Research Article
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Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model

Year 2024, , 21 - 29, 26.12.2024


Nowadays, it has become increasingly important for businesses that want to have a sustainable competitive advantage to engage in entrepreneurial activities by using business resources because of changing environmental conditions and increasing competition intensity. This research develops a decision-making model by analyzing the factors influencing entrepreneurial success through a resource-based approach. The resource-based approach to entrepreneurship of Alvarez and Busenitz (2001) is based on financial, social, and human capital factors. According to this approach, financial capital includes initial investments and access to financial resources; social capital includes networks, trust, and shared vision; and human capital includes education and experience. The SWARA method, a multi-criteria decision-making method, was used. Financial, social, and human capital criteria, which are effective for entrepreneurial success, were prioritized because of the answers given by experts using the SWARA method. As a result of the research, it was found that the most important criteria affecting entrepreneurial success with a resource-based approach is experience, followed by shared vision, networks, access to finance, education, initial investment, and trust.

JEL Classification : M13 , M21


  • Adebıyı, S. O.; Amole, B. B., Arıkewuyo, K. A.; Oyenuga, O. G., Multi-crıterıa decision analysis of entrepreneurial orientation and business performance in Nigeria. Economics and Business, 33, 140-151, doi: 10.2478/eb-2019-0010. google scholar
  • Aldrich, H., & Martinez, M. (2001). Many are called, but few are chosen: An evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25(2), 41-56. google scholar
  • Alvani, M.; Nategh, T. & Farahi, M. (2007). The role of social capital in knowledge management development. Journal of Iranian Management Science, 2(5), 35-70. google scholar
  • Alvarez, S. and Busenitz, L. (2001). The entrepreneurship of resource based theory. Journal of Management, 755-775. google scholar
  • Amrita, K., Garg C. P., Singh S., Modeling the critical success factors of women entrepreneurship using fuzzy AHP framework. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Vol. Ten No. 1, 2018 pp. 81-116. DOI 10.1108/JEEE-03-2017-0017 google scholar
  • Baker, W., & Sinkula, J. (1999). Earnings orientation, market orientation, and innovation: Integrating and extending models of organizational performance. Journal of market-focused management, 4(4), 295-308. google scholar
  • Banerje, A., Duflo, E., Glennerste, R., and Kinnnan, C. (2015). The miracle of microfinance: Evidence from a randomized evaluation. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1), 22-53. google scholar
  • Başar, M. (2013). Girişimcilik ve girişimcilik süreçleri. Y. Ürper (Ed.), Girişimcilik. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Becker, G. S. (2009). Human capital: A theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to education. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Bird, B. (2019). Toward a theory of entrepreneurial competency, Katz, J.A. and Corbet, A.C. (Ed.) Seminal Ideas for the Next Twenty-Five Years of Advances (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 115-131. google scholar
  • Cao, Xiongfei, Xitong Guo, Douglas Vogel, and Xi Zhang. 2016. Exploring the ınfluence of social media on employee work performance. Edited by Pan Wang, Sohail Chaudhry, and Ling Li. Internet Research 26: 529-45. google scholar
  • Carter, N. M., W. B. Gartner, and P. D. (1996). Exploring start-up event sequences. Journal of business venturing, 11(3), 151-166. google scholar
  • Chang, Chia-Wen, Heng-Chiang Huang, Chi-Yun Chiang, Chiu-Ping Hsu, and Chia-Chen Chang. 2012. Social capital and knowledge sharing: effects on patient safety. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68: 1793-803. google scholar
  • Chi-hsiang, C. (2015). Effects of shared vision and integration on entrepreneurial performance: Empirical analyses of 246 new Chinese ventures. Chinese management studies. google scholar
  • Clausen, Thomas, Annette Meng, and Vilhem Borg. 2019. Does social capital in the workplace predict job performance, work engagement, and psychological well-being? a prospective analysis. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 61: 800-5. google scholar
