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Sardes: History, Architecture and Urbanization

Year 2020, , 135 - 158, 08.01.2021


Sardis is located on the northern foothills of Tmolos Mountains in western Anatolia. It was the capital of the Lydian Kingdom until its defeat by the Persians in 547 BCE. The city became the western capital of the Seleucid Empire in 280 BCE. The Lydian city featured massive fortifications with terraced structures. Hellenistic and Roman Sardis followed the organic planning principles of its predecessor, never adopting the grid plan. The foremost monument of the ancient city is the Temple of Artemis, the largest pseudodipteros of the ancient world, started under the Seleucids (ca. 280-260 BCE) and completed under Hadrian.


  • Berlin, A.M. (2019). Archaeology of a Changing City. Spear-Won Land, 50-67. google scholar
  • Berlin, A.M. & Kosmin, P. (Eds.). (2019). Spear-Won Land. Sardis from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Madison, Wisconsin. google scholar
  • Buckler, W. H. & Robinson, D. M. (1932). Sardis. Greek and Latin Inscriptions, VII (Publications of the American Society for the Excavation of Sardis), Leyden. google scholar
  • Butler, H. C. (1922). Sardis. The Excavations 1910-1914, I.1 (Publications of The American Society for the Excavation of of Sardis), Leyden. google scholar
  • Butler, H. C. (1925). Sardis. The Temple of Artemis, II.1 (Publications of the American Society fort he Excavation of of Sardis), Leyden. google scholar
  • Cahill, N. D. (2019a). Inside Out: Sardis in the Achaemenid and Lysimachean Periods. Spear-Won Land, 11-36. google scholar
  • Cahill, N. D. (2019b) Spotlight: The Metroon at Sardis. Spear-Won Land, 91-96. google scholar
  • Foss, Clive. (1976). Byzantine and Turkish Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monographs 4), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Gallart-Marques, F. (2019). A Clay Cybele in the City Center. Spear-Won Land, 120-31. google scholar
  • Greenewalt, Jr. C. H. (2010). Lidya Tanrıları. Lidyalilar ve Dünyaları - The Lydians and Their World, N. D. Cahill. (Ed. ). İstanbul, 233-46. google scholar
  • Hanfmann, George M. A. (1983). Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times, 1958-1975. Cambridge. Mass. google scholar
  • Hanfmann, George M. A. & J. Waldbaum. (1975). A Survey of Sardis and the Major Monuments Outside the City Walls (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 1), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Kosmin, P. J. (2019). Remaking a City: Sardis in the Long Third Century. Spear-Won Land, 75-90. google scholar
  • Mierse, W. E. (1983). The Persian Period. Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times, 100-108. google scholar
  • Pedley, J. G. (1972). Ancient Literary Sources on Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph 2), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Ratte, C. (2008). Reflections on the Urban Development of Hellenistic Sardis. N. D. Cahill (Ed.), Love for Lydia: A Sardis Anniversary Volume Presented to Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr., (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 4), Cambridge, Mass., 125-33. google scholar
  • Ratte, C. (2011). Lydian Architecture: Ashlar Masonry Structures at Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 5), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Ratte, C. T.N. Howe & C. Foss, (1986). An Early Imperial Pseudodipteros Temple at Sardis. AJA 90, 45-68. google scholar
  • Rautman, M. (2008). The Aura of Affluence. Domestic Scenery in Late Roman Sardis. Love for Lydia, 14758. google scholar
  • Stinson, P. (2019). The Hellenistic City Plan: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Spear-Won Land, 139-44. google scholar
  • Yegül, F.K. (1983). The Bath-Gymnasium Complex. Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times, 148-61. google scholar
  • Yegül, F.K. (1986). Ther Bath-Gymnasium Complex at Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 3), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (1987). Roman Architecture at Sardis. E. Guralnick (Ed.), Sardis. Twenty-Sevcen Years of Discovery, Chicago, 46-61. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2010a). From the Lofty Halls of Academia to the Dusty Hills of Anatolia: Howard Crosby Butler and the First Sardis Expedition through Peace and War, 1909-1926. S. Redford & N. Ergin (Eds.), Perceptions of the Past in the Turkish Republic: Classical and Byzantine Periods, (Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Suppl. 31), Leuven, 57-100. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2010b). Sardeis Artemis Tapinagi. N. D. Cahill (Ed.), Lidyalilar ve Dunyalari - The Lydians and Their World, Istanbul, 363-88. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2013). Yağmalanan Sardes ve Türk Arkeolojisinin Geçmişle İlk Hesaplaşması. G. Kökdemir (Ed.), Orhan Bingöl’e 67. Yaş Armağanı, Ankara, 711-726. google scholar
  • Yegül, F K. (2019). The Temple of Artemis. Spear-Won Land, 132-38. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2020a). The Temple of Artemis at Sardis, 2 vols. (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 7), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2020b). Artemis Tapınağı ve Altın Sardes’in Kraliçeleri. Seleucia 10, 9-33. google scholar

