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Factors Affecting Red Meat Quality at Pre-Slaughter

Year 2025, , 40 - 53, 12.02.2025


In this study, some factors that prevent pre-slaughter meat quality by staying within the boundaries of the animal breeding area are emphasized. Animal health and welfare are key in herd management throughout all production and consumption processes. Especially when animal rights and welfare are ignored, vehicles used to transport animals are often unsuitable for such a purpose, which can cause stress on the animals. In addition, animals are kept in the shelter for more than one day and slaughtered in front of other animals. The transportation of animals from the animal market to the pen and then to the slaughterhouse often occurs under inappropriate conditions. They are stoned, beaten with sticks and ropes, and subjected to other inhumane treatment. In this regard, many workers do not have enough information that the abuse of animals can affect their welfare and meat quality. In this context, some factors such as live weight and carcass weight, fat score, breed, sex, age and weight, feeding factors, pre-slaughter management, distance and conditions of transportation to slaughterhouse, nutrition and starvation, mixing of foreign animals before transportation or slaughter, physical activity, transportation-related problems, and slaughterhouse conditions were discussed. The aim of this review study, which examines the measures that can be taken against this, is to convey the practices to reduce the effects of these factors that affect the meat quality before slaughter.


  • Abhijith, A., Dunshea, F. R., Warner, R. D., Leury, B. J., Ha, M., & Chauhan, S. S. (2020). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of high, medium, and low voltage electrical stimulation on the meat quality of small ruminants. Foods, 9(11), 1587.
  • Adzitey, F. (2011). Effect of pre-slaughter animal handling on carcass and meat quality. International Food Research Journal, 18(2), 484–490.
  • Akçapınar, H., & Ünal, N. (2011). Bafra Koyunu. Samsun Sempozyumu, 13–16.
  • Alfonso, M., Sañudo, C., Berge, P., Fisher, A. V., Stamataris, C., Thorkelsson, G., & Piasentier, E. (2001). Influential factors in lamb meat quality: Acceptability of specific designations. In R. Rubino & P. Morand-Fehr (Eds.), Production systems and product quality in sheep and goats (pp. 19–28). Zaragoza, Spain: CIHEAM.
  • Anonymous. (2017). Meat & Livestock Australia | Market Information Services, Sheep Assessment Manual. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from
  • Anonymous. (2021). Factors affecting lamb meat quality. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from
  • Anonymous. (2023). Muscle color, glycogen content, lactate production, and pH decline: Conversion of muscle to meat. Retrieved August 31, 2023, from
  • Aytekin, İ., Boztepe, S., & Kan, A. (2015). Kırmızı et üretiminde sığıra olan bağımlılığın azaltılmasında koyun yetiştiriciliğinin önemi. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (2nd ICSAE), September 30 – October 3, 2015, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Tikent, A., Taaifi, Y., Boukharta, M., Serghini, H. C., & Elamrani, A. (2021). Effect of age and breed on carcass and meat quality characteristics of Beni-Guil and Ouled-Djellal sheep breeds. The Scientific World Journal.
  • Çalık, M., Aktaş, M. S., Cecen, E., Piskin, İ. E., Ayaydın, H., Ornek, Z., Karaca, M., Solmaz, A., & Ay, H. (2018). The association between serum vitamin B12 deficiency and tension-type headache in Turkish children. Neurological Sciences, 39, 1009–1014.
  • Ciliberti, M. G., Santillo, A., Marino, R., Ciani, E., Caroprese, M., Rillo, L., Matassino, D., Sevi, A., & Albenzio, M. (2021). Lamb meat quality and carcass evaluation of five autochthonous sheep breeds: Towards biodiversity protection. Animals, 11, 3222.
  • Frimpong, G. S., Gebresenbet, G., Bobobee, E., Aklaku, E. D., & Hamdu, I. (2014). Effect of transportation and pre-slaughter handling on welfare and meat quality of cattle: A case study of Kumasi Abattoir. Veterinary Science, 1, 174–191.
  • Gutiérrez-Peña, R., García-Infante, M., Delgado-Pertíñez, M., Guzmán, J. L., Zarazaga, L. Á., Simal, S., & Horcada, A. (2022). Organoleptic and nutritional traits of lambs from Spanish Mediterranean Islands raised under a traditional production system. Foods, 11(9), 1312.
  • Kadim, I. T., Mahgoub, O., AlKindi, A. Y., Al-Marzooqi, W., Al-Saqri, N. M., Almaney, M., & Mahmoud, I. Y. (2007). Effect of transportation at high ambient temperatures on physiological responses, carcass, and meat quality characteristics in two age groups of Omani sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 20(3), 424–431.
  • Kaya, A., & Önenç, A. (2002). Sığır karkaslarında renk koyuluğunu (dark cutting) önleme uygulamalarının et kalitesine etkisi. TÜBİTAK VHAG Projesi. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from
  • Knowles, T. G., Brown, S. N., Warriss, P. D., Phillips, A. J., Dolan, S. K., Hunt, P., Ford, J. E., Edwards, J. E., & Watkins, P. E. (1995). Effects on sheep of transport by road for up to 24 h. Veterinary Record, 136, 431–438.
  • Kopuzlu, S., Esenbuga, N., Onenc, A., Macit, M., Yanar, M., Yuksel, S., Ozluturk, A., & Unlu, N. (2018). Effects of slaughter age and muscle type on meat quality characteristics of Eastern Anatolian Red bulls. Archives of Animal Breeding, 61(4), 497–504.
  • Lage, R. R. P., Vega, W. H. O., Costa, H. H. A., Costa, A. C., Sousa, L. C. O., Lima, L. D., & Landim, A. V. (2020). Effect of breed on meat quality and global acceptance of native lambs and their crosses. South African Journal of Animal Science, 50(1), 150–160.
  • Lind, V., Berg, J., Eilertsen, S. M., Hersleth, M., & Eik, L. O. (2011). Effect of gender on meat quality in lamb from extensive and intensive grazing systems when slaughtered at the end of the growing season. Meat Science, 88, 305–310.
  • Moshe, G., Amitai, Y., Korchia, G., Korchia, L., Tenenbaum, A., Rosenblum, J., & Schechter, A. (2013). Anemia and iron deficiency in children: Association with red meat and poultry consumption. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 57(6), 722–727.
  • Özhan, M., & Uğur, F. (1995). Sığır besisinde yaş faktörünün önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(4), 569–574.
  • Priolo, A., Micol, D., Agabriel, J., Prache, S., & Dransfield, E. (2002). Effect of grass or concentrate feeding systems on lamb carcass and meat quality. Meat Science, 62(2), 179–185.
  • Sebsibe, A. (2012). Sheep and goat meat characteristics and quality. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from
  • Toohey, E. S., & Hopkins, D. L. (2006). Effects of lairage time and electrical stimulation on sheep meat quality. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46(7), 863–867.
  • Warriss, P. D. (1993). Ante-mortem factors which influence carcass shrinkage and meat quality. 39th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 1–6, pp. 51–65.

