Research Article
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Year 2014, Issue: 1, 19 - 33, 28.01.2014


Central Asia, extending from the Caspian Sea to the Issyk Lake and from the Aral Lake to the Hindu Kush Mountains, was a geographical region that indicates the diversity of cultural structure at the intersection of different religions before Islam. Temples belonged to different religions, were constructed in Central Asia that was seen religions such as Zoroastrianism, Hellene, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Manichaeism and Shamanism. Because of different ritual requirements, local and foreign architectural traditions, the temples of Central Asia displayed different typological features from the Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages.


  • ASKAROV, A., SHIRINOV, T, 1994, “The ‘Palace’, Temple and Necropolis of Jarkutan”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 8: 13-26
  • BELENİTSKİY, A. M. 1973, Monumentalnoe İskusstvo Pendjikenta, Moskova.
  • BERNARD, P., 1971, “La Campagne de Fouilles de 1970 à Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan), par”, Competus Rendus de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letters, Paris.
  • BERNARD, P., 1976, “Campagne de Fouilles de 1975 à Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan), par” Competus Rendus de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letters, Paris.
  • BOYCE, M., 1975, A History of Zoroastrianism 1, E.J. Brill, Leiden-Köln.
  • BULATOV, V. A., 1972, Drevnyaya Kuva, Taşkent.
  • COOMARASWAMY, A. K., 1965, History of Indian and Indonesian Art, New York.
  • ÇEŞMELİ, İ., 2007, “Antik Çağ Orta Asya Tapınaklarında Tipoloji”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 126: 93-98
  • ÇEŞMELİ, İ., 2010,"Budist Mimarisinin Orta Asya'daki Gelişimi ", Mimarlık ve Dekorasyon, 196: 76-84.
  • ÇEŞMELİ, İ., 2012, "Moğollar Öncesi Orta Asya'da Süryani Hıristiyanlığı", Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 140: 195-206.
  • DOWNEY, S. B., 1988, Mesopotamian Religious Architecture: Alexander through the Partians. Princeton-New Jersey.
  • FERGUSSON, J., 1910, History of Indian and Eastern Architecture I, London.
  • FRYE, R. N., 1998, The Heritage of Central Asia, Princeton.
  • GORYAÇEVA, V. D., PEREGUDOVA, S. Y., 1994, “Pamyatniki Hristianstva na Territorii Kırgızistana”, İz İstorii Drevnih Kultov Sredney Azii. Hristianstvo, Glavnaya Redaktsiya Entsiklodeyia, Taşkent, 84-95.
  • GORYAÇEVA, V. D., PEREGUDOVA, S. Ya., 1996, “Buddiyskie Pamyatniki Kirgizii”, Vestnik Drevney İstorii, 2: 167-189.
  • GRENET, F., 2010, “ A View from Samarkand: The Chionite and Kidarite Periods in the Archaeology of Sogdiana”, Coins, Art and Chronology II, (Ed. M. Alram, D. Klimburg-Salter, M. Inaba, M. Pfisterer), Wien, 267-281
  • GRÜNWEDEL, A., 1912, Altbuddhistische Kultstätten in Chinesisch-Turkistan, Berlin.
  • HELMS, S.W., YAGODIN, V. N., BETTS, A. V. G., KHOZHANIYAZOV, G., KIDD, F., 2001, “Five Seasons of Excavations in the Tash-k'irman Oasis of Ancient Chorasmia, 19962000. An interim report”, Iran, 39: 119-144.
  • HERRMANN, G., COFFEY, H., LAIDLAW, S., KURBANSAKHATOV, K., 2002, The Monuments of Merv, London.
  • HMELNİTSKİY, S., 2000, Mejdu Kuşanami Arabami I, Berlin-Riga.
