Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 87 - 98, 30.12.2022



  • ALLMAND, C. T., The Hundred Years War, Cmabridge 1988.
  • BOUSSARD, J. (1945- 1946). ‘‘Les Mercenaires au xii siecle: Henri II Plantagenet et les origines de’ l’armee de metier’’, Bib., de l’ecole des charetes 106, s. 189- 224.
  • BROWN, R. A. (1961). Pipe Roll17 John and Praestitia Roll 14-18 John, (Ed.), R. A. Brown; J. C. Holt, Pipe Roll Soc.
  • CHIBNALL, M. (1997). ‘‘Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I’’, History, s. 15- 23.
  • CHURCH, S. D. (1992). ‘‘The Knights of the household of King John: A Question of Numbers’’, Thirteenth Century England, (Ed.), P. R. Coss and S. D. Lloyd, Woodbridge.
  • DURGUN, F. (2017). ‘‘Geç Orta Çağ İngiliz Toplumunu Anlamak: Tarih Yazıcılığında Bastard Feudalism Kavramının Gelişimi’’, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 1, 2017, ss. 47-72.
  • GIVEN-WILSON, C. (1986). The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity, London.
  • HARDY, T. D. (2013). Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londonensi Asservati, (Ed.), T. D. Hardy. Roll Series.
  • HEWITT, H. J. (1971). The Organisation of War, The Hundred Years War, (Ed.), K. Fowler, London.
  • HOLT, J. C. (1992), Magna Carta, Cambridge.
  • HOWLET, R. (1884- 1889). Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, (Ed.), R. Howlett, Rolls Series.
  • HOWLET, H. G. (1886- 1889). Chronica Rogeri de Wendover, (Ed.), H. G. Howlet, Roll Series.
  • KEEFE, T. K. (1983), Feudal Assessments and the Poltical Community under Henry II and His Sons, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • LEWİS N. B. (1948). ‘‘The English Forces in Flandres, August-November 1297’’, Studies in Medieval History Presented to F. M. Powicke, (Ed.), R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, and R. W. Southern, Oxford.
  • MASON, R. A. (1987). ‘‘Colonial Scotland’’, Scotland and England 1286- 1815, (Ed.), R. A. Mason, Edinburgh.
  • MİTCHELL, S. K. (1914). Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III, Oxford.
  • MORRİS, J. E. (1901). The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Oxford.
  • POWİCKE, M. R. (1962). Military Obligation in Medieval England, Oxford.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1972). War, Politics and Financa under Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1988). Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1955). ‘‘War and Finance in the Anglo-Norman State’’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4, s. 19- 43.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1981). ‘‘The Military Household of the Norman Kings’’, English Historical Review, s. 8- 12.
  • SANDERS, I. J. (1956). Feudal Military Service in England, Oxford.
  • STUBBS, W. (1868- 1871). Chronica Rogeri de Houedene, (Ed.), W. Stubbs, Roll Series 51.
  • YAŞAR, Ş. (2022). ‘‘İngiliz Toprak ve İdare Hukukunda Earl’ün Konumu ve Gelişimi’’ Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,
Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 87 - 98, 30.12.2022



