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Antik Rüzgâr Yakalayıcıların Anadolu’daki Örnekleri: Şanlıurfa’nın Badgelleri

Year 2019, Issue: 12, 109 - 128, 31.07.2019


farklı bölgelerinde geleneksel yaşam alanlarını aşırı sıcak iklim koşullarından
korumak için bazı geleneksel tasarım stratejileri geliştirilmiştir. Mekânsal
havalandırma ve soğutma bu stratejilerin başında yer almaktadır. Binlerce
yıllık bilgi birikiminin ürünü olan rüzgâr yakalayıcılar, sıcak iklim
koşullarına karşı mekânsal havalandırma ve soğutma sağlayan eşsiz bina
bileşenleridir. Bu çalışmada amaç, rüzgâr yakalayıcıları kullanma geleneğine
sahip ülkeleri belirlemek, bu bileşenlerin yerel isimleri, biçim ve işlevleri
hakkında bilgi vermektir. Ayrıca antik rüzgâr yakalayıcıların Anadolu’daki örnekleri
olan Şanlıurfa’nın badgellerinin biçimsel ve işlevsel bakımdan ayrıcalıklı
yönlerini belgelemek, diğer coğrafyalardaki örneklerle olan benzerlik ve
farklılıklarını göstermek temel amaçlar arasında yer almaktadır. 


