Research Article
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Investigation of Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses’ Cigarette Usage, Nicotine Dependence Levels, and the Affecting Factors

Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 271 - 280, 21.06.2020


In this study, neonatal intensive care unit nurses’; causes of cigarette smoking, the level of usage and the factors affecting these factors have been investigated. This descriptive-relationship seeking study has been carried out with the participation of cigarette smoking nurses (n = 32) who worked in a neonatal intensive care unit of an education and research hospital. The data have been collected with Personal Information Form, Knowledge Form about Cigarette Smoking, Fagerström Nicotine Addiction Test. For statistical analysis, the SPSS for Windows 25 package program has been used. Descriptive statistics, independent t test, one-way variance and regression analysis and Bonferroni test have been used in data analysis. The data have been evaluated in 95% confidence interval, p<0.05 level of significance. Neonatal intensive care unit nurses have been determined to be; 68% between 18 to 27 of age range, all women, 75% graduated from licence or master degree. 56% of the nurses smoke due to stress, 59% of them smoke due to financial problems, 31% of them smoke more than 31 cigarettes a day. In our study, it has been determined that those who worked less than 1 year in the neonatal intensive care had more nicotine addiction than those who worked for more than 1 year. As the result of this research; it has been determined that the level of nicotine addiction of neonatal intensive care nurses is mostly at moderate and low level. Strategies for nurses to quit smoking should be developed and training should be provided.


  • Asma, S., Song, Y., Cohen, J., Eriksen, M., Pechacek, T., Cohen, N., & Iskander, J. CDC Grand Round: global tobacco control. MMWR Recomm Rep [Internet]. 2014 [Son erişim tarihi 9.08.2018]; 63(13):277-80. Available from:
  • Ayoub, A. C., & Sousa, M. G. Prevalence of smoking in nursing professionals of a cardiovascular hospital. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 2019;72(1):173-180.
  • Bialous, S.A., Fox, B.J., & Glantz, S.A. Tobacco industry allegations of “illegal lobbying” and state tobacco control. Am J Public Health 2001;91(1):62-7.
  • Bialous, S.A., Sarna, L., Wells, M.J., Brook, J.K., Kralikova, E., Pankova, A., et al. Impact of online education on nurses’ delivery of smoking cessation ınterventions with implications for evidence-based practice. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017;14(5):367-76.
  • Castro, M.R., Matsuo, T., & Nunes, S.O.V. Characteristics of smokers smoking cessation interventions: an analysis of sex differences. Addict Disord Their Treat 2010;9(4):135-42.
  • Choi, S. H., & Kim, Y. H. Factors affecting Korean registered nurses' intention to implement smoking cessation intervention. Osong public health and research perspectives, 2016;7(1), 63-70.
  • Corsi, D. J., Subramanian, S. V., Lear, S. A., Teo, K. K., Boyle, M. H., Raju, P. K., ... & Chow, C. K. Tobacco use, smoking quit rates, and socioeconomic patterning among men and women: a cross-sectional survey in rural Andhra Pradesh, India. European journal of preventive cardiology, 2014;21(10):1308-1318.
  • Croghan, I.T., Ebert, J.O., Hurt, R.D., Hays, J.T., Dale, L.C., Warner N, et al. Gender differences among smokers receiving interventions for tobacco dependence in a medical setting. Addict Behav 2009;34(1):61-7.
  • Echer, I. C., Corrêa, A. P. A., Lucena, A. D. F., Ferreira, S. A. L., & Knorst, M. M. Prevalence of smoking among employees of a university hospital. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 2011;19(1):179-186.
  • Freire, K., Padilha, P. C. & Saunders, C. Fatores associados ao uso de álcool e cigarro na gestação. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 2009;31(7):335-41.
  • Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Classificação de Ocupações para Pesquisas Domiciliares – COD: principais diferenças entre a COD e a CBO-domiciliar. estatistica/indicadores/sipd/oitavo_forum/COD. Pdf, 2010 (Son erişim tarihi:17.02.2020).
  • Kuhnen, M., Boing, A. F., de Oliveira, M. C., Longo, G. Z., & Njaine, K. Smoking and associated factors in Brazilian adults: a population-based study. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2009;12(4):615-626.
  • Machado, L. S., Rodrigues, E. P., Oliveira, M. L., Laudano, R. C., & Nascimento, C. S. Health problems reported by nursing workers in a public hospital of Bahia. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 2014; 67(5):684-691.
  • Scarinci, I. C., Bittencourt, L., Person, S. D., Cruz, R. C., & Moyses, S. T. Prevalence of tobacco use and associated factors among women in Paraná State, Brazil, 2012; 28(8):1450-58.
  • Stockton MC, McMahon SD, Jason LA. Gender and smoking behavior in a worksite smoking cessation program. Addict Behav 2000;25(3):347-60.
  • Taylor, G., McNeill, A., Girling, A., Farley, A., Lindson-Hawley, N., & Aveyard, P. Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis. Bmj, 2014; 348, g. 1151.
  • The Ministry Of Health, Basic Health Services General Directorate Of The Global Adult Tobacco Survey Report On Turkey. [T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü. Küresel Gençlik Tütün Araştırması (KGTA-2017)], 2017., (Son erişim tarihi: 06.11.2019).
  • Uysal MA, Kadakal F, Karşıdağ Ç, Bayram NG, Uysal Ö, Yılmaz V. Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence: Reliability in Turkish sample and factor analysis. Tuberk Toraks 2004; 52(2):115-21.
  • WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2011: warning about the dangers of tobacco. [Internet]. 2011. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011[Son erişim tarihi 09.12.2019]. Available from: 2
  • Yiğitalp, G. Factors Affecting smoking status of nursing students and their addiction levels. Turkish thoracic journal, 2015;16(3):121-7.


Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 271 - 280, 21.06.2020


Bu çalışmada; yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi hemşirelerinin sigara içme nedenleri, kullanım düzeyleri ve bunu etkileyen faktörler incelendi. Tanımlayıcı-ilişki arayıcı türde olan bu araştırma, bir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesi yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde görev yapan ve sigara kullanan hemşirelerin (n=32) katılımı ile gerçekleştirildi. Veriler Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Sigara Kullanımına İlişkin Bilgi Formu, Fagerström Nikotin Bağımlılık Testi ile toplandı. İstatistiksel analizler için SPSS for Windows 25 paket programı kullanıldı. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, bağımsız t testi, tek yönlü varyans ve regresyon analizi, Bonferroni testi kullanıldı. Sonuçlar %95’lik güven aralığında, p<0.05 anlamlılık düzeyinde değerlendirildi. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin; %68’inin 18-27 yaş arası, tamamı kadın, %75’inin lisans ve üstü mezunu olduğu belirlendi. Hemşirelerin %56’sı stres, %59’u maddi sorunlar nedeniyle sigara kullanmakta, %31’i günde 31 adetten fazla sigara içmektedir. Çalışmamızda yenidoğan yoğun bakımda 1 yıldan az süre çalışanların, 1 yıldan fazla süredir çalışanlara göre daha fazla nikotin bağımlılığı olduğu saptandı. Bu araştırmanın sonucunda; yenidoğan yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin nikotin bağımlılık düzeyinin çoğunlukla orta ve düşük düzeyde olduğu belirlendi. Hemşirelerinin sigarayı bırakmasına yönelik stratejiler geliştirilmeli, eğitimler verilmelidir.


