Research Article
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The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan

Year 2024, , 491 - 504, 24.12.2024


Frankenstein (1818), written by Mary Shelley, has been relentlessly adapted for all forms of art since it was written. One such form is a recent television drama series that has re-envisioned Frankenstein for a Turkish audiences. To this end, this paper examines an intertextual analysis of the dialogical relations between a literary text and its adaptation into a television series, with a focus on the fidelity approach in adaptation studies and the premise that all modifications are essentially rewritings in which the original content may be remade and recontextualized. Within this scope, the Turkish adaptation of Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) into a Netflix series as Yaratılan (Created) (2023) by Çağan Irmak is analysed to present to what extent the hypertext recalls and mirrors the hypotext, regarding the “fidelity criticism” in adaptation studies. Although the novel involves the societal, historical, and ideological issues of the 19th-century British culture, it is proper to claim that Irmak not only ingeniously conveys Shelley’s messages to the 21st-century Turkish audiences but also provides new perspectives for a popular source material while being “faithful” to the novel.


  • Allen, G. (2000). Intertextuality. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. google scholar
  • Andrew, D. (1984). Concepts in FILM THEORY. Oxford: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Aras, G. (2017). Literature and film: Different approaches to two narrrative forms. CÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 41(2), 33-54. google scholar
  • Bakhtin, M.M. (1981). The dialogic imagination (C. Emerson & M. Holquist, Trans.). Texas: U of Texas Press. google scholar
  • Baldick, C. (1990). Dictionary of literary terms. Oxford: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Barthes, R. (1977). Image-music-text (S. Heath, Trans.). New York: The Noonday Press. google scholar
  • Bazerman, C. (2004). Intertextuality: How texts rely on other texts. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. google scholar
  • Bialkowski, B. (2001). Facing up to the question of fidelity: The example of A Tale of Two Cities. Literature Film Quarterly, 29(3), 203-209. google scholar
  • Brownen, M. & Ringham, F. (2006). Key terms in Semiotics. Bloomsbury Publishing: Continuum. google scholar
  • Bryant J. (2013). Textual identity and adaptive revision: Editing adaptation as a fluid text. Adaptation Studies: New Challenges, New Directions. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 46-67. google scholar
  • Cardwell, S. (2007). Adaptation studies revisited: Purposes, perspectives, and inspiration. In J. M. Welsh & P. Lev (Eds.). The literature/film reader: Issues of adaptation (pp. 51-64). Toronto: Scarecrow. google scholar
  • Cartmell, D. & Whelehan, I. (2007). Introduction-literature on screen: A synoptic view. In D. Cartmell and I. Whelehan (Eds.). The Cambridge companion to literature on screen (pp. 1-12). Cambridge: Cambridge UP. google scholar
  • Chair, L.C. (2006). Literature into film: Theory and practical approaches. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co. google scholar
  • Corrigan, T. (2017). Defining adaptation. In T.M. Leitch (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of adaptation studies (pp. 3548). UK: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Desmond, J. & Hawkes, P. (2006). Adaptation: Studying film and literature. New York: McGraw-Hill. google scholar
  • Ellis, J. (1982). The literary adaptation: An introduction. Screen, 23(1), 3-5. google scholar
  • Fairclough, N. (1992). Discource and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Genette, G. (1997). Palimpsests: Literature in the second degree (C. Newman & C. Doubinsky, Trans.). London: University of Nebraska Press. google scholar
