Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 918 - 952, 31.08.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkçe konuşan OSB olan çocukların biçimbirimbilgisi özelliklerini incelemektir. Çoğunlukla İngilizce ya da diğer Hint-Avrupa dil ailesindeki dilleri konuşan OSB olan çocuklarla yapılan çalışmalarda, dilin biçimbirimbilgisi performanslarıyla ilgili farklı görüşler ortaya konmaktadır. Bu nedenle sondan eklemeli olan ve Hint-Avrupa dil ailesi dışından bir dil olan Türkçeyi kullanan OSB olan çocukların biçimbirimbilgisi performansının incelenmesinin alan yazına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Sözel olmayan zekâ bölümleri ve takvim yaşları arasında fark olmayan 18 OSB tanısı almış ve 18 normal gelişim gösteren iki grup çocuğun biçimbirimbilgisi özellikleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Sohbet bağlamında alınmış dil örneklerinin analizi ile elde edilen ölçümler, hatalar ve çabalamalar araştırmanın bulgularını oluşturmaktadır. Bulgulara bakıldığında OSB olan çocuklar normal gelişim gösteren akranlarına göre biçimbirimlerin kullanımında daha fazla hata yapmaktadırlar. Ayrıca OSB olan çocukların ortalama sözce uzunlukları daha düşüktür ve çabalamaları daha azdır. Sonuç olarak Türkçe konuşan normal gelişim gösteren çocuklar eylem ve isim çekim eklerinde neredeyse hatasız performans sergilemişlerdir. Öte yandan OSB olan çocukların hem eylem hem de isim çekim eklerinde daha fazla hata yaptıkları görülmüştür. Hint-Avrupa dillerini konuşan OSB olan çocuklardan farklı olarak Türkçe konuşan çocukların isim çekim eklerinde çok daha fazla hata yaptıkları bulunmuştur.


  • Acarlar, F. (2002). Çocuklarda dilin değerlendirilmesi: Betimleyici Yaklaşım. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 35 (1-2) 121-126.
  • Acarlar, F. (2005). Türkçe ediniminde gelişimsel özelliklerin dil örneği ölçümleri açısından incelenmesi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 20 (56) 61-74.
  • Acarlar, F. & Johnston, J. R. (2011). Acquisition of Turkish grammatical morphology by children with developmental disorders. International journal of language & communication disorders, 46(6), 728-738.
  • Acarlar, F., Miller, J. F., & Johnston, J. R. (2006). Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT), Turkish (Version 9)[Computer Software].University of Wisconsin–Madison: Language Analysis Lab.
  • Acarlar, F., Servi, C., & Alak, G. (2018). Biçim-Sözdizimsel Ölçümlerin 3-7 Yaş Grubunda İncelenmesi. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29(2), 21-38.
  • Aksu-Koç¸, A. (2010). The course of normal language development in Turkish. In S. Topbas and M. Yavas (eds), Communication Disorders in Turkish (Multilingual Matters), 65– 104. Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği, (2013). Ruhsal Bozukluklarin Tanisal ve Sayimsal El Kitabi, Beşinci Baski, Tani Ölçütleri Başvuru Kitabi’ndan, Çev. Köroğlu E. Hekimler Yayin Birliği.
  • Bangert, K. J., & Finestack, L. H. (2020). Linguistic Maze Production by Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(1), 274-285.
  • Bartolucci, G. (1982). Formal aspects of language in childhood autism. In Advances in child behavior analysis and therapy (Vol. 2, pp. 159–18). Lexington Books.
  • Bartolucci, G., & Albers, R. J. (1974). Deictic categories in the language of autistic children. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 19, 131–141.
  • Bartolucci, G., Pierce, S. J., & Streiner, D. (1980). Cross-sectional studies of grammatical morphemes in autistic and mentally retarded children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10(1), 39-50.
  • Bedore, L.M., Fiestas, C.E., Pena, E.D. & Nagy, V. J. (2006) Cross-language comparisons of maze use in Spanish and English in functionally monolingual and bilingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 9(3) 233-247.
  • Brynskov, C., Eigsti, I. M., Jørgensen, M., Lemcke, S., Bohn, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2017). Syntax and Morphology in Danish-Speaking Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47,(2) 373-383.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2015). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı (Genişletilmiş 21. Baskı).Pegem Akademi.
  • De Villiers, J., Myers, B., & Stainton, R. J. (2013). Revisiting pragmatic abilities in autism spectrum disorders: A follow-up study with controls. Pragmatics & Cognition, 21(2), 253-269.
