Research Article
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Doric Capitals in Pessinus: A Brief Overview of Pessinus Architectural Activities

Year 2023, , 95 - 115, 31.12.2023


The city of Pessinus is located within the boundaries of Ballıhisar Village, approximately 16 km south of Sivrihisar district in Eskişehir, Turkey. The area where the city is situated was first known as Phrygia and then as Galatia in ancient times. A significant portion of the ancient city currently remains buried beneath the village settlement. The conducted excavations and research have demonstrated the city to have been an important cult center during Hellenistic and Roman times. Pessinus has a rich cultural heritage, and impressive examples of architectural layouts and designs can evidently be found within its ancient ruins. One of the notable surviving examples of ancient architecture in the city is the Doric capitals identified at various points. This study provides a detailed analysis of the material, design, and stylistic features of the Doric capitals identified in Pessinus. Furthermore, it examines the typological variety, details, and regional variations of these capitals, along with their contributions to the overall architectural design.

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  • Alzinger, W. (1974) Augusteische Architektur in Ephesos. Wien. google scholar
  • Avram, A. & Tsetskhladze, G. R. (2014). A New Attalid Letter from Pessinus. ZPE 191, 151-181. google scholar
  • Bohn, R. (1885). Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nikephoros. AvP. II. Berlin. google scholar
  • Bernardi Ferrero, D, (1988). Batı Anadolu’nun Eski Çağ Tiyatroları. (Çev. E. Özbayoğlu), Ankara. google scholar
  • Claerhout, I. & Devreker, J. (2008). Ana Tanrıçanın Kutsal Kenti Pessinus. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A. (2019). The ‘Temple State’ of Phrygian Pessinus in the Context of Seleukid, Attalid, Galatian and Roman Hegemonial Politics (3rd-1st Centuries BC). In: G. R. Tsetskhladze (Ed.), Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period: Proceedings of an International Conference “The Phrygian Lands over Time: From Prehistory to the Middle of the 1st Millennium AD, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2nd-8th November 2015 (Vol. 24, pp. 607-648). Peeters Publishers. Doi: 10.2307/j.ctv1q26v1n.35 google scholar
  • Devreker, J., & Thoen, H., & Vermeulen, F. (1995). The Imperial Sanctuary at Pessinus and its Predecessors: A Revision. Anatolia Antiqua 3, 125-144. Doi: 10.3406/anata.1995.118 google scholar
  • Devreker, J. vd. (2009). Archaeological Excavations in Pessinus (Turkey): The 2008 Campaign. KST 31(1), 59-76. google scholar
  • Devreker, J. vd. (2010). Archaeological Excavations in Pessinus (Turkey): The 2008 Campaign. Anatolia Antiqua 18, 141-156. doi: google scholar
  • Emme, B. (2013). Peristyl und Polis. Entwicklung und Funktionen öffentlicher griechischer Hofanlagen. Berlin 2013. google scholar
  • Emme, B. (2018). The Emergence and Significance of the Palaestra Type in Greek Architecture. In: U. Mania - M. Trümper (Eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (pp. 143-159). Berlin. google scholar
  • Fochetti, B. (2020). Aspects of Continuity and Change in the Doric Order of the Province of Asia during the Imperial Period. In: U. Lohner-Urban & U. Quatember (Eds.), Zwischen Bruch und Kontinuitat. Architektur in Kleinasien am Übergang vom Hellenismus zur römischen Kaiserzeit. İstanbul, 119-132. google scholar
  • Gider, Z. (2012). Lagina Kuzey Stoanın Ön Cephe Düzenlemesi. In: (B. Söğüt ed.), Stratonikeia’dan Lagina’ya, A. A. Tırpan’a Armağan. İstanbul, 263-280. google scholar
  • Gider Buyukozer, Z. (2013). Karia Bölgesi Dor Mimarisi [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Selcuk Universitesi, Konya. google scholar
  • Gider Büyüközer, Z. (2020). Knidos Dorik Stoa (Sostratos?): Stilistik Değerlendirme. Olba 28, 131-164. google scholar
  • Hellström, P. (1984). Labraunda 1983, AST 2, 131-138. google scholar
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2021). Teos. Yazıtlar, Kültler ve Kentsel Doku. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Lanckoronski K. G. (1890). Stadte Pamphyliens undPisidiens I. Wien. google scholar
