Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 157 - 168, 24.02.2025


Bu araştırma gebelik niyeti ile çocukluk çağı sıkıntıları, gebelik mutluluğu ve emzirme davranışı arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Tanımlayıcı tipteki araştırma Kasım 2022-Ekim 2023 tarihleri arasında Türkiye’nin doğusundaki bir hastanede, iki aşamada yürütüldü. İlk aşamada araştırmaya alınma kriterlerini sağlayan 316 gebeye ulaşıldı. Doğum sonu 6. ayda ulaşılamayan anneler ve emzirmeyi etkileyebilecek sağlık sorunu olanlar çalışmadan dışlanarak 216 katılımcı ile çalışma tamamlandı. Araştırmanın verileri Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu, Gebelik Niyetini Belirleme Formu, Gebelik Mutluluğu Belirleme Formu, Çocukluk Çağı Olumsuz Yaşantılar Ölçeği Türkçe Formu (ÇÇOYÖ), Doğum Sonu Emzirme Davranışını Belirleme Formu kullanılarak toplandı. Gebelik niyeti ile gebelik mutluluğu arasında pozitif yönde (r=.597; p<0.000), ÇÇOYÖ kategorik puanları (r=-.372; p<0.000), aile tipi (r=-.071; p<0.000), parite (r=-.373; p<0.000), arasında negatif yönde, anlamlı ilişki olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak gebeliğini istemeyen/planlanmamış katılımcıların gebelik mutluluğunun daha az olduğu, çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantılara daha fazla maruz kaldığı saptanırken, bu parametrelerin standart doğum öncesi bakımın bir parçası olarak ele alınması önerilebilir.


  • Aiken, A. R., Dillaway, C. & Mevs-Korff, N. (2015). A blessing I can't afford: factors underlying the paradox of happiness about unintended pregnancy. Social Science & Medicine, 132, 149-155.
  • Bearak, J. M., Popinchalk, A., Beavin, C., Ganatra, B., Moller, A. B., Tunçalp, Ö. & Alkema, L. (2022). Country-specific estimates of unintended pregnancy and abortion incidence: a global comparative analysis of levels in 2015–2019. BMJ Global Health, 7(3), e007151.
  • Bearak, J., Popinchalk, A., Ganatra, B., Moller, A. B., Tunçalp, Ö., Beavin, C., ... Alkema, L. (2020). Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990–2019. The Lancet Global Health, 8(9), e1152-e1161.
  • Buran, G. ve Çankaya, S. (2023). Çocuk sahibi olmayı planlayan kadınların doğurganlık niyetleri, doğum ve COVID-19 korkuları arasındaki ilişki. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 372-379.
  • Downey, C. & Crummy, A. (2022). The impact of childhood trauma on children's wellbeing and adult behavior. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 6(1), 100237.
  • Dündar, T. (2021). Emzirmeyi etkileyen faktörler. Özsoy S, (Editör). Emzirme ve Anne Sütü ile Beslemede Danışmanlık/Güncel Yaklaşımlar (s.59-65). Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri.
  • Erato, G., Shreffler, K. M., Ciciolla, L., Quigley, A. & Addante, S. (2024). Maternal childhood adversity and pregnancy intentions as predictors of pregnancy happiness. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42(2), 180-193.
  • Estrada, F., Suárez‐López, L., Hubert, C., Allen‐Leigh, B., Campero, L. Ve Cruz‐Jimenez, L. (2018). Factors associated with pregnancy desire among adolescent women in five Latin American countries: a multilevel analysis. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 125(10), 1330-1336.
  • Gençer, E. ve Ejder Apay, S. (2020). Gebeliğin istenme durumu öznel mutluluğu etkiler mi?. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 11(2), 88-97.
  • Gündüz, A., Yaşar, A. B., Gündoğmuş, İ., Savran, C. ve Konuk, E. (2018). Çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantılar ölçeği türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 19(1), 68-75.
  • Hall, K. S., Beauregard, J. L., Rentmeester, S. T., Livingston, M. & Harris, K. M. (2019). Adverse life experiences and risk of unintended pregnancy in adolescence and early adulthood: Implications for toxic stress and reproductive health. SSM-Population Health, 7, 100344.
  • Jespersen J. E., Quigley, A. N. ve Shreffler, K. M. (2023). Pregnancy intendedness and happiness as predictors of maternal-foetal bonding: evidence for mediation. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1-11.
  • Klann, E. M. ve Wong, Y. J. (2020). A pregnancy decision-making model: psychological, relational, and cultural factors affecting unintended pregnancy. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(2), 170-186.
  • Kurt, N. ve Özkan, H. (2022). Annelerin annelik rolü ve mutluluk düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi: Tanımlayıcı çalışma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci, 7(3), 769–79.
  • Lotto, C. R., Altafim, E. R. P. Linhares, M. B. M. (2023). Maternal history of childhood adversities and later negative parenting: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(2), 662-683.
  • Manze, M. G., Romero, D. R., De, P., Hartnett, J. & Roberts, L. (2021). The association of pregnancy control, emotions, and beliefs with pregnancy desires: a new perspective on pregnancy intentions. PloS one, 16(3), e0249032.
  • Racine, N., Devereaux, C., Cooke, J.E., Eirich, R., Zhu, J. & Madigan, S. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and maternal anxiety and depression: a meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 11;21(1), 28.
  • Roubinov, D.S., Luecken, L.J., Curci, S.G., Somers, J. A. & Winstone, L.K. (2021). A prenatal programming perspective on the intergenerational transmission of maternal adverse childhood experiences to offspring health problems. The American Psychologist, 76(2), 337–349.
  • Sen, K. K., Mallick, T. S. & Bari, W. (2020). Gender inequality in early initiation of breastfeeding in Bangladesh: a trend analysis. International Breastfeeding Journal, 15, 1-11.
  • Shreffler, K. M., Spierling, T. N., Jespersen, J. E. & Tiemeyer, S. (2021). Pregnancy intendedness, maternal–fetal bonding, and postnatal maternal–infant bonding. Infant Mental Health Journal, 42(3), 362-373.
  • Taşkın, L. (2020). Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. (16. Baskı) Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
  • Testa, A., Jackson, D. B., Ganson, K. T. ve Nagata, J. M. (2021). Maternal adverse childhood experiences and pregnancy intentions. Annals of Epidemiology, 64, 47-52.
  • Theme-Filha, M. M., Baldisserotto, M. L., Fraga, A. C. S. A., Ayers, S., da Gama, S. G. N. ve Leal, M. D. C. (2016). Factors associated with unintended pregnancy in Brazil: cross-sectional results from the Birth in Brazil National Survey, 2011/2012. Reproductive Health, 13, 235-243.
  • Türkiye Nüfus Sağlık Araştırması (TNSA). 2018 Ana Raporu. 15 Nisan 2024 tarihinde chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ content/uploads/2020/08/TNSA2018_ana_Rapor.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Tyrlik, M., Konecny, S. ve Kukla, L. (2013). Predictors of pregnancy-related emotions. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 5(2), 112.
  • Young-Wolff, K. C., Wei, J., Varnado, N., Rios, N., Staunton, M. ve Watson, C. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and pregnancy intentions among pregnant women seeking prenatal care. Women's Health Issues, 31(2), 100-106.