  • Demouy, J., Plaza, M., Xavier, J., Ringeval, R., Chetouani, M., Pe´risse, D.,… Robel, L., (2011). Differential language markers of pathology in Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and Specific Language Impairment. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Dollaghan, C., & Campbell, T. (1992). A procedure for classifying disruptions in spontaneous language samples. Topics in Language Disorders, 12(2), 56–68. 199202000-00007.
  • Durrleman, S., & Delage, H. (2016). Autism spectrum disorder and specific language impairment: Overlaps in syntactic profiles. Language Acquisition, 23(4), 361-386.
  • Durrleman, S., Hippolyte, L., Zufferey, S., Iglesias, K., & Hadjikhani, N. (2015). Complex syntax in autism spectrum disorders: a study of relative clauses. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 50(2), 260-267.
  • Ege, P., Acarlar, F. ve Güleryüz, F. (1998). Türkçe kazanımında yaş ve ortalama sözce uzunluğunun ilişkisi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 13(1) 19-34.
  • Eigsti, I. M., & Bennetto, L. (2009). Grammaticality judgments in autism: Deviance or delay. Journal of child language, 36(05), 999-1021.
  • Eigsti, I. M., Bennetto, L., & Dadlani, M. B. (2007). Beyond pragmatics: Morphosyntactic development in autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 37(6), 1007-1023.
  • Eigsti, I. M., de Marchena, A. B., Schuh, J. M., & Kelley, E. (2011). Language acquisition in autism spectrum disorders: A developmental review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(2), 681-691.
  • Estigarribia, B., Martin, G. E., Roberts, J. E., Spencer, A., Gucwa, A., & Sideris, J. (2011). Narrative skill in boys with fragile X syndrome with and without autism spectrum disorder. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32(2), 359.
  • Fagan, W.T. (1982). The relationship of the “maze” to language planning and production. Research in the Teaching of English (16)1 85-95. URL:
  • Fisher, N., Happé, F., & Dunn, J. (2005). The relationship between vocabulary, grammar, and false belief task performance in children with autistic spectrum disorders and children with moderate learning difficulties. Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(4), 409-419.
  • Friedman, L., & Sterling, A. (2019). A review of language, executive function, and intervention in autism spectrum disorder. In Seminars in speech and language (Vol. 40, No. 04, pp. 291-304). Thieme Medical Publishers.
  • Frith, U., & Happé, F. (1994). Autism: Beyond “theory of mind”. Cognition, 50(1-3), 115-132.
  • Gorman, K., Olson, L., Hill, A. P., Lunsford, R., Heeman, P. A., & van Santen, J. P. (2016). Uh and um in children with autism spectrum disorders or language impairment. Autism Research, 9(8), 854-865.
  • Hallin, A. E., Garcia, G. D., & Reuterskiöld, C. (2016). The use of causal language and filled pauses in children with and without autism. Child Development Research, 2016.
  • Happé,, F. G. E. (1995). The role of age and verbal ability in the theory of mind task performance of subjects with autism. Child Development, 66, 843-855.
  • Heilmann, J. J., Miller, J. F., & Nockerts, A. (2010). Using language sample databases. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 41(1), 84-95.
  • Hilvert, E., Sterling, A., Haebig, E., & Friedman, L. (2020). Expressive language abilities of boys with idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and boys with fragile X syndrome+ autism spectrum disorder: Cross-context comparisons. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, (5) 1-16
  • Hudry, K., Leadbitter, K., Temple, K., Slonims, V., McConachie, H., Aldred, C., ... & PACT Consortium. (2010). Preschoolers with autism show greater impairment in receptive compared with expressive language abilities. International journal of language & communication disorders, 45(6), 681-690.
  • İncekaş, S. (2009). Çocukluk otizmi derecelendirme ölçeği geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. (Yayımlanmış Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk ve Ergen Ruh Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Johnston, J. R. (1993). Definition and diagnosis of language development disorders, in Blanken, G.; Ditmann, J., Grimm, H., Marshall, J ve Wallesh, C. (Eds.) Linguistic disorders and pathologies: An international handbook, 574-585, De Gruyter.
  • Güven, S., & Leonard, L. B. (2020). Production of noun suffixes by Turkish‐speaking children with developmental language disorder and their typically developing peers. International journal of language & communication disorders, 55(3), 387-400.
  • Keçeli-Kaysılı, B. (2012). Otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan ve normal gelişen çocuklarda sözdiziminin ve kelime dağarcığının zihin kuramı ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi.) Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara
  • Kissine, M. (2012). Pragmatics, cognitive flexibility and autism spectrum disorders. Mind & language, 27(1), 1-28.
