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Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması

Year 2021, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 1993 - 2012, 31.12.2021


Bu araştırmada savant bireylerin yaratıcılıklarına dair literatürde varolan çalışmaların incelenmesi, otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireylerin, Asperger sendromuna sahip olan bireylerin ve savantların yaratıcılıklarının sonucunda ne gibi bulgulara ulaşıldığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla yaratıcılık ve savant anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak sistematik bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler sosyal bilimler alanında yaygın olan veri tabanlarında kullanılarak taramalar yapılmıştır. Ulaşılan ampirik çalışmalar belirli kriterlere göre araştırmaya dahil edilmiş, belirli kriterlere göre ise dışlanmıştır. Yapılan taramalar sonucunda ulaşılan çalışmalar savantların yaratıcılıkları, otizm spektrum bozukluğuna sahip olan bireylerin ve Asperger sendromuna sahip bireylerin yaratıcılıkları ve yaratıcılık konseptleri temaları oluşturularak incelenmiştir. İncelenen çalışmalarda katılımcıların yaratıcılıklarını değerlendirmek amacıyla standart testler ve ürün odaklı değerlendirmeler kullanıldığı gözlemlenmiştir. İncelemeler sonucunda otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireylerin, Asperger sendromuna sahip olan bireylerin ve savantların yaratıcılıklarının yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Savantların yaratıcılıklarına dair ulaşılan sonuçlar alanyazınla tartışılmıştır.


  • Akgül. S., & Kahveci, N. G. (2016). A study on the development of a mathematics creativity scale. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 62, 57- 76
  • Asperger, H. (1944/1991). Die ‘‘autistischen psychopathen’’ im kindesalter. Archive fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 117, 76–136 (translated by U. Frith (1991). Autism and asperger syndrome (pp. 37–92). Cambridge: Cambridge University).
  • Baron-Cohen, S., Ashwin, E., Ashwin, C., Tavassoli, T., & Chakrabarti, B. (2009). Talent in autism: Hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail and sensory hypersensitivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364, 1377–1383.
  • Bozkurt-Altan, E., & Tan, S. (2020). Concepts of creativity in design based learning in STEM education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education,
  • Craig, J., & Baron-Cohen, S. (1999). Creativity and imagination in autism and Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1999, 29, 319-326.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York: Harper/Ccjllins (pp. 107- 126)
  • Dowker, A., Hermelin, B. & Pring, L. (1996). A savant poet. Psychological Medicine, 26, 913-924. Cambridge University Press.
  • Duckett, J. (1977). Exploring the Creativity of Idiots Savant. The Journal of Creative Behavior, Volume 11 Number 3 Third Quarter
  • Funh, C. H. M. (2009). Asperger’s and musical creativity: The case of Erik Satie. Personality and Individual Differences, 46 (2009) 775–783.
  • Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1990). Constraints on representational chance: Evidence from children's drawing. Cognition, 34, 57-83.
