Research Article
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The Relationship Between Populism and Democracy: Cases From Latin America

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 428 - 444, 29.09.2019


Latin America, as a region, reflects a relevant field of analysis for scholars who aim at working populism.

Here, in this region of the world, it is possible to encounter various types of populism(s). Additionally,

throughout the history of Latin America, populist leaders have managed to accumulate political

power for decades. This study, in its turn, aims at analyzing the relationship between populism and

democracy. It suggests analyzing populism as a political style prioritizing the central role of populist

leaders. In this perspective, it overviews a historical analysis of different Latin American countries

where various types of populism were in power. In this respect, the study of the classical populism of

Peron in Argentina, the right-wing populism of Fujimori in Peru and the left-wing populism of Chavez

in Venezuela demonstrate that the relationship between democracy and “various” populisms remains

almost the same. Populism, in general, enlarges inclusionary capacities of democratic regimes while

giving permanent harm to democratic institutions, constitutional mechanisms of control and liberal

democracy in general.


  • Başaran, D. (2018). Dünyada Yükselen Sağ-Popülizm ve Brezilya Seçimleri. ANKASAM. https://ankasam. org/dunyada-yukselen-sag-populizm-ve-brezilya-secimleri/ Baykan, T. (2017). “Halkçılık ve Popülizm: Türkiye Vakası ve Bir Kavramın Kullanımları”. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1):157-194. Bruhn, K. (2013). “To Hell with Your Corrupt Institutions!”: AMLO and Populism in Mexico, içinde C. Mudde ve C. R. Kaltwasser (der.), Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 88-112. Canovan, M. (1981). Populism. London: Junction Books. Canovan, M. (2002). “Democracies and the Populist Challenge”, içinde Y. Meny ve Y. Surel (der.) Democracies and the Populist Challenge. Basingstoke: Palgrave: 25-43. Çekiçer, Ş. (2018). Meksika’nın Yeni Solcu Başkanı Obrador Koruma İstemedi: “Vatandaşlar Beni Korur”, Medyascope Tv. 4 Temmuz. koruma-istemedi-vatandaslar-beni-korur/ Child, D. (2019). Who is Jiar Bolsonaro, Brazil’s New Far-Right President? Aljazeera, 1 Ocak. https://www. Civelekoğlu, İ. (2018). Dosya: Siyaset-Demokrasi Düzleminde Popülizmi Anlamak. Panorama Khas, 26. Corrales, J. (2018). The Return of Populism, Latin American Style. The New York Times, 25 Haziran https:// Çöpoğlu, M. O. (2017). Avrupa’da Yükselen Popülist Aşırı Sağ Partiler: Özgürlükler ve Uluslar Avrupası (ENF) Grubu Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Uluslararası Sosyal ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (7):1-17. Dahl, R. (1989). Democracy and Its Critics. New Haven: Yale University Press De la Torre, C. (2010). Populist Seduction in Latin America, Athens: Ohio University Press. Drake, F. (2009). Between Tyranny and Anarchy: A History of Democracy in Latin America, 1800-2006. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Ellner, S. (2001). The Radical Potential of Chavismo in Venezuela: the first year and a half of power. Latin American Perspectives. 28 (5): 5-32. Ellner, S. (2003). The Contrasting Variants of the Populism of Hugo Chavez and Alberto Fujimori. Journal of Latin American Studies. 35(1). 139-162. Erdoğan, N. (1998). Demokratik Soldan Devrimci Yol’a: 1970’lerde Sol Popülizm Üzerine Notlar, Toplum ve Bilim, 78. Germani, G. (1978). Authoritarianism, Fascism, and National Populism. New Brunswick: Transaction. Hawkins, K. (2003). “Populism in Venezuela: The Rise of Chavismo”. Third World Quarterly. 24 (6):1137- 1160. Hawkins, K. (2009). Is Chavez Populist? Measuring Populist Discourse in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 42(8): 1040-1067. Horowitz, J. Argentine Unions, The State and The Rise of Peron, 1930-1945. Berkeley. James, D. (1988). Ressistance and Integration: Peronism and the Argentina Working Class, 1946-1976, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Joseph P. B. (2011). Populism and Human Rights in Theory and Practice: Chavez’s Venezuela and Fujimori’s Peru, MA Theses, Department of Political Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Laclau, E. (2007). Popülist Akıl Üzerine, İstanbul: Epos Yayınları Lefort, C. (1986). The Political Forms of Modern Society: Bureaucracy, Democracy Totalitarianism. Cambridge: Polity Press. Levitsky, S. ve K. M. Roberts (2011). The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Levitsky, S. ve J. Loxton (2013). “Populism and Competitive Authoritarianism: the Case of Fujimori’s Peru”, içinde C. Mudde ve C. R. Kaltwasser (der.) Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 160-181. McGuire, J. W. (1999). Peronism Without Perón: Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Miles, R. G. (2018). Is Mexico Ready for a Populist President. Foreign Policy. 9 Şubat. https://foreignpolicy. com/2018/02/09/is-mexico-ready-for-a-populist-president/ Moffit, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Mudde, C. (2004). The Populist Zeitgeist. Government and Opposition, 39(4): 542-563. Mudde, C. (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mudde, C. ve C. R. Kaltwasser (2013). Populism and (liberal) Democracy: A Framework for Analysis, içinde C. Mudde ve C. R. Kaltwasser (der.), Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 1-26. Özdemir, A . (2013). Popülist Söylem ve Bileşenleri: “Sol”-Liberalizm Üzerine Düşünceler Populist Discourse and its Constituents: Notes on Left-liberalism. Mülkiye Dergisi, 36 (1-274): 37-62 Özdemir, C. (2017). Öfkeden Umuda: İspanya’da Popülist Siyaset ve Podemos. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 231-258. Peeler, J. (1992). “Elites Settlemenets and Democratic Consolidation: Colombia, Costa Rica and Venezuela”, Highley, J ve R. Gunther (Der.), Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe. New york: Cambridge University Press: 81-111. Roberts, K. M. (1995). Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Populism in Latin America: The Peruvian Case, World Politics, 48 (1): 82-113. Roberts, K. M. ve M. Arce. (1998). Neoliberalism and Lower Class Voting Behavior in Peru. Comparative Politics. 31(2): 217-246. Roberts, K. M. (2003) ‘Social Correlates of Party System Demise and Populist Resurgence in Venezuela’, Latin American Politics and Society, 45 (3): 35-57. Roberts, K. M. (2006) ‘Populism, Political Conflict, and Grass-Roots Organization in Latin America’, Comparative Politics, 38 (2): 127-148. Roberts, K. M. (2007) ‘Latin America’s Populist Revival’, SAIS Review, 22 (1): 3-15. Roberts, K. M. (2013) ‘Populism and Democracy in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez’, Mudde, Cas ve C. R. Kaltwasser (Der.), Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 136-159. Roberts, K. M. (2015), “‘Populism, Political Mobilizations, and Crises of Political Representation’”, De la Torre, Carlos (Der.), The Promise and Perils of Populism: Global Perspectives (University Pressof Kentucky): 140-158. Rueschemeyer, D, Eveleyn Huber Stephens, John D. Stephens. (1992). Capitalist Development and Democracy, University of Chicago Press Saç, S . (2017). Front National: Radikal (Popülist) Sağdan (Ilımlı) Neo-Popülist Sağa. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 259-290. Sözen, Y. (2017). Demokrasi, Otoriterlik ve Popülizmin Yükselişi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi – TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu Batı Dünyasında Yükselen Sağ Popülizm ve Uluslararası Sisteme Etkileri.https:// etkileri-toplantisi Spektor, M. (2018). It’s Not Just The Right That’s Voting for Bolsonaro. It’s Everyone. Foreign Policy, 26 Ekim. far-right-brazil-corruption-center-left-anger-pt-black-gay-racism-homophobia/ Tekdemir, Ö. (2016). Radikal Plüralist Demokratik Parti Olarak HDP’nin “Başka Türkiye” Önerisi: Hasım Politikası, Agonizm ve Popülizm. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 71 (4): 1211-1240. Toprak, Zafer. (2013). Türkiye’de Popülizm, 1908-1923. Doğan Kitap: İstanbul. Weyland, K. (1996). Neopopulism and Neoliberalism in Latin America: Unexpected Affinities, Studies in Comparative International Development, 31 (3):3-31. Weyland, K. (1999). Neoliberal Populism in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Comparative Politics. 31 (4): 179-401 Weyland, K. (2001). Clarfying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics, Comparative Politics, 34 (1): 1-22. Wolfenden, K. J. (2013). Peron and the People: Democracy and Authoritarianismin Jaun Peron’s Argentina, Inquiries, 5 (2):1-2. Yalman, G. (1985). Popülizm, Bürokratik-Otoriter Devlet ve Türkiye. Onbirinci Tez 1: 16-69. Yıldırım, Y. (2017). Liberal Demokrasinin Krizi Bağlamında Avrupa’da Sağ-Popülizm ve Yükselen Aşırı Sağ, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 50 (2):51-72. Yılmaz, Z. (2017). Popülizm, Halk ve Demokrasi: Temsili Demokrasinin Açmazları ve Radikal Demokratik Bir Popülizmin İmkânları. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 33-66.

Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 428 - 444, 29.09.2019


Latin Amerika, popülizm çalışan araştırmacılar açısından önemli bir araştırma alanı olarak ortaya

çıkıyor. Dünyanın bu bölgesinde, popülizmin farklı türlerine rasgelmek mümkün. Üstelik Latin

Amerika’da, tarih boyunca, popülist liderlerin siyasal gücü ele geçirmeyi başardıkları söylenebilir.

Elinizdeki çalışma, popülizm ve demokrasi arasındaki çatışmalı ilişkiyi incelemek niyetindedir.

Bunu yaparken popülizm bir siyasal tarz olarak ve liderin merkezi rolüne referansla tanımlanacaktır.

Bu doğrultuda, Arjantin’de Peron dönemi klasik popülizmi, Peru’da Fujimori’nin sağ popülizmi ve

nihayetinde Venezüella’da Chavez’in sol popülizminin analizinin göstereceği üzere demokrasi ve

popülizm ilişkisi farklı popülizmlerin varlığına rağmen büyük ölçüde aynı kalmıştır. Bu doğrultuda

denilebilir ki popülizm, demokrasinin içerici kapasitesini artırmış, buna karşın, anayasal denetim

mekanizmalarına, demokratik kurumlara ve genel anlamda liberal demokrasiye zarar vermiştir.