  • LITVINSKIJ, B. A., 1981, “Kalai Kafirnigan. Problems in the Religion and Art of Early Mediaeval Tokharistan”, East and West, 31: 35-66.
  • LİTVİNSKİY, B. A., SOLOVEV, V. S., 1985, Srednevekovaya Kultura Toharistana. v Svete Raskopok v Vahşskoy Doline, Moskova.
  • LITVINSKII, B. A., PICHIKIAN, I. R., 1994, “The Hellenistic Architecture and Art of Temple of the Oxus”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 8: 47-66.
  • KOŠELENKO, G. A., LAPŠIN, A. G., NOVIKOV, S. V., 2000, “The Mansur-Depe Excavations of 1986-1987”, Parthica, 2: 87-123.
  • KRUGLİKOVA, İ. T., 1974, Dilberdjin (raskopki 1970-1972 gg.) 1, Moskova.
  • KRUGLİKOVA, İ. T., 1986, Dilberdjin. Hram Dioskurov, Moskova.
  • MULLOKANDOV, M., 1990, “Rannesrednevekovıy Buddiyskiy Monastır Hişt-Tepa v Hovalingskom Rayone Tadjikistana”, Mejdunarodnaya Assotsiatsiya po İzuçeniyu Kultur Tsentralnoy Azii, 17: 12-20.
  • OLDENBURG, S. F., 1914, Russkaya Turkestanskaya Ekspeditsya 1909-1910 goda, Sankpeterburg.
  • PİLİPKO, V.N., 1976, “Raskopki Svyatilisça Pozdnekuşanskogo Vremeni na Gorodişçe Zar-Tepe”, Baktriyskie Drevnosti, Leningrad, 59-68.
  • PUGAÇENKOVA, G. A., Rtveladze, E. V., 1978, Dalverzintepe Kuşanskiy Gorod na Yuge Uzbekistana, Taşkent.
  • PUGAÇENKOVA, G. A., 1987, İz Hudojestvennoy Sokrovişçnitsı Srednego Vostoka, Taşkent.
  • PUGAÇENKOVA, G. A., 1991/1992, “The Buddhist Monuments of Airtam”, Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 2: 23-41
  • PUGAČENKOVA, G. A., USMANOVA, Z., 1995, “Buddhist Monuments in Merv”, In the Land of the Gryphons. Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity, (Ed. A. Invernizzi), Frinze, 51-81.
  • RAPIN, C., 1995, “Hinduism in the Indo-Greek Area. Notes on Some Indian Finds from Bactria and on Two Temples in Taxila”, In the Land of the Gryphons. Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity, (Ed. A. Invernizzi), Firenze.
  • SARIANIDI, V., 1994, “Temples of Bronze Age Margiana: Traditions of Ritual Architecture”, Antiquity, 68 (259): 388-397.
  • SCHIPPMANN, K., 1971, Die Iranischen Feuerheiligtümer, Berlin-New York.
  • STAVISKY, B., 1984, “Kara Tepe in Old Termez. A Buddhist Religious Centre of the Kushan Period on the Bank of the Oxus”, From Hecataeus to Al-Huwarizmi, (Ed. J. Harmatta), Budapest, 95-135.
  • STAVISKIJ, B. Ja., 1987, “Le problème des Liens Entre le Bouddhisme Bactrien, le Zoroastrisme et les Cultes Mazdéens Locaux à la Lumière des Fouilles de Kara-tepe sur le Site de l'Antique Termez (Ouzbékistan).”, Cultes et Monuments Religieux dans l'Asie Centrale Préislamique, Paris, 47-52.
  • SULEYMANOV, R. H., 2000, Drevniy Nahşab, Semerkand-Taşkent
  • ZEYMAL, T. İ., 1986, “Buddiyskiy Kompleks Uştur Mullo”, Arheologiçeskie Rabotı v Tadjikistane, 19 (1979 g.): 186-202.
  • Fig. 1 Orta Asya Bronz Çağı tapınakları


Year 2014, Issue: 1, 19 - 33, 28.01.2014


Hazar Denizi’nden Issık Göl’e, Aral Gölü’nden Hindikuş Dağları’na uzanan Orta Asya, İslamiyet öncesinde farklı inançların kesiştiği kültürel yapısı çeşitlilik gösteren bir coğrafyaydı. Başta Zerdüştlük olmak üzere Hellen, Budizm, Hinduizm, Hristiyanlık, Maniheizm ve Şamanizm gibi inançların görüldüğü Orta Asya’da farklı inançlara ait tapınaklar inşa edilmiştir. Bronz Devrinden Erken Orta Çağa Orta Asya’daki tapınaklar farklı ritüel gereksinimler, yerel ve yabancı mimari gelenekler sebebiyle plan açısından değişik tipolojik özellikler göstermişlerdir.  