  • ALLMAND, C. T., The Hundred Years War, Cmabridge 1988.
  • BOUSSARD, J. (1945- 1946). ‘‘Les Mercenaires au xii siecle: Henri II Plantagenet et les origines de’ l’armee de metier’’, Bib., de l’ecole des charetes 106, s. 189- 224.
  • BROWN, R. A. (1961). Pipe Roll17 John and Praestitia Roll 14-18 John, (Ed.), R. A. Brown; J. C. Holt, Pipe Roll Soc.
  • CHIBNALL, M. (1997). ‘‘Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I’’, History, s. 15- 23.
  • CHURCH, S. D. (1992). ‘‘The Knights of the household of King John: A Question of Numbers’’, Thirteenth Century England, (Ed.), P. R. Coss and S. D. Lloyd, Woodbridge.
  • DURGUN, F. (2017). ‘‘Geç Orta Çağ İngiliz Toplumunu Anlamak: Tarih Yazıcılığında Bastard Feudalism Kavramının Gelişimi’’, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 1, 2017, ss. 47-72.
  • GIVEN-WILSON, C. (1986). The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity, London.
  • HARDY, T. D. (2013). Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londonensi Asservati, (Ed.), T. D. Hardy. Roll Series.
  • HEWITT, H. J. (1971). The Organisation of War, The Hundred Years War, (Ed.), K. Fowler, London.
  • HOLT, J. C. (1992), Magna Carta, Cambridge.
  • HOWLET, R. (1884- 1889). Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, (Ed.), R. Howlett, Rolls Series.
  • HOWLET, H. G. (1886- 1889). Chronica Rogeri de Wendover, (Ed.), H. G. Howlet, Roll Series.
  • KEEFE, T. K. (1983), Feudal Assessments and the Poltical Community under Henry II and His Sons, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • LEWİS N. B. (1948). ‘‘The English Forces in Flandres, August-November 1297’’, Studies in Medieval History Presented to F. M. Powicke, (Ed.), R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, and R. W. Southern, Oxford.
  • MASON, R. A. (1987). ‘‘Colonial Scotland’’, Scotland and England 1286- 1815, (Ed.), R. A. Mason, Edinburgh.
  • MİTCHELL, S. K. (1914). Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III, Oxford.
  • MORRİS, J. E. (1901). The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Oxford.
  • POWİCKE, M. R. (1962). Military Obligation in Medieval England, Oxford.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1972). War, Politics and Financa under Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1988). Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1955). ‘‘War and Finance in the Anglo-Norman State’’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4, s. 19- 43.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1981). ‘‘The Military Household of the Norman Kings’’, English Historical Review, s. 8- 12.
  • SANDERS, I. J. (1956). Feudal Military Service in England, Oxford.
  • STUBBS, W. (1868- 1871). Chronica Rogeri de Houedene, (Ed.), W. Stubbs, Roll Series 51.
  • YAŞAR, Ş. (2022). ‘‘İngiliz Toprak ve İdare Hukukunda Earl’ün Konumu ve Gelişimi’’ Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,
Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 87 - 98, 30.12.2022



  • ALLMAND, C. T., The Hundred Years War, Cmabridge 1988.
  • BOUSSARD, J. (1945- 1946). ‘‘Les Mercenaires au xii siecle: Henri II Plantagenet et les origines de’ l’armee de metier’’, Bib., de l’ecole des charetes 106, s. 189- 224.
  • BROWN, R. A. (1961). Pipe Roll17 John and Praestitia Roll 14-18 John, (Ed.), R. A. Brown; J. C. Holt, Pipe Roll Soc.
  • CHIBNALL, M. (1997). ‘‘Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I’’, History, s. 15- 23.
  • CHURCH, S. D. (1992). ‘‘The Knights of the household of King John: A Question of Numbers’’, Thirteenth Century England, (Ed.), P. R. Coss and S. D. Lloyd, Woodbridge.
  • DURGUN, F. (2017). ‘‘Geç Orta Çağ İngiliz Toplumunu Anlamak: Tarih Yazıcılığında Bastard Feudalism Kavramının Gelişimi’’, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 1, 2017, ss. 47-72.
  • GIVEN-WILSON, C. (1986). The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity, London.
  • HARDY, T. D. (2013). Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londonensi Asservati, (Ed.), T. D. Hardy. Roll Series.
  • HEWITT, H. J. (1971). The Organisation of War, The Hundred Years War, (Ed.), K. Fowler, London.
  • HOLT, J. C. (1992), Magna Carta, Cambridge.
  • HOWLET, R. (1884- 1889). Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, (Ed.), R. Howlett, Rolls Series.
  • HOWLET, H. G. (1886- 1889). Chronica Rogeri de Wendover, (Ed.), H. G. Howlet, Roll Series.
  • KEEFE, T. K. (1983), Feudal Assessments and the Poltical Community under Henry II and His Sons, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • LEWİS N. B. (1948). ‘‘The English Forces in Flandres, August-November 1297’’, Studies in Medieval History Presented to F. M. Powicke, (Ed.), R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, and R. W. Southern, Oxford.
  • MASON, R. A. (1987). ‘‘Colonial Scotland’’, Scotland and England 1286- 1815, (Ed.), R. A. Mason, Edinburgh.
  • MİTCHELL, S. K. (1914). Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III, Oxford.
  • MORRİS, J. E. (1901). The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Oxford.
  • POWİCKE, M. R. (1962). Military Obligation in Medieval England, Oxford.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1972). War, Politics and Financa under Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1988). Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1955). ‘‘War and Finance in the Anglo-Norman State’’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4, s. 19- 43.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1981). ‘‘The Military Household of the Norman Kings’’, English Historical Review, s. 8- 12.
  • SANDERS, I. J. (1956). Feudal Military Service in England, Oxford.
  • STUBBS, W. (1868- 1871). Chronica Rogeri de Houedene, (Ed.), W. Stubbs, Roll Series 51.
  • YAŞAR, Ş. (2022). ‘‘İngiliz Toprak ve İdare Hukukunda Earl’ün Konumu ve Gelişimi’’ Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,

