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Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 919 - 922, 30.11.2020


Günümüzde modern teknoloji kullanımlarının gelişmesiyle birlikte dijitalleşme her sektöre yansımıştır. Dijitalleşmenin sağlık sektöründeki yansımaları olan dijital sağlık, elektronik sağlık (e-sağlık) ve mobil sağlık (m-sağlık) hizmetleri sağlığın birçok alanına entegre olmuş durumdadır. Antenatal dönemde hem e-sağlık hem de m-sağlık hizmetlerinin kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu derlemede, antenatal dönemde m-sağlık hizmetlerinin kullanımı, çeşitleri, avantajları, kullanım sınırlılıkları ve etkinliğinin tartışılması amaçlanmaktadır. Makaleler, PubMed ve Google Scholar kullanılarak, Türkçe/İngilizce anahtar kelimelerle aranmıştır. Ulaşılan 128 İngilizce makale gözden geçirilmiş ve konu uygunluğu açısından değerlendirme yöntemiyle 27 makale bu derlemeye dahil edilmiştir. M-sağlık hizmetlerinin antenatal dönemde gebeliği yönetme ve anne-bebek sağlığını geliştirme gibi farklı amaçlarla kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Hizmetlerde çeşitlilik açısından farklılıklar görülmesiyle birlikte, m-sağlık hizmetlerinden; kısa mesaj hizmetleri, mobil aplikasyon ve telefonla arama yöntemlerinin sık kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Hızlı ulaşım ve etkili takip açısından birçok avantajı olan m-sağlık hizmetlerinin; sosyal/zihinsel sorunlar, finansal kısıtlamalar ve teknolojik yetenekler gibi kullanım sınırlılıklarının olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Literatürün 2015-2019 yılları arasında yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Makalelerin 9 tanesini randomize kontrollü çalışmalar oluşturmaktadır. Buna karşın, anne ve bebekte önemli etkilerinin olabileceği düşünülen m-sağlık hizmetleriyle ilgili daha yüksek kanıtlar sağlayacak randomize kontrollü çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Çalışmalar tasarlanırken, m-sağlık hizmetlerinin düzenlenmesinde sağlık profesyonellerinin yer almasının doğru bilgileri ulaştırmada ve kişinin mahremiyet açısından kendisini güvende hissetmesinde etkili olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Abroms, L. C., Johnson, P. R., Leavitt, L. E., Cleary, S. D., Bushar, J., Brandon, T. H., Chiang, S. C. (2017). A randomized trial of text messaging for smoking cessation in pregnant women. American journal of preventive medicine, 53(6), 781-790.
  • Ahmed, T., Lucas, H., Khan, A. S., Islam, R., Bhuiya, A., Iqbal, M. (2014). eHealth and mHealth initiatives in Bangladesh: a scoping study, BMC Health Services Research, 4(1), 260.
  • Ainscough, K., Kennelly, M., Lindsay, K. L., O'Sullivan, E. J., McAuliffe, F.M. (2016). Impact of an mHealth supported healthy lifestyle intervention on behavioural stage of change in overweight and obese pregnancy, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75(OCE3), e85.
  • Amoakoh-Coleman, M., Borgstein, A. B. J., Sondaal, S. F., Grobbee, D. E., Miltenburg, A. S., Verwijs, M., ... Klipstein-Grobusch, K. (2016). Effectiveness of mHealth interventions targeting health care workers to improve pregnancy outcomes in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(8), e226.
  • Ashman, A. M., Collins, C. E., Brown, L. J., Rae, K. M., Rollo, M. E. (2016). A brief tool to assess image-based dietary records and guide nutrition counselling among pregnant women: an evaluation, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 4(4), e123.
  • Barron, P., Pillay, Y., Fernandes, A., Sebidi, J., Allen, R. (2016). The MomConnect mHealth initiative in South Africa: early impact on the supply side of MCH services, Journal of Public Health Policy, 37(2), 201-212.
  • Chen, H., Chai, Y., Dong, L., Niu, W., Zhang, P. (2018). Effectiveness and appropriateness of mHealth interventions for maternal and child health: systematic review, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 6(1), e7.
  • Cheptum, J., Omoni, G., Mirie, W. (2019). Effectiveness of mobile phone text message reminder on birth preparedness in a rural community in Kenya, Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 36(1), 49-53.
