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Mandala’nın Sınav Kaygısı Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 221 - 229, 30.04.2018


Bu araştırmada üniversite öğrencilerinin sınav
kaygısını azaltmada mandala boyamanın etkisi araştırılmak istenmiştir. Kaygı
düzeyi yüksek öğrencileri belirlemek amacıyla Spielberger Sınav Kaygısı
Envanteri kullanılmıştır. Spielberger Sınav Kaygısı Envanteri sonuçları dikkate
alınarak kaygı düzeyi en yüksek 20 öğrenci deney ve kontrol grubuna
seçilmişlerdir. Beş hafta boyunca, haftada bir saat deney grubu mandala
boyarken kontrol grubu sadece rahatlatıcı müzik dinlemiştir. Beş haftanın
sonunda kaygı düzeylerindeki değişimi ölçmek için Spielberger Sınav Kaygısı
Envanteri tekrar uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonunda hem müzik dinlemenin hem
de mandala boyamanın kaygı düzeyini azaltmada etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Ancak
beklenilenin aksine kaygıyı azaltmada müzik dinlemenin mandala boyamaya göre
etkisinin daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. 


  • Aletraris, L., Paino, M., Edmond, M. B., Roman, P. M., & Bride, B. E. (2014).The use of art and music therapy in substance abuse treatment programs. Journal of Addictions Nursing,25(4),190.Retrieved from
  • Ali, K., Gammidge, T., & Waller, D. (2014). Fight like a ferret: a novel approach of using art therapy to reduce anxiety in stroke patients undergoing hospital rehabilitation. Medical Humanities, 40(1), 56-60.
  • Alyami, A. M. (2015). The role of art therapy in counterterrorism: The Saudi experience. The Arts in Psychotherapy,44, 1-10.
  • Aslan, S.A. (2005). Ergenlerde ana-baba tutumu, sınav kaygısı, ders çalışma becerilerinin lise giriş sınavını yordama düzeyleri. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Mersin University, Mersin. Bailey, L. M. (1984). The use of songs in music therapy with cancer patients and their families. Music Therapy, 4(1), 5-17.
  • Bailey, L.M. (1983). The effects of live music versus tape-recorded music on hospitalized cancer patients. Music Therapy,3(1), 17-28.
  • Bell, C. E., & Robbins, S. J. (2007). Effect of art production on negative mood: A randomized, controlled trial. Art Therapy, 24(2), 71-75.
  • Bonny, H. L., & Kellogg, J. (1977). Mandalas as a Measure of Change In Psychotherapy: Mandalas Used In Conjunction With Music Therapy. American Journal of Art Therapy, 16(4), 126–128.
  • Boothby, D. M., & Robbins, S. J. (2011). The effects of music listening and art production on negative mood: a randomized, controlled trial. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 38(3), 204-208.
  • Burger, J.M. (2006). Kişilik.(Çev. İ.D. ErguvanSarıoğlu). İstanbul: KaknüsYayınları.
  • Carsley, D., Heath, N.L. & Fajnerova, S. (2015). Effectiveness of a classroom mindfulness coloring activity for test anxiety in children. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 31(3), 239-255.doi: 10.1080/15377903.2015.1056925.
  • Curry, N.A. &Kasser, T. (2005). Can coloring mandalas reduce anxiety? Art Therapy, 22(2). 81-85. doi: 10.1080/07421656.2005.10129441
  • Çakmak, Ö., & Hevedanlı, M. (2005). Eğitim ve fen-edebiyat fakülteleri biyoloji bölümü öğrencilerinin kaygı düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(14).
  • Çakmakçı, H. (2010, 26-28 November). The Reflection In The Islamic Art of A Quranic Verse Which Emphasizing Different Kind Of Heavenly Rivers. Paper presented at the Internatıonal Symposıum, Samsun.
  • De Petrillo, L., & Winner, E. (2005). Does art improve mood? A test of key assumptions underlying art therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 22(4), 205–212.
  • Drake, C. R., Searight, H. R., & Olson-Pupek, K. (2014). The influence of art-making on negative mood states in university students. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(3), 69-72.
  • Erkan, Z. (1994). Grup rehberliğinin yüksek sınav kaygısına yönelik deneysel bir çalışma. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Erözkan A. (2004).Üniversite öğrencilerinin sınav kaygısı ve başa çıkma davranışları. Muğla Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 1(12), 13-38.
  • Fincher, S. F. (2009). The Mandala workbook: A creative guide for self-exploration, balance, and well-being.Shambhala Publications.
  • Gallagher, L. M., Lagman, R., Walsh, D., Davis, M. P., & LeGrand, S. B. (2006). The clinical effects of music therapy in palliative medicine. Supportive Care in Cancer, 14, 859-866.
  • Gençdoğan, B. (2006). Lise öğrencilerinin sınav kaygısı ile boyun eğicilik düzeyleri ve sosyal destek algısı arasındaki ilişkiler. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi,7(1), 154-164.
  • Goodwin, C.B. (1993). Meeting the mandala. Retrieved from
  • Henderson, P., Rosen, D., & Mascaro, N. (2007). Empirical study of the healing nature of mandalas. [Abstract]. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 1(3). doi:
  • Huh, J.A. (2010). Mandala as telematic design. Technoetic Arts, 8(1), 19-30. Retrieved from
