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Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 29.09.2015



  • • Ayadi, N., Giraud, M. and Gonzalez C., 2013, “An investigation of consumers’ self control mechanism when confronted with repeated purchase temptations: Evidence from online private sales,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(2013), 272-281.
  • • Bae, S. and Lee T., 2011, “Gender differences in consumers’ perception of online consumer reviews,” Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11, 201-214.
  • • Bearden, W. O. and Teel, J. E., 1983, “Selected determinants of customer satisfaction and complaint reports,” Journal of Marketing Research, 20(1), 21–28.
  • • Berman, B. and Evans, J. R., 2004, “Retail Management, A Strategic Approach,” 9th Edition, USA: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • • Börühan, G., 2014, “The impact of logistics service quality on customer satisfaction during the process of order fulfillment in E-Commerce, the associated practices for online private shopping sites,” PhD Thesis, Institute of Social Sciences, Yaşar University, İzmir.
  • • Cooke, J. A., 2000, “The physical challenges of the virtual sale, Logistics Management and Distribution Report,” 39(10), 67-73.
  • • Deloitte 2012, “European eCommerce assessment 2012 benchmarking the top 200 in online retail,” business/deloitte-nl-european-ecommerce-assessment-2012.pdf.
  • • Deloitte, 2014, “Global
  • powers of retailing,”
  • powers-of-retailing-2014.html .
  • • Dennis, C., Fenech, T. and Merrilees, B., 2004, “E-Retailing,” 2nd Edition, USA: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • • Doherty, N. F and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2006, “New perspectives in internet retailing: a review and strategic critique of the field,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 34(4/5), 411-428.
  • • E-Marketer, 2014, “Global B2C ecommerce sales to hit $1.5 Trillion this year driven by growth in emerging markets,” This-Year-Driven-by-Growth-Emerging-Markets/1010575.
  • • Fan, Y. W., Miao, Y. F. and Wu, S. C., 2013, “Customer complaints and service policy in electronic commerce,” South African Journal of Business and Management, 44(3), 15-19.
  • • Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2009, “Retail Logistics Management, Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain,” 3rd Edition, London: Kogan Page.
  • • Fortune, 2012, “Avon: The rise and fall of a beauty icon,”
  • • George, M., Kumar, V. and Grewal, D., 2013, “Maximizing profits for a multi- category catalog retailer,” Journal of Retailing, 89(4), 374-396.
  • • Grewal, D. and Levy, M., 2009, “Emerging issues in retailing research,” Journal of Retailing, 4, 522-526.
  • • Griffis, S. E., Rao, S., Goldsby T. J. and Niranjan, T. T., 2012, “The customer consequences of returns in online retailing: An empirical analysis,” Journal of Operations Management, 30(2012), 282-294.
  • • Gunasekaran, A., Ngai, E. W. T. and Cheng, T. C. E., 2007, “Developing an e- logistics system: a case study,” International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications, 10(4), 333-349.
  • • Holloway, B. B. and Beatty, S. E., 2003, “Service failure in online retailing: a recovery opportunity,” Journal of Service Research, 6(1), 92-105.
  • • Internet Retailer, 2012, “E-Retailers,” retailers.
  • • Kayabaşı, A, 2010, “Elektronik (online) alışverişte lojistik faaliyetlere yönelik müşteri şikayetlerinin analizi ve bir alan araştırması,” İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 21-42.
  • • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G., 2006, “Principles of Marketing,” Boston:Prentice- Hall.
  • • Kotzab, H., 2005, “Retailing in the context of IT and distribution” in Kotzab, H. and Bjerre, M. (Eds.), Retailing in a SCM-Perspective, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • • Krueger, M., 2000, “E-fulfillment solutions, Manufacturing Systems,” 18(12), 60- 64.
  • • Markafoni (2015),
  • • Maltz, A., Rabinovich, E. and Sinha, R., 2004, “Logistics: The key to e-retail success,” Supply Chain Management Review, 8, 56-63.
