and identity style among African American juvenile delinquents: Implications for rehabilitation. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 26, 53–66.
  • Guneri, O., Sümer, Z. & Yıldırım, A. (1999). Sources of self-identity among Turkish adolescents, Adolescence, 34, 535-546.
  • Howard, M. S. & Medway, F. J. (2004). Adolescents’ attachment and coping with stres. Psychology in the Schools. 41, 391-402.
  • Lightfoot, C. (1997). The Culture of Adolescent Risk Taking. New York: The Guildford Press.
  • Jack, M. S. (1986). Personal fable: a potential explanation for risk taking behavior in adolescents, Journal of Pediatric Nurse, 4, 334-338.
  • Jessor, R.(1998). New Perspective on Adolescent Risk Behavior, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jones, R. M. (1992). Ego identity and adolescent problem behavior. In G. Adams, T. Gullotta, & R. Montemayor (Eds.), Adolescent identity formation: Advances in adolescent development (Vol. 4, pp.216–233). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Jones, R. M. & Hartmann, B. R. (1988). Ego identity: Developmental differences and experimental substance use among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 11, 347–360.
  • Kıran B. (1999). Akran baskısı düzeyi farklı olan öğrencilerin risk alma, sigara içme davranışı ve okul başarılarının incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Kıran, B. (2003). Akran düzeyleri ve cinsiyetlerine göre öğrencilerin risk alma davranışı ve okul başarısının incelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2,17-26.
  • Luyckx, K., Schwartz, S. J., Berzonsky, M. D., Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M., Smits, I. & Goossens, L. (2008). Capturing ruminative exploration: extending the four-dimensional model of identity formation in late adolescence. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 58–82.
  • Luyckx, K., Schwartz, S. J., Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M. & Goossens, L. (2010). The path from identity commitments to adjustment: motivational underpinnings and mediating mechanisms. Journal of Counseling and Development, 88, 52–60.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1966). Development and validation of ego identity status. Journal of Personality Social Psychology, 5, 551-558.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1980). Identity in adolescence. In J. Adelson (Ed.), Handbook of adolescent psychology (pp. 159–187). New York: Wiley.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1989). Identity and intervention. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 401-410.
  • Marcia, J. (1993). The Relational Roots of Identity. In J. Kroger (Ed), Discussions on Ego Identity. Hillsdale, NJ, England, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1994). Ego Identity and Object Relations. In J. M. Masling and R. F. Bornstein (Eds), Empirical Perspectives on Object Relations Theory. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association.
  • Marcia, J. E. (2002a). Adolescence, identity, and the bernardone family. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 2, 199-209.
  • Marcia, J. E. (2002b). Identity and psychosocial development in adulthood. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 2, 7-28.
  • Meeus, W. (1996). Studies on identity development in adolescence: An overview of research and some new data. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 569–598.
  • Morsünbül, Ü. (2009). Attachment and risk taking: Are they interrelated? International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4, 234-238.
  • Öngen, D. E. (2007). The relationship between sensation seeking and gender role orientations among Turkish university students. Sex Roles, 57, 111–118.
  • Özmen, O. & Sümer, Z. H. (2011). Predictors of risk-taking behaviors among Turkish adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 4–9.
  • Podd, M. H., Marcia, J. E.,& Rubin, B. M. (1970). The effects of ego identity and partner perception on a prisoner’s dilemma game. Journal of Social Psychology, 82, 117–126.
  • Schwartz, S. J., Côté, J. E.& Arnett, J. J. (2005). Identity and agency in emerging adulthood: Two developmental routes in the individualization process. Youth & Society. 37, 201-229.
  • Schwartz, S. J. & Pantin, H. (2006). Identity Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: The Interface of Self, Context, and Culture. In A. Prescott (Ed.), The Concept of Self in Psychology (pp. 45-85). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Schwartz, S. J., Mason, C. A., Pantin, H. & Szapocznik, J. (2008). Effects of family functioning and identity confusion on substance use and sexual behavior in hispanic immigrant early adolescents. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 8, 107–124.
  • Schwartz, S. J., Beyers, W., Luyckx, K., Soenens, B., Zamboanga, B., Forthun, L., Hardy, S., Vazsonyi, A., Kim, S., Whitbourne, S. K. & Waterman, A. S. (2011). Examining te light and dark sides of emerging adults’ identity: A study of identity status differences in positive and negative psychososcial functioning. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9, 122-140.
  • Steinberg, L. (2007). Ergenlik. (Yay. Haz. F.Çok), Ankara: İmge Yayınevi.
  • Vleioras, G. & Bosma, H. A. (2004). Are identity styles important for psychological well being? Journal of Adolescence, 28, 397–409.
  • Waterman, A. (1992). Identity as an Aspect of Optimal Psychological Functioning, G.R. Adams, R.M: Montemayor (Eds) Adolescent Identity Formation, Newbury Park Sage Pub., 51-72.

Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2013, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 347 - 355, 26.06.2013


Bu çalışmanın amacı ergenlerin kimlik statülerinin risk alma davranışını yordayıp yordamadığının belirlenmesidir. Ayrıca risk alma davranışının cinsiyete göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığının belirlenmesi de amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma grubu 315 (165 kadın ve 150 erkek) üniversite öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada verilerin toplanmasında Benlik Kimliği Statüleri Ölçeği (BKSÖ) ve Risk Alma Ölçeği (RAÖ) kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyon Analizi, Çoklu Regresyon Analizi ve t-testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre başarılı, ipotekli, askıya alınmış ve dağınık kimlik statüleri birlikte risk alma davranışına ilişkin toplam varyansın % 26’sını açıklamıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışmanın sonuçları ergenlerin risk alma davranışının cinsiyete göre farklılaştığını göstermiştir


  • Adams, G. R., Munro, B., Munro, G., Doherty-Poirer, M., & Edwards, J. (2004). Identity processing styles and Canadian adolescents’ self reported delinquency. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 5, 57–65
  • Allen, J. P., Marsh P., McFarland, C., McElhaney, K. B., Land, D. J., Jodl, K. M. & Peck, S. (2002). Attachment and autonomy as preditors of the development of social skills and deliquency during midadolescence, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 56–66.
  • Archer, S. L., & Waterman, A. S. (1990). Varieties of identity diffusions and foreclosure: An exploration of subcategories of the identity statuses. Journal of Adolescent Research, 5, 96–111.
  • Arnett, J.J. & Balle- Jensen. (1993). Cultural bases of risk behavior: danish adolescent, Child Development, 64, 1842–1855.
  • Arnett, J.J. (1995). Broad and narrow socialization: The family in the context of a cultural theory, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57, 617–628.
  • Arnett, J.J.(1999). Adolescent storm and stress reconsidered. American Psychologist, 54, 317–326.
  • Bayar, N. ve Sayıl, M. (2005). Brief report: Risk-taking behaviors in a non-western urban adolescent sample. Journal of Adolescence, 28, 671-676.
  • Bennion, L. D. & Adams, G. R. (1986) A revision of the extended version of the objective measure of ego identity status; an identity instrument for use with late adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1,183-198.
  • Beyaz, S. (2004). Heyecan arama gereksinimi ve akran baskısının ergenlerin risk alma egilimleri ile ilişkisi, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Bingham, C. R. & Shope, J. T. (2004). Adolescent problem behavior and problem driving in young adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19, 205–223.
  • Bukobza, G. (2009). Relations between rebelliousness, risk taking behavior, and identity status during emerging adulthood. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 9, 159-177.
  • Byrness, J.P., Miller, D. P. & W. D. (1999). Gender differences in risk taking: A meta analysis, Psychological Bulletin, 125, 367-383.
  • Chapman, J. A., Denholm, C. & Wyld, C. (2008). Gender differences in adolescent risk taking: Are they diminishing ?, Youth & Society, 40, 131-154.
  • Elkind, D.(1967). Adolescence Egocentrism, Child Development, 38, 1025–1034.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and Society, New York Norton.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
  • Eryüksel, G. N., Varan, A. (1999). Benlik kimliği statülerinin değerlendirilmesi, Yayınlanmamış Makale.
  • Essau, C. A. (2004). Risk-taking behavior among German adolescents. Journal of Youth Studies, 7, 499–512. Gonzales, J. & Tiffany, F. (1994). Adolescents perceptions of their risk taking behavior, Adolescence, 29, 701-7011.
  • Görgün, S, Tiryaki, A ve Topbaş, M. (2010). Üniversite öğrencilerinde madde kullanma ve anne babaya bağlanma biçimleri, Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 11, 305-312.
  • Grier, L. K. (1997). Identity status and identity style among African American juvenile delinquents: Implications for rehabilitation. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 26, 53–66.
  • Guneri, O., Sümer, Z. & Yıldırım, A. (1999). Sources of self-identity among Turkish adolescents, Adolescence, 34, 535-546.
  • Howard, M. S. & Medway, F. J. (2004). Adolescents’ attachment and coping with stres. Psychology in the Schools. 41, 391-402.
  • Lightfoot, C. (1997). The Culture of Adolescent Risk Taking. New York: The Guildford Press.
  • Jack, M. S. (1986). Personal fable: a potential explanation for risk taking behavior in adolescents, Journal of Pediatric Nurse, 4, 334-338.
  • Jessor, R.(1998). New Perspective on Adolescent Risk Behavior, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jones, R. M. (1992). Ego identity and adolescent problem behavior. In G. Adams, T. Gullotta, & R. Montemayor (Eds.), Adolescent identity formation: Advances in adolescent development (Vol. 4, pp.216–233). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Jones, R. M. & Hartmann, B. R. (1988). Ego identity: Developmental differences and experimental substance use among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 11, 347–360.
