Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 170 - 190, 30.06.2021


In this study, the discourse of the National Rally (RN - Rassemblement National) in France will be analyzed through Critical Discourse Analysis. The main question of empirical analysis is: How does RN use anti-immigration themes as discursive strategies? While trying to answer the main question of the study, three main strategies; referential/nomination strategies, predication strategies and argumentation strategies were shown. At the same time, not only at the discursive level, but also the practices that support the discourse are tried to be addressed. In the empirical analysis, newspapers, party’s official websites, published academic books and articles, party programs, public speeches and social media discourses were examined in detail. In this framework, we examined how RN constructs social reality with the exclusionary discursive practices. In this study, France has been selected to in order to carry out a comprehensive examination of profile of the rise of anti-immigrants in Europe since September 11, 2001. RN's achievements in national and local elections and Le Pen in presidential elections were effective in the election of France. Through discursive strategies, RN has labeled immigrants as the source of problems and the other of their own society.


  • Almeida, D. (2013). Towards a Post-Radical Front National? Patterns of Ideological Change and Dediabolisation on the French Radical Right. Nottingham French Studies, 52(2): 167-176.
  • Archick, K., Belkin P., Blanchard C. ve Mix D. (2011). Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism.
  • Congressional Research Service: CRS Report for Congress. [22.01.2020]
  • Bauman, Z. (2011). Collateral Damage: Social Inequalities in a Global Age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • BBC (2017). French election: Le Pen pledges to suspend immigration. 18 Nisan 2017 [05.01.2020]
  • BBC News (2007). Profile: Jean-Marie Le Pen. 25 Nisan. BBC. [22.01.2020]
  • BBC News (2012). Marine Le Pen Program Talk English 6 Ocak. [22.01.2020]
  • BBC News (2017). France elections: What makes Marine Le Pen far right? By Marysia Nowak & Becky Branford BBC News 10 Şubat 2017, [22.11.2019]
  • 9. Brubaker, R. (2018). Between nationalism and civilization: the European populist moment in comparative perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40/8: 1191-1226.
  • Davies, P. (1999). The National Front in France: Ideology, discourse and power. London: Routledge.
  • DeClair, EG. (1999) Politics on the fringe: the people, policies, and organization of the French National Front. Durham: Duke University Press Books.
  • Dejevsky, M. (2012). Marine Le Pen: Her Father's Daughter. 24 March. The Independent. [02.01.2020]
  • Della Posta DJ (2013) Immigration and the Front National: Competitive threat, intergroup contact, or both? Social Forces, 92(1): 249–273.
  • Eatwell, R. (2000). The Rebirth of the Extreme Right in Western Europe. Parliamentary Affairs, 53(3): 407-425.
  • Eatwell, R. ve Goodwin, J., M. (2010). The New Extremism in 21st Century Britain, Routledge.
  • Elinas A (2014). The Media and the Far Right in Western Europe: Playing the Nationalist Card. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • European Movement (2017), [22.02.2020]
  • Fieschi, C. (2004). Fascism, Populism and the French Fifth Republic: In the shadow of democracy. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
  • Flood, C. and Hugo F. (2002). Defending the Empire in Retrospect: The Discourse of the Extreme Right, in Tony Chafer and Amanda Sackur, eds., Promoting the Colonial Idea: Propaganda and Visions of Empire in France. London: Palgrave: 79-92.
  • Goodwin, M. (2012). Right Response: Understanding and Countering Populist Extremism in Europe, Londra: Clatham House Report.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2008) The Extreme Right in Western Europe. London: Routledge.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2010) Introduction: The Extreme Right’, in Paul Hainsworth, ed., The Politics of the Extreme Right, London/New York: Pinter, 2000.
  • Hainsworth, P., ve Mitchell, P. (2000). France: the front national from crossroads to crossroads? Parliamentary Affairs, 53(3), 443–456.
  • Independent (2013). French far-right politician Jean Marie Le Pen fined for racist Roma remarks, [22.01.2020)