The Relationship Between Pregnancy Intention and Childhood Adversity, Pregnancy Happiness and Breastfeeding Behavior

Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 157 - 168, 24.02.2025


This study was conducted to determine the relationship between pregnancy intention and childhood adversity, pregnancy happiness and breastfeeding behaviour. The descriptive study was conducted in two phases in a hospital in eastern Turkey between November 2022 and October 2023. In the first phase, 316 pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria were reached. Mothers who could not be reached in the 6th postnatal month and those with health problems that might affect breastfeeding were excluded from the study and the study was completed with 216 participants. The data of the study were collected using the Introductory Information Form, Pregnancy Intention Determination Form, Pregnancy Happiness Determination Form, the Adverse Childhood Experience Turkish Form (ACE-TR) and Postpartum Breastfeeding Behaviour Determination Form. It was determined that there was a positive correlation between pregnancy intention and pregnancy happiness (r=.597; p<0.000), and a negative and significant correlation between the categorical scores of the Childhood Negative Experiences Scale (r=-.372; p<0.000), family type (r=-.071; p<0.000), and parity (r=-.373; p<0.000). According to the results of the study, it was determined that the participants who did not want/unplanned pregnancy had less pregnancy happiness and were more exposed to negative childhood experiences, while there was no relationship between pregnancy intention and the time of first breastfeeding. As a result, it was found that participants who did not want/unplanned their pregnancy had less pregnancy happiness and were more exposed to negative childhood experiences, and it may be recommended that these parameters should be considered as part of standard prenatal care.