  • Colaci, D., Chaudhri, S., Vasan, A. (2016). mHealth interventions in low-income countries to address maternal health: a systematic review, Annals of Global Health, 82(5), 922-935.
  • Cormick, G., Kim, N. A., Rodgers, A., Gibbons, L., Buekens, P. M., Belizán, J. M., Althabe, F. (2012). Interest of pregnant women in the use of SMS (short message service) text messages for the improvement of perinatal and postnatal care, Reproductive Health, 9(1), 9.
  • Dalton, J. A., Rodger, D., Wilmore, M., Humphreys, S., Skuse, A., Roberts, C. T., Clifton, V. L. (2018). The Health-e Babies App for antenatal education: Feasibility for socially disadvantaged women, PloS One, 13(5), e0194337.
  • Daly, L. M., Boyle, F. M, Gibbons, K., Le, H., Roberts, J., Flenady, V. (2019). Mobile applications providing guidance about decreased fetal movement: Review and content analysis, Women and Birth, 32(3), 289-296.
  • Dunsmuir, D. T., Payne, B. A., Cloete, G., Petersen, C. L., Görges, M., Lim, J. von Dadelszen, P., … Mark Ansermino J. (2014). Development of mHealth applications for pre-eclampsia triage, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health İnformatics, 18(6), 1857-1864.
  • Eysenbachi, G. (2001). What is e-health? Journal of Medical Internet Research, 3(2), e20.
  • Faherty, L. J., Hantsoo, L., Appleby, D., Sammel, M. D., Bennett, I. M., Wiebe, D. J. (2017). Movement patterns in women at risk for perinatal depression: use of a mood-monitoring mobile application in pregnancy, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(4), 746-753.
  • Frazer, C., Hussey, L., Bosch, E., Squire, M. (2015). Pregnancy apps: a closer look at the implications for childbirth educators, International Journal of Childbirth Education, 30(3), 12-17.
  • Glasgow, R. E. (2007). eHealth evaluation and dissemination research, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32(5), 119-126.
  • Goetz, M., Müller, M., Matthies, L. M., Hansen, J., Doster, A., Szabo, A., … Wallwiener S. (2017). Perceptions of patient engagement applications during pregnancy: a qualitative assessment of the patient’s perspective, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 5(5), e73.
  • Haddad, S. M., Souza, R. T., Cecatti, J. G. (2019). Mobile technology in health (mHealth) and antenatal care-Searching for apps and available solutions: a systematic review, International Journal Of Medical İnformatics, 127, 1-8.
  • Iyawa, G. E,. Hamunyela, S. (2018). mHealth apps and services for maternal healthcare in developing countries, in 2019 IST-Africa Week Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 1-10. doi:10.23919/ISTAFRICA.2019.8764878.
  • Joos, O., Silva, R., Amouzou, A., Moulton, L. H., Perin, J., Bryce, J., … Mullany, L. C. (2016). Evaluation of a mHealth data quality intervention to improve documentation of pregnancy outcomes by health surveillance assistants in Malawi: a cluster randomized trial, PloS One, 11(1), e0145238.
  • Krishnamurti, T., Davis, A. L., Wong-Parodi, G., Fischhoff, B., Sadovsky, Y., Simhan, H. N. (2017). Development and testing of the Myhealthypregnancy app: a behavioral decision research-based tool for assessing and communicating pregnancy risk, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 5(4), e42.
  • Lau, Y. K., Cassidy, T., Hacking, D., Brittain, K., Haricharan, H. J., Heap, M. (2014). Antenatal health promotion via short message service at a midwife obstetrics unit in South Africa: a mixed methods study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(1), 284. Ledford, C. J., Canzona, M. R., Cafferty, L. A., Hodge, J. A. (2015). Mobile application as a prenatal education and engagement tool: a randomized controlled pilot, Patient education and counseling, 99(4), 578-582.
  • Lim, J., Cloete, G., Dunsmuir, D. T., Payne, B. A., Scheffer, C., von Dadelszen P, …. Mark Ansermino, J. (2015). Usability and feasibility of PIERS on the Move: an mHealth app for pre-eclampsia triage, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 3(2), e37.