  • • Marri, H. B., Irani, Z. and Gunasekaran, A., 2006, “E-Commerce and its impact in logistic management: a state of art,” European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), Spain.
  • • Mentzer, J. T., Flint, J. D., Tomas, G. and Hult, M., 2001, “Logistics service quality as segment- customized process,” Journal of Marketing, 65, 82-104.
  • • Mottner, S., Thelen, S., and Karande, K., 2002, “A typology of internet retailing: an exploratory study,” Journal of Marketing Channels, 10(1), 3-23.
  • • Oliver, R. L. and Swan, J. E., 1989, “Consumer perceptions of interpersonal equity and satisfaction in transactions: A field survey approach,” Journal of Marketing, 53(2), 21-35.
  • • Oliver, R. L., 1997, “Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer,” New York : McGraw- Hill.
  • • Özmen, Ş., 2012, “Ağ ekonomisinde yeni ticaret yolu: E-Ticaret,” 4th Edition, İstanbul Bilgi University Publication.
  • • Reynolds, J., 2001, “Logistics and fulfillment for e-Business,” New York: CMP Books.
  • • Soasta 2012, “Retail best practices performance testing retail web and mobile properties,” Practices-PDF.pdf .
  • • Ş (2015),
  • • Tarn, J. M., Razi, M. A., Wen, H. J. and Perez, A. A. Jr., 2003, “E-fulfillment: the strategy and operational requirements,” Logistics Information Management, 16(5), 350-362.
  • • Tek, Ö. B., 2013, “Marketing function and logistics revisited: revised dual sub- functional model approach,” Logistics and Transport, 2(18), 51-66.
  • • Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J., Liang, T. P. and Turban, D., 2010, “Electronic commerce 2010: A managerial perspective,” 6th Edition, New Jersey: Pearson.
  • • Turkishtime, 2013, “Yeni çağda perakende modeli nasıl değişiyor?” Ekonomi ve İş Kültürü Dergisi, 130.
  • • Turkishtime Arasta 2014, “Fonların kıskacında E-Ticaret, Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Perakendecileri Derneği Dergisi,” 16(90), 30-33.
  • • Türkiye Perakendecilik Meclisi Sektör Raporu, (2012),
  • • Valvi, A. C. and Fragkos, K. C., 2012, “Critical review of the e-Loyalty literature: A purchase-centred framework,” Electronic Commerce Research,12(3), 331-378.


Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 29.09.2015


Since 2008, private shopping sites have been amongst the leading business models in the world. However, with the growing number of these companies, there are some problems which are declared by the customers through online platforms. Hence, this study provides evidence from Turkey through the examination of the customer complaints from the leading private shopping sites. In this regard, 1,014 customer complaints were analyzed for the period of three months (April, May and June 2013) from the popular online platform “”. The findings reveal that private shopping sites have same types of customer complaints which occur mainly due to problems in the logistics capabilities of the companies. However, number of complaints differs significantly according to private shopping sites and months. This study contributes to literature through identification of variations in the number and category of complaints across months and among private shopping sites. Additionally, it provides managerial implications for private shopping sites to improve the logistics capabilities and other facilities


  • • Ayadi, N., Giraud, M. and Gonzalez C., 2013, “An investigation of consumers’ self control mechanism when confronted with repeated purchase temptations: Evidence from online private sales,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(2013), 272-281.
  • • Bae, S. and Lee T., 2011, “Gender differences in consumers’ perception of online consumer reviews,” Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11, 201-214.
  • • Bearden, W. O. and Teel, J. E., 1983, “Selected determinants of customer satisfaction and complaint reports,” Journal of Marketing Research, 20(1), 21–28.
  • • Berman, B. and Evans, J. R., 2004, “Retail Management, A Strategic Approach,” 9th Edition, USA: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • • Börühan, G., 2014, “The impact of logistics service quality on customer satisfaction during the process of order fulfillment in E-Commerce, the associated practices for online private shopping sites,” PhD Thesis, Institute of Social Sciences, Yaşar University, İzmir.