  • Cooper, A., Gimeno-Gascon, F., & Woo, C. (1994). Initial human and financial capital as predictors of new venture performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 9(5). google scholar
  • Davidsson, P., & Honig, B. (2003). The role of social and human capital among nascent entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(3), pp. 301-331. google scholar
  • De Mel, S., McKenzie, D. and Woodruff, C. (2008). Returns to capital in microenterprises: Evidence from a field experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(4), 1329-1371. google scholar
  • Ettl, K., & Welter, F. (2010). Gender, context, and entrepreneurial learning. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 108-129. google scholar
  • Farayibi, A. (2015). Entrepreneurship as a driver of economic growth: evidence from enterprise development in Nigeria (No. 74591). University Library of Munich, Germany. google scholar
  • Field, John, Sosyal sermaye, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Çevirenler: Bahar Bilgen, Bayram Şen, Baskı ve Cilt: Sena Ofset, 2. Baskı, İstanbul Haziran, 2008. google scholar
  • Gartner, W. B., Starr, J. A., & Bhat, S. (2016). Predicting new venture survival: an analysis of “anatomy of start-up.” cases from ınc. magazine: selected papers of william b. gartner. ın entrepreneurship as organizing (pp. 173-190). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. google scholar
  • GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/2023 Global Report: Adapting to a “New Normal”. London: GEM. google scholar
  • Gomez Mejla, A., Pereira, F. and Smida, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial motivation, human and financial capital as determining factors of growth for new companies. (Cali: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. google scholar
  • Harding, R. (2002). Plugging the knowledge gap: an international comparison of the role of and policy in the venture capital market. Venture Capital, 4(1), 59-76. google scholar
  • Harris, M., & Gibson, S. (2008). An examination of the entrepreneurial attitudes of US versus Chinese students. American Journal of En-trepreneurship, 1(1), 1-20. google scholar
  • Hughes, K. (2003). Pushed or pulled? women’s entry into self-employment and small business ownership. Gender, Work and Organization, 10(4), 433-454. google scholar
  • Hurst, E., and Lusardi, A. (2004). Liquidity constraints, household wealth and entrepreneurship. Journal of Political Economy, 112(2), 319-347. google scholar
  • Kahraman, M., Tektas, A., & Coskun, A. (2019). Access to finance by sms in turkey and the eu: a comparative study. Istanbul Finance Congress. 10, s. 1-6. PressAcademia Procedia (PAP). google scholar
  • Keleş, H.N., Kıral-Özkan, T., Doğaner, M., & Altunoğlu, A. E. (2012). Ön lisans öğrencilerinin girişimcilik düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (9), 107-118. google scholar
  • Kersuliene, V., Zavadskas, E., & Turskis, Z. (2010). Selection of rational dispute resolution methods by applying the new stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA). Journal of Business Economics and Management, 11(2), 243-258. google scholar
  • Keskin, S. (2018). Girişimcilik ve inovasyon arasındaki ilişki. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(13), pp. 186-193. google scholar
  • Kim PH, Aldrich HE (2005). Social capital and entrepreneurship. Found. Trends Entrepr., 1(2): 1-52. google scholar
  • Kiraz, A., & Eski, H. (2019). Determination of criterion weights affecting entrepreneurship level using swarm method. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2, 90-97. ISSN: 2146-7242, 2019. google scholar
  • Kogut B (1988). Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Strat. Manage. J., 9: 319-332. google scholar
  • Kolstad, I., & Wiig, A. (2015). Education and entrepreneurial success. Small Business Economics, 44, 783-796. google scholar
  • Lamont, L. (1972). What entrepreneurs learn from their experiences. 10(3), 36-41. google scholar
  • Leana, C.R. and Van Buren, H. J. III. (1999). Organizational social capital and employment practices. Academy of Management Review, 24, 538-555. google scholar
  • Martin, R. L., and S. Osberg (2007). Social entrepreneurship: The case for definition. Stanford Social Innovation Review Spring, 28-39. google scholar