  • Hutcheon, L. (2013). A theory of adaptation. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Hutton, S. (2011). Before Frankenstein. In J. A. Hayden (Ed.). The new science and women’s literary discourse: Prefiguring Frankenstein (pp. 17-28). New York: Palgrave McMillan. google scholar
  • Irmak, Ç. (Producer). (2023). Yaratılan [TV series]. Netflix Films. google scholar
  • Irwin, W. (2004). Against intertextuality. Philosophy and Literature, 28(2), 227-242. google scholar
  • Karadağ, Ö. (2003, Aralık). Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in nineteenth century Ottoman İstanbul: Function of appropriation and performance in Çağan Irmak’s Creature [Öz]. Akademik Bilişim Konferansında sunulan bildiri, Theatre and Drama Studies Conference II, Adaptation, Appropriation and Translation, İstanbul. Erişim: Adaptation_Appropriation_Translation_2023_ google scholar
  • Kiraly, H. (2013). The medium strikes back- ‘Impossible adaptation’ revisited. In J. Bruhn, A. Gjelsvik & E. F. Hanssen (Eds.). Adaptation studies: New challenges, new directions. London: Bloomsbury Academic. google scholar
  • Kline, K. E. (1996). The accidental tourist on page and on screen: Interrogating normative theories about film adaptation. Literature Film Quarterly, 24(1), 70-83. google scholar
  • Kristeva, J. (1986). The Kristeva reader. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. google scholar
  • Leitch, T. (2003). Twelve fallacies in contemporary adaptation theory. Criticism, 45(2), 149-71. google scholar
  • Livingston, P. (2010). On the appreciation of cinematic adaptations. Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind, 4(2), 104-127. google scholar
  • McFarlane, B. (1996). Novel to film: An introduction to the theory of adaptation. Oxford: Clarendon Press. google scholar
  • Newman, C. (1985). The postmodern aura. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. google scholar
  • Özsoy, N. (2020). Osmanlı medyasında batılılaşma, din ve gelenek. Academic Social Resources Journal, 5(13), 251258. google scholar
  • Palmer, R. B. (2017). Continuation, adaptation studies, and the never-finished text. In J. Grossman (Ed.). Adaptation in visual culture: Images, texts, and their multiple worlds (pp. 73-99). London: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Perin, C. (1946). Tanzimat edebiyatında Fransız tesiri. İstanbul: Pulhan Matbaası. google scholar
  • Ray, R. B. (2000). The field of ‘Literature and Film’. In J. Naremore (Ed.). Film Adaptation. London: Athlone Press. google scholar
  • Rich, A. (1972). When we dead awaken: Writing as re-vision. College English, 34 (1), 18-30. google scholar
  • Sanders, J. (2006). Adaptation and appropriation. Canada: Routledge. google scholar
  • Scognamillo, G. (1973). Türk sinemasında yabancı uyarlamalar. İstanbul: Yedinci Sanat. google scholar
  • Shelley, M. (1993). Frankenstein or, the modern Prometheus. The Project Gutenberg eBook. google scholar
  • Sinyard, N. (1986). Filming literature: The art of screen adaptation. London: Croom Helm. google scholar
  • Smith, M. (1995). Engaging characters: Fiction, emotion, and the cinema. Oxford: Clarendon Press. google scholar
  • Stam, R. (2000). Beyond fidelity: The dialogics of adaptation. In J. Naremore (Ed.). Film adaptation (pp. 54-78). Great Britain: The Athlone Press. google scholar
  • ________(2005). Introduction: The theory and practice of adaptation. In R. Stam & A. Raengo (Eds.). Literature and film: A guide to the theory and practice of film adaptation (pp. 1- 52). Malden, MA: Blackwell. google scholar
  • Thornburg, M. K. P. (1984). The monster in the mirror. Michigan: UMI Research Press. google scholar
  • Wagner, G. (1975). The novel and the cinema. Cranbury, New Jersey: Associated University Presses, Inc. google scholar
  • Whelehan, I. (2006). Adaptations: The contemporary dilemmas. In D. Cartmell & I. Whelehan (Eds.). Adaptations: From text to screen, screen to text (pp. 3-19). London: Routledge. google scholar