  • Lund, S., Hemed, M., Nielsen, B. B., Said, A., Said, K., Makungu, M. H. … Rasch, V. (2012) Mobile phones as a health communication tool to improve skilled attendance at delivery in Zanzibar: a cluster‐randomised controlled trial, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 119(10),1256-1264. Lund, S., Nielsen, B. B., Hemed, M., Boas, I. M., Said, A., Said, K., … Rasch, V. (2014a). Mobile phones improve antenatal care attendance in Zanzibar: a cluster randomized controlled trial, BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, 14(1), 29. Lund, S., Rasch, V., Hemed, M., Boas, I. M., Said, A., Said, K., … Makundu, M. H. (2014b). Mobile phone intervention reduces perinatal mortality in zanzibar: secondary outcomes of a cluster randomized controlled trial, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 2(1), 15.
  • Lupton, D., Pedersen, S. (2016). An Australian survey of women's use of pregnancy and parenting apps. Women and Birth, 29(4), 368-375.
  • Lupton, D. (2014). Critical perspectives on digital health technologies, Sociology Compass, 8(12), 1344-1359.
  • Martínez Fernández, A., Lobos-Medina, I., Díaz-Molina, C. A., Chen-Cruz, M. F., Prieto-Egido, I. (2015). TulaSalud: An m-health system for maternal and infant mortality reduction in Guatemala, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 21(5), 283-291.
  • Michie, S., Yardley, L., West, R., Patrick, K., Greaves, F. (2017). Developing and evaluating digital interventions to promote behavior change in health and health care: recommendations resulting from an international workshop, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(6), e232.
  • Minichiello, V., Rahman, S., Dune, T., Scott, J., Dowsett, G. (2013). E-health: potential benefits and challenges in providing and accessing sexual health services, BMC Public Health, 13(1), 790.
  • Mo, Y., Gong, W., Wang, J., Sheng, X., Xu, D. R. (2018). The association between the use of antenatal care smartphone apps in pregnant women and antenatal depression: cross-sectional study, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 6(11), e11508.
  • Nasution, L. A., Hariyati, R. T. S. (2018). Mobile health application in implementation of maternity nursing care: literature review, Journal of Nursing Care. 1(1), 34-41.
  • Ngabo, F., Nguimfack, J., Nwaigwe, F., Mugeni, C., Muhoza, D., Wilson, D., … Binagwaho A. (2012). Designing and Implementing an Innovative SMS-based alert system (rapidsms-MCH) to monitor pregnancy and reduce maternal and child deaths in Rwanda, The Pan African Medical Journal, 13(3), 31.
  • Odetola, T.D., Okanlawon, F. A. (2016). Effects of a nursing intervention using a mobile phone application on Uptake of antenatal care, tetanus toxoids and malaria prevention among pregnant women in Nigeria, J Int Soc Telemed eHealth, 4, (e13), 1-7.
  • Silva, B. M., Rodrigues, J. J., de la Torre Díez, I., López-Coronado, M., Saleem, K. (2015). Mobile-health: A review of current state in 2015, Journal of Biomedical İnformatics, 56, 265-272. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2015.06.003.
  • Talhouk, R., Mesmar, S., Thieme, A., Balaam, M., Olivier, P., Akik, C., … Ghattas, E.(2016). Syrian refugees and digital health in Lebanon: Opportunities for improving antenatal health, In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 342, doi:10.1145/2858036.2858331.
  • Toygar, Ş. A. (2018). E-Health Applications, Yasama Dergisi, 37, 101-119.
  • Van Dijk, M. R., Huijgen, N. A., Willemsen, S. P., Laven, J. S, Steegers, E. A, Steegers-Theunissen, R. P. (2016). Impact of an mHealth platform for pregnancy on nutrition and lifestyle of the reproductive population: a survey, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 4(2), 52-53.
  • Watterson, J. L., Walsh, J., Madeka, I. (2015). Using mHealth to improve usage of antenatal care, postnatal care, and immunization: a systematic review of the literature, Biomed Research İnternational, 1-9. doi:10.1155/2015/153402
  • Weller, M., Gardener, G., Henry, S., Ellwood, D., Daly, L., Warrilow, K, …. Gong, Q. (2018). My baby's movements: ıntegration of a mobile phone application into the antenatal education toolkit, Women and Birth, 31(1), 11.