  • Ivaldi, G. (2006) Beyond France’s 2005 referendum on the European constitutional treaty: Secondorder model, anti-establishment attitudes and the end of the alternative European utopia, West European Politics 29(1) 49-69.
  • Kling, A. (2012). RN…Tout ça pour ça! La très étonnante évolution du Front National. Strasbourg: Éditions Mithra.
  • Le Front National (2007) Élection Présidentielle 2007: Programme. 2014 [12.12.2019]
  • Le Front National (2012). Le Projet du Front National. [11.12.2019]
  • Le Monde (2015) ou l’ascension d’un apparatchik7 Aralık 2015 RN [22.11.2019]
  • Le Pen, M. (2017). Engagements Présidentiels de Marine Le Pen. marine-le-pen.pdf [03.05.2020]
  • Lebourg, N. (2016). Islamophobia in France. Occasion, 2016.
  • Marcus, Jonathan. (1995). The National Front and French Politics. New York, NY: New York University Press.
  • Marthaler, S. (2004). The European Parliament Election in France, 13 Haziran 2004, European Parties and Election Research Network (EPERN), 2004 European Parliament Election Briefing No. 6, 2004
  • Mayer, C. (2009). The March to the Far Right. 10 Ağustos Time Magazine.,9171,1913651,00.html [24 Ekim 2019]
  • Mayer, N (2013). From Jean-Marie to Marine Le Pen: Electoral change on the far right. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1): 160–178.
  • Politico (2017). Marine Le Pen makes globalization the enemy. 5 Şubat 2017 [11 Ocak 2020]
  • Reisigl, M. and Ruth W. (2001). Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Anti-Semitism. London: Routledge.
  • Reisigl, M. ve Wodak, R. (2002), Discourse and Discrimination. Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism, Londra ve New York, Routledge.
  • Reisigl, Martin and Ruth, W. (2001). Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Anti-Semitism. London: Routledge.
  • RN. (2017). UB Electoral Manifesto.
  • Russia Today (2011). Marine Le Pen to RT: We Fight for French Identity. 5 Mayıs [21.01.2020]
  • Rydgren, J. (2004). Explaining the Emergence of Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties: The Case of Denmark. West European Politics, 27(3), 474–502.
  • Rydgren, J. (2013). Introduction. Class politics and the radical right. in J. Rydgren (ed.), Class Politics and the Radical Right. (London: Routledge), 1-9.
  • Rydgren, Jens. (2003). The Populist Challenge: Political Protest and Ethno-Nationalist Mobilization in France. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.
  • Saeedy, A. (2015). Le Pen, Wilders form New Far-right Bloc in EU Parliament. Reuters, 16 Haziran,
  • Shields, J. (2007). The Extreme Right in France from Pétain to Le Pen. London: Routledge.
  • Shields, J. (2013). Marine Le Pen and the 'New' RN : A Change of Style of or Substance? Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1): 179-196.
  • Stockemer, D. (2013). The Economic Crisis (2009 to 2013) and Electoral Support for the Radical Right – Some new and unexpected findings, Paper prepared for presentation at the EUDO Dissemination Conference, European Union Institute, Florence, 1-21.
  • Stockemer, D. (2014). Who are the Members of the French National Front? Evidence from Interview Research. French Politics, 12(1): 36-58.
  • Taras, R. (2013). Islamophobia Never Stands Still: Race, Religion, and Culture. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), 417–433.
  • The Local (2017). Give us France back: Le Pen delights frenzied crowd in Paris with anti-immigration speech. 18 Nisan 2017. [10 Ocak 2020]
  • The New York Times, (2016). Euope’s rising far right: a guide to the most prominent parties’, The New York Times, 4.12.2016, interactive/2016/world/europe/europe-far-right-political-parties-listy.html?mcubz=2&_r=4 [10.4.2017]
  • von Rohr, M. (2014) Interview with Marine Le Pen: ‘I Don't Want this European Soviet Union’. Der Spiegel, 3 Haziran,
  • Wilson, R. ve Hainsworth, P. (2012). Far-Right Parties and Discourse in Europe: A Challenge for Our Times. Brussels: European Network Against Racism.
  • Wodak, R. (2001). The Discourse-historical 63-95 in Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, edited by Ruth Wodak and Michael Mayer. London: SAGE.
  • Wodak, R. (2007). Discourses in European Union Organizations: Aspects of Access, Participation, and Exclusion. Text & Talk 27: 655–80.
  • Wodak, R. (2013). ‘Anything Goes!’ - Haiderization of Europe. In R. Wodak, M. KhosraviNik, & B. Mral(Eds.), Right-wing Populism in Europe. Politics and Discourse. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Wodak, R. (2015). The Politics of Fear: What Right-Wing Populist Discourses Mean, Londra: Sage Publication.


Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 170 - 190, 30.06.2021


Bu çalışmada Fransa’da Ulusal Birleşme Partisi (RN - Rassemblement National)’nin söylemi, Eleştirel Söylem Analizi yoluyla analiz edilecektir. Ampirik analizin ana sorusu şudur: RN, göç(men) karşıtlığı temalarını söylemsel strateji olarak nasıl kullanmaktadır? Çalışmanın ana sorusuna yanıt verilmeye çalışırken yükleme, uslama ve ima yollu/adlandırma stratejileriyle sergilendiği söylemler gösterilmiştir. Aynı zamanda sadece söylemsel düzeyde kalınmamış, söylemi destekleyen pratikler de ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Ampirik analizde gazete içerikleri, partinin web siteleri, yayınlanmış akademik kitaplar ve makaleler, parti programları, kamuya açık konuşmalar ve sosyal medya söylemleri ayrıntılı olarak irdelenmiştir. Bu çerçevede, RN’nin kullandığı dışlayıcı söylemsel pratiklerle sosyal gerçekliği nasıl inşa ettiği incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, 11 Eylül 2001 tarihinden günümüze Avrupa’daki göçmen karşıtı yükselişinin mümkün olduğunca kapsamlı bir profilini incelemek üzere Fransa seçilmiştir. Fransa’nın seçilmesinde RN’nin ulusal ve yerel seçimlerde, Le Pen’in ise başkanlık seçimlerinde önemli seçim başarılarına imza atması etkili olmuştur.