  • Aiken, A. R., Dillaway, C. & Mevs-Korff, N. (2015). A blessing I can't afford: factors underlying the paradox of happiness about unintended pregnancy. Social Science & Medicine, 132, 149-155.
  • Bearak, J. M., Popinchalk, A., Beavin, C., Ganatra, B., Moller, A. B., Tunçalp, Ö. & Alkema, L. (2022). Country-specific estimates of unintended pregnancy and abortion incidence: a global comparative analysis of levels in 2015–2019. BMJ Global Health, 7(3), e007151.
  • Bearak, J., Popinchalk, A., Ganatra, B., Moller, A. B., Tunçalp, Ö., Beavin, C., ... Alkema, L. (2020). Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990–2019. The Lancet Global Health, 8(9), e1152-e1161.
  • Buran, G. ve Çankaya, S. (2023). Çocuk sahibi olmayı planlayan kadınların doğurganlık niyetleri, doğum ve COVID-19 korkuları arasındaki ilişki. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 372-379.
  • Downey, C. & Crummy, A. (2022). The impact of childhood trauma on children's wellbeing and adult behavior. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 6(1), 100237.
  • Dündar, T. (2021). Emzirmeyi etkileyen faktörler. Özsoy S, (Editör). Emzirme ve Anne Sütü ile Beslemede Danışmanlık/Güncel Yaklaşımlar (s.59-65). Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri.
  • Erato, G., Shreffler, K. M., Ciciolla, L., Quigley, A. & Addante, S. (2024). Maternal childhood adversity and pregnancy intentions as predictors of pregnancy happiness. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42(2), 180-193.
  • Estrada, F., Suárez‐López, L., Hubert, C., Allen‐Leigh, B., Campero, L. Ve Cruz‐Jimenez, L. (2018). Factors associated with pregnancy desire among adolescent women in five Latin American countries: a multilevel analysis. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 125(10), 1330-1336.
  • Gençer, E. ve Ejder Apay, S. (2020). Gebeliğin istenme durumu öznel mutluluğu etkiler mi?. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 11(2), 88-97.
  • Gündüz, A., Yaşar, A. B., Gündoğmuş, İ., Savran, C. ve Konuk, E. (2018). Çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantılar ölçeği türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 19(1), 68-75.
  • Hall, K. S., Beauregard, J. L., Rentmeester, S. T., Livingston, M. & Harris, K. M. (2019). Adverse life experiences and risk of unintended pregnancy in adolescence and early adulthood: Implications for toxic stress and reproductive health. SSM-Population Health, 7, 100344.
  • Jespersen J. E., Quigley, A. N. ve Shreffler, K. M. (2023). Pregnancy intendedness and happiness as predictors of maternal-foetal bonding: evidence for mediation. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1-11.
  • Klann, E. M. ve Wong, Y. J. (2020). A pregnancy decision-making model: psychological, relational, and cultural factors affecting unintended pregnancy. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(2), 170-186.
  • Kurt, N. ve Özkan, H. (2022). Annelerin annelik rolü ve mutluluk düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi: Tanımlayıcı çalışma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci, 7(3), 769–79.
  • Lotto, C. R., Altafim, E. R. P. Linhares, M. B. M. (2023). Maternal history of childhood adversities and later negative parenting: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(2), 662-683.
  • Manze, M. G., Romero, D. R., De, P., Hartnett, J. & Roberts, L. (2021). The association of pregnancy control, emotions, and beliefs with pregnancy desires: a new perspective on pregnancy intentions. PloS one, 16(3), e0249032.
  • Racine, N., Devereaux, C., Cooke, J.E., Eirich, R., Zhu, J. & Madigan, S. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and maternal anxiety and depression: a meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 11;21(1), 28.
  • Roubinov, D.S., Luecken, L.J., Curci, S.G., Somers, J. A. & Winstone, L.K. (2021). A prenatal programming perspective on the intergenerational transmission of maternal adverse childhood experiences to offspring health problems. The American Psychologist, 76(2), 337–349.
  • Sen, K. K., Mallick, T. S. & Bari, W. (2020). Gender inequality in early initiation of breastfeeding in Bangladesh: a trend analysis. International Breastfeeding Journal, 15, 1-11.
  • Shreffler, K. M., Spierling, T. N., Jespersen, J. E. & Tiemeyer, S. (2021). Pregnancy intendedness, maternal–fetal bonding, and postnatal maternal–infant bonding. Infant Mental Health Journal, 42(3), 362-373.
  • Taşkın, L. (2020). Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. (16. Baskı) Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
  • Testa, A., Jackson, D. B., Ganson, K. T. ve Nagata, J. M. (2021). Maternal adverse childhood experiences and pregnancy intentions. Annals of Epidemiology, 64, 47-52.
  • Theme-Filha, M. M., Baldisserotto, M. L., Fraga, A. C. S. A., Ayers, S., da Gama, S. G. N. ve Leal, M. D. C. (2016). Factors associated with unintended pregnancy in Brazil: cross-sectional results from the Birth in Brazil National Survey, 2011/2012. Reproductive Health, 13, 235-243.
  • Türkiye Nüfus Sağlık Araştırması (TNSA). 2018 Ana Raporu. 15 Nisan 2024 tarihinde chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ content/uploads/2020/08/TNSA2018_ana_Rapor.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Tyrlik, M., Konecny, S. ve Kukla, L. (2013). Predictors of pregnancy-related emotions. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 5(2), 112.
  • Young-Wolff, K. C., Wei, J., Varnado, N., Rios, N., Staunton, M. ve Watson, C. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and pregnancy intentions among pregnant women seeking prenatal care. Women's Health Issues, 31(2), 100-106.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Promotion
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Nuray Kurt 0000-0001-7820-0940

Ayşegül Demirelli 0000-0002-4576-4050

Esra Sabancı Baransel 0000-0001-6348-2084

Sümeyye Barut 0000-0002-1222-9692

Early Pub Date February 14, 2025
Publication Date February 24, 2025
Submission Date August 13, 2024
Acceptance Date November 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Kurt, N., Demirelli, A., Sabancı Baransel, E., Barut, S. (2025). GEBELİK NİYETİ İLE ÇOCUKLUK ÇAĞI SIKINTILARI, GEBELİK MUTLULUĞU VE EMZİRME DAVRANIŞI ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 13(1), 157-168.

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