  • Mickiewicz, T., & Rebmann, A. (2020). Entrepreneurship as trust. foundations and trends in entrepreneurship, 16(3), 244-309. google scholar
  • Onyx, J., Wood, C., Bullen, P., & Osburn, L. (2005). Social capital: A rural youth perspective. Youth Studies Australia, 24(4), 21-27. google scholar
  • Politis, D., & Gabrielsson, J. (2005). Exploring the role of experience in the process of entrepreneurial learning. Lund Institute of Economic Research, Working Paper Series. google scholar
  • Ranjay, Gulati, and Maxim Sytch. 2008. Do familiarity breed trust? Reexamining the antecedents of trust. Managerial and Decision Economics 29: 165-90. google scholar
  • Raposo, M., and Paço, A. (2011). Special issue: entrepreneurship and education—links between education and entrepreneurial activity. Interna-tional Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7, 143-144. google scholar
  • Reuber, A. R., & Fischer, E. (1999). Understanding the consequences of founders’ experience. Journal of Small Business Management, 37(2), 30-45. google scholar
  • Rezaei, J.; Roland Ortt, R.; Scholten, V. An improved fuzzy preference programing to evaluate entrepreneurship orientation. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 2749-2758. google scholar
  • Shane, S., and Venkataraman, S. (2000). The potential of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review, 25(1), 217-226. google scholar
  • Slotte-Kock, S. and Coviello, N. (2010). Entrepreneurship research on network processes: A review and ways forward. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(1), 31-57. google scholar
  • Stanujkic, D., Karabasevic, D. and Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). A framework for selecting a packaging design based on the SWARA method. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 26(2), 181-187. google scholar
  • Sunday, R. J., & Miriam, K. (2015). Entrepreneurship, employment, and sustainable development in Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 4(1), 179-199. google scholar
  • Şeşen, H., & Basım, H. N. (2012). Demografik faktörler ve kişiliğin girişimcilik niyetine etkisi: Spor bilimleri alanında öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma. Ege Akademik Bakış, 12, 21-28. google scholar
  • Tekin, E. (2018). Girişimcilik ve inovasyon ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma. VI. Uluslararası Çin’den Adriyatik’e Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ankara, 230-238. google scholar
  • Tijunaitis, Karolis, Debora Jeske, and Kenneth S. Shultz. 2019. Virtuality at work and social media use among dispersed workers. employee relations: The International Journal 41: 358-73. google scholar
  • Tsai, W., & Ghoshal, S. (1998). “Social capital and value creation: The role of intra-firm networks”. Academy of Management Journal, 41, 464-476. google scholar
  • Unger, J. M., Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Rosenbusch, N. (2011). Human capital and entrepreneurial success: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(3), 341-358. google scholar
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  • Woolcock, M. (1998). Social capital and economic development: A theoretical synthesis and policy framework. Theory and society, 27(2), 151-208. google scholar
  • Yadav, M.P., V.P.R.P., V. and Pradhan, R.S. (2018). The impact of financial, social, and human capital on entrepreneurial success. International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research, 6(4), 1-28. google scholar
  • Zhao, H., Seibert, S. E., & Hills, G. E. (2005). The Mediating role of self-efficacy in the development of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), 1265-1272. https://doi.Org/10.1037/0021-9010.90.6.1265 google scholar
  • Zolfani, S., and Banihashemi, S. (2014). Personnel selection based on a novel model of game theory and MCDM approaches. In Proceedings of 8th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, (s. 191-198). Vilnius, Lithuania. google scholar
  • Zolfani, S. and Saparauskas, J. (2013). New application of the SWARA method to prioritize sustainability assessment indicators of energy system. Engineering Economics, 24(5), 408-414. google scholar
Year 2024, , 21 - 29, 26.12.2024



  • Adebıyı, S. O.; Amole, B. B., Arıkewuyo, K. A.; Oyenuga, O. G., Multi-crıterıa decision analysis of entrepreneurial orientation and business performance in Nigeria. Economics and Business, 33, 140-151, doi: 10.2478/eb-2019-0010. google scholar