Düşmüş Âdemler: Frankenstein ve Yaratılan Üzerine Metinlerarası bir Analiz

Year 2024, , 491 - 504, 24.12.2024


Mary Shelley’nin ünlü romanı Frankenstein (1818), yazıldığı günden bu yana aralıksız beyazperdeye, televizyona veya tiyatroya uyarlanmıştır. Sinemayla birlikte iletişim araçlarından biri olan televizyon dizileri de hikâye anlatımında oldukça tercih edilen bir araç olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Çoğunlukla romanlar ve bazen de kısa öyküler, geniş izleyicilere hitap edebilecek bölümler halinde beyazperdeye uyarlanmaktadır. Son olarak, uyarlama çalışmalarındaki aslına uygunluk yaklaşımıyla ilgili olarak ve tüm düzeltmelerin temelde yeniden yazım olduğu, kaynak içeriğin yeniden yapılabileceği ve yeniden bağlamlandırılabileceği argümanından yola çıkarak, bu makale edebi bir metin ile onun televizyon dizisi uyarlaması arrasındaki diyalojik ilişkilerin metinlerarası bir analizini içermektedir. Bu kapsamda, Shelley’nin Frankenstein (1818) adlı eserinin Çağan Irmak tarafından Netflix’de Yaratılan (2023) adıyla Türkçe yayınlanan uyarlaması, “sadakat eleştirisi” açısından hiper metnin alt metni ne ölçüde anımsattığı ve yansıttığını ortaya koymak amacıyla analiz edilmiştir. Roman, 19. yüzyıl İngiliz kültürünün toplumsal, tarihi ve ideolojik konularını içerse de, Irmak’ın, Shelley’nin mesajlarını 21. yüzyıl Türk okuruna ustalıkla aktarmanın yanı sıra, popüler bir kaynak materyale “sadık” kalarak yeni bir bakış açısı da kazandırdığını da söylemek doğru olacaktır.


  • Allen, G. (2000). Intertextuality. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. google scholar
  • Andrew, D. (1984). Concepts in FILM THEORY. Oxford: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Aras, G. (2017). Literature and film: Different approaches to two narrrative forms. CÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 41(2), 33-54. google scholar
  • Bakhtin, M.M. (1981). The dialogic imagination (C. Emerson & M. Holquist, Trans.). Texas: U of Texas Press. google scholar
  • Baldick, C. (1990). Dictionary of literary terms. Oxford: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Barthes, R. (1977). Image-music-text (S. Heath, Trans.). New York: The Noonday Press. google scholar
  • Bazerman, C. (2004). Intertextuality: How texts rely on other texts. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. google scholar
  • Bialkowski, B. (2001). Facing up to the question of fidelity: The example of A Tale of Two Cities. Literature Film Quarterly, 29(3), 203-209. google scholar
  • Brownen, M. & Ringham, F. (2006). Key terms in Semiotics. Bloomsbury Publishing: Continuum. google scholar
  • Bryant J. (2013). Textual identity and adaptive revision: Editing adaptation as a fluid text. Adaptation Studies: New Challenges, New Directions. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 46-67. google scholar
  • Cardwell, S. (2007). Adaptation studies revisited: Purposes, perspectives, and inspiration. In J. M. Welsh & P. Lev (Eds.). The literature/film reader: Issues of adaptation (pp. 51-64). Toronto: Scarecrow. google scholar
  • Cartmell, D. & Whelehan, I. (2007). Introduction-literature on screen: A synoptic view. In D. Cartmell and I. Whelehan (Eds.). The Cambridge companion to literature on screen (pp. 1-12). Cambridge: Cambridge UP. google scholar
  • Chair, L.C. (2006). Literature into film: Theory and practical approaches. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co. google scholar
  • Corrigan, T. (2017). Defining adaptation. In T.M. Leitch (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of adaptation studies (pp. 3548). UK: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Desmond, J. & Hawkes, P. (2006). Adaptation: Studying film and literature. New York: McGraw-Hill. google scholar
  • Ellis, J. (1982). The literary adaptation: An introduction. Screen, 23(1), 3-5. google scholar
  • Fairclough, N. (1992). Discource and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Genette, G. (1997). Palimpsests: Literature in the second degree (C. Newman & C. Doubinsky, Trans.). London: University of Nebraska Press. google scholar
  • Hutcheon, L. (2013). A theory of adaptation. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Hutton, S. (2011). Before Frankenstein. In J. A. Hayden (Ed.). The new science and women’s literary discourse: Prefiguring Frankenstein (pp. 17-28). New York: Palgrave McMillan. google scholar
  • Irmak, Ç. (Producer). (2023). Yaratılan [TV series]. Netflix Films. google scholar
  • Irwin, W. (2004). Against intertextuality. Philosophy and Literature, 28(2), 227-242. google scholar