  • Kosslyn, S. M., Heldmeyer, K. H., & Locklear, E. P. (1977). Children's drawings as data about internal representations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 23, 191-211.
  • Liu, M.J., Shih, W. L., & Mac, L. Y. (2011). Are children with Asperger syndrome creative in divergent thinking and feeling? A brief report. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 5(1), January–March 2011, Pages 294-298
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., & Altman, D. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 339(7716), 332–336.
  • Nettelbeck, T., & Young, R. (1996). Intelligence and Savant Syndrome: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of the Fragments?. Intelligence, 22, 49-68
  • Ockelforda, A. & Pring, L. (2005). Learning and creativity in a prodigious musical savant. International Congress Series, 1282 (2005) 903– 907.
  • Pring, L., Ryder, N., Crane, L. & Hermelin, B. (2011). Creativity in savant artists with autism. Autism: The International Journal of Research & Practice. 16(1)
  • Ryder, N., Pring, L., & Hermelin, B. (2002). Lack of coherence and divergent thinking: Two sides of the same coin in artistic talent?. Current Psychology, 21(2), 168-175.
  • Sarı, O. T. (2019). Examination of Imaginary Picture-Drawing In Autistic Children In Relation To Developmental Screening Tests. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(2)
  • Scott, F. J., & Baron-Cohen, S. (1996). Imagining real and unreal things: Evidence of a dissociation in autism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8, 371-382.
  • Simonton, D. K. (2012). Genius. In K. J. Holyoak & R. G. Morrison (Eds.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning (p. 492-509). Oxford Unity Press.
  • Straus, J. (2014). Idiots Savants, Retarded Savants, Talented Aments, Mono-Savants, Autistic Savants, Just Plain Savants, People with Savant Syndrome, and Autistic People Who Are Good at Things: A View from Disability Studies. Disability Studies Quarterly, 34(3).
  • Şakar, S. N. & Köksal, M. S. (2020). Savant sendromu ve beklenmedik başarısızlık. M.S. Köksal (Ed.). Üstün Zekalıların Eğitimi: Sistematik ve Kanıt Temelli Eğitim içinde (s. 143-158) Nobel Akademik.
  • Torrance, E. P. (1995). Insights about creativity: Questioned, rejected, ridiculed, ignored. Educational Psychology Review, 7, 313–322.
  • Treffert, D. A., (1988). The idiot savant: A review of the syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145(5), 563–572.
  • Treffert, D. A., (1999). The savant syndrome and autistic disorder. CNS Spectrums, 4(12), 57-60.
  • Treffert, D. A. (2009). The savant syndrome: An extraordinary condition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364, 1351–1357.
  • Treffert, D. A. (2014). Savant syndrome: Realities, myths and misconceptions, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(3), pp. 564-571.
  • Wallace, G. L. (2008). Neuropsychological studies of savant skills: Can they inform the neuroscience of giftedness?, Roeper Review, 30:4, 229-246
  • Young, R. L. & Nettelbeck, T. (1995). The Abilities of a Musical Savant and His Family. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25(3)
Year 2021, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 1993 - 2012, 31.12.2021