  • Wiweko, B., Riyanti, A., Olivi, S., Priangga, M., Silvana, V., Pertiwi, I. P., … Pratama, G. (2019). Jakpros:reproductive health education application for pregnant women, Yogyakarta: 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), 225-229, doi:10.1109/ICACSIS.2018.8618206
  • World Health Organization. (2019). WHO Guideline: recommendationson digital interventions for health system strengthenin, World Health Organization, United Kingdom, 1-124.

Mobile Health Services in Antenatal Period

Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 919 - 922, 30.11.2020


Currently, digitalization has been reflected in every sector with the development of modern technology usage. Digital health, electronic health (e-health) and mobile health (m-health) services, which are the reflections of digitalization in the health sector, have been integrated into many areas of health. It is seen that both e-health and m-health services are used in the antenatal period. In this review, it is aimed to discuss the usage, types, advantages, limitations of use and effectiveness of m-health services. The articles have been searched with Turkish / English keywords by using PubMed and Google Scholar. Reached 128 English articles have been reviewed, and 27 articles have been included in this review with the evaluation method in terms of subject suitability. It is seen that, m-health services are used for different purposes such as managing pregnancy in antenatal period and improving maternal-infant health. Although there are differences in terms of diversity in services, it has been determined that among m-health services; short message services, mobile application and telephone call methods are frequently used. It is possible to say that the m-health services, which have many advantages in terms of fast communication and effective follow-up, also have usage limitations as social/mental problems, financial constraints and technological capabilities. The literature is seen to have concentrated between 2015 and 2019. 9 of the articles are constituted of randomized controlled studies. However, randomized controlled studies that will provide higher evidence about m-health services, which are thought to have important effects on mother and baby, are needed. It is thought that, while designing the studies, involvement of health professionals in the regulation of m-health services will be effective in delivering the right information and making the person feel safe in terms of privacy.


  • Abroms, L. C., Johnson, P. R., Leavitt, L. E., Cleary, S. D., Bushar, J., Brandon, T. H., Chiang, S. C. (2017). A randomized trial of text messaging for smoking cessation in pregnant women. American journal of preventive medicine, 53(6), 781-790.
  • Ahmed, T., Lucas, H., Khan, A. S., Islam, R., Bhuiya, A., Iqbal, M. (2014). eHealth and mHealth initiatives in Bangladesh: a scoping study, BMC Health Services Research, 4(1), 260.
  • Ainscough, K., Kennelly, M., Lindsay, K. L., O'Sullivan, E. J., McAuliffe, F.M. (2016). Impact of an mHealth supported healthy lifestyle intervention on behavioural stage of change in overweight and obese pregnancy, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75(OCE3), e85.
  • Amoakoh-Coleman, M., Borgstein, A. B. J., Sondaal, S. F., Grobbee, D. E., Miltenburg, A. S., Verwijs, M., ... Klipstein-Grobusch, K. (2016). Effectiveness of mHealth interventions targeting health care workers to improve pregnancy outcomes in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(8), e226.
  • Ashman, A. M., Collins, C. E., Brown, L. J., Rae, K. M., Rollo, M. E. (2016). A brief tool to assess image-based dietary records and guide nutrition counselling among pregnant women: an evaluation, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 4(4), e123.
  • Barron, P., Pillay, Y., Fernandes, A., Sebidi, J., Allen, R. (2016). The MomConnect mHealth initiative in South Africa: early impact on the supply side of MCH services, Journal of Public Health Policy, 37(2), 201-212.
  • Chen, H., Chai, Y., Dong, L., Niu, W., Zhang, P. (2018). Effectiveness and appropriateness of mHealth interventions for maternal and child health: systematic review, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 6(1), e7.
  • Cheptum, J., Omoni, G., Mirie, W. (2019). Effectiveness of mobile phone text message reminder on birth preparedness in a rural community in Kenya, Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 36(1), 49-53.
  • Colaci, D., Chaudhri, S., Vasan, A. (2016). mHealth interventions in low-income countries to address maternal health: a systematic review, Annals of Global Health, 82(5), 922-935.
  • Cormick, G., Kim, N. A., Rodgers, A., Gibbons, L., Buekens, P. M., Belizán, J. M., Althabe, F. (2012). Interest of pregnant women in the use of SMS (short message service) text messages for the improvement of perinatal and postnatal care, Reproductive Health, 9(1), 9.
  • Dalton, J. A., Rodger, D., Wilmore, M., Humphreys, S., Skuse, A., Roberts, C. T., Clifton, V. L. (2018). The Health-e Babies App for antenatal education: Feasibility for socially disadvantaged women, PloS One, 13(5), e0194337.
