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Year 2014, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 1 - 9, 03.11.2014


The present research aims to determine the relationship between self - actualization and forms of forgiveness - which may be via apology, agreement on, submission to, and approving of, or forgetting of what has happened. 313 voluntary university students (164 females, 149 males), chosen by means of simple random sampling, participated in the research. The Personal Orientation Inventory (Kuzgun, 1973) and the Turkish adaptation of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (Thompson et al., 2005; Bugay & Demir, 2010; Bugay, Demir & Delevi,2012) were used as the data collection instruments. It was found in this research that forgiveness and self - actualizations predicted one another and there was a definite relationship between forgiveness and self actualization. Increasing dispositional forgiveness in directing clients to self - actualization is suggested as a technique in psychological counseling, in accordance with the findings obtained in this research.


  • Ashton, M. C., Paunonen, S. V., Helmes, E., & Jackson, D. N. (1998). Kin altruism, reciprocal altruism, and the big five personality factors. Evolution and Human Behavior, 19, 243–255.
  • Bugay, A., & Demir, A. (2010). A Turkish Version of Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 1927-1931
  • Bugay. A. , Demir, A. & Delevi. R. (2012). Assessment of the factor structure, reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Psychological Reports,111(2), 575-584.
  • Cunningham, B. B. (1985). The will to forgive: A pastoral theological view of forgiving. Journal of Pastoral Care, 39, 141–149.
  • DiBlasio, F.A. (1997). National conference of forgiveness in clinical practice. The World of Forgiveness, 1(2), 12-15.
  • Doyle, G. (1999). Forgiveness as an intrapsychic process. Psychotherapy, 36(2), 190-198.
  • Edwards, L. M., Lapp-Rincker, R. H., Magyar-Moe, J. L., Rehfeldt, J. D., Ryder, J. A., Brown, J. C., et al. (2002). A positive relationship between religious faith and forgiveness: Faith in the absence of data?
  • Pastoral Psychology, 50(3), 147-152. Enright, R.D., & Fitzgibbons, R.P. (2000). Helping clients forgive: An empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope. Washington, DC: APA.
  • Enright, R. D., & The Human Development Study Group (1996). Counseling within the forgiveness triad: On forgiving, receiving forgiveness, and self-forgiveness. Counselig and Values, 40, 107–126.
  • Enright, R.D., & The Human Development Study Group (1994). Piaget on the moral development of forgiveness. Human Development, 37, 63–80.
  • Exline, J.J. and R.F. Baumeister: 2000, ‘Expressing forgiveness and receptance: Benefits and Barriers’, in M.E.
  • McCullough, K.I. Pargament and C.E. Thoresen (eds), Forgiveness: Theory, Research and Practice (Guildford Press, London), pp. 133-155. Fincham, F.D., Hall, J.H., & Beach, S.R.H. (2005). ‘’Till lack of forgiveness do us part’’: Forgiveness in marriage. In E.L. Worthington (Ed.) Handbook of Forgiveness (pp.207-226). New York: Wiley.
  • Fitzgibbons, R. P., Enright, R. D., & O'Brien, T. (2004). Learning to forgive. American School Board Journal, 191(7), 24-26.
  • Freedman, S. (1999). A Voice of forgiveness: One incest survivor's experience forgiving her father. Journal of
  • Family Psychotherapy, 10(4), 37-60. Freedman, S. (1998). Forgiveness and reconciliation: The importance of understanding how they differ.
  • Counseling & Values, 42, 200–216. Goldstein, K. (1995). The Organism: A Holistic Approach to Biology Derived from Pathological Data in Man. 1934. New York: Zone Books.
  • Gordon, K.C., D.H. Baucom and D.K. Snyder. (2000). ‘The use of forgiveness in marital therapy’, in M.E.
  • McCullough, K.I. Pargament and C.E. Thoresen (eds), Forgiveness: Theory, Research and Practice. London: Guildford Press, 203–227. Hebl, J., & Enright, R. (1993). Forgiveness as a psychotherapeutic goal with elderly females. Psychotherapy, 30, 658–667.
  • Hallowell, E.M. (2005). Affetmek üzerine. (Dare to forgiven, 2004). Çeviren: Elif Subaş. İstanbul: Dharma Yayınları.
