Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 59 - 74, 18.04.2023



  • Akyurt, N., & Tuncer, B. (2020). Investigation of Glass Ceiling Syndrome: "The Case of Radiology". Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 723-736.
  • Arıkan, S. (1999). Challenges Faced by Women Managers in Managerial Positions. Journal of Police Science, 1(4), 147-154.
  • Arıkan, S. (2003, June). Leadership Behaviours of Women Managers and an Application in the Banking Sector. 5(1).
  • Aydin, A. (2013, September). Diversity Saves Lives. Harvard Business Review, 93–97. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Data Analysis Handbook for Social Sciences. Pegem Citation Index, Pegem Atıf İndeksi, 1–213.
  • European Commission. (2010). Report on Progress on Equality between Women and Men in 2010. Catalyst, (2022, February) Women in the United States Workforce. Retrivied from, (Date of Access :20.05.2022).
  • David, A., Joan, M. H., Ovadia, S., & Vanneman, R. (2001). The glass ceiling effect. Journal of Social Forces, 80(2), 655-681.
  • Deemer, C., Fredericks, N. (2006). Dancing on the Glass Ceiling (S. Özer, Trans.), Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Eagly, A. H., & Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C. (2001). The leadership styles of women and men. Journal of Social Issues, 57(4), 781–797.
  • Ergeneli, A., & Akçamete, C. (2004). The Glass Ceiling in Banking: The Attitudes of Women and Men towards the Promotion of Women Employees and Women to Senior Management. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 22(2), 85-109.
  • Güney, S., Gohar, R., Akıncı, S. K., & Akıncı, M. M. (2006). Attitudes toward Women Managers in Turkey and Pakistan. Journal of International Women's Studies, 8(1), 194–211.
  • Gökkaya, V. B. (2009). The Other of Modernity in Turkey: Woman and Her Identity, Dissertation. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Sociology of Institutions.
  • Karaca, A. (2007). Career barriers in female managers: A hands-on study of glass ceiling syndrome. Konya: Unpublished Master's Thesis, Selçuk University.
  • Kavut, F. L., & Güngör, N. (2018). Hmmm. Key audit issues in independent auditing: 2017 analysis of BIST-100 companies. Journal of the Institute of Accounting, 16(59), 59–70.
  • Kocacık, F., & Gökkaya, V. B. (2005). Working Women in Turkey and their problems. C.U. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(1), 195–219.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2016y). Women at The Management Positions and The Glass Ceiling Syndrome. The Journal of Academic Social Science.
  • Limon, S., Oral, N., & Antalyalı, Ö. L. (2018). The Concept of Stereotype in Management Literature: A Study of Management Research in National and International Fields. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Visionary, 10(23), 195–211.
  • Menteş, A. (2018). The Problem of Glass Ceilings in the Turkish Banking Sector. Retrieved from Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 1-8.
  • Minibaş, J., Erkmen, T., & Karsak, B. (2011). Social Representations of Women Managers in the Banking Sector. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication (15), 45–58.
  • Öğüt, A. (2006). Challenges to Women Entrepreneurship and Management in Turkey. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi,1(1) 56–78.
  • Ozkaplan, N. (2013). Women Academics: Glass ceilings are still too thick. Journal of Women's Studies, 12(0), 1–23.
  • Özmen, K., Bilgin, E. Ö., & Ubbelohde, G. (2018). Being a Woman Manager in Hotel Operations: The Case of Sakarya Province. 1st International Conference on New Generations and New Trends in Tourism, (pp. 145–161).
  • Savaşkan, E. (2019). A Conceptual Study on Gender Inequality for Women Managers. Artvin Coruh University International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 1–23.
  • Tanrısevdi, F., Sarpkaya, P. Y., & Sarpkaya, R. (2019). Glass Ceiling Experiences of Women Managers in Educational Organizations. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 7(4), 1-28.
  • Turkish Official Gazette. (2012). Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué on the Determination and Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles in Series IV. February 2, No: 28201
  • Turkish Official Gazette. (2014). Corporate Governance Communiqué No.17.1 in Series II. January 1, No:2871 Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), (Date of Access: 12.05.2022)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, TurkStat. (2021). Women in Statistics,, (Accessed 12.06 2022).
  • Utma, S. (2019). Gender discrimination against women and glass ceiling syndrome. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1), 44–58.
  • International Labour Organization (ILO) (2015). Women in Business and Management Gaining Momentum. International Labour Organization.
  • Ünnü, N. A., Barbaras, M., & Kesken, J. (2014). Women's Participation in Authority and Decision-Making Mechanisms in the context of universities in Turkey. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences (42), 121–134.
  • Yavuz, E, & Uzun, A. (2019). Investigation and Interpretation of the Studies on the Concept of Glass Ceiling in Turkey Between 2000–2018. Eurasian International Journal of Studies, 7(16), 697–718.
  • Weber, Shandwick. (2016). Gender Forward Pioneer Index. GFP.
  • Wirth, L. (2001). Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling. Genova: Women in Management. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • WOB Turkey, Women in YK in Turkey and the World, Women on Board Association Turkey., (Date of Access: 15.05.2022).