  • Daly, L. M., Boyle, F. M, Gibbons, K., Le, H., Roberts, J., Flenady, V. (2019). Mobile applications providing guidance about decreased fetal movement: Review and content analysis, Women and Birth, 32(3), 289-296.
  • Dunsmuir, D. T., Payne, B. A., Cloete, G., Petersen, C. L., Görges, M., Lim, J. von Dadelszen, P., … Mark Ansermino J. (2014). Development of mHealth applications for pre-eclampsia triage, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health İnformatics, 18(6), 1857-1864.
  • Eysenbachi, G. (2001). What is e-health? Journal of Medical Internet Research, 3(2), e20.
  • Faherty, L. J., Hantsoo, L., Appleby, D., Sammel, M. D., Bennett, I. M., Wiebe, D. J. (2017). Movement patterns in women at risk for perinatal depression: use of a mood-monitoring mobile application in pregnancy, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(4), 746-753.
  • Frazer, C., Hussey, L., Bosch, E., Squire, M. (2015). Pregnancy apps: a closer look at the implications for childbirth educators, International Journal of Childbirth Education, 30(3), 12-17.
  • Glasgow, R. E. (2007). eHealth evaluation and dissemination research, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32(5), 119-126.
  • Goetz, M., Müller, M., Matthies, L. M., Hansen, J., Doster, A., Szabo, A., … Wallwiener S. (2017). Perceptions of patient engagement applications during pregnancy: a qualitative assessment of the patient’s perspective, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 5(5), e73.
  • Haddad, S. M., Souza, R. T., Cecatti, J. G. (2019). Mobile technology in health (mHealth) and antenatal care-Searching for apps and available solutions: a systematic review, International Journal Of Medical İnformatics, 127, 1-8.
  • Iyawa, G. E,. Hamunyela, S. (2018). mHealth apps and services for maternal healthcare in developing countries, in 2019 IST-Africa Week Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 1-10. doi:10.23919/ISTAFRICA.2019.8764878.
  • Joos, O., Silva, R., Amouzou, A., Moulton, L. H., Perin, J., Bryce, J., … Mullany, L. C. (2016). Evaluation of a mHealth data quality intervention to improve documentation of pregnancy outcomes by health surveillance assistants in Malawi: a cluster randomized trial, PloS One, 11(1), e0145238.
  • Krishnamurti, T., Davis, A. L., Wong-Parodi, G., Fischhoff, B., Sadovsky, Y., Simhan, H. N. (2017). Development and testing of the Myhealthypregnancy app: a behavioral decision research-based tool for assessing and communicating pregnancy risk, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 5(4), e42.
  • Lau, Y. K., Cassidy, T., Hacking, D., Brittain, K., Haricharan, H. J., Heap, M. (2014). Antenatal health promotion via short message service at a midwife obstetrics unit in South Africa: a mixed methods study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(1), 284. Ledford, C. J., Canzona, M. R., Cafferty, L. A., Hodge, J. A. (2015). Mobile application as a prenatal education and engagement tool: a randomized controlled pilot, Patient education and counseling, 99(4), 578-582.
  • Lim, J., Cloete, G., Dunsmuir, D. T., Payne, B. A., Scheffer, C., von Dadelszen P, …. Mark Ansermino, J. (2015). Usability and feasibility of PIERS on the Move: an mHealth app for pre-eclampsia triage, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 3(2), e37.
  • Lund, S., Hemed, M., Nielsen, B. B., Said, A., Said, K., Makungu, M. H. … Rasch, V. (2012) Mobile phones as a health communication tool to improve skilled attendance at delivery in Zanzibar: a cluster‐randomised controlled trial, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 119(10),1256-1264. Lund, S., Nielsen, B. B., Hemed, M., Boas, I. M., Said, A., Said, K., … Rasch, V. (2014a). Mobile phones improve antenatal care attendance in Zanzibar: a cluster randomized controlled trial, BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, 14(1), 29. Lund, S., Rasch, V., Hemed, M., Boas, I. M., Said, A., Said, K., … Makundu, M. H. (2014b). Mobile phone intervention reduces perinatal mortality in zanzibar: secondary outcomes of a cluster randomized controlled trial, JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 2(1), 15.