  • Aldrich, H., & Martinez, M. (2001). Many are called, but few are chosen: An evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25(2), 41-56. google scholar
  • Alvani, M.; Nategh, T. & Farahi, M. (2007). The role of social capital in knowledge management development. Journal of Iranian Management Science, 2(5), 35-70. google scholar
  • Alvarez, S. and Busenitz, L. (2001). The entrepreneurship of resource based theory. Journal of Management, 755-775. google scholar
  • Amrita, K., Garg C. P., Singh S., Modeling the critical success factors of women entrepreneurship using fuzzy AHP framework. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Vol. Ten No. 1, 2018 pp. 81-116. DOI 10.1108/JEEE-03-2017-0017 google scholar
  • Baker, W., & Sinkula, J. (1999). Earnings orientation, market orientation, and innovation: Integrating and extending models of organizational performance. Journal of market-focused management, 4(4), 295-308. google scholar
  • Banerje, A., Duflo, E., Glennerste, R., and Kinnnan, C. (2015). The miracle of microfinance: Evidence from a randomized evaluation. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1), 22-53. google scholar
  • Başar, M. (2013). Girişimcilik ve girişimcilik süreçleri. Y. Ürper (Ed.), Girişimcilik. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Becker, G. S. (2009). Human capital: A theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to education. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Bird, B. (2019). Toward a theory of entrepreneurial competency, Katz, J.A. and Corbet, A.C. (Ed.) Seminal Ideas for the Next Twenty-Five Years of Advances (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 115-131. google scholar
  • Cao, Xiongfei, Xitong Guo, Douglas Vogel, and Xi Zhang. 2016. Exploring the ınfluence of social media on employee work performance. Edited by Pan Wang, Sohail Chaudhry, and Ling Li. Internet Research 26: 529-45. google scholar
  • Carter, N. M., W. B. Gartner, and P. D. (1996). Exploring start-up event sequences. Journal of business venturing, 11(3), 151-166. google scholar
  • Chang, Chia-Wen, Heng-Chiang Huang, Chi-Yun Chiang, Chiu-Ping Hsu, and Chia-Chen Chang. 2012. Social capital and knowledge sharing: effects on patient safety. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68: 1793-803. google scholar
  • Chi-hsiang, C. (2015). Effects of shared vision and integration on entrepreneurial performance: Empirical analyses of 246 new Chinese ventures. Chinese management studies. google scholar
  • Clausen, Thomas, Annette Meng, and Vilhem Borg. 2019. Does social capital in the workplace predict job performance, work engagement, and psychological well-being? a prospective analysis. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 61: 800-5. google scholar
  • Cooper, A., Gimeno-Gascon, F., & Woo, C. (1994). Initial human and financial capital as predictors of new venture performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 9(5). google scholar
  • Davidsson, P., & Honig, B. (2003). The role of social and human capital among nascent entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(3), pp. 301-331. google scholar
  • De Mel, S., McKenzie, D. and Woodruff, C. (2008). Returns to capital in microenterprises: Evidence from a field experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(4), 1329-1371. google scholar
  • Ettl, K., & Welter, F. (2010). Gender, context, and entrepreneurial learning. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 108-129. google scholar
  • Farayibi, A. (2015). Entrepreneurship as a driver of economic growth: evidence from enterprise development in Nigeria (No. 74591). University Library of Munich, Germany. google scholar
  • Field, John, Sosyal sermaye, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Çevirenler: Bahar Bilgen, Bayram Şen, Baskı ve Cilt: Sena Ofset, 2. Baskı, İstanbul Haziran, 2008. google scholar
  • Gartner, W. B., Starr, J. A., & Bhat, S. (2016). Predicting new venture survival: an analysis of “anatomy of start-up.” cases from ınc. magazine: selected papers of william b. gartner. ın entrepreneurship as organizing (pp. 173-190). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. google scholar
  • GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/2023 Global Report: Adapting to a “New Normal”. London: GEM. google scholar