  • Almeida, D. (2013). Towards a Post-Radical Front National? Patterns of Ideological Change and Dediabolisation on the French Radical Right. Nottingham French Studies, 52(2): 167-176.
  • Archick, K., Belkin P., Blanchard C. ve Mix D. (2011). Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism.
  • Congressional Research Service: CRS Report for Congress. [22.01.2020]
  • Bauman, Z. (2011). Collateral Damage: Social Inequalities in a Global Age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • BBC (2017). French election: Le Pen pledges to suspend immigration. 18 Nisan 2017 [05.01.2020]
  • BBC News (2007). Profile: Jean-Marie Le Pen. 25 Nisan. BBC. [22.01.2020]
  • BBC News (2012). Marine Le Pen Program Talk English 6 Ocak. [22.01.2020]
  • BBC News (2017). France elections: What makes Marine Le Pen far right? By Marysia Nowak & Becky Branford BBC News 10 Şubat 2017, [22.11.2019]
  • 9. Brubaker, R. (2018). Between nationalism and civilization: the European populist moment in comparative perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40/8: 1191-1226.
  • Davies, P. (1999). The National Front in France: Ideology, discourse and power. London: Routledge.
  • DeClair, EG. (1999) Politics on the fringe: the people, policies, and organization of the French National Front. Durham: Duke University Press Books.
  • Dejevsky, M. (2012). Marine Le Pen: Her Father's Daughter. 24 March. The Independent. [02.01.2020]
  • Della Posta DJ (2013) Immigration and the Front National: Competitive threat, intergroup contact, or both? Social Forces, 92(1): 249–273.
  • Eatwell, R. (2000). The Rebirth of the Extreme Right in Western Europe. Parliamentary Affairs, 53(3): 407-425.
  • Eatwell, R. ve Goodwin, J., M. (2010). The New Extremism in 21st Century Britain, Routledge.
  • Elinas A (2014). The Media and the Far Right in Western Europe: Playing the Nationalist Card. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • European Movement (2017), [22.02.2020]
  • Fieschi, C. (2004). Fascism, Populism and the French Fifth Republic: In the shadow of democracy. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
  • Flood, C. and Hugo F. (2002). Defending the Empire in Retrospect: The Discourse of the Extreme Right, in Tony Chafer and Amanda Sackur, eds., Promoting the Colonial Idea: Propaganda and Visions of Empire in France. London: Palgrave: 79-92.
  • Goodwin, M. (2012). Right Response: Understanding and Countering Populist Extremism in Europe, Londra: Clatham House Report.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2008) The Extreme Right in Western Europe. London: Routledge.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2010) Introduction: The Extreme Right’, in Paul Hainsworth, ed., The Politics of the Extreme Right, London/New York: Pinter, 2000.
  • Hainsworth, P., ve Mitchell, P. (2000). France: the front national from crossroads to crossroads? Parliamentary Affairs, 53(3), 443–456.
  • Independent (2013). French far-right politician Jean Marie Le Pen fined for racist Roma remarks, [22.01.2020)
  • Ivaldi, G. (2006) Beyond France’s 2005 referendum on the European constitutional treaty: Secondorder model, anti-establishment attitudes and the end of the alternative European utopia, West European Politics 29(1) 49-69.
  • Kling, A. (2012). RN…Tout ça pour ça! La très étonnante évolution du Front National. Strasbourg: Éditions Mithra.
  • Le Front National (2007) Élection Présidentielle 2007: Programme. 2014 [12.12.2019]
  • Le Front National (2012). Le Projet du Front National. [11.12.2019]
  • Le Monde (2015) ou l’ascension d’un apparatchik7 Aralık 2015 RN [22.11.2019]
  • Le Pen, M. (2017). Engagements Présidentiels de Marine Le Pen. marine-le-pen.pdf [03.05.2020]
  • Lebourg, N. (2016). Islamophobia in France. Occasion, 2016.
  • Marcus, Jonathan. (1995). The National Front and French Politics. New York, NY: New York University Press.
  • Marthaler, S. (2004). The European Parliament Election in France, 13 Haziran 2004, European Parties and Election Research Network (EPERN), 2004 European Parliament Election Briefing No. 6, 2004
  • Mayer, C. (2009). The March to the Far Right. 10 Ağustos Time Magazine.,9171,1913651,00.html [24 Ekim 2019]
  • Mayer, N (2013). From Jean-Marie to Marine Le Pen: Electoral change on the far right. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1): 160–178.
  • Politico (2017). Marine Le Pen makes globalization the enemy. 5 Şubat 2017 [11 Ocak 2020]
  • Reisigl, M. and Ruth W. (2001). Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Anti-Semitism. London: Routledge.
  • Reisigl, M. ve Wodak, R. (2002), Discourse and Discrimination. Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism, Londra ve New York, Routledge.
  • Reisigl, Martin and Ruth, W. (2001). Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Anti-Semitism. London: Routledge.
  • RN. (2017). UB Electoral Manifesto.
  • Russia Today (2011). Marine Le Pen to RT: We Fight for French Identity. 5 Mayıs [21.01.2020]
  • Rydgren, J. (2004). Explaining the Emergence of Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties: The Case of Denmark. West European Politics, 27(3), 474–502.
  • Rydgren, J. (2013). Introduction. Class politics and the radical right. in J. Rydgren (ed.), Class Politics and the Radical Right. (London: Routledge), 1-9.
  • Rydgren, Jens. (2003). The Populist Challenge: Political Protest and Ethno-Nationalist Mobilization in France. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.
  • Saeedy, A. (2015). Le Pen, Wilders form New Far-right Bloc in EU Parliament. Reuters, 16 Haziran,
  • Shields, J. (2007). The Extreme Right in France from Pétain to Le Pen. London: Routledge.
  • Shields, J. (2013). Marine Le Pen and the 'New' RN : A Change of Style of or Substance? Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1): 179-196.
  • Stockemer, D. (2013). The Economic Crisis (2009 to 2013) and Electoral Support for the Radical Right – Some new and unexpected findings, Paper prepared for presentation at the EUDO Dissemination Conference, European Union Institute, Florence, 1-21.
  • Stockemer, D. (2014). Who are the Members of the French National Front? Evidence from Interview Research. French Politics, 12(1): 36-58.
  • Taras, R. (2013). Islamophobia Never Stands Still: Race, Religion, and Culture. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), 417–433.
  • The Local (2017). Give us France back: Le Pen delights frenzied crowd in Paris with anti-immigration speech. 18 Nisan 2017. [10 Ocak 2020]
  • The New York Times, (2016). Euope’s rising far right: a guide to the most prominent parties’, The New York Times, 4.12.2016, interactive/2016/world/europe/europe-far-right-political-parties-listy.html?mcubz=2&_r=4 [10.4.2017]
  • von Rohr, M. (2014) Interview with Marine Le Pen: ‘I Don't Want this European Soviet Union’. Der Spiegel, 3 Haziran,
  • Wilson, R. ve Hainsworth, P. (2012). Far-Right Parties and Discourse in Europe: A Challenge for Our Times. Brussels: European Network Against Racism.
  • Wodak, R. (2001). The Discourse-historical 63-95 in Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, edited by Ruth Wodak and Michael Mayer. London: SAGE.
  • Wodak, R. (2007). Discourses in European Union Organizations: Aspects of Access, Participation, and Exclusion. Text & Talk 27: 655–80.
  • Wodak, R. (2013). ‘Anything Goes!’ - Haiderization of Europe. In R. Wodak, M. KhosraviNik, & B. Mral(Eds.), Right-wing Populism in Europe. Politics and Discourse. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Wodak, R. (2015). The Politics of Fear: What Right-Wing Populist Discourses Mean, Londra: Sage Publication.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Makaleler

Bekir Halhalli 0000-0001-7148-0505

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date October 13, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Halhalli, B. (2021). FRANSA ULUSAL BİRLEŞME PARTİSİ VE GÖÇMEN KARŞITLIĞI. İnönü Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 170-190.