  • Lupton, D., Pedersen, S. (2016). An Australian survey of women's use of pregnancy and parenting apps. Women and Birth, 29(4), 368-375.
  • Lupton, D. (2014). Critical perspectives on digital health technologies, Sociology Compass, 8(12), 1344-1359.
  • Martínez Fernández, A., Lobos-Medina, I., Díaz-Molina, C. A., Chen-Cruz, M. F., Prieto-Egido, I. (2015). TulaSalud: An m-health system for maternal and infant mortality reduction in Guatemala, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 21(5), 283-291.
  • Michie, S., Yardley, L., West, R., Patrick, K., Greaves, F. (2017). Developing and evaluating digital interventions to promote behavior change in health and health care: recommendations resulting from an international workshop, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(6), e232.
  • Minichiello, V., Rahman, S., Dune, T., Scott, J., Dowsett, G. (2013). E-health: potential benefits and challenges in providing and accessing sexual health services, BMC Public Health, 13(1), 790.
  • Mo, Y., Gong, W., Wang, J., Sheng, X., Xu, D. R. (2018). The association between the use of antenatal care smartphone apps in pregnant women and antenatal depression: cross-sectional study, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 6(11), e11508.
  • Nasution, L. A., Hariyati, R. T. S. (2018). Mobile health application in implementation of maternity nursing care: literature review, Journal of Nursing Care. 1(1), 34-41.
  • Ngabo, F., Nguimfack, J., Nwaigwe, F., Mugeni, C., Muhoza, D., Wilson, D., … Binagwaho A. (2012). Designing and Implementing an Innovative SMS-based alert system (rapidsms-MCH) to monitor pregnancy and reduce maternal and child deaths in Rwanda, The Pan African Medical Journal, 13(3), 31.
  • Odetola, T.D., Okanlawon, F. A. (2016). Effects of a nursing intervention using a mobile phone application on Uptake of antenatal care, tetanus toxoids and malaria prevention among pregnant women in Nigeria, J Int Soc Telemed eHealth, 4, (e13), 1-7.
  • Silva, B. M., Rodrigues, J. J., de la Torre Díez, I., López-Coronado, M., Saleem, K. (2015). Mobile-health: A review of current state in 2015, Journal of Biomedical İnformatics, 56, 265-272. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2015.06.003.
  • Talhouk, R., Mesmar, S., Thieme, A., Balaam, M., Olivier, P., Akik, C., … Ghattas, E.(2016). Syrian refugees and digital health in Lebanon: Opportunities for improving antenatal health, In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 342, doi:10.1145/2858036.2858331.
  • Toygar, Ş. A. (2018). E-Health Applications, Yasama Dergisi, 37, 101-119.
  • Van Dijk, M. R., Huijgen, N. A., Willemsen, S. P., Laven, J. S, Steegers, E. A, Steegers-Theunissen, R. P. (2016). Impact of an mHealth platform for pregnancy on nutrition and lifestyle of the reproductive population: a survey, JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth, 4(2), 52-53.
  • Watterson, J. L., Walsh, J., Madeka, I. (2015). Using mHealth to improve usage of antenatal care, postnatal care, and immunization: a systematic review of the literature, Biomed Research İnternational, 1-9. doi:10.1155/2015/153402
  • Weller, M., Gardener, G., Henry, S., Ellwood, D., Daly, L., Warrilow, K, …. Gong, Q. (2018). My baby's movements: ıntegration of a mobile phone application into the antenatal education toolkit, Women and Birth, 31(1), 11.
  • Wiweko, B., Riyanti, A., Olivi, S., Priangga, M., Silvana, V., Pertiwi, I. P., … Pratama, G. (2019). Jakpros:reproductive health education application for pregnant women, Yogyakarta: 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), 225-229, doi:10.1109/ICACSIS.2018.8618206
  • World Health Organization. (2019). WHO Guideline: recommendationson digital interventions for health system strengthenin, World Health Organization, United Kingdom, 1-124.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Derleme

Güzin Ünlü 0000-0001-9533-3569

İlkay Güngör 0000-0002-9446-6148

Publication Date November 30, 2020
Submission Date June 10, 2020
Acceptance Date November 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Ünlü, G., & Güngör, İ. (2020). ANTENATAL DÖNEMDE MOBİL SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 8(3), 919-922.

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