Female Employment in the Top Management: Women, who Broke Through the Glass Ceiling

Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 59 - 74, 18.04.2023


With the Industrial Revolution, women, who started to be employed for wages, started to take a more active place in the business world with globalization. The sole thing that does not change in the constantly developing and changing business world from the Industrial Revolution to the present is the perspective to women. Women are viewed as cheap labor and the jobs they can do are determined by society. Women, make up half percent of the world’s population were excluded from managerial duties. Barriers to women's access to top positions in business life are named as the glass ceiling. In this research, women working in the top management of BIST companies in Turkey and going beyond the glass ceiling were researched.
Systematic scanning, which involves the process of searching different data sources by using certain keywords or separators for a certain time period to find an answer to a research question, is generally used to define the current situation. This study is carried out to identify the women managers who work in managerial positions in the companies traded in Borsa Istanbul. In order to determine the status of women in management, the distribution of the research data obtained through systematic scanning was determined and visualized.


  • Akyurt, N., & Tuncer, B. (2020). Investigation of Glass Ceiling Syndrome: "The Case of Radiology". Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 723-736.
  • Arıkan, S. (1999). Challenges Faced by Women Managers in Managerial Positions. Journal of Police Science, 1(4), 147-154.
  • Arıkan, S. (2003, June). Leadership Behaviours of Women Managers and an Application in the Banking Sector. 5(1).
  • Aydin, A. (2013, September). Diversity Saves Lives. Harvard Business Review, 93–97. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Data Analysis Handbook for Social Sciences. Pegem Citation Index, Pegem Atıf İndeksi, 1–213.
  • European Commission. (2010). Report on Progress on Equality between Women and Men in 2010. Catalyst, (2022, February) Women in the United States Workforce. Retrivied from, (Date of Access :20.05.2022).
  • David, A., Joan, M. H., Ovadia, S., & Vanneman, R. (2001). The glass ceiling effect. Journal of Social Forces, 80(2), 655-681.
  • Deemer, C., Fredericks, N. (2006). Dancing on the Glass Ceiling (S. Özer, Trans.), Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Eagly, A. H., & Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C. (2001). The leadership styles of women and men. Journal of Social Issues, 57(4), 781–797.
  • Ergeneli, A., & Akçamete, C. (2004). The Glass Ceiling in Banking: The Attitudes of Women and Men towards the Promotion of Women Employees and Women to Senior Management. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 22(2), 85-109.
  • Güney, S., Gohar, R., Akıncı, S. K., & Akıncı, M. M. (2006). Attitudes toward Women Managers in Turkey and Pakistan. Journal of International Women's Studies, 8(1), 194–211.
  • Gökkaya, V. B. (2009). The Other of Modernity in Turkey: Woman and Her Identity, Dissertation. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Sociology of Institutions.
  • Karaca, A. (2007). Career barriers in female managers: A hands-on study of glass ceiling syndrome. Konya: Unpublished Master's Thesis, Selçuk University.
  • Kavut, F. L., & Güngör, N. (2018). Hmmm. Key audit issues in independent auditing: 2017 analysis of BIST-100 companies. Journal of the Institute of Accounting, 16(59), 59–70.
  • Kocacık, F., & Gökkaya, V. B. (2005). Working Women in Turkey and their problems. C.U. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(1), 195–219.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2016y). Women at The Management Positions and The Glass Ceiling Syndrome. The Journal of Academic Social Science.
  • Limon, S., Oral, N., & Antalyalı, Ö. L. (2018). The Concept of Stereotype in Management Literature: A Study of Management Research in National and International Fields. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Visionary, 10(23), 195–211.
  • Menteş, A. (2018). The Problem of Glass Ceilings in the Turkish Banking Sector. Retrieved from Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 1-8.
  • Minibaş, J., Erkmen, T., & Karsak, B. (2011). Social Representations of Women Managers in the Banking Sector. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication (15), 45–58.
  • Öğüt, A. (2006). Challenges to Women Entrepreneurship and Management in Turkey. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi,1(1) 56–78.
  • Ozkaplan, N. (2013). Women Academics: Glass ceilings are still too thick. Journal of Women's Studies, 12(0), 1–23.
  • Özmen, K., Bilgin, E. Ö., & Ubbelohde, G. (2018). Being a Woman Manager in Hotel Operations: The Case of Sakarya Province. 1st International Conference on New Generations and New Trends in Tourism, (pp. 145–161).
  • Savaşkan, E. (2019). A Conceptual Study on Gender Inequality for Women Managers. Artvin Coruh University International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 1–23.
  • Tanrısevdi, F., Sarpkaya, P. Y., & Sarpkaya, R. (2019). Glass Ceiling Experiences of Women Managers in Educational Organizations. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 7(4), 1-28.
  • Turkish Official Gazette. (2012). Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué on the Determination and Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles in Series IV. February 2, No: 28201
  • Turkish Official Gazette. (2014). Corporate Governance Communiqué No.17.1 in Series II. January 1, No:2871 Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), (Date of Access: 12.05.2022)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, TurkStat. (2021). Women in Statistics,, (Accessed 12.06 2022).
  • Utma, S. (2019). Gender discrimination against women and glass ceiling syndrome. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1), 44–58.
  • International Labour Organization (ILO) (2015). Women in Business and Management Gaining Momentum. International Labour Organization.
  • Ünnü, N. A., Barbaras, M., & Kesken, J. (2014). Women's Participation in Authority and Decision-Making Mechanisms in the context of universities in Turkey. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences (42), 121–134.
  • Yavuz, E, & Uzun, A. (2019). Investigation and Interpretation of the Studies on the Concept of Glass Ceiling in Turkey Between 2000–2018. Eurasian International Journal of Studies, 7(16), 697–718.
  • Weber, Shandwick. (2016). Gender Forward Pioneer Index. GFP.
  • Wirth, L. (2001). Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling. Genova: Women in Management. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • WOB Turkey, Women in YK in Turkey and the World, Women on Board Association Turkey., (Date of Access: 15.05.2022).


Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 59 - 74, 18.04.2023


Sanayi Devrimiyle birlikte ücret karşılığında istihdam edilmeye başlayan kadınlar küreselleşmeyle iş dünyasında daha aktif şekilde yer almaya başlamışlardır. Sanayi Devriminden günümüze kadar sürekli gelişen ve değişen iş dünyasında değişmeyen tek şey kadına bakış açısıdır. Kadın ucuz iş gücüdür ve yapabileceği işler toplum tarafından belirlenmiştir. Dünya nüfusunun yarısını oluşturan kadınlar yönetsel görevlerin dışında tutulmuştur. Kadınların iş yaşamında üst düzey görevlere gelmesinin önündeki engeller cam tavan olarak ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de cam tavanı aşarak BİST şirketlerinde üst yönetimde görev alan kadınlar araştırılmıştır.
Bir araştırma sorusuna cevap bulmak için farklı veri kaynaklarının belirli zaman aralığı, belirli anahtar kelime ya da ayraçlar kullanılıp kısıtlanarak taranması işlemini içeren sistematik tarama genellikle mevcut durumun tanımlanması için kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören şirketlerde, yönetsel pozisyonlarda görev yapan kadın yöneticileri belirlemeye yöneliktir. Kadınların yönetimde bulunma durumlarının tespit edilmesi amacıyla sistematik tarama ile elde edilen araştırma verilerinin dağılımları belirlenerek görselleştirilmiştir.