  • Kapitan, L. (2012). Does art therapy work? Identifying the active ingredients of art therapy efficacy. Art Therapy, 29(2), 48-49.
  • Kim, H., Kim, S., Choe, K., & Kim, J. S. (2017). Effects of Mandala art Therapy on Subjective Well-Being, Resilience, and Hope in Psychiatric Inpatients. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
  • Kovacs-Donaghy, I. (2013). The mandala offers relaxation to hospital staff: A convergent triangulation mixed methods study. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, Walden University
  • Krout, R. E. (2003). Music therapy with imminently dying hospice patients and their families: facilitating release near the time of death. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, 20(2), 129–134.
  • Kuban, C. (2015). Healing trauma through art. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 24(2), 18-20. Abstract obtained from ProQuest.
  • Labbe, E., Schmidt, N., Babin, J. & Pharr, M. (2007). Coping with stress: the effectiveness of different types of music. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32, 163–168.
  • Liang, H. (2012). Jung and Chinese religions: Buddhism and Taoism. Pastoral Psychology, 61(5-6), 747-758.
  • Mann, A. (2013, April 20). Pre-Drawn Mandalas versus Constructed Mandalas versus Unconstructed Mandalas: Which Creates a Greater Reduction in Anxiety?. Paper presented at the Master's Level Graduate Research Conference.
  • Moradipanah, F., Mohammadi, E. & Mohammadil, A.Z. (2009). Effect of music on anxiety, stress and depression levels in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Eastern Mediterranean
  • Mulcahy, M. (2013). Mandala as a tool for transformation to enable flourishing: the influence of Carl Jung. International Practice Development Journal, 3(2), 1-4. Retrieved from
  • Westrhenen, N.V., & Fritz, E. (2014). Creative arts therapy as treatment for child trauma: An overview. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 41(5), 527-534.
  • Ndırangu G.W., Muola J.M., Kithuka M.R. & Nassiuma D.K. (2009). An investıgatıon of the relationship between test anxiety and academic performance in secondary schools in Nyeri District, Kenya. Global Journal of Educatıonal Research, 8, 1-7.
  • Potash, J. S., Chan, F., Ho, A. H. Y., Wang, X. L., & Cheng, C. (2014). Can art therapy reduce death anxiety and burnout in end-of-life care workers? A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 20(5), 233-240.
  • Sandmire, D. A., Gorham, S. R., Rankin, N. E., & Grimm, D. R. (2012). The influence of art making on anxiety: A pilot study. Art Therapy, 29(2), 68-73.
  • Scheufele, P. M. (2000). Effects of progressive relaxation and classical music on measurements of attention, relaxation, and stress responses. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(2), 207-228.
  • Schrade, C., Tronsky, L., & Kaiser, D. H. (2011). Physiological effects of mandala making in adults with intellectual disability. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 38(2), 109-113.
  • Sezer, F. (2009). Müzikle terapinin sınav kaygısı, öfke ve psikolojik belirtiler üzerindeki etkisi. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Atatürk University, Erzurum.
  • Sezer, F. (2011). Öfke ve psikolojik belirtiler üzerine müziğin etkisi. International Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1), 1472-1493.
  • Slegelis, M. H. (1987). A Study of Jung’s Mandala and Its Relationship to Art Psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 14(4), 301–311. Abstract obtained from Elsevier.
  • Smith, M. (2008). The effects of a single music relaxation session on state anxiety levels of adults in a workplace environment. Australian Journal of Music Therapy, 19, 45–66. Abstract obtained from Informit.
  • Smith, M., Casey, L., Johnson, D., Gwede, C., & Riggin, O. Z. (2001). Music as a therapeutic intervention for anxiety in patients receiving radiation therapy. In Oncology Nursing Forum, 28(5).

Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety

Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 221 - 229, 30.04.2018


The aim of this
study is to examine the effect of the coloring mandalas on reducing test
anxiety of university students. To determine participants among university
student, the Spielberger test anxiety inventory was applied. According to the
results of the inventory, the participants were randomly assigned to the test
group and the control group. While control group listened to calming music, the
test group colored different types of pre-shaped mandalas. To determine the
effect of coloring mandalas on reducing anxiety, the Spielberger test anxiety
inventory (TAI) was reapplied at the end of the 5th week. The mean score of the
TAI significantly decreased between the pre-test and the pro-test in the both
groups (the test group and the control group). Suprisingly the mean score of
the TAI of the control group was significantly lower than the test group. The
findings show that coloring mandalas can significantly reduce the level of
anxiety, however it is less effective than listening music.


