Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 16 - 25, 31.12.2021


Because ozone is a very active oxidizing agent and powerful antimicrobial property, it has found use in many areas. It has long been used in dentistry, in medical laboratories, in cleaning up chemical waste mixed with hospital sewage, in extending the shelf life of food through ozonation, in cleaning urban drinking water, in raising pools and fish aquariums. So that ozone can be used in different amounts depending on the area of application and industry, it must be produced in the laboratory using artificial methods. The aim of this study was to impart knowledge and technical skills to the students at the vocational school for technical sciences at Amasya University. As part of this goal, we presented a model of an ozone generator that works on the corona discharge principle to generate significant amounts of ozone. The aim of the study is to present the advantages of the ozone generator and to raise awareness for the areas of application.


  • 1. Sandermann Jr, H. (1996). Ozone and plant health. Annual review of phytopathology, 34(1), 347-366.
  • 2. Kogelschatz, U. (1988). Process Technologies for Water treatment, edited by S. Stucki.
  • 3. Danil de Namor, A. F. (2007). Water purification: from ancient civilization to the XXI Century. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 7(1), 33-39.
  • 4. Merlet, N. (1986). Contribution A LEtude Du Mechanisme De Formation Des Trihalomethanes Et Des Composes Organohalogdnds Non Volatils Lors De La Chloration De Molecule Modules Dissertation. University de Poitiers.
  • 5. Guzel-Seydim, Z. B., Greene, A. K., & Seydim, A. C. (2004). Use of ozone in the food industry. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 37(4), 453-460.
  • 6. Ölmez, H., & Kretzschmar, U. (2009). Potential alternative disinfection methods for organic fresh-cut industry for minimizing water consumption and environmental impact. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(3), 686-693.
  • 7. United States Environmental Protection Acency. (1999). Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Ozone Disinfection.


Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 16 - 25, 31.12.2021


Ozonun çok aktif bir oksidan ve kuvvetli bir antimikrobiyal özelliği olması bakımından birçok sektörde kendine uygulama alanı bulmuştur. Uzun bir süredir diş hekimliğinde, tıbbi laboratuvarlarda, hastanelerin atık sulara karışan kimyasal atıklarının yok edilmesinde, gıda ürünlerinin ozonlanarak raf ömrünün uzatılmasında, şehir içme sularının arıtılmasında, havuzların ve balık akvaryumlarının artırtılmasında kullanılmaktadır. Ozonun uygulandığı alan ve sektöre göre değişik miktarlarda kullanılabilmesi için laboratuvarda yapay yöntemlerle üretilmesine ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışmada Amasya Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulunda öğrencilere bilgi ve teknik beceri kazandırmayı hedefledik. Bu hedef çerçevesinde önemli miktarlarda ozon elde edebilmek için korona deşarj prensibi ile çalışan bir ozon jeneratörünün modelini kullanıma sunduk. Ortaya konan çalışmanın hedefi ozon jeneratörünün faydalarını tanıtmak ve uygulama alanları hakkında insanları bilinçlendirmek amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. Sandermann Jr, H. (1996). Ozone and plant health. Annual review of phytopathology, 34(1), 347-366.
  • 2. Kogelschatz, U. (1988). Process Technologies for Water treatment, edited by S. Stucki.
  • 3. Danil de Namor, A. F. (2007). Water purification: from ancient civilization to the XXI Century. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 7(1), 33-39.
  • 4. Merlet, N. (1986). Contribution A LEtude Du Mechanisme De Formation Des Trihalomethanes Et Des Composes Organohalogdnds Non Volatils Lors De La Chloration De Molecule Modules Dissertation. University de Poitiers.
  • 5. Guzel-Seydim, Z. B., Greene, A. K., & Seydim, A. C. (2004). Use of ozone in the food industry. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 37(4), 453-460.
  • 6. Ölmez, H., & Kretzschmar, U. (2009). Potential alternative disinfection methods for organic fresh-cut industry for minimizing water consumption and environmental impact. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(3), 686-693.
  • 7. United States Environmental Protection Acency. (1999). Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Ozone Disinfection.
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Şenol Toprak

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Toprak, Ş. (2021). OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION. Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology, 2(2), 16-25.
AMA Toprak Ş. OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION. J. Amasya Univ. Inst. Sci. Technol. December 2021;2(2):16-25. doi:10.54559/jauist.981674
Chicago Toprak, Şenol. “OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION”. Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology 2, no. 2 (December 2021): 16-25.
EndNote Toprak Ş (December 1, 2021) OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION. Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology 2 2 16–25.
IEEE Ş. Toprak, “OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION”, J. Amasya Univ. Inst. Sci. Technol., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 16–25, 2021, doi: 10.54559/jauist.981674.
ISNAD Toprak, Şenol. “OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION”. Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology 2/2 (December 2021), 16-25.
JAMA Toprak Ş. OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION. J. Amasya Univ. Inst. Sci. Technol. 2021;2:16–25.
MLA Toprak, Şenol. “OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION”. Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, 2021, pp. 16-25, doi:10.54559/jauist.981674.
Vancouver Toprak Ş. OZONE GENERATOR AND OZONE GENERATION. J. Amasya Univ. Inst. Sci. Technol. 2021;2(2):16-25.