  • Kjelgaard, .M. M. & Tager-Flusberg, H. (2001). An investigation of language impairment in autism: Implications for genetic subgroups, Language and Cognitive Processes, 16 (2-3), 287-308,
  • Klee, T. (1992). Developmental and diagnostic characteristics of quantitative measures of children's language production. Topics in Language Disorders.12(2) 28-41.
  • Klusek, J., Martin, G. E., & Losh, M. (2014). A comparison of pragmatic language in boys with autism and fragile X syndrome. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57(5), 1692-1707.
  • Kover, S.T., Mcduffy A.S., Hagerman, R.J., Abbeduto, L. (2013). Receptive vocabulary in boys with autism spectrum disorder: Cross-Sectional developmental trajectories. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 43(11) 2696-2709.
  • Lai, J. (2011). Narrative discourse in school-age children with high functioning autism. (Master’s Thesis). San Diego State University.
  • Lai, P. T. (2020). Expressivity in children with autism and Williams syndrome. Advances in Autism.
  • Leadholm, B. J., & Miller, J. F. (1994). Language Sample Analysis: The Wisconsin Guide. Bulletin 92424.
  • Levelt, W. (1989). Speaking: From intention to articulation. Bradford Books.
  • Martin, G. E., Losh, M., Estigarribia, B., Sideris, J., & Roberts, J. (2013). Longitudinal profiles of expressive vocabulary, syntax and pragmatic language in boys with fragile X syndrome or Down syndrome. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 48(4), 432-443.
  • Maenner M. J., Shaw K. A., Baio J, Washinhton, A., Patrick, M., DiRienzo, M,…Dietz, P. M. (2020) Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2016. MMWR Surveill Summ 69(4)1–12. DOI:
  • Miller, J. F., Freiberg, C., Rolland, M.-B., & Reeves, M. A. (1992). Implementing computerized language sample analysis in the public school. Topics in Language Disorders, 12(2), 69–82.
  • Modyanova N, Perovic A and Wexler K (2017) Grammar is differentially impaired in subgroups of autism spectrum disorders: evidence from an investigation of tense marking and morphosyntax. Front. Psychol. 8(320).
  • Navarro-Ruiz, M. I., & Rallo-Fabra, L. (2001). Characteristics of mazes produced by SLI children. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 15(1-2), 63-66.
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  • Rescorla, L., Safyer, P. (2013). Lexical Composition In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Journal of Child Language. 40 (1), 47-68.
  • Reis, R., & Teixeira, A. (2012, April). Morphosyntactic analysis of language in children with autism spectrum disorder. In International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (35-45). Springer.
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  • Tager-Flusberg, H. & Calkins, S. (1990). Does imitation facilitate the acquisition of grammar? Evidence from a study of autistic, Down syndrome and normal children. Journal of Child Language, 17, 591-606
  • Tager-Flusberg, H., Calkins, S., Nolin, T., Baumberger, T., Anderson, M., & Chadwick- Dias, A. (1990). A longitudinal study of language acquisition in autistic and Down syndrome children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 20(1), 1-21.
  • Tager-Flusberg, H., & Joseph, R. M. (2005). How language facilitates the acquisition of false-belief understanding in children with autism. In J. W. Astington & J. A. Baird (Eds.), Why language matters for theory of mind (pp. 298 – 318). Oxford University Press.
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Year 2021, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 918 - 952, 31.08.2021



  • Acarlar, F. (2002). Çocuklarda dilin değerlendirilmesi: Betimleyici Yaklaşım. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 35 (1-2) 121-126.
  • Acarlar, F. (2005). Türkçe ediniminde gelişimsel özelliklerin dil örneği ölçümleri açısından incelenmesi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 20 (56) 61-74.
  • Acarlar, F. & Johnston, J. R. (2011). Acquisition of Turkish grammatical morphology by children with developmental disorders. International journal of language & communication disorders, 46(6), 728-738.
  • Acarlar, F., Miller, J. F., & Johnston, J. R. (2006). Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT), Turkish (Version 9)[Computer Software].University of Wisconsin–Madison: Language Analysis Lab.
  • Acarlar, F., Servi, C., & Alak, G. (2018). Biçim-Sözdizimsel Ölçümlerin 3-7 Yaş Grubunda İncelenmesi. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29(2), 21-38.
  • Aksu-Koç¸, A. (2010). The course of normal language development in Turkish. In S. Topbas and M. Yavas (eds), Communication Disorders in Turkish (Multilingual Matters), 65– 104. Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği, (2013). Ruhsal Bozukluklarin Tanisal ve Sayimsal El Kitabi, Beşinci Baski, Tani Ölçütleri Başvuru Kitabi’ndan, Çev. Köroğlu E. Hekimler Yayin Birliği.