  • Gomez Mejla, A., Pereira, F. and Smida, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial motivation, human and financial capital as determining factors of growth for new companies. (Cali: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. google scholar
  • Harding, R. (2002). Plugging the knowledge gap: an international comparison of the role of and policy in the venture capital market. Venture Capital, 4(1), 59-76. google scholar
  • Harris, M., & Gibson, S. (2008). An examination of the entrepreneurial attitudes of US versus Chinese students. American Journal of En-trepreneurship, 1(1), 1-20. google scholar
  • Hughes, K. (2003). Pushed or pulled? women’s entry into self-employment and small business ownership. Gender, Work and Organization, 10(4), 433-454. google scholar
  • Hurst, E., and Lusardi, A. (2004). Liquidity constraints, household wealth and entrepreneurship. Journal of Political Economy, 112(2), 319-347. google scholar
  • Kahraman, M., Tektas, A., & Coskun, A. (2019). Access to finance by sms in turkey and the eu: a comparative study. Istanbul Finance Congress. 10, s. 1-6. PressAcademia Procedia (PAP). google scholar
  • Keleş, H.N., Kıral-Özkan, T., Doğaner, M., & Altunoğlu, A. E. (2012). Ön lisans öğrencilerinin girişimcilik düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (9), 107-118. google scholar
  • Kersuliene, V., Zavadskas, E., & Turskis, Z. (2010). Selection of rational dispute resolution methods by applying the new stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA). Journal of Business Economics and Management, 11(2), 243-258. google scholar
  • Keskin, S. (2018). Girişimcilik ve inovasyon arasındaki ilişki. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(13), pp. 186-193. google scholar
  • Kim PH, Aldrich HE (2005). Social capital and entrepreneurship. Found. Trends Entrepr., 1(2): 1-52. google scholar
  • Kiraz, A., & Eski, H. (2019). Determination of criterion weights affecting entrepreneurship level using swarm method. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2, 90-97. ISSN: 2146-7242, 2019. google scholar
  • Kogut B (1988). Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Strat. Manage. J., 9: 319-332. google scholar
  • Kolstad, I., & Wiig, A. (2015). Education and entrepreneurial success. Small Business Economics, 44, 783-796. google scholar
  • Lamont, L. (1972). What entrepreneurs learn from their experiences. 10(3), 36-41. google scholar
  • Leana, C.R. and Van Buren, H. J. III. (1999). Organizational social capital and employment practices. Academy of Management Review, 24, 538-555. google scholar
  • Martin, R. L., and S. Osberg (2007). Social entrepreneurship: The case for definition. Stanford Social Innovation Review Spring, 28-39. google scholar
  • Mickiewicz, T., & Rebmann, A. (2020). Entrepreneurship as trust. foundations and trends in entrepreneurship, 16(3), 244-309. google scholar
  • Onyx, J., Wood, C., Bullen, P., & Osburn, L. (2005). Social capital: A rural youth perspective. Youth Studies Australia, 24(4), 21-27. google scholar
  • Politis, D., & Gabrielsson, J. (2005). Exploring the role of experience in the process of entrepreneurial learning. Lund Institute of Economic Research, Working Paper Series. google scholar
  • Ranjay, Gulati, and Maxim Sytch. 2008. Do familiarity breed trust? Reexamining the antecedents of trust. Managerial and Decision Economics 29: 165-90. google scholar
  • Raposo, M., and Paço, A. (2011). Special issue: entrepreneurship and education—links between education and entrepreneurial activity. Interna-tional Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7, 143-144. google scholar
  • Reuber, A. R., & Fischer, E. (1999). Understanding the consequences of founders’ experience. Journal of Small Business Management, 37(2), 30-45. google scholar
  • Rezaei, J.; Roland Ortt, R.; Scholten, V. An improved fuzzy preference programing to evaluate entrepreneurship orientation. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 2749-2758. google scholar
  • Shane, S., and Venkataraman, S. (2000). The potential of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review, 25(1), 217-226. google scholar
  • Slotte-Kock, S. and Coviello, N. (2010). Entrepreneurship research on network processes: A review and ways forward. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(1), 31-57. google scholar