  • ASKAROV, A., SHIRINOV, T, 1994, “The ‘Palace’, Temple and Necropolis of Jarkutan”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 8: 13-26
  • BELENİTSKİY, A. M. 1973, Monumentalnoe İskusstvo Pendjikenta, Moskova.
  • BERNARD, P., 1971, “La Campagne de Fouilles de 1970 à Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan), par”, Competus Rendus de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letters, Paris.
  • BERNARD, P., 1976, “Campagne de Fouilles de 1975 à Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan), par” Competus Rendus de l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letters, Paris.
  • BOYCE, M., 1975, A History of Zoroastrianism 1, E.J. Brill, Leiden-Köln.
  • BULATOV, V. A., 1972, Drevnyaya Kuva, Taşkent.
  • COOMARASWAMY, A. K., 1965, History of Indian and Indonesian Art, New York.
  • ÇEŞMELİ, İ., 2007, “Antik Çağ Orta Asya Tapınaklarında Tipoloji”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 126: 93-98
  • ÇEŞMELİ, İ., 2010,"Budist Mimarisinin Orta Asya'daki Gelişimi ", Mimarlık ve Dekorasyon, 196: 76-84.
  • ÇEŞMELİ, İ., 2012, "Moğollar Öncesi Orta Asya'da Süryani Hıristiyanlığı", Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 140: 195-206.
  • DOWNEY, S. B., 1988, Mesopotamian Religious Architecture: Alexander through the Partians. Princeton-New Jersey.
  • FERGUSSON, J., 1910, History of Indian and Eastern Architecture I, London.
  • FRYE, R. N., 1998, The Heritage of Central Asia, Princeton.
  • GORYAÇEVA, V. D., PEREGUDOVA, S. Y., 1994, “Pamyatniki Hristianstva na Territorii Kırgızistana”, İz İstorii Drevnih Kultov Sredney Azii. Hristianstvo, Glavnaya Redaktsiya Entsiklodeyia, Taşkent, 84-95.
  • GORYAÇEVA, V. D., PEREGUDOVA, S. Ya., 1996, “Buddiyskie Pamyatniki Kirgizii”, Vestnik Drevney İstorii, 2: 167-189.
  • GRENET, F., 2010, “ A View from Samarkand: The Chionite and Kidarite Periods in the Archaeology of Sogdiana”, Coins, Art and Chronology II, (Ed. M. Alram, D. Klimburg-Salter, M. Inaba, M. Pfisterer), Wien, 267-281
  • GRÜNWEDEL, A., 1912, Altbuddhistische Kultstätten in Chinesisch-Turkistan, Berlin.
  • HELMS, S.W., YAGODIN, V. N., BETTS, A. V. G., KHOZHANIYAZOV, G., KIDD, F., 2001, “Five Seasons of Excavations in the Tash-k'irman Oasis of Ancient Chorasmia, 19962000. An interim report”, Iran, 39: 119-144.
  • HERRMANN, G., COFFEY, H., LAIDLAW, S., KURBANSAKHATOV, K., 2002, The Monuments of Merv, London.
  • HMELNİTSKİY, S., 2000, Mejdu Kuşanami Arabami I, Berlin-Riga.
  • LITVINSKIJ, B. A., 1981, “Kalai Kafirnigan. Problems in the Religion and Art of Early Mediaeval Tokharistan”, East and West, 31: 35-66.
  • LİTVİNSKİY, B. A., SOLOVEV, V. S., 1985, Srednevekovaya Kultura Toharistana. v Svete Raskopok v Vahşskoy Doline, Moskova.