Kesim Öncesi Kırmızı Et Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2025, , 40 - 53, 12.02.2025


Bu çalışmada hayvan yetiştirme alanının sınırları dâhilinde kalarak kesim öncesi et kalitesini önleyen bazı faktörler üzerinde durulmuştur. Hayvan sağlığı ve refahı, üretimden tüketime kadar tüm süreçlerde sürü yönetiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle hayvan hakları ve refahı göz ardı edildiğinde, hayvanları taşımak için kullanılan araçlar çoğunlukla bu tür bir amaca uygun değildir ve bu durum hayvanlar üzerinde strese neden olabilir. Ayrıca hayvanlar, barınakta bir günden fazla tutulmakta ve başka hayvanların gözü önünde kesilmektedir. Hayvanların mezbaha tesislerinde hayvan pazarından ağıla ve daha sonra mezbahaya taşınması genellikle uygun olmayan şartlarda gerçekleşir. Taşlanır, sopa ve iplerle dövülürler ve diğer insanlık dışı muamelelere maruz kalırlar. Bu konuda birçok çalışanda hayvanlara kötü muamele edilmesinin onların refahını ve et kalitesini etkileyebileceği konusunda yeterli bilgi yoktur. Bu kapsamda canlı ağırlık ve karkas ağırlığı, yağ skoru, hayvanın ırkı, cinsiyeti, yaş ve ağırlık, besleme faktörleri, kesim öncesi yönetim, mezbahaya nakil mesafesi ve koşulları, beslenme ve açlık, yabancı hayvanları nakliye veya kesimden önce karıştırmak, fiziksel aktivite, nakliye ilgili sorunlar ve mezbaha şartları gibi bazı faktörlerin et kalitesini nasıl etkilediği ele alınmıştır. Buna karşı alınabilecek önlemlerin tartışıldığı bu derleme çalışmasının amacı kesim öncesi et kalitesine etki eden bu faktörlerin etkilerinin azaltılmasına yönelik uygulamaları aktarmaktır.