  • ABDULAC, Samir, “Traditional Housing Design in the Arab Countries”, Urban Housing, Ed. M. Sevcenko, Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, Cambridge, 1982, s. 2-9.
  • AINI, Ali Hooshmand, “Numerical Study of Flow Patterns in the Windcatchers in Herat, Afghanistan by Using Computational Fluid Dynamic”, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, C.11, S.1, 2016, s. 31-34.
  • BAHADORI, Mehdi N.; DEHGHANI-SANIJ, Alireza, Wind Towers: Architecture, Climate and Sustainability, London 2014.
  • BAHRAMZADEH, Mohammad; SADEGHI, Bahador; ROU, S. Sabok, “A Comparative Study to Compare the Wind Catcher Types in the Architecture of Islamic Countries”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, [Özel Sayı], C. 3, S. 2, 2013, s. 312-316.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan, “The Dovecotes of Diyarbakır: the Surviving Examples of a Fading Tradition”, The Journal of Architecture, C. 14, S. 4, 2009, s. 451–464.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan; DALKILIÇ, Neslihan, “Design with Climate - What Can We Learn from the Past to Cope with Climate in terms of Design Strategy and Usage Style of Courtyard Houses?”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, C.11, S. 3, 2012, s. 357-366.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan, “Yaratıcı Bir Konut Tasarımı İçin İlham Kaynağı Olarak Geleneksel Mimariden Çıkarımlar”, Uluslararası Diyarbakır Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, Diyarbakır Valiliği ve Dicle Üniversitesi Ortak Yayını, Diyarbakır 2016, s. 207.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan, “Eskiyi Yeniye Uyarlama: Yerel Mimarideki Özgünlüğü Çağdaş Mimaride Yorumlama”, Tarihi Çevrede Yapılaşma Deneyimleri, Ed. A. Bekleyen ve N. Dalkılıç, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul 2018, s. 80-111.
  • FATHY, Hassan, Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture: Principles and Examples with Reference to Hot Arid Climates, Chicago, USA 1986.
  • GAGE, Stephen; GRAHAM, J. Michael R., “Static Split Duct Roof Ventilators”, Building Research and Information, C. 28, S. 4, 2000, s. 234-244.
  • HEIDARI, Abolfazl; SAHEBZADEH, Sadra; DALVAND, Zahra, “Natural Ventilation in Vernacular Architecture of Sistan, Iran: Classification and CFD Study of Compound Rooms”, Sustainability, C.9, S.6, 2017, Makale Numarası: 1048.
  • HUGHES, Ben Richard; CALAUTIT, John Kaiser; GHANI, Saud Abdul, “The Development of Commercial Wind Towers for Natural Ventilation: A Review”, Applied Energy, C. 92, S. 2012, 2012, s. 606-627.
  • JATT, Zahida Rehman, “Aesthetics and Organization of Spaces: A Case Study of Colonial Era Buildings in Hyderabad, Sindh”, Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning, C. 20, S. First Issue, 2016, s. 30-40.
  • JOMEHZADEH, Fatemeh; NEJAT, Payam; CALAUTIT, John Kaiser; YUSOF, Mohd Badruddin Mohd; ZAKI, Sheikh Ahmad; HUGHES, Ben Richard; YAZID, Muhammad Noor Afiq Witri Muhammad, “A Review on Windcatcher for Passive Cooling and Natural Ventilation in Buildings, Part 1: Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort Assessment”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, C. 70, S. 2017, 2017, s. 736-756.
  • KHAN, Naghman; SU, Yuehong; RIFFAT, Saffa B., “A Review on Wind Driven Ventilation Techniques”, Energy and Buildings, C. 40, S. 8, 2008, s. 1586-1604.
  • LANGENEGGER, Felix, Die Baukunst des Iraq, Dresden 1911.
  • MELİKOĞLU, Yahya, Geleneksel Yaşam Alanlarından Öğrenilen Sürdürülebilir Dersler: Şanlıurfa’nın Geleneksel Rüzgâr Yakalayıcıları, Dicle Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Diyarbakır 2018.
  • MONTEZERI, Hamid; AZIZIAN, Ruhollah, “Experimental Study on Natural Ventilation Performance of One-sided Wind Catcher”, Building and Environment, C. 43, S. 12, 2008, s. 2193-2202.
  • ORR, David W., The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention, New York 2002.
  • ÖZDENİZ, Mesut B.; BEKLEYEN, Ayhan; GÖNÜL, İsmail A.; GÖNÜL, Hatice; SARIGÖL, Hasan; İLTER, Türker; DALKILIÇ, Neslihan; YILDIRIM, Mücahit, “Vernacular Domed Houses of Harran, Turkey”, Habitat International, C. 22, S. 4, 1998, s. 477–485.
  • PRIYA, R. Shanthi; SUNDARRAJA, M.C.; RADHAKRISHNAN, S., “Evaluation of Traditional Architecture in the Coastal Region of Nagappattinam Using Mahoney Tables”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, C. 8, S. 1, 2012, s. 582-588.
  • PRIYA, R. Shanthi, Evaluation of Building Physics Phenomenon Amongst the Vernacular House Typologies in the Coastal Regions of Tamilnadu, Anna University, PhD Thesis, Chennai, İndia 2013.
  • RAGETTE, Friedrich, Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Arab Region, Axel Menges, Sharjah 2006.
  • RUDOFSKY, Bernard, Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-pedigreed Architecture, Museum of Modern Art, New York 1964.
  • SAADATIAN, Omidreza; HAW, Lim Chin; SOPIAN, K.; SULAIMAN, M.Y., “Review of Windcatcher Technologies”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, C. 16, S. 2012, 2012, s. 1477-1495.
  • SADEBZADEH, Sadra; HEIDARI, Abolfazl; KAMELNIA, Hamed; BAGHBANI, Abolfazl, “Sustainability Features of Iran’s Vernacular Architecture: A Comparative Study Between the Architecture of Hot-arid and Hot-arid-windy Regions”, Sustainability, C. 9, S.5, 2017, Makale Numarası: 749.
  • VIDA, Makani; MAHNAZ, Talebi, “Iranian Traditional Buildings-Sustainable Lessons-Case Study: Tabatabie House, Kashan, Iran”, Architecture + Design, C. 28, S. 5, 2011, s. 52-64.
  • WARREN, John; FETHI, İhsan, Traditional Houses in Baghdad, Horsham, England 1982.
  • ZARANDI, Mahnaz Mahmoudi, “Analysis on Iranian Wind Catcher and Its Effect on Natural Ventilation as a Solution towards Sustainable Architecture (Case Study: Yazd)”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, C. 3, S. 6, 2009, s. 574-579.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 08.11.2018.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2018.