  • Akgül. S., & Kahveci, N. G. (2016). A study on the development of a mathematics creativity scale. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 62, 57- 76
  • Asperger, H. (1944/1991). Die ‘‘autistischen psychopathen’’ im kindesalter. Archive fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 117, 76–136 (translated by U. Frith (1991). Autism and asperger syndrome (pp. 37–92). Cambridge: Cambridge University).
  • Baron-Cohen, S., Ashwin, E., Ashwin, C., Tavassoli, T., & Chakrabarti, B. (2009). Talent in autism: Hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail and sensory hypersensitivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364, 1377–1383.
  • Bozkurt-Altan, E., & Tan, S. (2020). Concepts of creativity in design based learning in STEM education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education,
  • Craig, J., & Baron-Cohen, S. (1999). Creativity and imagination in autism and Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1999, 29, 319-326.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York: Harper/Ccjllins (pp. 107- 126)
  • Dowker, A., Hermelin, B. & Pring, L. (1996). A savant poet. Psychological Medicine, 26, 913-924. Cambridge University Press.
  • Duckett, J. (1977). Exploring the Creativity of Idiots Savant. The Journal of Creative Behavior, Volume 11 Number 3 Third Quarter
  • Funh, C. H. M. (2009). Asperger’s and musical creativity: The case of Erik Satie. Personality and Individual Differences, 46 (2009) 775–783.
  • Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1990). Constraints on representational chance: Evidence from children's drawing. Cognition, 34, 57-83.
  • Kosslyn, S. M., Heldmeyer, K. H., & Locklear, E. P. (1977). Children's drawings as data about internal representations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 23, 191-211.
  • Liu, M.J., Shih, W. L., & Mac, L. Y. (2011). Are children with Asperger syndrome creative in divergent thinking and feeling? A brief report. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 5(1), January–March 2011, Pages 294-298
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., & Altman, D. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 339(7716), 332–336.
  • Nettelbeck, T., & Young, R. (1996). Intelligence and Savant Syndrome: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of the Fragments?. Intelligence, 22, 49-68
  • Ockelforda, A. & Pring, L. (2005). Learning and creativity in a prodigious musical savant. International Congress Series, 1282 (2005) 903– 907.
  • Pring, L., Ryder, N., Crane, L. & Hermelin, B. (2011). Creativity in savant artists with autism. Autism: The International Journal of Research & Practice. 16(1)
  • Ryder, N., Pring, L., & Hermelin, B. (2002). Lack of coherence and divergent thinking: Two sides of the same coin in artistic talent?. Current Psychology, 21(2), 168-175.
  • Sarı, O. T. (2019). Examination of Imaginary Picture-Drawing In Autistic Children In Relation To Developmental Screening Tests. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(2)
  • Scott, F. J., & Baron-Cohen, S. (1996). Imagining real and unreal things: Evidence of a dissociation in autism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8, 371-382.
  • Simonton, D. K. (2012). Genius. In K. J. Holyoak & R. G. Morrison (Eds.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning (p. 492-509). Oxford Unity Press.
  • Straus, J. (2014). Idiots Savants, Retarded Savants, Talented Aments, Mono-Savants, Autistic Savants, Just Plain Savants, People with Savant Syndrome, and Autistic People Who Are Good at Things: A View from Disability Studies. Disability Studies Quarterly, 34(3).
  • Şakar, S. N. & Köksal, M. S. (2020). Savant sendromu ve beklenmedik başarısızlık. M.S. Köksal (Ed.). Üstün Zekalıların Eğitimi: Sistematik ve Kanıt Temelli Eğitim içinde (s. 143-158) Nobel Akademik.
  • Torrance, E. P. (1995). Insights about creativity: Questioned, rejected, ridiculed, ignored. Educational Psychology Review, 7, 313–322.
  • Treffert, D. A., (1988). The idiot savant: A review of the syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145(5), 563–572.
  • Treffert, D. A., (1999). The savant syndrome and autistic disorder. CNS Spectrums, 4(12), 57-60.
  • Treffert, D. A. (2009). The savant syndrome: An extraordinary condition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364, 1351–1357.
  • Treffert, D. A. (2014). Savant syndrome: Realities, myths and misconceptions, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(3), pp. 564-571.
  • Wallace, G. L. (2008). Neuropsychological studies of savant skills: Can they inform the neuroscience of giftedness?, Roeper Review, 30:4, 229-246
  • Young, R. L. & Nettelbeck, T. (1995). The Abilities of a Musical Savant and His Family. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25(3)
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Şeyda Aydın 0000-0003-0058-4379

Sema Tan 0000-0002-9816-8930

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 22 Issue: 3


APA Aydın, Ş., & Tan, S. (2021). Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(3), 1993-2012.
AMA Aydın Ş, Tan S. Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması. INUJFE. December 2021;22(3):1993-2012. doi:10.17679/inuefd.948688
Chicago Aydın, Şeyda, and Sema Tan. “Savantlar Ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 22, no. 3 (December 2021): 1993-2012.
EndNote Aydın Ş, Tan S (December 1, 2021) Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 22 3 1993–2012.
IEEE Ş. Aydın and S. Tan, “Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması”, INUJFE, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1993–2012, 2021, doi: 10.17679/inuefd.948688.
ISNAD Aydın, Şeyda - Tan, Sema. “Savantlar Ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 22/3 (December 2021), 1993-2012.
JAMA Aydın Ş, Tan S. Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması. INUJFE. 2021;22:1993–2012.
MLA Aydın, Şeyda and Sema Tan. “Savantlar Ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1993-12, doi:10.17679/inuefd.948688.
Vancouver Aydın Ş, Tan S. Savantlar ve Yaratıcılık: Bir Sistematik Literatür Taraması. INUJFE. 2021;22(3):1993-2012.