  • Bangert, K. J., & Finestack, L. H. (2020). Linguistic Maze Production by Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(1), 274-285.
  • Bartolucci, G. (1982). Formal aspects of language in childhood autism. In Advances in child behavior analysis and therapy (Vol. 2, pp. 159–18). Lexington Books.
  • Bartolucci, G., & Albers, R. J. (1974). Deictic categories in the language of autistic children. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 19, 131–141.
  • Bartolucci, G., Pierce, S. J., & Streiner, D. (1980). Cross-sectional studies of grammatical morphemes in autistic and mentally retarded children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10(1), 39-50.
  • Bedore, L.M., Fiestas, C.E., Pena, E.D. & Nagy, V. J. (2006) Cross-language comparisons of maze use in Spanish and English in functionally monolingual and bilingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 9(3) 233-247.
  • Brynskov, C., Eigsti, I. M., Jørgensen, M., Lemcke, S., Bohn, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2017). Syntax and Morphology in Danish-Speaking Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47,(2) 373-383.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2015). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı (Genişletilmiş 21. Baskı).Pegem Akademi.
  • De Villiers, J., Myers, B., & Stainton, R. J. (2013). Revisiting pragmatic abilities in autism spectrum disorders: A follow-up study with controls. Pragmatics & Cognition, 21(2), 253-269.
  • Demouy, J., Plaza, M., Xavier, J., Ringeval, R., Chetouani, M., Pe´risse, D.,… Robel, L., (2011). Differential language markers of pathology in Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and Specific Language Impairment. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Dollaghan, C., & Campbell, T. (1992). A procedure for classifying disruptions in spontaneous language samples. Topics in Language Disorders, 12(2), 56–68. 199202000-00007.
  • Durrleman, S., & Delage, H. (2016). Autism spectrum disorder and specific language impairment: Overlaps in syntactic profiles. Language Acquisition, 23(4), 361-386.
  • Durrleman, S., Hippolyte, L., Zufferey, S., Iglesias, K., & Hadjikhani, N. (2015). Complex syntax in autism spectrum disorders: a study of relative clauses. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 50(2), 260-267.
  • Ege, P., Acarlar, F. ve Güleryüz, F. (1998). Türkçe kazanımında yaş ve ortalama sözce uzunluğunun ilişkisi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 13(1) 19-34.
  • Eigsti, I. M., & Bennetto, L. (2009). Grammaticality judgments in autism: Deviance or delay. Journal of child language, 36(05), 999-1021.
  • Eigsti, I. M., Bennetto, L., & Dadlani, M. B. (2007). Beyond pragmatics: Morphosyntactic development in autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 37(6), 1007-1023.
  • Eigsti, I. M., de Marchena, A. B., Schuh, J. M., & Kelley, E. (2011). Language acquisition in autism spectrum disorders: A developmental review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(2), 681-691.
  • Estigarribia, B., Martin, G. E., Roberts, J. E., Spencer, A., Gucwa, A., & Sideris, J. (2011). Narrative skill in boys with fragile X syndrome with and without autism spectrum disorder. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32(2), 359.
  • Fagan, W.T. (1982). The relationship of the “maze” to language planning and production. Research in the Teaching of English (16)1 85-95. URL:
  • Fisher, N., Happé, F., & Dunn, J. (2005). The relationship between vocabulary, grammar, and false belief task performance in children with autistic spectrum disorders and children with moderate learning difficulties. Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(4), 409-419.
  • Friedman, L., & Sterling, A. (2019). A review of language, executive function, and intervention in autism spectrum disorder. In Seminars in speech and language (Vol. 40, No. 04, pp. 291-304). Thieme Medical Publishers.
  • Frith, U., & Happé, F. (1994). Autism: Beyond “theory of mind”. Cognition, 50(1-3), 115-132.
  • Gorman, K., Olson, L., Hill, A. P., Lunsford, R., Heeman, P. A., & van Santen, J. P. (2016). Uh and um in children with autism spectrum disorders or language impairment. Autism Research, 9(8), 854-865.
  • Hallin, A. E., Garcia, G. D., & Reuterskiöld, C. (2016). The use of causal language and filled pauses in children with and without autism. Child Development Research, 2016.
  • Happé,, F. G. E. (1995). The role of age and verbal ability in the theory of mind task performance of subjects with autism. Child Development, 66, 843-855.
  • Heilmann, J. J., Miller, J. F., & Nockerts, A. (2010). Using language sample databases. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 41(1), 84-95.