The Examples of Antique Wind Catchers in Anatolia: Badgels of Şanlıurfa

Year 2019, Issue: 12, 109 - 128, 31.07.2019


Traditional design strategies have been
developed in different parts of the world to protect the traditional living
spaces from extremely hot weather conditions. Spatial ventilation and cooling
are among the most widely used strategies. Wind-catchers (badgels), the
products of thousands year old information, are
incomparable building components that provide spatial ventilation and cooling.
The purpose of the present study is to examine the countries that have the
tradition of using wind-catchers and to give information about their local
names, forms and functions. The main aims of the study are to document the
formal and functional aspects of the badgels in Şanlıurfa, which exemplify the
wind-catchers in Anatolia, and to show their similarities and differences with
the examples in the other geographical areas in the world. 


  • ABDULAC, Samir, “Traditional Housing Design in the Arab Countries”, Urban Housing, Ed. M. Sevcenko, Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, Cambridge, 1982, s. 2-9.
  • AINI, Ali Hooshmand, “Numerical Study of Flow Patterns in the Windcatchers in Herat, Afghanistan by Using Computational Fluid Dynamic”, International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, C.11, S.1, 2016, s. 31-34.
  • BAHADORI, Mehdi N.; DEHGHANI-SANIJ, Alireza, Wind Towers: Architecture, Climate and Sustainability, London 2014.
  • BAHRAMZADEH, Mohammad; SADEGHI, Bahador; ROU, S. Sabok, “A Comparative Study to Compare the Wind Catcher Types in the Architecture of Islamic Countries”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, [Özel Sayı], C. 3, S. 2, 2013, s. 312-316.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan, “The Dovecotes of Diyarbakır: the Surviving Examples of a Fading Tradition”, The Journal of Architecture, C. 14, S. 4, 2009, s. 451–464.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan; DALKILIÇ, Neslihan, “Design with Climate - What Can We Learn from the Past to Cope with Climate in terms of Design Strategy and Usage Style of Courtyard Houses?”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, C.11, S. 3, 2012, s. 357-366.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan, “Yaratıcı Bir Konut Tasarımı İçin İlham Kaynağı Olarak Geleneksel Mimariden Çıkarımlar”, Uluslararası Diyarbakır Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, Diyarbakır Valiliği ve Dicle Üniversitesi Ortak Yayını, Diyarbakır 2016, s. 207.
  • BEKLEYEN, Ayhan, “Eskiyi Yeniye Uyarlama: Yerel Mimarideki Özgünlüğü Çağdaş Mimaride Yorumlama”, Tarihi Çevrede Yapılaşma Deneyimleri, Ed. A. Bekleyen ve N. Dalkılıç, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul 2018, s. 80-111.
  • FATHY, Hassan, Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture: Principles and Examples with Reference to Hot Arid Climates, Chicago, USA 1986.
  • GAGE, Stephen; GRAHAM, J. Michael R., “Static Split Duct Roof Ventilators”, Building Research and Information, C. 28, S. 4, 2000, s. 234-244.
  • HEIDARI, Abolfazl; SAHEBZADEH, Sadra; DALVAND, Zahra, “Natural Ventilation in Vernacular Architecture of Sistan, Iran: Classification and CFD Study of Compound Rooms”, Sustainability, C.9, S.6, 2017, Makale Numarası: 1048.
  • HUGHES, Ben Richard; CALAUTIT, John Kaiser; GHANI, Saud Abdul, “The Development of Commercial Wind Towers for Natural Ventilation: A Review”, Applied Energy, C. 92, S. 2012, 2012, s. 606-627.
  • JATT, Zahida Rehman, “Aesthetics and Organization of Spaces: A Case Study of Colonial Era Buildings in Hyderabad, Sindh”, Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning, C. 20, S. First Issue, 2016, s. 30-40.