  • Stanujkic, D., Karabasevic, D. and Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). A framework for selecting a packaging design based on the SWARA method. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 26(2), 181-187. google scholar
  • Sunday, R. J., & Miriam, K. (2015). Entrepreneurship, employment, and sustainable development in Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 4(1), 179-199. google scholar
  • Şeşen, H., & Basım, H. N. (2012). Demografik faktörler ve kişiliğin girişimcilik niyetine etkisi: Spor bilimleri alanında öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma. Ege Akademik Bakış, 12, 21-28. google scholar
  • Tekin, E. (2018). Girişimcilik ve inovasyon ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma. VI. Uluslararası Çin’den Adriyatik’e Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ankara, 230-238. google scholar
  • Tijunaitis, Karolis, Debora Jeske, and Kenneth S. Shultz. 2019. Virtuality at work and social media use among dispersed workers. employee relations: The International Journal 41: 358-73. google scholar
  • Tsai, W., & Ghoshal, S. (1998). “Social capital and value creation: The role of intra-firm networks”. Academy of Management Journal, 41, 464-476. google scholar
  • Unger, J. M., Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Rosenbusch, N. (2011). Human capital and entrepreneurial success: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(3), 341-358. google scholar
  • Wang, C. K., & Wong, P. K. (2004). Entrepreneurial interest of university students in Singapore. Technovation, 24(2), 163-172. google scholar
  • Woolcock, M. (1998). Social capital and economic development: A theoretical synthesis and policy framework. Theory and society, 27(2), 151-208. google scholar
  • Yadav, M.P., V.P.R.P., V. and Pradhan, R.S. (2018). The impact of financial, social, and human capital on entrepreneurial success. International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research, 6(4), 1-28. google scholar
  • Zhao, H., Seibert, S. E., & Hills, G. E. (2005). The Mediating role of self-efficacy in the development of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), 1265-1272. https://doi.Org/10.1037/0021-9010.90.6.1265 google scholar
  • Zolfani, S., and Banihashemi, S. (2014). Personnel selection based on a novel model of game theory and MCDM approaches. In Proceedings of 8th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, (s. 191-198). Vilnius, Lithuania. google scholar
  • Zolfani, S. and Saparauskas, J. (2013). New application of the SWARA method to prioritize sustainability assessment indicators of energy system. Engineering Economics, 24(5), 408-414. google scholar
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration, Business Systems in Context (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Nilay Utlu 0000-0002-0626-7406

Damla Ayduğ 0000-0001-8348-5098

Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date November 29, 2023
Acceptance Date December 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Utlu, N., & Ayduğ, D. (2024). Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model. Istanbul Management Journal(97), 21-29.
AMA Utlu N, Ayduğ D. Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model. Istanbul Management Journal. December 2024;(97):21-29. doi:10.26650/imj.2024.97.1397675
Chicago Utlu, Nilay, and Damla Ayduğ. “Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 97 (December 2024): 21-29.
EndNote Utlu N, Ayduğ D (December 1, 2024) Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model. Istanbul Management Journal 97 21–29.
IEEE N. Utlu and D. Ayduğ, “Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model”, Istanbul Management Journal, no. 97, pp. 21–29, December 2024, doi: 10.26650/imj.2024.97.1397675.
ISNAD Utlu, Nilay - Ayduğ, Damla. “Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model”. Istanbul Management Journal 97 (December 2024), 21-29.
JAMA Utlu N, Ayduğ D. Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model. Istanbul Management Journal. 2024;:21–29.
MLA Utlu, Nilay and Damla Ayduğ. “Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 97, 2024, pp. 21-29, doi:10.26650/imj.2024.97.1397675.
Vancouver Utlu N, Ayduğ D. Evaluating Entrepreneurship through a Resource-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model. Istanbul Management Journal. 2024(97):21-9.