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Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Bağlamında Üretilen Cinsiyetçi Söylemler Üzerine Bir Analiz: Türkiye Örneklemi

Year 2022, Issue: 24, 183 - 202, 25.05.2022


Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ve kadınların güçlenmesinin mevcut küresel siyasi bağlamı sürdürülebilir bir ekonomi ve topluma odaklanmaktadır. Kadınların güçlenmesi amacı ile yürütülen kurumsal sürdürülebilirlik çalışmaları her ne kadar sürdürülebilirlik çözümlerinden biri olarak konumlansa da, bu tür girişimlerin söylemsel alanının ürettiği cinsiyetçi yaklaşımlar ihmal edilmemelidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, sürdürülebilir kalkınma odağında kadınların güçlenmesi bağlamında Türkiye’de kurumsal şirketler tarafından üretilen söylemleri analiz etmek ve cinsiyetçi söylemlerin üretilip üretilmediğini ampirik bir araştırmayla ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma kapsamında Türk şirketleri tarafından halka açık yayınlanan kurumsal sürdürülebilirlik raporları veri seti olarak incelenmiş ve bulgular literatür taraması ile tartışılmıştır. İncelenen 53 şirketten 42’sinin kadınların güçlendirilmesine ilişkin beyanları bulunmaktadır ve araştırma bulguları bu beyanların cinsiyetçi söylemler içerdiğini göstermektedir. Cinsiyetçi söylemler, üretildikleri düşüncelere göre 5 gruba ayrılmıştır: cinsiyetli önyargılar ile üretilen söylemler, iktidar tahakkümünü yansıtan söylemler, ön niteleyiciler içeren söylemler, kadınları ötekileştiren söylemler, ve cinsiyetçi jenerik isimler içeren söylemler. Tüm söylem grupları, ilgili toplumsal cinsiyet ve iktidar kuramları üzerinden eleştirel söylem analizi ile tartışılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğini yeniden üreten cinsiyetçi söylemler ile güç politikalarını sorunsallaştırarak gelecekteki araştırmalar için yeni yönelimler önermektedir.