  • JOMEHZADEH, Fatemeh; NEJAT, Payam; CALAUTIT, John Kaiser; YUSOF, Mohd Badruddin Mohd; ZAKI, Sheikh Ahmad; HUGHES, Ben Richard; YAZID, Muhammad Noor Afiq Witri Muhammad, “A Review on Windcatcher for Passive Cooling and Natural Ventilation in Buildings, Part 1: Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort Assessment”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, C. 70, S. 2017, 2017, s. 736-756.
  • KHAN, Naghman; SU, Yuehong; RIFFAT, Saffa B., “A Review on Wind Driven Ventilation Techniques”, Energy and Buildings, C. 40, S. 8, 2008, s. 1586-1604.
  • LANGENEGGER, Felix, Die Baukunst des Iraq, Dresden 1911.
  • MELİKOĞLU, Yahya, Geleneksel Yaşam Alanlarından Öğrenilen Sürdürülebilir Dersler: Şanlıurfa’nın Geleneksel Rüzgâr Yakalayıcıları, Dicle Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Diyarbakır 2018.
  • MONTEZERI, Hamid; AZIZIAN, Ruhollah, “Experimental Study on Natural Ventilation Performance of One-sided Wind Catcher”, Building and Environment, C. 43, S. 12, 2008, s. 2193-2202.
  • ORR, David W., The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention, New York 2002.
  • ÖZDENİZ, Mesut B.; BEKLEYEN, Ayhan; GÖNÜL, İsmail A.; GÖNÜL, Hatice; SARIGÖL, Hasan; İLTER, Türker; DALKILIÇ, Neslihan; YILDIRIM, Mücahit, “Vernacular Domed Houses of Harran, Turkey”, Habitat International, C. 22, S. 4, 1998, s. 477–485.
  • PRIYA, R. Shanthi; SUNDARRAJA, M.C.; RADHAKRISHNAN, S., “Evaluation of Traditional Architecture in the Coastal Region of Nagappattinam Using Mahoney Tables”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, C. 8, S. 1, 2012, s. 582-588.
  • PRIYA, R. Shanthi, Evaluation of Building Physics Phenomenon Amongst the Vernacular House Typologies in the Coastal Regions of Tamilnadu, Anna University, PhD Thesis, Chennai, İndia 2013.
  • RAGETTE, Friedrich, Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Arab Region, Axel Menges, Sharjah 2006.
  • RUDOFSKY, Bernard, Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-pedigreed Architecture, Museum of Modern Art, New York 1964.
  • SAADATIAN, Omidreza; HAW, Lim Chin; SOPIAN, K.; SULAIMAN, M.Y., “Review of Windcatcher Technologies”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, C. 16, S. 2012, 2012, s. 1477-1495.
  • SADEBZADEH, Sadra; HEIDARI, Abolfazl; KAMELNIA, Hamed; BAGHBANI, Abolfazl, “Sustainability Features of Iran’s Vernacular Architecture: A Comparative Study Between the Architecture of Hot-arid and Hot-arid-windy Regions”, Sustainability, C. 9, S.5, 2017, Makale Numarası: 749.
  • VIDA, Makani; MAHNAZ, Talebi, “Iranian Traditional Buildings-Sustainable Lessons-Case Study: Tabatabie House, Kashan, Iran”, Architecture + Design, C. 28, S. 5, 2011, s. 52-64.
  • WARREN, John; FETHI, İhsan, Traditional Houses in Baghdad, Horsham, England 1982.
  • ZARANDI, Mahnaz Mahmoudi, “Analysis on Iranian Wind Catcher and Its Effect on Natural Ventilation as a Solution towards Sustainable Architecture (Case Study: Yazd)”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, C. 3, S. 6, 2009, s. 574-579.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 08.11.2018.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 24.12.2018.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish

Ayhan Bekleyen 0000-0003-0020-5877

Yahya Melikoğlu This is me 0000-0002-9815-0925

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Submission Date January 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 12


Chicago Bekleyen, Ayhan, and Yahya Melikoğlu. “Antik Rüzgâr Yakalayıcıların Anadolu’daki Örnekleri: Şanlıurfa’nın Badgelleri”. Art-Sanat, no. 12 (July 2019): 109-28.