  • Human Development Study Group. (1991). Five points on the construct of forgiveness within psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 28 (3), 493-496.
  • Kaplan, B. H. (1992). Social health and the forgiving heart: The type B story. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 15, 3–14.
  • Kontsam, V. Chernoff, M. ve Deveney, S. (2001). Toward forgiveness: The role of shame, guilt, anger and empathy. Counseling and Values, 46, 26-39.
  • Kuzgun,Y. ve Bacanlı, F. (2005). PDR’de Kullanılan Ölçekler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50, 370-396.
  • McCullough, M. E. (2000). Forgiveness as human strength: Theory, measurement, and links to well being.
  • Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 19(1), 43-55. McCullough, M. E., Bellah, C. G., Kilpatrick, S. D., & Johnson, J. L. (2001). Vengefulness: Relationships with forgiveness, rumination, well-being, and the big five. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 601–610.
  • McCullough, M.E., Pargament, K.I., & Thoresen, C.E. (2000). The Psychology of forgiveness. In
  • M.E.McCullough, K.I. Pargament & C.E. Thoresen (Eds.), Forgiveness: Theory, Research and Practice (pp.1-14). New York: Guilford Pres. McCullough, M. E., Rachal, K. C., Sandage, S. J., Worthington, E. L., Brown, S. W., & Hight, T. (1998).
  • Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships: II. Theoretical elaboration and measurement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 1586-1603.
  • McCullough, M. E., Worthington, E. L., & Rachal, K. C. (1997). Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships.
  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 321–336. Poloma, M. M., & Gallup, G. H. (1991). Varieties of prayer. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
  • Rogers, C.R. (1961). On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Ross, S. R., Kendall, A. C., Matters, K. G., Wrobel, T. A., & Rye, M. S. (2004). A personological examination of selfand other-forgiveness in the five-factor model. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 207–214.
  • Sells, J. N., & Hargrave, T. D. (1998). Forgiveness: a review of the theoretical and empirical literature. Journal of Family Therapy, 20, 21-36.
  • Schultz,, D. P., & Schultz S. E. (2001). Modern Psikoloji Tarihi, (Çev: Yasemin Aslay), 1. Basım, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Smedes, L.B. (1996). The art of forgiving. Nashville, TN: Moorings.
  • Snyder, C.R. and M.E. McCullough. (2000). ‘A positive psychology field of dreams: If you build it they will come …’, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 19, 151–160.
  • Thompson, L. Y., Snyder, C. R., Hoffman, L., Michael, S. T., Rasmussen, H. N., Billings, L. S., et al. (2005).
  • Dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations. Journal of Personality, 73(2), 313-359. Tibbits, D. (2007). Affetmenin iyileştirici gücü.(Forgive to live) Çev.: Hande Canlı , İstanbul: Kalemus Yayınları.
  • Yamhure-Thompson, L. and C.R. Snyder: 2003, ‘Measuring forgiveness’, in S.J. Lopez and C.R. Snyder (eds), Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures. Washington: American
  • Psychological Association. Walker, D. F., & Gorsuch, R. L. (2002). Forgiveness within the big five personality model. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 1127–1138.
  • Witvliet, C. V. O. (2001). Forgiveness and health: Review and reflections on a matter of faith, feelings, and physiology. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 29(3), 212-224.
  • Worthington, E. L. (1998). The pyramid model of forgiveness: Some interdisciplinary speculations about unforgiveness and the promotion of forgiveness.In E.L. Worthington (Ed.), Dimensions of forgiveness: Psychological research and theological perspectives (pp. 107–137). Philadelphia, PA: Templeton Press. Worthington, E.L., & Wade, N.G. (1999). The psychology of unforgiveness and forgiveness and implications for clinical practice. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18 (4), 385-418.

Affetmenin Kendini Gerçekleştirme Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2014, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 1 - 9, 03.11.2014


Bu araştırmada özür dilemeden, uzlaşmadan, boyun eğmeden, yapılanları onaylamadan ve unutmadan yapılan affetme biçimi ile kendini gerçekleştirme arasındaki ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya basit tesadüfi örnekleme ile gönüllü 313 üniversite öğrencisi (164 kız, 149 erkek) katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak Kişisel Yönelim Envanteri (Kuzgun, 1973) ve Heartland Affetme Ölçeği’nin (Thompson ve diğ., 2005) Türkçeye uyarlaması (Bugay & Demir, 2010; Bugay, Demir & Delevi, 2012) kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmada affetme ve kendini gerçekleştirmenin birbirlerini yordadığı ve affetme ile kendini gerçekleştirme arasında ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu araştırmada elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda danışanı kendini gerçekleştirmeye yöneltmede affetme eğilimini artırma psikolojik danışmada bir teknik olarak önerilmektedir.