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  • Agrawal A., Pande A. & Sharma P. P. (2016). Women empowerment in India through corporate social responsibility: Policies & Challenges: A Case Study of NTPV Ltd., International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7(12). google scholar
  • Anker, R. (2001). Theories of occupational Segregation by Sex. An overview. International labour Organization. Geneva. Retrived from Women_gender_and_work_2001.pdf#page=138 google scholar
  • Ballow B., Heitger, D. (2005). The Rise of Corporate Sustainability Reporting: A Rapidly - Growing Assurance Opportunity. Miami University. 1-23. Retrieved from balloubj/images/ Ballou%20Heitger%20CSR%2024Jul05.pdf. google scholar
  • Beauvoir, S. (1989). The second sex. New York: Vintage Books. google scholar
  • Beckmann, S. C., Morsing, M. & Reisch, L. (2006). Strategic CSR communication: An emerging field. Strategic CSR communication. Strategic CSR communication, 11-36. google scholar
  • Burgess, D. & Borgida, E. (1999). Who women are, who women should be: Descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotyping in sex discrimination. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 5 665-692. Doi: 10.1037/1076-8971.5.3.665. google scholar
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity, 146 google scholar
  • Cranny-Francis, A., Waring, W., Stavropoulos, P., & Kirkby, J. (2003). Gender Studies. Terms and Debates, Palgrave Mcmillan, New York google scholar
  • De Lauretis, T. (1987). Technologies of Gender: Essays on theory, film, and fiction. Indiana University Press Dewan, M. H. (2017) Discourse analysis: An emerging trend in corporate narrative research. Middle East Journal of Business, 12(4) 3-9. Doi: 10.5742/ MEJB.2017.93084 google scholar
  • Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and social change, Polity Press, Cambridge google scholar
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical discourse analysis: The critical study of language. London: Longman. google scholar
  • Foucault, M. (1988). Critical theory/intellectual theory, interview with Gerard Raulet, In Kritzman, L. (Eds.) Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984, London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Ginevra . M. C. & Nota, L. (2015). Occupational gender stereotypes and problem-solving in Italian adolescents, British Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 45(3), 312-327 80/03069885.2015.1063584 google scholar
  • International Labour Organization (2007). ABC of women workers’ rights and gender equality, Second edition, International Labour Office. Geneva. google scholar
  • Koenig, A.M. (2018). Comparing Prescriptive and Descriptive Gender Stereotypes About Children, Adults, and the Elderly, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of San Diego. Doi:https:// google scholar
  • KPMG (2017). Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting. Retrieved from xx/en/home/insights/2017/10/the-kpmg-survey-of-corporate-responsibility-reporting-2017.html google scholar
  • Litosseliti, L. (2014). Gender and language, theory and practice, Routledge:London and New York, google scholar
  • Madaan, N., Singh, G., Mehta, S., Chetan, A. & Joshi, B. (2018). Generating Clues for Gender based Occupation De-biasing in Text. Retrieved from google scholar
  • McCarthy, L. (2017). Empowering women through corporate social responsibility: A feminist Foucauldian critique. Business Ethics Quarterly. 1(29) 27 Doi:10.1017/beq.2017.28. google scholar
  • Mensah, J. (2019). Sustainable development: Meaning, history, principles, pillars, and implications for human action: Literature review, Cogent Social Sciences, 5(1), Doi: 10.1080/23311886.2019.1653531 google scholar
  • Merkl-Davies, D., Brennan, N. & Vourvachis, P. (2012). Text Analysis Methodologies in Corporate Narrative Reporting Research. Retrieved from Text_Analysis_Methodologies_in_Corporate_Narrative_Reporting_Research google scholar
  • Prentice, D. A. & Carranza, E. (2002). What Women and Men Should Be, Shouldn’t be, are Allowed to be, and don’t Have to Be: The Contents of Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes. https://doi. org/10.1111/1471-6402.t01-1-00066 google scholar
  • Thomsen, C. (2013). Sustainability (World Commission on Environment and Development Definition). In: Idowu S.O., Capaldi N., Zu L., Gupta A.D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. google scholar
  • United Nations Sustainable Development (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Retrieved from content/documents/5987our-common-future.pdf google scholar
  • United Nations (2020). Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Van Dijk, T.A. (1993). Principles of critical discourse analysis, Discourse and Society, 4, 249-283. google scholar
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (1997). Discourse as Structure and Process. Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction. Volume I. Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Wareing, S. (2004). Language and gender. In L. Thomas, & S. Wareing (Eds.), Language, Society and Power: An Introduction. London and New York: Routledge. 76. google scholar

Gendered Discourses Produced Within the Corporate Sustainability Context: An Analysis on Turkiye

Year 2022, Issue: 24, 183 - 202, 25.05.2022


The current global political context of women’s empowerment is focusing on a sustainable economy and society. Corporate sustainability practices on women’s empowerment outgrow the concept of the struggle for gender equality at the workplace. Although women’s empowerment is positioned as one of the solutions for sustainability, there is a debate on the results of the corporate-led empowerment agenda, where remains a discursive terrain of such initiatives. The purpose of this research is to analyze the discourses produced by corporate companies in Turkey within the context of women’s empowerment for sustainable development and to present an empirical inquiry to bring up whether gendered discourses are produced. This research draws from all the approved corporate sustainability reports of Turkish companies and the findings of this research emerge from the literature review, field research, and theoretical and empirical work all together. Forty two companies out of the analysed 53 have statements on women’s empowerment and research findings show that these statements include gendered discourses. Gendered discourses are grouped into 5 groups (according to the idea of gendering) as: discourses produced with gendered biases, discourses reflecting power domination, discourses that include gratuitous premodifiers, discourses othering women, and discourses including gender generic nouns. All groups of discourses are discussed through related theories of gender and power. The research findings provoke new directions for future research problematizing ‘doing gender’ through language with the new questions it calls over the power politics of gender equality and empowerment of women.