  • Mert, İ. H. (2002). Der Theater-Tempelkomplex von Stratonikeia. In: (Berns et al, eds.), Patris und Imperium. Kulturelle und politische Identitat in den Stadten der römischen Provinzen Kleinasiens in der frühen Kaiserzeit. Kolloquium Köln, November 1998. Leuven, 187-202. google scholar
  • Mert, İ. H. (2008). Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Bauornamentik von Stratonikeia. Tubingen. google scholar
  • Mert, İ. H. (2016). Priene’deki Gıda Pazar. Olba 24, 353-418. google scholar
  • Mitchell, S. (1994). Cremna in Pisidia. Duckworth. google scholar
  • Uz, D. M. (1985). Teos Dionysos Tapınağı Temenos Alanı. AST 3, 227-242. google scholar
  • Uz, D. M. (2013). Teos’taki Dionysos Tapınağı. Ankara. google scholar
  • Pensabene, P. (2004). Non stelle, ma il sole. Il contributo della planimetria e della decorazione architettonica alla definizione del santuario di Cibele a Pessinunte. ArchCl 55, 83-143. google scholar
  • Rumscheid, F. (1994). Untersuchungen zur Kleinasiatischen Bauornamentik des Hellenismus. Mainz. google scholar
  • Rumscheid, F. (2000). Priene: Küçük Asya’nın Pompeisi. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Schazmann, P. (1923). Das Gymnasion. Der Tempelbezirk der Hera Basileia. AvP VI, Berlin. google scholar
  • Smith, R. R. R. (2013). The Marble Reliefs from The Julio-Claudian Sebasteion. AphPapers 6, Mainz. google scholar
  • Söğüt, B. (2019). Stratonikeia (Eskihisar) ve Kutsal Alanları. Stratonikeia Çalışmaları 5. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Shoe, L. T. (1936). Profiles of Greek Mouldings. Cambridge. google scholar
  • Taşlıalan, M. (1994). Pisidia Antiocheia’sı 1992 Yılı Çalışmaları. MKKS 4, 245-284. google scholar
  • Trümper, M. (2015). Modernization and Change of Function of Hellenistic Gymnasia in the Imperial Period. In: P. Scholz & D. Wiegandt (Eds.), Das kaiserzeitliche Gymnasion. Berlin: De Gruyter, 127-149. google scholar
  • Tsetskhladze, G. R. (2009). Notes on Phrygian Pessinus. In: H. Sağlamtimur vd., (Eds.), Altan Çilingiroğlu’na Armağan. Yukarı Denizin Kıyısında Urartu Krallığı’na Adanmış Bir Hayat (pp. 703-710). İstanbul. google scholar
  • Tsetskhladze, G. R. (2019). On Pessinus in Pre-Hellenistic Times. In: Pessinus and Its Regional Setting. Vol. 2 (pp. 23-62). Peeters. google scholar
  • Vasdaris, C. (1987). Das dorische Kapitell in der hellenistisch-römischen Zeit im östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Athen. google scholar
  • Verlinde, A. (2010). Monumental Architecture in Hellenistic and Julio-Claudian Pessinus. BABESCH, 85, 111-139. doi: 10.2143/BAB.85.0.2059892. google scholar
  • Verlinde, A. (2015a). The Pessinuntine Sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods in light of the excavated Roman temple. Latomus, 74(T. 1), 30-72. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Verlinde, A. (2015b). The Roman Sanctuary Site at Pessinus: From Phrygian to Byzantine Times. Peeters. google scholar
  • Vitr. De arch.: Vitruvius, De Architectura Libri Decem. google scholar
  • Yıldırım, N. (2018). Lyrbe Agorası. In (T. Kahya et al., eds.), Uluslararasi Genç Bilimciler Buluşmasi II: Anadolu Akdenizi Sempozyumu, Antalya, November 2015, 831-844. google scholar
  • Yurtsever, A. (2022). On the Identity of the Bath-Gymnasia in the Pamphylian Region. In: G. Koiner - M. Lehner - E. Trinkl (Eds.), Akten des 18. Österreichischen Archaologentagesam Institut für Archaologie der Universitat Graz (367-378). Graz: Phoibos Verlag. google scholar
  • Yurtsever, A. (2023). Taşınır ve Taşınmaz Kültür Varlıklarının Yeni Nesil Lidar Sensörlü Tablet Bilgisayar ile Belgelenmesi. Geomatik 8/2, 200-207. google scholar
  • Yurtsever, A., & Yılmaz Kolancı, B., (2022). Attouda Antik Kenti Dor Başlıkları. Cedrus 10, 191-210. google scholar
Year 2023, , 95 - 115, 31.12.2023


Supporting Institution

Anadolu Üniversitesi Proje Birimi

Project Number



Bu çalışma, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü ile Eskişehir Arkeoloji Müzesi Müdürlüğü'nün izin ve denetiminde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerekli izinleri veren Bakanlık ve Müze'ye teşekkürlerimi sunarım.