  • Ashton, M. C., Paunonen, S. V., Helmes, E., & Jackson, D. N. (1998). Kin altruism, reciprocal altruism, and the big five personality factors. Evolution and Human Behavior, 19, 243–255.
  • Bugay, A., & Demir, A. (2010). A Turkish Version of Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 1927-1931
  • Bugay. A. , Demir, A. & Delevi. R. (2012). Assessment of the factor structure, reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Psychological Reports,111(2), 575-584.
  • Cunningham, B. B. (1985). The will to forgive: A pastoral theological view of forgiving. Journal of Pastoral Care, 39, 141–149.
  • DiBlasio, F.A. (1997). National conference of forgiveness in clinical practice. The World of Forgiveness, 1(2), 12-15.
  • Doyle, G. (1999). Forgiveness as an intrapsychic process. Psychotherapy, 36(2), 190-198.
  • Edwards, L. M., Lapp-Rincker, R. H., Magyar-Moe, J. L., Rehfeldt, J. D., Ryder, J. A., Brown, J. C., et al. (2002). A positive relationship between religious faith and forgiveness: Faith in the absence of data?
  • Pastoral Psychology, 50(3), 147-152. Enright, R.D., & Fitzgibbons, R.P. (2000). Helping clients forgive: An empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope. Washington, DC: APA.
  • Enright, R. D., & The Human Development Study Group (1996). Counseling within the forgiveness triad: On forgiving, receiving forgiveness, and self-forgiveness. Counselig and Values, 40, 107–126.
  • Enright, R.D., & The Human Development Study Group (1994). Piaget on the moral development of forgiveness. Human Development, 37, 63–80.
  • Exline, J.J. and R.F. Baumeister: 2000, ‘Expressing forgiveness and receptance: Benefits and Barriers’, in M.E.
  • McCullough, K.I. Pargament and C.E. Thoresen (eds), Forgiveness: Theory, Research and Practice (Guildford Press, London), pp. 133-155. Fincham, F.D., Hall, J.H., & Beach, S.R.H. (2005). ‘’Till lack of forgiveness do us part’’: Forgiveness in marriage. In E.L. Worthington (Ed.) Handbook of Forgiveness (pp.207-226). New York: Wiley.
  • Fitzgibbons, R. P., Enright, R. D., & O'Brien, T. (2004). Learning to forgive. American School Board Journal, 191(7), 24-26.
  • Freedman, S. (1999). A Voice of forgiveness: One incest survivor's experience forgiving her father. Journal of
  • Family Psychotherapy, 10(4), 37-60. Freedman, S. (1998). Forgiveness and reconciliation: The importance of understanding how they differ.
  • Counseling & Values, 42, 200–216. Goldstein, K. (1995). The Organism: A Holistic Approach to Biology Derived from Pathological Data in Man. 1934. New York: Zone Books.
  • Gordon, K.C., D.H. Baucom and D.K. Snyder. (2000). ‘The use of forgiveness in marital therapy’, in M.E.
  • McCullough, K.I. Pargament and C.E. Thoresen (eds), Forgiveness: Theory, Research and Practice. London: Guildford Press, 203–227. Hebl, J., & Enright, R. (1993). Forgiveness as a psychotherapeutic goal with elderly females. Psychotherapy, 30, 658–667.
  • Hallowell, E.M. (2005). Affetmek üzerine. (Dare to forgiven, 2004). Çeviren: Elif Subaş. İstanbul: Dharma Yayınları.
  • Human Development Study Group. (1991). Five points on the construct of forgiveness within psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 28 (3), 493-496.
  • Kaplan, B. H. (1992). Social health and the forgiving heart: The type B story. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 15, 3–14.
  • Kontsam, V. Chernoff, M. ve Deveney, S. (2001). Toward forgiveness: The role of shame, guilt, anger and empathy. Counseling and Values, 46, 26-39.