  • Kıran B. (1999). Akran baskısı düzeyi farklı olan öğrencilerin risk alma, sigara içme davranışı ve okul başarılarının incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Kıran, B. (2003). Akran düzeyleri ve cinsiyetlerine göre öğrencilerin risk alma davranışı ve okul başarısının incelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2,17-26.
  • Luyckx, K., Schwartz, S. J., Berzonsky, M. D., Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M., Smits, I. & Goossens, L. (2008). Capturing ruminative exploration: extending the four-dimensional model of identity formation in late adolescence. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 58–82.
  • Luyckx, K., Schwartz, S. J., Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M. & Goossens, L. (2010). The path from identity commitments to adjustment: motivational underpinnings and mediating mechanisms. Journal of Counseling and Development, 88, 52–60.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1966). Development and validation of ego identity status. Journal of Personality Social Psychology, 5, 551-558.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1980). Identity in adolescence. In J. Adelson (Ed.), Handbook of adolescent psychology (pp. 159–187). New York: Wiley.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1989). Identity and intervention. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 401-410.
  • Marcia, J. (1993). The Relational Roots of Identity. In J. Kroger (Ed), Discussions on Ego Identity. Hillsdale, NJ, England, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Marcia, J. E. (1994). Ego Identity and Object Relations. In J. M. Masling and R. F. Bornstein (Eds), Empirical Perspectives on Object Relations Theory. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association.
  • Marcia, J. E. (2002a). Adolescence, identity, and the bernardone family. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 2, 199-209.
  • Marcia, J. E. (2002b). Identity and psychosocial development in adulthood. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 2, 7-28.
  • Meeus, W. (1996). Studies on identity development in adolescence: An overview of research and some new data. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 569–598.
  • Morsünbül, Ü. (2009). Attachment and risk taking: Are they interrelated? International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4, 234-238.
  • Öngen, D. E. (2007). The relationship between sensation seeking and gender role orientations among Turkish university students. Sex Roles, 57, 111–118.
  • Özmen, O. & Sümer, Z. H. (2011). Predictors of risk-taking behaviors among Turkish adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 4–9.
  • Podd, M. H., Marcia, J. E.,& Rubin, B. M. (1970). The effects of ego identity and partner perception on a prisoner’s dilemma game. Journal of Social Psychology, 82, 117–126.
  • Schwartz, S. J., Côté, J. E.& Arnett, J. J. (2005). Identity and agency in emerging adulthood: Two developmental routes in the individualization process. Youth & Society. 37, 201-229.
  • Schwartz, S. J. & Pantin, H. (2006). Identity Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: The Interface of Self, Context, and Culture. In A. Prescott (Ed.), The Concept of Self in Psychology (pp. 45-85). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Schwartz, S. J., Mason, C. A., Pantin, H. & Szapocznik, J. (2008). Effects of family functioning and identity confusion on substance use and sexual behavior in hispanic immigrant early adolescents. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 8, 107–124.
  • Schwartz, S. J., Beyers, W., Luyckx, K., Soenens, B., Zamboanga, B., Forthun, L., Hardy, S., Vazsonyi, A., Kim, S., Whitbourne, S. K. & Waterman, A. S. (2011). Examining te light and dark sides of emerging adults’ identity: A study of identity status differences in positive and negative psychososcial functioning. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9, 122-140.
  • Steinberg, L. (2007). Ergenlik. (Yay. Haz. F.Çok), Ankara: İmge Yayınevi.
  • Vleioras, G. & Bosma, H. A. (2004). Are identity styles important for psychological well being? Journal of Adolescence, 28, 397–409.
  • Waterman, A. (1992). Identity as an Aspect of Optimal Psychological Functioning, G.R. Adams, R.M: Montemayor (Eds) Adolescent Identity Formation, Newbury Park Sage Pub., 51-72.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ümit Morsünbül

Publication Date June 26, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Morsünbül, Ü. (2013). Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki. İlköğretim Online, 12(2), 347-355.
AMA Morsünbül Ü. Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki. İOO. June 2013;12(2):347-355.
Chicago Morsünbül, Ümit. “Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri Ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki”. İlköğretim Online 12, no. 2 (June 2013): 347-55.
EndNote Morsünbül Ü (June 1, 2013) Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki. İlköğretim Online 12 2 347–355.
IEEE Ü. Morsünbül, “Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki”, İOO, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 347–355, 2013.
ISNAD Morsünbül, Ümit. “Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri Ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki”. İlköğretim Online 12/2 (June 2013), 347-355.
JAMA Morsünbül Ü. Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki. İOO. 2013;12:347–355.
MLA Morsünbül, Ümit. “Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri Ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 12, no. 2, 2013, pp. 347-55.
Vancouver Morsünbül Ü. Ergenlikte Kimlik Statüleri ve Risk Alma Arasındaki İlişki. İOO. 2013;12(2):347-55.