In accordance with CC Art. 124: “Male/female may not get married unless she/he has completed full age of seventeen. / However, judge may give permission for marriage of male/female completed age of sixteen in extraordinary situations and for a very important reason. Father, mother or guardian are heared before decision whenever possible.” With this provision minimum age of marriage is determined as seventeen without distinction between male and female. In accordance with CC Art. 11: “Majority commences on completion of age of eighteen years.”. So even though she/he has reached the age of seventeen, since the person is not yet mature – she/he is minor- accordance with CC Art. 126 can only marry with the permission of its legal representative. It is not appropriate to differently regulate age of maturity and age of marriage. Our study subject is related to CC Art 124/II. In this provision it was regulated that under extraordinary situations or very important reason, the judge may give permission to marriage of male/female who have completed age of sixteen. This provision should be considered because in this provision the age of marriage and the maturity is not compatible and judge has a wide power of discretion for marriage of person who has reached age of sixteen. According to judicial decisions, person who is asked to be allowed to marry does not fulfill requirements of age of sixteen. In this context, it’s fact that this provision is against the Constitution, Convention on The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which is approved by our country and Convention on the Rights of the Child.In this study, conditions and results of the provision and the necessity of repeal will be discussed and will be concluded on basis of the child’s best interests with comparative law data.