  • Asma, S., Song, Y., Cohen, J., Eriksen, M., Pechacek, T., Cohen, N., & Iskander, J. CDC Grand Round: global tobacco control. MMWR Recomm Rep [Internet]. 2014 [Son erişim tarihi 9.08.2018]; 63(13):277-80. Available from:
  • Ayoub, A. C., & Sousa, M. G. Prevalence of smoking in nursing professionals of a cardiovascular hospital. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 2019;72(1):173-180.
  • Bialous, S.A., Fox, B.J., & Glantz, S.A. Tobacco industry allegations of “illegal lobbying” and state tobacco control. Am J Public Health 2001;91(1):62-7.
  • Bialous, S.A., Sarna, L., Wells, M.J., Brook, J.K., Kralikova, E., Pankova, A., et al. Impact of online education on nurses’ delivery of smoking cessation ınterventions with implications for evidence-based practice. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017;14(5):367-76.
  • Castro, M.R., Matsuo, T., & Nunes, S.O.V. Characteristics of smokers smoking cessation interventions: an analysis of sex differences. Addict Disord Their Treat 2010;9(4):135-42.
  • Choi, S. H., & Kim, Y. H. Factors affecting Korean registered nurses' intention to implement smoking cessation intervention. Osong public health and research perspectives, 2016;7(1), 63-70.
  • Corsi, D. J., Subramanian, S. V., Lear, S. A., Teo, K. K., Boyle, M. H., Raju, P. K., ... & Chow, C. K. Tobacco use, smoking quit rates, and socioeconomic patterning among men and women: a cross-sectional survey in rural Andhra Pradesh, India. European journal of preventive cardiology, 2014;21(10):1308-1318.
  • Croghan, I.T., Ebert, J.O., Hurt, R.D., Hays, J.T., Dale, L.C., Warner N, et al. Gender differences among smokers receiving interventions for tobacco dependence in a medical setting. Addict Behav 2009;34(1):61-7.
  • Echer, I. C., Corrêa, A. P. A., Lucena, A. D. F., Ferreira, S. A. L., & Knorst, M. M. Prevalence of smoking among employees of a university hospital. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 2011;19(1):179-186.
  • Freire, K., Padilha, P. C. & Saunders, C. Fatores associados ao uso de álcool e cigarro na gestação. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 2009;31(7):335-41.
  • Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Classificação de Ocupações para Pesquisas Domiciliares – COD: principais diferenças entre a COD e a CBO-domiciliar. estatistica/indicadores/sipd/oitavo_forum/COD. Pdf, 2010 (Son erişim tarihi:17.02.2020).
  • Kuhnen, M., Boing, A. F., de Oliveira, M. C., Longo, G. Z., & Njaine, K. Smoking and associated factors in Brazilian adults: a population-based study. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2009;12(4):615-626.
  • Machado, L. S., Rodrigues, E. P., Oliveira, M. L., Laudano, R. C., & Nascimento, C. S. Health problems reported by nursing workers in a public hospital of Bahia. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 2014; 67(5):684-691.
  • Scarinci, I. C., Bittencourt, L., Person, S. D., Cruz, R. C., & Moyses, S. T. Prevalence of tobacco use and associated factors among women in Paraná State, Brazil, 2012; 28(8):1450-58.
  • Stockton MC, McMahon SD, Jason LA. Gender and smoking behavior in a worksite smoking cessation program. Addict Behav 2000;25(3):347-60.
  • Taylor, G., McNeill, A., Girling, A., Farley, A., Lindson-Hawley, N., & Aveyard, P. Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis. Bmj, 2014; 348, g. 1151.
  • The Ministry Of Health, Basic Health Services General Directorate Of The Global Adult Tobacco Survey Report On Turkey. [T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü. Küresel Gençlik Tütün Araştırması (KGTA-2017)], 2017., (Son erişim tarihi: 06.11.2019).
  • Uysal MA, Kadakal F, Karşıdağ Ç, Bayram NG, Uysal Ö, Yılmaz V. Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence: Reliability in Turkish sample and factor analysis. Tuberk Toraks 2004; 52(2):115-21.
  • WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2011: warning about the dangers of tobacco. [Internet]. 2011. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011[Son erişim tarihi 09.12.2019]. Available from: 2
  • Yiğitalp, G. Factors Affecting smoking status of nursing students and their addiction levels. Turkish thoracic journal, 2015;16(3):121-7.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Semra Bülbüloğlu 0000-0002-7252-9478

Rüya Çolak This is me 0000-0002-8732-7932

Publication Date June 21, 2020
Submission Date April 2, 2020
Acceptance Date May 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 2



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