  • Alzinger, W. (1974) Augusteische Architektur in Ephesos. Wien. google scholar
  • Avram, A. & Tsetskhladze, G. R. (2014). A New Attalid Letter from Pessinus. ZPE 191, 151-181. google scholar
  • Bohn, R. (1885). Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nikephoros. AvP. II. Berlin. google scholar
  • Bernardi Ferrero, D, (1988). Batı Anadolu’nun Eski Çağ Tiyatroları. (Çev. E. Özbayoğlu), Ankara. google scholar
  • Claerhout, I. & Devreker, J. (2008). Ana Tanrıçanın Kutsal Kenti Pessinus. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A. (2019). The ‘Temple State’ of Phrygian Pessinus in the Context of Seleukid, Attalid, Galatian and Roman Hegemonial Politics (3rd-1st Centuries BC). In: G. R. Tsetskhladze (Ed.), Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period: Proceedings of an International Conference “The Phrygian Lands over Time: From Prehistory to the Middle of the 1st Millennium AD, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2nd-8th November 2015 (Vol. 24, pp. 607-648). Peeters Publishers. Doi: 10.2307/j.ctv1q26v1n.35 google scholar
  • Devreker, J., & Thoen, H., & Vermeulen, F. (1995). The Imperial Sanctuary at Pessinus and its Predecessors: A Revision. Anatolia Antiqua 3, 125-144. Doi: 10.3406/anata.1995.118 google scholar
  • Devreker, J. vd. (2009). Archaeological Excavations in Pessinus (Turkey): The 2008 Campaign. KST 31(1), 59-76. google scholar
  • Devreker, J. vd. (2010). Archaeological Excavations in Pessinus (Turkey): The 2008 Campaign. Anatolia Antiqua 18, 141-156. doi: google scholar
  • Emme, B. (2013). Peristyl und Polis. Entwicklung und Funktionen öffentlicher griechischer Hofanlagen. Berlin 2013. google scholar
  • Emme, B. (2018). The Emergence and Significance of the Palaestra Type in Greek Architecture. In: U. Mania - M. Trümper (Eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (pp. 143-159). Berlin. google scholar
  • Fochetti, B. (2020). Aspects of Continuity and Change in the Doric Order of the Province of Asia during the Imperial Period. In: U. Lohner-Urban & U. Quatember (Eds.), Zwischen Bruch und Kontinuitat. Architektur in Kleinasien am Übergang vom Hellenismus zur römischen Kaiserzeit. İstanbul, 119-132. google scholar
  • Gider, Z. (2012). Lagina Kuzey Stoanın Ön Cephe Düzenlemesi. In: (B. Söğüt ed.), Stratonikeia’dan Lagina’ya, A. A. Tırpan’a Armağan. İstanbul, 263-280. google scholar
  • Gider Buyukozer, Z. (2013). Karia Bölgesi Dor Mimarisi [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Selcuk Universitesi, Konya. google scholar
  • Gider Büyüközer, Z. (2020). Knidos Dorik Stoa (Sostratos?): Stilistik Değerlendirme. Olba 28, 131-164. google scholar
  • Hellström, P. (1984). Labraunda 1983, AST 2, 131-138. google scholar
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2021). Teos. Yazıtlar, Kültler ve Kentsel Doku. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Lanckoronski K. G. (1890). Stadte Pamphyliens undPisidiens I. Wien. google scholar
  • Mert, İ. H. (2002). Der Theater-Tempelkomplex von Stratonikeia. In: (Berns et al, eds.), Patris und Imperium. Kulturelle und politische Identitat in den Stadten der römischen Provinzen Kleinasiens in der frühen Kaiserzeit. Kolloquium Köln, November 1998. Leuven, 187-202. google scholar
  • Mert, İ. H. (2008). Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Bauornamentik von Stratonikeia. Tubingen. google scholar
  • Mert, İ. H. (2016). Priene’deki Gıda Pazar. Olba 24, 353-418. google scholar
  • Mitchell, S. (1994). Cremna in Pisidia. Duckworth. google scholar