  • Akyurt, N., & Tuncer, B. (2020). Investigation of Glass Ceiling Syndrome: "The Case of Radiology". Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 723-736.
  • Arıkan, S. (1999). Challenges Faced by Women Managers in Managerial Positions. Journal of Police Science, 1(4), 147-154.
  • Arıkan, S. (2003, June). Leadership Behaviours of Women Managers and an Application in the Banking Sector. 5(1).
  • Aydin, A. (2013, September). Diversity Saves Lives. Harvard Business Review, 93–97. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Data Analysis Handbook for Social Sciences. Pegem Citation Index, Pegem Atıf İndeksi, 1–213.
  • European Commission. (2010). Report on Progress on Equality between Women and Men in 2010. Catalyst, (2022, February) Women in the United States Workforce. Retrivied from, (Date of Access :20.05.2022).
  • David, A., Joan, M. H., Ovadia, S., & Vanneman, R. (2001). The glass ceiling effect. Journal of Social Forces, 80(2), 655-681.
  • Deemer, C., Fredericks, N. (2006). Dancing on the Glass Ceiling (S. Özer, Trans.), Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Eagly, A. H., & Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C. (2001). The leadership styles of women and men. Journal of Social Issues, 57(4), 781–797.
  • Ergeneli, A., & Akçamete, C. (2004). The Glass Ceiling in Banking: The Attitudes of Women and Men towards the Promotion of Women Employees and Women to Senior Management. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 22(2), 85-109.
  • Güney, S., Gohar, R., Akıncı, S. K., & Akıncı, M. M. (2006). Attitudes toward Women Managers in Turkey and Pakistan. Journal of International Women's Studies, 8(1), 194–211.
  • Gökkaya, V. B. (2009). The Other of Modernity in Turkey: Woman and Her Identity, Dissertation. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Sociology of Institutions.
  • Karaca, A. (2007). Career barriers in female managers: A hands-on study of glass ceiling syndrome. Konya: Unpublished Master's Thesis, Selçuk University.
  • Kavut, F. L., & Güngör, N. (2018). Hmmm. Key audit issues in independent auditing: 2017 analysis of BIST-100 companies. Journal of the Institute of Accounting, 16(59), 59–70.
  • Kocacık, F., & Gökkaya, V. B. (2005). Working Women in Turkey and their problems. C.U. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(1), 195–219.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2016y). Women at The Management Positions and The Glass Ceiling Syndrome. The Journal of Academic Social Science.
  • Limon, S., Oral, N., & Antalyalı, Ö. L. (2018). The Concept of Stereotype in Management Literature: A Study of Management Research in National and International Fields. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Visionary, 10(23), 195–211.
  • Menteş, A. (2018). The Problem of Glass Ceilings in the Turkish Banking Sector. Retrieved from Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 1-8.
  • Minibaş, J., Erkmen, T., & Karsak, B. (2011). Social Representations of Women Managers in the Banking Sector. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication (15), 45–58.
  • Öğüt, A. (2006). Challenges to Women Entrepreneurship and Management in Turkey. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi,1(1) 56–78.
  • Ozkaplan, N. (2013). Women Academics: Glass ceilings are still too thick. Journal of Women's Studies, 12(0), 1–23.
  • Özmen, K., Bilgin, E. Ö., & Ubbelohde, G. (2018). Being a Woman Manager in Hotel Operations: The Case of Sakarya Province. 1st International Conference on New Generations and New Trends in Tourism, (pp. 145–161).
  • Savaşkan, E. (2019). A Conceptual Study on Gender Inequality for Women Managers. Artvin Coruh University International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 1–23.
  • Tanrısevdi, F., Sarpkaya, P. Y., & Sarpkaya, R. (2019). Glass Ceiling Experiences of Women Managers in Educational Organizations. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 7(4), 1-28.
  • Turkish Official Gazette. (2012). Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué on the Determination and Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles in Series IV. February 2, No: 28201
  • Turkish Official Gazette. (2014). Corporate Governance Communiqué No.17.1 in Series II. January 1, No:2871 Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), (Date of Access: 12.05.2022)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, TurkStat. (2021). Women in Statistics,, (Accessed 12.06 2022).
  • Utma, S. (2019). Gender discrimination against women and glass ceiling syndrome. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1), 44–58.
  • International Labour Organization (ILO) (2015). Women in Business and Management Gaining Momentum. International Labour Organization.
  • Ünnü, N. A., Barbaras, M., & Kesken, J. (2014). Women's Participation in Authority and Decision-Making Mechanisms in the context of universities in Turkey. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences (42), 121–134.
  • Yavuz, E, & Uzun, A. (2019). Investigation and Interpretation of the Studies on the Concept of Glass Ceiling in Turkey Between 2000–2018. Eurasian International Journal of Studies, 7(16), 697–718.
  • Weber, Shandwick. (2016). Gender Forward Pioneer Index. GFP.
  • Wirth, L. (2001). Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling. Genova: Women in Management. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • WOB Turkey, Women in YK in Turkey and the World, Women on Board Association Turkey., (Date of Access: 15.05.2022).
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Operation
Journal Section Research Article

Gönül Alkan 0000-0002-9021-3979

Fatma Hepsağ 0000-0002-9021-3979

Early Pub Date April 18, 2023
Publication Date April 18, 2023
Submission Date December 19, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Alkan, G., & Hepsağ, F. (2023). Female Employment in the Top Management: Women, who Broke Through the Glass Ceiling. İzmir Yönetim Dergisi, 3(2), 59-74.

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