  • Kuzgun,Y. ve Bacanlı, F. (2005). PDR’de Kullanılan Ölçekler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50, 370-396.
  • McCullough, M. E. (2000). Forgiveness as human strength: Theory, measurement, and links to well being.
  • Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 19(1), 43-55. McCullough, M. E., Bellah, C. G., Kilpatrick, S. D., & Johnson, J. L. (2001). Vengefulness: Relationships with forgiveness, rumination, well-being, and the big five. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 601–610.
  • McCullough, M.E., Pargament, K.I., & Thoresen, C.E. (2000). The Psychology of forgiveness. In
  • M.E.McCullough, K.I. Pargament & C.E. Thoresen (Eds.), Forgiveness: Theory, Research and Practice (pp.1-14). New York: Guilford Pres. McCullough, M. E., Rachal, K. C., Sandage, S. J., Worthington, E. L., Brown, S. W., & Hight, T. (1998).
  • Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships: II. Theoretical elaboration and measurement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 1586-1603.
  • McCullough, M. E., Worthington, E. L., & Rachal, K. C. (1997). Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships.
  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 321–336. Poloma, M. M., & Gallup, G. H. (1991). Varieties of prayer. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
  • Rogers, C.R. (1961). On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Ross, S. R., Kendall, A. C., Matters, K. G., Wrobel, T. A., & Rye, M. S. (2004). A personological examination of selfand other-forgiveness in the five-factor model. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 207–214.
  • Sells, J. N., & Hargrave, T. D. (1998). Forgiveness: a review of the theoretical and empirical literature. Journal of Family Therapy, 20, 21-36.
  • Schultz,, D. P., & Schultz S. E. (2001). Modern Psikoloji Tarihi, (Çev: Yasemin Aslay), 1. Basım, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Smedes, L.B. (1996). The art of forgiving. Nashville, TN: Moorings.
  • Snyder, C.R. and M.E. McCullough. (2000). ‘A positive psychology field of dreams: If you build it they will come …’, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 19, 151–160.
  • Thompson, L. Y., Snyder, C. R., Hoffman, L., Michael, S. T., Rasmussen, H. N., Billings, L. S., et al. (2005).
  • Dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations. Journal of Personality, 73(2), 313-359. Tibbits, D. (2007). Affetmenin iyileştirici gücü.(Forgive to live) Çev.: Hande Canlı , İstanbul: Kalemus Yayınları.
  • Yamhure-Thompson, L. and C.R. Snyder: 2003, ‘Measuring forgiveness’, in S.J. Lopez and C.R. Snyder (eds), Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures. Washington: American
  • Psychological Association. Walker, D. F., & Gorsuch, R. L. (2002). Forgiveness within the big five personality model. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 1127–1138.
  • Witvliet, C. V. O. (2001). Forgiveness and health: Review and reflections on a matter of faith, feelings, and physiology. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 29(3), 212-224.
  • Worthington, E. L. (1998). The pyramid model of forgiveness: Some interdisciplinary speculations about unforgiveness and the promotion of forgiveness.In E.L. Worthington (Ed.), Dimensions of forgiveness: Psychological research and theological perspectives (pp. 107–137). Philadelphia, PA: Templeton Press. Worthington, E.L., & Wade, N.G. (1999). The psychology of unforgiveness and forgiveness and implications for clinical practice. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18 (4), 385-418.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Enver Sarı

Publication Date November 3, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Sarı, E. (2014). -. İlköğretim Online, 13(4), 1-9.
AMA Sarı E. -. İOO. November 2014;13(4):1-9. doi:10.17051/io.2014.06489
Chicago Sarı, Enver. “-”. İlköğretim Online 13, no. 4 (November 2014): 1-9.
EndNote Sarı E (November 1, 2014) -. İlköğretim Online 13 4 1–9.
IEEE E. Sarı, “-”, İOO, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1–9, 2014, doi: 10.17051/io.2014.06489.
ISNAD Sarı, Enver. “-”. İlköğretim Online 13/4 (November 2014), 1-9.
JAMA Sarı E. -. İOO. 2014;13:1–9.
MLA Sarı, Enver. “-”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 13, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1-9, doi:10.17051/io.2014.06489.
Vancouver Sarı E. -. İOO. 2014;13(4):1-9.