  • Aletraris, L., Paino, M., Edmond, M. B., Roman, P. M., & Bride, B. E. (2014).The use of art and music therapy in substance abuse treatment programs. Journal of Addictions Nursing,25(4),190.Retrieved from
  • Ali, K., Gammidge, T., & Waller, D. (2014). Fight like a ferret: a novel approach of using art therapy to reduce anxiety in stroke patients undergoing hospital rehabilitation. Medical Humanities, 40(1), 56-60.
  • Alyami, A. M. (2015). The role of art therapy in counterterrorism: The Saudi experience. The Arts in Psychotherapy,44, 1-10.
  • Aslan, S.A. (2005). Ergenlerde ana-baba tutumu, sınav kaygısı, ders çalışma becerilerinin lise giriş sınavını yordama düzeyleri. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Mersin University, Mersin. Bailey, L. M. (1984). The use of songs in music therapy with cancer patients and their families. Music Therapy, 4(1), 5-17.
  • Bailey, L.M. (1983). The effects of live music versus tape-recorded music on hospitalized cancer patients. Music Therapy,3(1), 17-28.
  • Bell, C. E., & Robbins, S. J. (2007). Effect of art production on negative mood: A randomized, controlled trial. Art Therapy, 24(2), 71-75.
  • Bonny, H. L., & Kellogg, J. (1977). Mandalas as a Measure of Change In Psychotherapy: Mandalas Used In Conjunction With Music Therapy. American Journal of Art Therapy, 16(4), 126–128.
  • Boothby, D. M., & Robbins, S. J. (2011). The effects of music listening and art production on negative mood: a randomized, controlled trial. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 38(3), 204-208.
  • Burger, J.M. (2006). Kişilik.(Çev. İ.D. ErguvanSarıoğlu). İstanbul: KaknüsYayınları.
  • Carsley, D., Heath, N.L. & Fajnerova, S. (2015). Effectiveness of a classroom mindfulness coloring activity for test anxiety in children. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 31(3), 239-255.doi: 10.1080/15377903.2015.1056925.
  • Curry, N.A. &Kasser, T. (2005). Can coloring mandalas reduce anxiety? Art Therapy, 22(2). 81-85. doi: 10.1080/07421656.2005.10129441
  • Çakmak, Ö., & Hevedanlı, M. (2005). Eğitim ve fen-edebiyat fakülteleri biyoloji bölümü öğrencilerinin kaygı düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(14).
  • Çakmakçı, H. (2010, 26-28 November). The Reflection In The Islamic Art of A Quranic Verse Which Emphasizing Different Kind Of Heavenly Rivers. Paper presented at the Internatıonal Symposıum, Samsun.
  • De Petrillo, L., & Winner, E. (2005). Does art improve mood? A test of key assumptions underlying art therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 22(4), 205–212.
  • Drake, C. R., Searight, H. R., & Olson-Pupek, K. (2014). The influence of art-making on negative mood states in university students. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(3), 69-72.
  • Erkan, Z. (1994). Grup rehberliğinin yüksek sınav kaygısına yönelik deneysel bir çalışma. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Erözkan A. (2004).Üniversite öğrencilerinin sınav kaygısı ve başa çıkma davranışları. Muğla Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 1(12), 13-38.
  • Fincher, S. F. (2009). The Mandala workbook: A creative guide for self-exploration, balance, and well-being.Shambhala Publications.
  • Gallagher, L. M., Lagman, R., Walsh, D., Davis, M. P., & LeGrand, S. B. (2006). The clinical effects of music therapy in palliative medicine. Supportive Care in Cancer, 14, 859-866.
  • Gençdoğan, B. (2006). Lise öğrencilerinin sınav kaygısı ile boyun eğicilik düzeyleri ve sosyal destek algısı arasındaki ilişkiler. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi,7(1), 154-164.
  • Goodwin, C.B. (1993). Meeting the mandala. Retrieved from
  • Henderson, P., Rosen, D., & Mascaro, N. (2007). Empirical study of the healing nature of mandalas. [Abstract]. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 1(3). doi:
  • Huh, J.A. (2010). Mandala as telematic design. Technoetic Arts, 8(1), 19-30. Retrieved from
  • Kapitan, L. (2012). Does art therapy work? Identifying the active ingredients of art therapy efficacy. Art Therapy, 29(2), 48-49.
  • Kim, H., Kim, S., Choe, K., & Kim, J. S. (2017). Effects of Mandala art Therapy on Subjective Well-Being, Resilience, and Hope in Psychiatric Inpatients. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
  • Kovacs-Donaghy, I. (2013). The mandala offers relaxation to hospital staff: A convergent triangulation mixed methods study. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, Walden University
  • Krout, R. E. (2003). Music therapy with imminently dying hospice patients and their families: facilitating release near the time of death. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, 20(2), 129–134.
  • Kuban, C. (2015). Healing trauma through art. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 24(2), 18-20. Abstract obtained from ProQuest.
  • Labbe, E., Schmidt, N., Babin, J. & Pharr, M. (2007). Coping with stress: the effectiveness of different types of music. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32, 163–168.
  • Liang, H. (2012). Jung and Chinese religions: Buddhism and Taoism. Pastoral Psychology, 61(5-6), 747-758.
  • Mann, A. (2013, April 20). Pre-Drawn Mandalas versus Constructed Mandalas versus Unconstructed Mandalas: Which Creates a Greater Reduction in Anxiety?. Paper presented at the Master's Level Graduate Research Conference.
  • Moradipanah, F., Mohammadi, E. & Mohammadil, A.Z. (2009). Effect of music on anxiety, stress and depression levels in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Eastern Mediterranean
  • Mulcahy, M. (2013). Mandala as a tool for transformation to enable flourishing: the influence of Carl Jung. International Practice Development Journal, 3(2), 1-4. Retrieved from
  • Westrhenen, N.V., & Fritz, E. (2014). Creative arts therapy as treatment for child trauma: An overview. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 41(5), 527-534.
  • Ndırangu G.W., Muola J.M., Kithuka M.R. & Nassiuma D.K. (2009). An investıgatıon of the relationship between test anxiety and academic performance in secondary schools in Nyeri District, Kenya. Global Journal of Educatıonal Research, 8, 1-7.
  • Potash, J. S., Chan, F., Ho, A. H. Y., Wang, X. L., & Cheng, C. (2014). Can art therapy reduce death anxiety and burnout in end-of-life care workers? A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 20(5), 233-240.
  • Sandmire, D. A., Gorham, S. R., Rankin, N. E., & Grimm, D. R. (2012). The influence of art making on anxiety: A pilot study. Art Therapy, 29(2), 68-73.
  • Scheufele, P. M. (2000). Effects of progressive relaxation and classical music on measurements of attention, relaxation, and stress responses. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(2), 207-228.
  • Schrade, C., Tronsky, L., & Kaiser, D. H. (2011). Physiological effects of mandala making in adults with intellectual disability. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 38(2), 109-113.
  • Sezer, F. (2009). Müzikle terapinin sınav kaygısı, öfke ve psikolojik belirtiler üzerindeki etkisi. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Atatürk University, Erzurum.
  • Sezer, F. (2011). Öfke ve psikolojik belirtiler üzerine müziğin etkisi. International Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1), 1472-1493.
  • Slegelis, M. H. (1987). A Study of Jung’s Mandala and Its Relationship to Art Psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 14(4), 301–311. Abstract obtained from Elsevier.
  • Smith, M. (2008). The effects of a single music relaxation session on state anxiety levels of adults in a workplace environment. Australian Journal of Music Therapy, 19, 45–66. Abstract obtained from Informit.
  • Smith, M., Casey, L., Johnson, D., Gwede, C., & Riggin, O. Z. (2001). Music as a therapeutic intervention for anxiety in patients receiving radiation therapy. In Oncology Nursing Forum, 28(5).
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Başaran Gençdoğan