  • Uz, D. M. (1985). Teos Dionysos Tapınağı Temenos Alanı. AST 3, 227-242. google scholar
  • Uz, D. M. (2013). Teos’taki Dionysos Tapınağı. Ankara. google scholar
  • Pensabene, P. (2004). Non stelle, ma il sole. Il contributo della planimetria e della decorazione architettonica alla definizione del santuario di Cibele a Pessinunte. ArchCl 55, 83-143. google scholar
  • Rumscheid, F. (1994). Untersuchungen zur Kleinasiatischen Bauornamentik des Hellenismus. Mainz. google scholar
  • Rumscheid, F. (2000). Priene: Küçük Asya’nın Pompeisi. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Schazmann, P. (1923). Das Gymnasion. Der Tempelbezirk der Hera Basileia. AvP VI, Berlin. google scholar
  • Smith, R. R. R. (2013). The Marble Reliefs from The Julio-Claudian Sebasteion. AphPapers 6, Mainz. google scholar
  • Söğüt, B. (2019). Stratonikeia (Eskihisar) ve Kutsal Alanları. Stratonikeia Çalışmaları 5. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Shoe, L. T. (1936). Profiles of Greek Mouldings. Cambridge. google scholar
  • Taşlıalan, M. (1994). Pisidia Antiocheia’sı 1992 Yılı Çalışmaları. MKKS 4, 245-284. google scholar
  • Trümper, M. (2015). Modernization and Change of Function of Hellenistic Gymnasia in the Imperial Period. In: P. Scholz & D. Wiegandt (Eds.), Das kaiserzeitliche Gymnasion. Berlin: De Gruyter, 127-149. google scholar
  • Tsetskhladze, G. R. (2009). Notes on Phrygian Pessinus. In: H. Sağlamtimur vd., (Eds.), Altan Çilingiroğlu’na Armağan. Yukarı Denizin Kıyısında Urartu Krallığı’na Adanmış Bir Hayat (pp. 703-710). İstanbul. google scholar
  • Tsetskhladze, G. R. (2019). On Pessinus in Pre-Hellenistic Times. In: Pessinus and Its Regional Setting. Vol. 2 (pp. 23-62). Peeters. google scholar
  • Vasdaris, C. (1987). Das dorische Kapitell in der hellenistisch-römischen Zeit im östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Athen. google scholar
  • Verlinde, A. (2010). Monumental Architecture in Hellenistic and Julio-Claudian Pessinus. BABESCH, 85, 111-139. doi: 10.2143/BAB.85.0.2059892. google scholar
  • Verlinde, A. (2015a). The Pessinuntine Sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods in light of the excavated Roman temple. Latomus, 74(T. 1), 30-72. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Verlinde, A. (2015b). The Roman Sanctuary Site at Pessinus: From Phrygian to Byzantine Times. Peeters. google scholar
  • Vitr. De arch.: Vitruvius, De Architectura Libri Decem. google scholar
  • Yıldırım, N. (2018). Lyrbe Agorası. In (T. Kahya et al., eds.), Uluslararasi Genç Bilimciler Buluşmasi II: Anadolu Akdenizi Sempozyumu, Antalya, November 2015, 831-844. google scholar
  • Yurtsever, A. (2022). On the Identity of the Bath-Gymnasia in the Pamphylian Region. In: G. Koiner - M. Lehner - E. Trinkl (Eds.), Akten des 18. Österreichischen Archaologentagesam Institut für Archaologie der Universitat Graz (367-378). Graz: Phoibos Verlag. google scholar
  • Yurtsever, A. (2023). Taşınır ve Taşınmaz Kültür Varlıklarının Yeni Nesil Lidar Sensörlü Tablet Bilgisayar ile Belgelenmesi. Geomatik 8/2, 200-207. google scholar
  • Yurtsever, A., & Yılmaz Kolancı, B., (2022). Attouda Antik Kenti Dor Başlıkları. Cedrus 10, 191-210. google scholar
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Adem Yurtsever 0000-0002-6727-9873

Project Number 2205E043
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yurtsever, A. (2023). Doric Capitals in Pessinus: A Brief Overview of Pessinus Architectural Activities. Anatolian Research(29), 95-115.