Sardes: Tarih, Mimarlık ve Şehircilik

Year 2020, , 135 - 158, 08.01.2021


Tarih boyunca ve değişik idareler altında, Sardes’i asırlar boyu, Asya/Anadolu’nun ortak kültür ve ortak-lisanlı bütününün (Anadolu koine’si) diğer kentleri arasında değişik ve benzersiz yapan nedir? Sardes’i antik Anadolu kentleri içinde hangi özelliği ile adlandırırız ve hatırlarız? Hangi özelliği ile Seleukos kralları, kraliçeleri, İran satrapları ve derebeyleri ve Roma imparatorlarının nezdinde kabul ve belki sevgi görmüştür? Bu soruların cevabı, kentin muhteşem surları, mermer caddeleri, yılan başlı çeşmeleri, akropolünün dik yamaçlarından uçar gibi yükselen terasları ve sarayları, hatta Artemis’i ve Kybebe’si için yapılan görkemli tapınaklarının somut yapılarında değil, onların canlandırdığı soyut dünyada ve Sardes’in insanlarının düşlerinde ve düşüncelerindedir. Nesiller boyu hayallerdeki “Altın Sardes” Lidya imparatorluğunun ve Kral Kroisos’un başkenti olarak yarattığı tarihi ve mitolojik çekiciliğini hiç kaybetmemiştir. Defalarca Sardes’in ve Sardes’linin romantik geçmişi şiir ve şarkıda yaşadı ve “kentin çiçeklerle kaplı Tmolos’un gölgesindeki yeri … tüm Lidya’nın ve Asya’nın metropolisi” olarak gerçekte olmasa bile hayal ve hatıralarda kaldı.


  • Berlin, A.M. (2019). Archaeology of a Changing City. Spear-Won Land, 50-67. google scholar
  • Berlin, A.M. & Kosmin, P. (Eds.). (2019). Spear-Won Land. Sardis from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Madison, Wisconsin. google scholar
  • Buckler, W. H. & Robinson, D. M. (1932). Sardis. Greek and Latin Inscriptions, VII (Publications of the American Society for the Excavation of Sardis), Leyden. google scholar
  • Butler, H. C. (1922). Sardis. The Excavations 1910-1914, I.1 (Publications of The American Society for the Excavation of of Sardis), Leyden. google scholar
  • Butler, H. C. (1925). Sardis. The Temple of Artemis, II.1 (Publications of the American Society fort he Excavation of of Sardis), Leyden. google scholar
  • Cahill, N. D. (2019a). Inside Out: Sardis in the Achaemenid and Lysimachean Periods. Spear-Won Land, 11-36. google scholar
  • Cahill, N. D. (2019b) Spotlight: The Metroon at Sardis. Spear-Won Land, 91-96. google scholar
  • Foss, Clive. (1976). Byzantine and Turkish Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monographs 4), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Gallart-Marques, F. (2019). A Clay Cybele in the City Center. Spear-Won Land, 120-31. google scholar
  • Greenewalt, Jr. C. H. (2010). Lidya Tanrıları. Lidyalilar ve Dünyaları - The Lydians and Their World, N. D. Cahill. (Ed. ). İstanbul, 233-46. google scholar
  • Hanfmann, George M. A. (1983). Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times, 1958-1975. Cambridge. Mass. google scholar
  • Hanfmann, George M. A. & J. Waldbaum. (1975). A Survey of Sardis and the Major Monuments Outside the City Walls (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 1), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Kosmin, P. J. (2019). Remaking a City: Sardis in the Long Third Century. Spear-Won Land, 75-90. google scholar
  • Mierse, W. E. (1983). The Persian Period. Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times, 100-108. google scholar
  • Pedley, J. G. (1972). Ancient Literary Sources on Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph 2), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Ratte, C. (2008). Reflections on the Urban Development of Hellenistic Sardis. N. D. Cahill (Ed.), Love for Lydia: A Sardis Anniversary Volume Presented to Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr., (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 4), Cambridge, Mass., 125-33. google scholar
  • Ratte, C. (2011). Lydian Architecture: Ashlar Masonry Structures at Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 5), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Ratte, C. T.N. Howe & C. Foss, (1986). An Early Imperial Pseudodipteros Temple at Sardis. AJA 90, 45-68. google scholar
  • Rautman, M. (2008). The Aura of Affluence. Domestic Scenery in Late Roman Sardis. Love for Lydia, 14758. google scholar
  • Stinson, P. (2019). The Hellenistic City Plan: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Spear-Won Land, 139-44. google scholar
  • Yegül, F.K. (1983). The Bath-Gymnasium Complex. Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times, 148-61. google scholar
  • Yegül, F.K. (1986). Ther Bath-Gymnasium Complex at Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 3), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (1987). Roman Architecture at Sardis. E. Guralnick (Ed.), Sardis. Twenty-Sevcen Years of Discovery, Chicago, 46-61. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2010a). From the Lofty Halls of Academia to the Dusty Hills of Anatolia: Howard Crosby Butler and the First Sardis Expedition through Peace and War, 1909-1926. S. Redford & N. Ergin (Eds.), Perceptions of the Past in the Turkish Republic: Classical and Byzantine Periods, (Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Suppl. 31), Leuven, 57-100. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2010b). Sardeis Artemis Tapinagi. N. D. Cahill (Ed.), Lidyalilar ve Dunyalari - The Lydians and Their World, Istanbul, 363-88. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2013). Yağmalanan Sardes ve Türk Arkeolojisinin Geçmişle İlk Hesaplaşması. G. Kökdemir (Ed.), Orhan Bingöl’e 67. Yaş Armağanı, Ankara, 711-726. google scholar
  • Yegül, F K. (2019). The Temple of Artemis. Spear-Won Land, 132-38. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2020a). The Temple of Artemis at Sardis, 2 vols. (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 7), Cambridge, Mass. google scholar
  • Yegül, F. K. (2020b). Artemis Tapınağı ve Altın Sardes’in Kraliçeleri. Seleucia 10, 9-33. google scholar
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Fikret K. Yegül This is me

Publication Date January 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yegül, F. K. (2021). Sardes: Tarih, Mimarlık ve Şehircilik. Anatolian Research(23), 135-158.