Semanur Kodan Çetinkaya

Esra Gümüş This is me

Publication Date April 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 19 Issue: 1


APA Gençdoğan, B., Kodan Çetinkaya, S., & Gümüş, E. (2018). Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 221-229.
AMA Gençdoğan B, Kodan Çetinkaya S, Gümüş E. Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety. INUJFE. April 2018;19(1):221-229. doi:10.17679/inuefd.415982
Chicago Gençdoğan, Başaran, Semanur Kodan Çetinkaya, and Esra Gümüş. “Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 19, no. 1 (April 2018): 221-29.
EndNote Gençdoğan B, Kodan Çetinkaya S, Gümüş E (April 1, 2018) Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 19 1 221–229.
IEEE B. Gençdoğan, S. Kodan Çetinkaya, and E. Gümüş, “Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety”, INUJFE, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 221–229, 2018, doi: 10.17679/inuefd.415982.
ISNAD Gençdoğan, Başaran et al. “Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 19/1 (April 2018), 221-229.
JAMA Gençdoğan B, Kodan Çetinkaya S, Gümüş E. Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety. INUJFE. 2018;19:221–229.
MLA Gençdoğan, Başaran et al. “Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 1, 2018, pp. 221-9, doi:10.17679/inuefd.415982.
Vancouver Gençdoğan B, Kodan Çetinkaya S, Gümüş E. Effects of Coloring Mandalas on Test Anxiety. INUJFE. 2018;19(1):221-9.