  • LITVINSKII, B. A., PICHIKIAN, I. R., 1994, “The Hellenistic Architecture and Art of Temple of the Oxus”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 8: 47-66.
  • KOŠELENKO, G. A., LAPŠIN, A. G., NOVIKOV, S. V., 2000, “The Mansur-Depe Excavations of 1986-1987”, Parthica, 2: 87-123.
  • KRUGLİKOVA, İ. T., 1974, Dilberdjin (raskopki 1970-1972 gg.) 1, Moskova.
  • KRUGLİKOVA, İ. T., 1986, Dilberdjin. Hram Dioskurov, Moskova.
  • MULLOKANDOV, M., 1990, “Rannesrednevekovıy Buddiyskiy Monastır Hişt-Tepa v Hovalingskom Rayone Tadjikistana”, Mejdunarodnaya Assotsiatsiya po İzuçeniyu Kultur Tsentralnoy Azii, 17: 12-20.
  • OLDENBURG, S. F., 1914, Russkaya Turkestanskaya Ekspeditsya 1909-1910 goda, Sankpeterburg.
  • PİLİPKO, V.N., 1976, “Raskopki Svyatilisça Pozdnekuşanskogo Vremeni na Gorodişçe Zar-Tepe”, Baktriyskie Drevnosti, Leningrad, 59-68.
  • PUGAÇENKOVA, G. A., Rtveladze, E. V., 1978, Dalverzintepe Kuşanskiy Gorod na Yuge Uzbekistana, Taşkent.
  • PUGAÇENKOVA, G. A., 1987, İz Hudojestvennoy Sokrovişçnitsı Srednego Vostoka, Taşkent.
  • PUGAÇENKOVA, G. A., 1991/1992, “The Buddhist Monuments of Airtam”, Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 2: 23-41
  • PUGAČENKOVA, G. A., USMANOVA, Z., 1995, “Buddhist Monuments in Merv”, In the Land of the Gryphons. Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity, (Ed. A. Invernizzi), Frinze, 51-81.
  • RAPIN, C., 1995, “Hinduism in the Indo-Greek Area. Notes on Some Indian Finds from Bactria and on Two Temples in Taxila”, In the Land of the Gryphons. Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity, (Ed. A. Invernizzi), Firenze.
  • SARIANIDI, V., 1994, “Temples of Bronze Age Margiana: Traditions of Ritual Architecture”, Antiquity, 68 (259): 388-397.
  • SCHIPPMANN, K., 1971, Die Iranischen Feuerheiligtümer, Berlin-New York.
  • STAVISKY, B., 1984, “Kara Tepe in Old Termez. A Buddhist Religious Centre of the Kushan Period on the Bank of the Oxus”, From Hecataeus to Al-Huwarizmi, (Ed. J. Harmatta), Budapest, 95-135.
  • STAVISKIJ, B. Ja., 1987, “Le problème des Liens Entre le Bouddhisme Bactrien, le Zoroastrisme et les Cultes Mazdéens Locaux à la Lumière des Fouilles de Kara-tepe sur le Site de l'Antique Termez (Ouzbékistan).”, Cultes et Monuments Religieux dans l'Asie Centrale Préislamique, Paris, 47-52.
  • SULEYMANOV, R. H., 2000, Drevniy Nahşab, Semerkand-Taşkent
  • ZEYMAL, T. İ., 1986, “Buddiyskiy Kompleks Uştur Mullo”, Arheologiçeskie Rabotı v Tadjikistane, 19 (1979 g.): 186-202.
  • Fig. 1 Orta Asya Bronz Çağı tapınakları
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish

İbrahim Çeşmeli

Publication Date January 28, 2014
Submission Date January 28, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 1


Chicago Çeşmeli, İbrahim. “BRONZ ÇAĞINDAN ERKEN ORTA ÇAĞA ORTA ASYA TAPINAKLARI”. Art-Sanat, no. 1 (February 2014): 19-33.