  • Abhijith, A., Dunshea, F. R., Warner, R. D., Leury, B. J., Ha, M., & Chauhan, S. S. (2020). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of high, medium, and low voltage electrical stimulation on the meat quality of small ruminants. Foods, 9(11), 1587.
  • Adzitey, F. (2011). Effect of pre-slaughter animal handling on carcass and meat quality. International Food Research Journal, 18(2), 484–490.
  • Akçapınar, H., & Ünal, N. (2011). Bafra Koyunu. Samsun Sempozyumu, 13–16.
  • Alfonso, M., Sañudo, C., Berge, P., Fisher, A. V., Stamataris, C., Thorkelsson, G., & Piasentier, E. (2001). Influential factors in lamb meat quality: Acceptability of specific designations. In R. Rubino & P. Morand-Fehr (Eds.), Production systems and product quality in sheep and goats (pp. 19–28). Zaragoza, Spain: CIHEAM.
  • Anonymous. (2017). Meat & Livestock Australia | Market Information Services, Sheep Assessment Manual. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from
  • Anonymous. (2021). Factors affecting lamb meat quality. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from
  • Anonymous. (2023). Muscle color, glycogen content, lactate production, and pH decline: Conversion of muscle to meat. Retrieved August 31, 2023, from
  • Aytekin, İ., Boztepe, S., & Kan, A. (2015). Kırmızı et üretiminde sığıra olan bağımlılığın azaltılmasında koyun yetiştiriciliğinin önemi. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (2nd ICSAE), September 30 – October 3, 2015, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Tikent, A., Taaifi, Y., Boukharta, M., Serghini, H. C., & Elamrani, A. (2021). Effect of age and breed on carcass and meat quality characteristics of Beni-Guil and Ouled-Djellal sheep breeds. The Scientific World Journal.
  • Çalık, M., Aktaş, M. S., Cecen, E., Piskin, İ. E., Ayaydın, H., Ornek, Z., Karaca, M., Solmaz, A., & Ay, H. (2018). The association between serum vitamin B12 deficiency and tension-type headache in Turkish children. Neurological Sciences, 39, 1009–1014.
  • Ciliberti, M. G., Santillo, A., Marino, R., Ciani, E., Caroprese, M., Rillo, L., Matassino, D., Sevi, A., & Albenzio, M. (2021). Lamb meat quality and carcass evaluation of five autochthonous sheep breeds: Towards biodiversity protection. Animals, 11, 3222.
  • Frimpong, G. S., Gebresenbet, G., Bobobee, E., Aklaku, E. D., & Hamdu, I. (2014). Effect of transportation and pre-slaughter handling on welfare and meat quality of cattle: A case study of Kumasi Abattoir. Veterinary Science, 1, 174–191.
  • Gutiérrez-Peña, R., García-Infante, M., Delgado-Pertíñez, M., Guzmán, J. L., Zarazaga, L. Á., Simal, S., & Horcada, A. (2022). Organoleptic and nutritional traits of lambs from Spanish Mediterranean Islands raised under a traditional production system. Foods, 11(9), 1312.
  • Kadim, I. T., Mahgoub, O., AlKindi, A. Y., Al-Marzooqi, W., Al-Saqri, N. M., Almaney, M., & Mahmoud, I. Y. (2007). Effect of transportation at high ambient temperatures on physiological responses, carcass, and meat quality characteristics in two age groups of Omani sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 20(3), 424–431.
  • Kaya, A., & Önenç, A. (2002). Sığır karkaslarında renk koyuluğunu (dark cutting) önleme uygulamalarının et kalitesine etkisi. TÜBİTAK VHAG Projesi. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from
  • Knowles, T. G., Brown, S. N., Warriss, P. D., Phillips, A. J., Dolan, S. K., Hunt, P., Ford, J. E., Edwards, J. E., & Watkins, P. E. (1995). Effects on sheep of transport by road for up to 24 h. Veterinary Record, 136, 431–438.
  • Kopuzlu, S., Esenbuga, N., Onenc, A., Macit, M., Yanar, M., Yuksel, S., Ozluturk, A., & Unlu, N. (2018). Effects of slaughter age and muscle type on meat quality characteristics of Eastern Anatolian Red bulls. Archives of Animal Breeding, 61(4), 497–504.
  • Lage, R. R. P., Vega, W. H. O., Costa, H. H. A., Costa, A. C., Sousa, L. C. O., Lima, L. D., & Landim, A. V. (2020). Effect of breed on meat quality and global acceptance of native lambs and their crosses. South African Journal of Animal Science, 50(1), 150–160.
  • Lind, V., Berg, J., Eilertsen, S. M., Hersleth, M., & Eik, L. O. (2011). Effect of gender on meat quality in lamb from extensive and intensive grazing systems when slaughtered at the end of the growing season. Meat Science, 88, 305–310.
  • Moshe, G., Amitai, Y., Korchia, G., Korchia, L., Tenenbaum, A., Rosenblum, J., & Schechter, A. (2013). Anemia and iron deficiency in children: Association with red meat and poultry consumption. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 57(6), 722–727.
  • Özhan, M., & Uğur, F. (1995). Sığır besisinde yaş faktörünün önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(4), 569–574.
  • Priolo, A., Micol, D., Agabriel, J., Prache, S., & Dransfield, E. (2002). Effect of grass or concentrate feeding systems on lamb carcass and meat quality. Meat Science, 62(2), 179–185.
  • Sebsibe, A. (2012). Sheep and goat meat characteristics and quality. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from
  • Toohey, E. S., & Hopkins, D. L. (2006). Effects of lairage time and electrical stimulation on sheep meat quality. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46(7), 863–867.
  • Warriss, P. D. (1993). Ante-mortem factors which influence carcass shrinkage and meat quality. 39th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 1–6, pp. 51–65.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Stock Farming and Treatment
Journal Section Reviews

Saim Boztepe 0000-0003-1096-9141

İbrahim Aytekin 0000-0001-7769-0685

Publication Date February 12, 2025
Submission Date December 25, 2024
Acceptance Date January 18, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Boztepe, S., & Aytekin, İ. (2025). Kesim Öncesi Kırmızı Et Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler. Journal of Animal Science and Economics, 4(1), 40-53.

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