  • Karadağ, Ö. (2003, Aralık). Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in nineteenth century Ottoman İstanbul: Function of appropriation and performance in Çağan Irmak’s Creature [Öz]. Akademik Bilişim Konferansında sunulan bildiri, Theatre and Drama Studies Conference II, Adaptation, Appropriation and Translation, İstanbul. Erişim: Adaptation_Appropriation_Translation_2023_ google scholar
  • Kiraly, H. (2013). The medium strikes back- ‘Impossible adaptation’ revisited. In J. Bruhn, A. Gjelsvik & E. F. Hanssen (Eds.). Adaptation studies: New challenges, new directions. London: Bloomsbury Academic. google scholar
  • Kline, K. E. (1996). The accidental tourist on page and on screen: Interrogating normative theories about film adaptation. Literature Film Quarterly, 24(1), 70-83. google scholar
  • Kristeva, J. (1986). The Kristeva reader. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. google scholar
  • Leitch, T. (2003). Twelve fallacies in contemporary adaptation theory. Criticism, 45(2), 149-71. google scholar
  • Livingston, P. (2010). On the appreciation of cinematic adaptations. Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind, 4(2), 104-127. google scholar
  • McFarlane, B. (1996). Novel to film: An introduction to the theory of adaptation. Oxford: Clarendon Press. google scholar
  • Newman, C. (1985). The postmodern aura. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. google scholar
  • Özsoy, N. (2020). Osmanlı medyasında batılılaşma, din ve gelenek. Academic Social Resources Journal, 5(13), 251258. google scholar
  • Palmer, R. B. (2017). Continuation, adaptation studies, and the never-finished text. In J. Grossman (Ed.). Adaptation in visual culture: Images, texts, and their multiple worlds (pp. 73-99). London: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Perin, C. (1946). Tanzimat edebiyatında Fransız tesiri. İstanbul: Pulhan Matbaası. google scholar
  • Ray, R. B. (2000). The field of ‘Literature and Film’. In J. Naremore (Ed.). Film Adaptation. London: Athlone Press. google scholar
  • Rich, A. (1972). When we dead awaken: Writing as re-vision. College English, 34 (1), 18-30. google scholar
  • Sanders, J. (2006). Adaptation and appropriation. Canada: Routledge. google scholar
  • Scognamillo, G. (1973). Türk sinemasında yabancı uyarlamalar. İstanbul: Yedinci Sanat. google scholar
  • Shelley, M. (1993). Frankenstein or, the modern Prometheus. The Project Gutenberg eBook. google scholar
  • Sinyard, N. (1986). Filming literature: The art of screen adaptation. London: Croom Helm. google scholar
  • Smith, M. (1995). Engaging characters: Fiction, emotion, and the cinema. Oxford: Clarendon Press. google scholar
  • Stam, R. (2000). Beyond fidelity: The dialogics of adaptation. In J. Naremore (Ed.). Film adaptation (pp. 54-78). Great Britain: The Athlone Press. google scholar
  • ________(2005). Introduction: The theory and practice of adaptation. In R. Stam & A. Raengo (Eds.). Literature and film: A guide to the theory and practice of film adaptation (pp. 1- 52). Malden, MA: Blackwell. google scholar
  • Thornburg, M. K. P. (1984). The monster in the mirror. Michigan: UMI Research Press. google scholar
  • Wagner, G. (1975). The novel and the cinema. Cranbury, New Jersey: Associated University Presses, Inc. google scholar
  • Whelehan, I. (2006). Adaptations: The contemporary dilemmas. In D. Cartmell & I. Whelehan (Eds.). Adaptations: From text to screen, screen to text (pp. 3-19). London: Routledge. google scholar
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Arts and Cultural Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Senem Üstün Kaya 0000-0001-6537-9769

Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date May 5, 2024
Acceptance Date November 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Üstün Kaya, S. (2024). The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, 34(2), 491-504.
AMA Üstün Kaya S. The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan. Litera. December 2024;34(2):491-504. doi:10.26650/LITERA2024-1478885
Chicago Üstün Kaya, Senem. “The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 34, no. 2 (December 2024): 491-504.
EndNote Üstün Kaya S (December 1, 2024) The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 34 2 491–504.
IEEE S. Üstün Kaya, “The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan”, Litera, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 491–504, 2024, doi: 10.26650/LITERA2024-1478885.
ISNAD Üstün Kaya, Senem. “The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 34/2 (December 2024), 491-504.
JAMA Üstün Kaya S. The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan. Litera. 2024;34:491–504.
MLA Üstün Kaya, Senem. “The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, vol. 34, no. 2, 2024, pp. 491-04, doi:10.26650/LITERA2024-1478885.
Vancouver Üstün Kaya S. The Fallen Adams: An Intertextual Analysis on Frankenstein and Yaratılan. Litera. 2024;34(2):491-504.