Orta Çağ’da Paralı Askerliğe Geçiş Denemeleri: İngiltere Örneği

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 87 - 98, 30.12.2022


Bu araştırma, Ortaçağ’da paralı askerliğe geçiş denemelerini İngiltere özelinde incelemektedir. Ortaçağ Batı Avrupa’sında feodalitenin siyasi, askeri ve ekonomik bir rejim olarak hem toplumlar hem de monarşiler üzerindeki etkisi düşünüldüğünde paralı askerlik henüz uygulama safhasında gözükmemektedir. Ancak biz bu çalışmamızda erken diyebileceğimiz tarihlerde Ortaçağ İngiltere’sinde paralı askerliğe ait uygulamaların varlığını tespit ettik. Ayrıca makalemizde ücretli ve paralı askerlik arasında farklar olduğunu tespit edip bu farkların neler olduğunu tahlil etmeye çalıştık. Bu noktada ücretli askerlik kavramının daha çok feodal unsurlarla birlikte var olduğunu paralı askerlik kavramının ise daha profesyonel askerler için kullanıldığını söyleyebiliriz. Başka bir ifadeyle ücretli askerlik tabiri daha çok teşvik yoluyla ve iç hizmette bulunanlar için kullanılırken, paralı asker tabiri deniz aşırı ülkelerden temin edilen profesyonel savaşçılar için kullanılmıştır. Ortaçağ İngiltere’sinde kullanılan süvari toplama yöntemleri kesinlikle statik değildi ve basit bir gelişme modeline de uymuyordu. Feodal sistemden ücretli ve paralı sisteme doğru istikrarlı bir doğrusal ilerleme de söz konusu değildir. Söz konusu süreçte eşgüdümsel olarak farklı metotlar uygulandığını rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz. Bu bağlamda konuyu aydınlatabilmek adına çalışmamızda döneme ait ana kaynaklardan ve telif eserlerden yararlandık.


  • ALLMAND, C. T., The Hundred Years War, Cmabridge 1988.
  • BOUSSARD, J. (1945- 1946). ‘‘Les Mercenaires au xii siecle: Henri II Plantagenet et les origines de’ l’armee de metier’’, Bib., de l’ecole des charetes 106, s. 189- 224.
  • BROWN, R. A. (1961). Pipe Roll17 John and Praestitia Roll 14-18 John, (Ed.), R. A. Brown; J. C. Holt, Pipe Roll Soc.
  • CHIBNALL, M. (1997). ‘‘Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I’’, History, s. 15- 23.
  • CHURCH, S. D. (1992). ‘‘The Knights of the household of King John: A Question of Numbers’’, Thirteenth Century England, (Ed.), P. R. Coss and S. D. Lloyd, Woodbridge.
  • DURGUN, F. (2017). ‘‘Geç Orta Çağ İngiliz Toplumunu Anlamak: Tarih Yazıcılığında Bastard Feudalism Kavramının Gelişimi’’, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 1, 2017, ss. 47-72.
  • GIVEN-WILSON, C. (1986). The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity, London.
  • HARDY, T. D. (2013). Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londonensi Asservati, (Ed.), T. D. Hardy. Roll Series.
  • HEWITT, H. J. (1971). The Organisation of War, The Hundred Years War, (Ed.), K. Fowler, London.
  • HOLT, J. C. (1992), Magna Carta, Cambridge.
  • HOWLET, R. (1884- 1889). Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, (Ed.), R. Howlett, Rolls Series.
  • HOWLET, H. G. (1886- 1889). Chronica Rogeri de Wendover, (Ed.), H. G. Howlet, Roll Series.
  • KEEFE, T. K. (1983), Feudal Assessments and the Poltical Community under Henry II and His Sons, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • LEWİS N. B. (1948). ‘‘The English Forces in Flandres, August-November 1297’’, Studies in Medieval History Presented to F. M. Powicke, (Ed.), R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, and R. W. Southern, Oxford.
  • MASON, R. A. (1987). ‘‘Colonial Scotland’’, Scotland and England 1286- 1815, (Ed.), R. A. Mason, Edinburgh.
  • MİTCHELL, S. K. (1914). Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III, Oxford.
  • MORRİS, J. E. (1901). The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Oxford.
  • POWİCKE, M. R. (1962). Military Obligation in Medieval England, Oxford.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1972). War, Politics and Financa under Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1988). Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1955). ‘‘War and Finance in the Anglo-Norman State’’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4, s. 19- 43.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1981). ‘‘The Military Household of the Norman Kings’’, English Historical Review, s. 8- 12.
  • SANDERS, I. J. (1956). Feudal Military Service in England, Oxford.
  • STUBBS, W. (1868- 1871). Chronica Rogeri de Houedene, (Ed.), W. Stubbs, Roll Series 51.
  • YAŞAR, Ş. (2022). ‘‘İngiliz Toprak ve İdare Hukukunda Earl’ün Konumu ve Gelişimi’’ Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,
Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 87 - 98, 30.12.2022