Project Number



  • Agrawal A., Pande A. & Sharma P. P. (2016). Women empowerment in India through corporate social responsibility: Policies & Challenges: A Case Study of NTPV Ltd., International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7(12). google scholar
  • Anker, R. (2001). Theories of occupational Segregation by Sex. An overview. International labour Organization. Geneva. Retrived from Women_gender_and_work_2001.pdf#page=138 google scholar
  • Ballow B., Heitger, D. (2005). The Rise of Corporate Sustainability Reporting: A Rapidly - Growing Assurance Opportunity. Miami University. 1-23. Retrieved from balloubj/images/ Ballou%20Heitger%20CSR%2024Jul05.pdf. google scholar
  • Beauvoir, S. (1989). The second sex. New York: Vintage Books. google scholar
  • Beckmann, S. C., Morsing, M. & Reisch, L. (2006). Strategic CSR communication: An emerging field. Strategic CSR communication. Strategic CSR communication, 11-36. google scholar
  • Burgess, D. & Borgida, E. (1999). Who women are, who women should be: Descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotyping in sex discrimination. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 5 665-692. Doi: 10.1037/1076-8971.5.3.665. google scholar
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity, 146 google scholar
  • Cranny-Francis, A., Waring, W., Stavropoulos, P., & Kirkby, J. (2003). Gender Studies. Terms and Debates, Palgrave Mcmillan, New York google scholar
  • De Lauretis, T. (1987). Technologies of Gender: Essays on theory, film, and fiction. Indiana University Press Dewan, M. H. (2017) Discourse analysis: An emerging trend in corporate narrative research. Middle East Journal of Business, 12(4) 3-9. Doi: 10.5742/ MEJB.2017.93084 google scholar
  • Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and social change, Polity Press, Cambridge google scholar
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical discourse analysis: The critical study of language. London: Longman. google scholar
  • Foucault, M. (1988). Critical theory/intellectual theory, interview with Gerard Raulet, In Kritzman, L. (Eds.) Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984, London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Ginevra . M. C. & Nota, L. (2015). Occupational gender stereotypes and problem-solving in Italian adolescents, British Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 45(3), 312-327 80/03069885.2015.1063584 google scholar
  • International Labour Organization (2007). ABC of women workers’ rights and gender equality, Second edition, International Labour Office. Geneva. google scholar
  • Koenig, A.M. (2018). Comparing Prescriptive and Descriptive Gender Stereotypes About Children, Adults, and the Elderly, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of San Diego. Doi:https:// google scholar
  • KPMG (2017). Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting. Retrieved from xx/en/home/insights/2017/10/the-kpmg-survey-of-corporate-responsibility-reporting-2017.html google scholar
  • Litosseliti, L. (2014). Gender and language, theory and practice, Routledge:London and New York, google scholar
  • Madaan, N., Singh, G., Mehta, S., Chetan, A. & Joshi, B. (2018). Generating Clues for Gender based Occupation De-biasing in Text. Retrieved from google scholar
  • McCarthy, L. (2017). Empowering women through corporate social responsibility: A feminist Foucauldian critique. Business Ethics Quarterly. 1(29) 27 Doi:10.1017/beq.2017.28. google scholar
  • Mensah, J. (2019). Sustainable development: Meaning, history, principles, pillars, and implications for human action: Literature review, Cogent Social Sciences, 5(1), Doi: 10.1080/23311886.2019.1653531 google scholar
  • Merkl-Davies, D., Brennan, N. & Vourvachis, P. (2012). Text Analysis Methodologies in Corporate Narrative Reporting Research. Retrieved from Text_Analysis_Methodologies_in_Corporate_Narrative_Reporting_Research google scholar
  • Prentice, D. A. & Carranza, E. (2002). What Women and Men Should Be, Shouldn’t be, are Allowed to be, and don’t Have to Be: The Contents of Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes. https://doi. org/10.1111/1471-6402.t01-1-00066 google scholar
  • Thomsen, C. (2013). Sustainability (World Commission on Environment and Development Definition). In: Idowu S.O., Capaldi N., Zu L., Gupta A.D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. google scholar
  • United Nations Sustainable Development (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Retrieved from content/documents/5987our-common-future.pdf google scholar
  • United Nations (2020). Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Van Dijk, T.A. (1993). Principles of critical discourse analysis, Discourse and Society, 4, 249-283. google scholar
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (1997). Discourse as Structure and Process. Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction. Volume I. Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Wareing, S. (2004). Language and gender. In L. Thomas, & S. Wareing (Eds.), Language, Society and Power: An Introduction. London and New York: Routledge. 76. google scholar
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Women's Studies
Journal Section Research Article

İnci Çağla Gül Şenkardeş 0000-0002-3109-3268

Project Number -
Publication Date May 25, 2022
Submission Date January 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 24


APA Gül Şenkardeş, İ. Ç. (2022). Gendered Discourses Produced Within the Corporate Sustainability Context: An Analysis on Turkiye. İstanbul Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi(24), 183-202.