  • Başaran, D. (2018). Dünyada Yükselen Sağ-Popülizm ve Brezilya Seçimleri. ANKASAM. https://ankasam. org/dunyada-yukselen-sag-populizm-ve-brezilya-secimleri/ Baykan, T. (2017). “Halkçılık ve Popülizm: Türkiye Vakası ve Bir Kavramın Kullanımları”. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1):157-194. Bruhn, K. (2013). “To Hell with Your Corrupt Institutions!”: AMLO and Populism in Mexico, içinde C. Mudde ve C. R. Kaltwasser (der.), Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 88-112. Canovan, M. (1981). Populism. London: Junction Books. Canovan, M. (2002). “Democracies and the Populist Challenge”, içinde Y. Meny ve Y. Surel (der.) Democracies and the Populist Challenge. Basingstoke: Palgrave: 25-43. Çekiçer, Ş. (2018). Meksika’nın Yeni Solcu Başkanı Obrador Koruma İstemedi: “Vatandaşlar Beni Korur”, Medyascope Tv. 4 Temmuz. koruma-istemedi-vatandaslar-beni-korur/ Child, D. (2019). Who is Jiar Bolsonaro, Brazil’s New Far-Right President? Aljazeera, 1 Ocak. https://www. Civelekoğlu, İ. (2018). Dosya: Siyaset-Demokrasi Düzleminde Popülizmi Anlamak. Panorama Khas, 26. Corrales, J. (2018). The Return of Populism, Latin American Style. The New York Times, 25 Haziran https:// Çöpoğlu, M. O. (2017). Avrupa’da Yükselen Popülist Aşırı Sağ Partiler: Özgürlükler ve Uluslar Avrupası (ENF) Grubu Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Uluslararası Sosyal ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (7):1-17. Dahl, R. (1989). Democracy and Its Critics. New Haven: Yale University Press De la Torre, C. (2010). Populist Seduction in Latin America, Athens: Ohio University Press. Drake, F. (2009). Between Tyranny and Anarchy: A History of Democracy in Latin America, 1800-2006. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Ellner, S. (2001). The Radical Potential of Chavismo in Venezuela: the first year and a half of power. Latin American Perspectives. 28 (5): 5-32. Ellner, S. (2003). The Contrasting Variants of the Populism of Hugo Chavez and Alberto Fujimori. Journal of Latin American Studies. 35(1). 139-162. Erdoğan, N. (1998). Demokratik Soldan Devrimci Yol’a: 1970’lerde Sol Popülizm Üzerine Notlar, Toplum ve Bilim, 78. Germani, G. (1978). Authoritarianism, Fascism, and National Populism. New Brunswick: Transaction. Hawkins, K. (2003). “Populism in Venezuela: The Rise of Chavismo”. Third World Quarterly. 24 (6):1137- 1160. Hawkins, K. (2009). Is Chavez Populist? Measuring Populist Discourse in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 42(8): 1040-1067. Horowitz, J. Argentine Unions, The State and The Rise of Peron, 1930-1945. Berkeley. James, D. (1988). Ressistance and Integration: Peronism and the Argentina Working Class, 1946-1976, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Joseph P. B. (2011). Populism and Human Rights in Theory and Practice: Chavez’s Venezuela and Fujimori’s Peru, MA Theses, Department of Political Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Laclau, E. (2007). Popülist Akıl Üzerine, İstanbul: Epos Yayınları Lefort, C. (1986). The Political Forms of Modern Society: Bureaucracy, Democracy Totalitarianism. Cambridge: Polity Press. Levitsky, S. ve K. M. Roberts (2011). The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Levitsky, S. ve J. Loxton (2013). “Populism and Competitive Authoritarianism: the Case of Fujimori’s Peru”, içinde C. Mudde ve C. R. Kaltwasser (der.) Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 160-181. McGuire, J. W. (1999). Peronism Without Perón: Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Miles, R. G. (2018). Is Mexico Ready for a Populist President. Foreign Policy. 9 Şubat. https://foreignpolicy. com/2018/02/09/is-mexico-ready-for-a-populist-president/ Moffit, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Mudde, C. (2004). The Populist Zeitgeist. Government and Opposition, 39(4): 542-563. Mudde, C. (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mudde, C. ve C. R. Kaltwasser (2013). Populism and (liberal) Democracy: A Framework for Analysis, içinde C. Mudde ve C. R. Kaltwasser (der.), Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 1-26. Özdemir, A . (2013). Popülist Söylem ve Bileşenleri: “Sol”-Liberalizm Üzerine Düşünceler Populist Discourse and its Constituents: Notes on Left-liberalism. Mülkiye Dergisi, 36 (1-274): 37-62 Özdemir, C. (2017). Öfkeden Umuda: İspanya’da Popülist Siyaset ve Podemos. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 231-258. Peeler, J. (1992). “Elites Settlemenets and Democratic Consolidation: Colombia, Costa Rica and Venezuela”, Highley, J ve R. Gunther (Der.), Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe. New york: Cambridge University Press: 81-111. Roberts, K. M. (1995). Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Populism in Latin America: The Peruvian Case, World Politics, 48 (1): 82-113. Roberts, K. M. ve M. Arce. (1998). Neoliberalism and Lower Class Voting Behavior in Peru. Comparative Politics. 31(2): 217-246. Roberts, K. M. (2003) ‘Social Correlates of Party System Demise and Populist Resurgence in Venezuela’, Latin American Politics and Society, 45 (3): 35-57. Roberts, K. M. (2006) ‘Populism, Political Conflict, and Grass-Roots Organization in Latin America’, Comparative Politics, 38 (2): 127-148. Roberts, K. M. (2007) ‘Latin America’s Populist Revival’, SAIS Review, 22 (1): 3-15. Roberts, K. M. (2013) ‘Populism and Democracy in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez’, Mudde, Cas ve C. R. Kaltwasser (Der.), Populism in Europe and the Americas Threat or Corrective for Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 136-159. Roberts, K. M. (2015), “‘Populism, Political Mobilizations, and Crises of Political Representation’”, De la Torre, Carlos (Der.), The Promise and Perils of Populism: Global Perspectives (University Pressof Kentucky): 140-158. Rueschemeyer, D, Eveleyn Huber Stephens, John D. Stephens. (1992). Capitalist Development and Democracy, University of Chicago Press Saç, S . (2017). Front National: Radikal (Popülist) Sağdan (Ilımlı) Neo-Popülist Sağa. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 259-290. Sözen, Y. (2017). Demokrasi, Otoriterlik ve Popülizmin Yükselişi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi – TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu Batı Dünyasında Yükselen Sağ Popülizm ve Uluslararası Sisteme Etkileri.https:// etkileri-toplantisi Spektor, M. (2018). It’s Not Just The Right That’s Voting for Bolsonaro. It’s Everyone. Foreign Policy, 26 Ekim. far-right-brazil-corruption-center-left-anger-pt-black-gay-racism-homophobia/ Tekdemir, Ö. (2016). Radikal Plüralist Demokratik Parti Olarak HDP’nin “Başka Türkiye” Önerisi: Hasım Politikası, Agonizm ve Popülizm. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 71 (4): 1211-1240. Toprak, Zafer. (2013). Türkiye’de Popülizm, 1908-1923. Doğan Kitap: İstanbul. Weyland, K. (1996). Neopopulism and Neoliberalism in Latin America: Unexpected Affinities, Studies in Comparative International Development, 31 (3):3-31. Weyland, K. (1999). Neoliberal Populism in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Comparative Politics. 31 (4): 179-401 Weyland, K. (2001). Clarfying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics, Comparative Politics, 34 (1): 1-22. Wolfenden, K. J. (2013). Peron and the People: Democracy and Authoritarianismin Jaun Peron’s Argentina, Inquiries, 5 (2):1-2. Yalman, G. (1985). Popülizm, Bürokratik-Otoriter Devlet ve Türkiye. Onbirinci Tez 1: 16-69. Yıldırım, Y. (2017). Liberal Demokrasinin Krizi Bağlamında Avrupa’da Sağ-Popülizm ve Yükselen Aşırı Sağ, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 50 (2):51-72. Yılmaz, Z. (2017). Popülizm, Halk ve Demokrasi: Temsili Demokrasinin Açmazları ve Radikal Demokratik Bir Popülizmin İmkânları. Mülkiye Dergisi, 41 (1): 33-66.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section International Journal of Political Science & Urban Studies

Ayfer Genç Yılmaz

Publication Date September 29, 2019
Submission Date January 16, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Genç Yılmaz, A. (2019). Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 7(2), 428-444.
AMA Genç Yılmaz A. Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler. IPSUS. September 2019;7(2):428-444. doi:10.14782/ipsus.623238
Chicago Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer. “Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7, no. 2 (September 2019): 428-44.
EndNote Genç Yılmaz A (September 1, 2019) Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7 2 428–444.
IEEE A. Genç Yılmaz, “Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler”, IPSUS, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 428–444, 2019, doi: 10.14782/ipsus.623238.
ISNAD Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer. “Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7/2 (September 2019), 428-444.
JAMA Genç Yılmaz A. Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler. IPSUS. 2019;7:428–444.
MLA Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer. “Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 2019, pp. 428-44, doi:10.14782/ipsus.623238.
Vancouver Genç Yılmaz A. Popülizm-Demokrasi İlişkisi: Latin Amerika’dan Örnekler. IPSUS. 2019;7(2):428-44.