  • ALLMAND, C. T., The Hundred Years War, Cmabridge 1988.
  • BOUSSARD, J. (1945- 1946). ‘‘Les Mercenaires au xii siecle: Henri II Plantagenet et les origines de’ l’armee de metier’’, Bib., de l’ecole des charetes 106, s. 189- 224.
  • BROWN, R. A. (1961). Pipe Roll17 John and Praestitia Roll 14-18 John, (Ed.), R. A. Brown; J. C. Holt, Pipe Roll Soc.
  • CHIBNALL, M. (1997). ‘‘Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I’’, History, s. 15- 23.
  • CHURCH, S. D. (1992). ‘‘The Knights of the household of King John: A Question of Numbers’’, Thirteenth Century England, (Ed.), P. R. Coss and S. D. Lloyd, Woodbridge.
  • DURGUN, F. (2017). ‘‘Geç Orta Çağ İngiliz Toplumunu Anlamak: Tarih Yazıcılığında Bastard Feudalism Kavramının Gelişimi’’, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 1, 2017, ss. 47-72.
  • GIVEN-WILSON, C. (1986). The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity, London.
  • HARDY, T. D. (2013). Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londonensi Asservati, (Ed.), T. D. Hardy. Roll Series.
  • HEWITT, H. J. (1971). The Organisation of War, The Hundred Years War, (Ed.), K. Fowler, London.
  • HOLT, J. C. (1992), Magna Carta, Cambridge.
  • HOWLET, R. (1884- 1889). Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, (Ed.), R. Howlett, Rolls Series.
  • HOWLET, H. G. (1886- 1889). Chronica Rogeri de Wendover, (Ed.), H. G. Howlet, Roll Series.
  • KEEFE, T. K. (1983), Feudal Assessments and the Poltical Community under Henry II and His Sons, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • LEWİS N. B. (1948). ‘‘The English Forces in Flandres, August-November 1297’’, Studies in Medieval History Presented to F. M. Powicke, (Ed.), R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, and R. W. Southern, Oxford.
  • MASON, R. A. (1987). ‘‘Colonial Scotland’’, Scotland and England 1286- 1815, (Ed.), R. A. Mason, Edinburgh.
  • MİTCHELL, S. K. (1914). Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III, Oxford.
  • MORRİS, J. E. (1901). The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Oxford.
  • POWİCKE, M. R. (1962). Military Obligation in Medieval England, Oxford.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1972). War, Politics and Financa under Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, M. C. (1988). Edward I, London.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1955). ‘‘War and Finance in the Anglo-Norman State’’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4, s. 19- 43.
  • PRESTWICH, J. O. (1981). ‘‘The Military Household of the Norman Kings’’, English Historical Review, s. 8- 12.
  • SANDERS, I. J. (1956). Feudal Military Service in England, Oxford.
  • STUBBS, W. (1868- 1871). Chronica Rogeri de Houedene, (Ed.), W. Stubbs, Roll Series 51.
  • YAŞAR, Ş. (2022). ‘‘İngiliz Toprak ve İdare Hukukunda Earl’ün Konumu ve Gelişimi’’ Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Şükran Yaşar 0000-0001-8943-4160

Early Pub Date December 30, 2022
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Yaşar, Ş. (2022). Orta Çağ’da Paralı Askerliğe Geçiş Denemeleri: İngiltere Örneği. Artuklu İnsan Ve Toplum Bilim Dergisi, 7(2), 87-98.