  • Hilvert, E., Sterling, A., Haebig, E., & Friedman, L. (2020). Expressive language abilities of boys with idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and boys with fragile X syndrome+ autism spectrum disorder: Cross-context comparisons. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, (5) 1-16
  • Hudry, K., Leadbitter, K., Temple, K., Slonims, V., McConachie, H., Aldred, C., ... & PACT Consortium. (2010). Preschoolers with autism show greater impairment in receptive compared with expressive language abilities. International journal of language & communication disorders, 45(6), 681-690.
  • İncekaş, S. (2009). Çocukluk otizmi derecelendirme ölçeği geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. (Yayımlanmış Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk ve Ergen Ruh Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Johnston, J. R. (1993). Definition and diagnosis of language development disorders, in Blanken, G.; Ditmann, J., Grimm, H., Marshall, J ve Wallesh, C. (Eds.) Linguistic disorders and pathologies: An international handbook, 574-585, De Gruyter.
  • Güven, S., & Leonard, L. B. (2020). Production of noun suffixes by Turkish‐speaking children with developmental language disorder and their typically developing peers. International journal of language & communication disorders, 55(3), 387-400.
  • Keçeli-Kaysılı, B. (2012). Otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan ve normal gelişen çocuklarda sözdiziminin ve kelime dağarcığının zihin kuramı ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi.) Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara
  • Kissine, M. (2012). Pragmatics, cognitive flexibility and autism spectrum disorders. Mind & language, 27(1), 1-28.
  • Kjelgaard, .M. M. & Tager-Flusberg, H. (2001). An investigation of language impairment in autism: Implications for genetic subgroups, Language and Cognitive Processes, 16 (2-3), 287-308,
  • Klee, T. (1992). Developmental and diagnostic characteristics of quantitative measures of children's language production. Topics in Language Disorders.12(2) 28-41.
  • Klusek, J., Martin, G. E., & Losh, M. (2014). A comparison of pragmatic language in boys with autism and fragile X syndrome. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57(5), 1692-1707.
  • Kover, S.T., Mcduffy A.S., Hagerman, R.J., Abbeduto, L. (2013). Receptive vocabulary in boys with autism spectrum disorder: Cross-Sectional developmental trajectories. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 43(11) 2696-2709.
  • Lai, J. (2011). Narrative discourse in school-age children with high functioning autism. (Master’s Thesis). San Diego State University.
  • Lai, P. T. (2020). Expressivity in children with autism and Williams syndrome. Advances in Autism.
  • Leadholm, B. J., & Miller, J. F. (1994). Language Sample Analysis: The Wisconsin Guide. Bulletin 92424.
  • Levelt, W. (1989). Speaking: From intention to articulation. Bradford Books.
  • Martin, G. E., Losh, M., Estigarribia, B., Sideris, J., & Roberts, J. (2013). Longitudinal profiles of expressive vocabulary, syntax and pragmatic language in boys with fragile X syndrome or Down syndrome. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 48(4), 432-443.
  • Maenner M. J., Shaw K. A., Baio J, Washinhton, A., Patrick, M., DiRienzo, M,…Dietz, P. M. (2020) Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2016. MMWR Surveill Summ 69(4)1–12. DOI:
  • Miller, J. F., Freiberg, C., Rolland, M.-B., & Reeves, M. A. (1992). Implementing computerized language sample analysis in the public school. Topics in Language Disorders, 12(2), 69–82.
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There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ceyhun Servi 0000-0002-3960-347X

Funda Acarlar This is me 0000-0003-3796-4279

Publication Date August 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Servi, C., & Acarlar, F. (2021). TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 918-952.
AMA Servi C, Acarlar F. TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ. INUJFE. August 2021;22(2):918-952. doi:10.17679/inuefd.899556
Chicago Servi, Ceyhun, and Funda Acarlar. “TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 22, no. 2 (August 2021): 918-52.
EndNote Servi C, Acarlar F (August 1, 2021) TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 22 2 918–952.
IEEE C. Servi and F. Acarlar, “TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ”, INUJFE, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 918–952, 2021, doi: 10.17679/inuefd.899556.
ISNAD Servi, Ceyhun - Acarlar, Funda. “TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 22/2 (August 2021), 918-952.
MLA Servi, Ceyhun and Funda Acarlar. “TÜRKÇE KONUŞAN OTİZM SPEKTRUM BOZUKLUĞU OLAN ÇOCUKLARDA BİÇİMBİRİMBİLGİSİ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 918-52, doi:10.17679/inuefd.899556.