  • • Cooke, J. A., 2000, “The physical challenges of the virtual sale, Logistics Management and Distribution Report,” 39(10), 67-73.
  • • Deloitte 2012, “European eCommerce assessment 2012 benchmarking the top 200 in online retail,” business/deloitte-nl-european-ecommerce-assessment-2012.pdf.
  • • Deloitte, 2014, “Global
  • powers of retailing,”
  • powers-of-retailing-2014.html .
  • • Dennis, C., Fenech, T. and Merrilees, B., 2004, “E-Retailing,” 2nd Edition, USA: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • • Doherty, N. F and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2006, “New perspectives in internet retailing: a review and strategic critique of the field,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 34(4/5), 411-428.
  • • E-Marketer, 2014, “Global B2C ecommerce sales to hit $1.5 Trillion this year driven by growth in emerging markets,” This-Year-Driven-by-Growth-Emerging-Markets/1010575.
  • • Fan, Y. W., Miao, Y. F. and Wu, S. C., 2013, “Customer complaints and service policy in electronic commerce,” South African Journal of Business and Management, 44(3), 15-19.
  • • Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2009, “Retail Logistics Management, Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain,” 3rd Edition, London: Kogan Page.
  • • Fortune, 2012, “Avon: The rise and fall of a beauty icon,”
  • • George, M., Kumar, V. and Grewal, D., 2013, “Maximizing profits for a multi- category catalog retailer,” Journal of Retailing, 89(4), 374-396.
  • • Grewal, D. and Levy, M., 2009, “Emerging issues in retailing research,” Journal of Retailing, 4, 522-526.
  • • Griffis, S. E., Rao, S., Goldsby T. J. and Niranjan, T. T., 2012, “The customer consequences of returns in online retailing: An empirical analysis,” Journal of Operations Management, 30(2012), 282-294.
  • • Gunasekaran, A., Ngai, E. W. T. and Cheng, T. C. E., 2007, “Developing an e- logistics system: a case study,” International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications, 10(4), 333-349.
  • • Holloway, B. B. and Beatty, S. E., 2003, “Service failure in online retailing: a recovery opportunity,” Journal of Service Research, 6(1), 92-105.
  • • Internet Retailer, 2012, “E-Retailers,” retailers.
  • • Kayabaşı, A, 2010, “Elektronik (online) alışverişte lojistik faaliyetlere yönelik müşteri şikayetlerinin analizi ve bir alan araştırması,” İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 21-42.
  • • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G., 2006, “Principles of Marketing,” Boston:Prentice- Hall.
  • • Kotzab, H., 2005, “Retailing in the context of IT and distribution” in Kotzab, H. and Bjerre, M. (Eds.), Retailing in a SCM-Perspective, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • • Krueger, M., 2000, “E-fulfillment solutions, Manufacturing Systems,” 18(12), 60- 64.
  • • Markafoni (2015),
  • • Maltz, A., Rabinovich, E. and Sinha, R., 2004, “Logistics: The key to e-retail success,” Supply Chain Management Review, 8, 56-63.
  • • Marri, H. B., Irani, Z. and Gunasekaran, A., 2006, “E-Commerce and its impact in logistic management: a state of art,” European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), Spain.
  • • Mentzer, J. T., Flint, J. D., Tomas, G. and Hult, M., 2001, “Logistics service quality as segment- customized process,” Journal of Marketing, 65, 82-104.
  • • Mottner, S., Thelen, S., and Karande, K., 2002, “A typology of internet retailing: an exploratory study,” Journal of Marketing Channels, 10(1), 3-23.
  • • Oliver, R. L. and Swan, J. E., 1989, “Consumer perceptions of interpersonal equity and satisfaction in transactions: A field survey approach,” Journal of Marketing, 53(2), 21-35.
  • • Oliver, R. L., 1997, “Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer,” New York : McGraw- Hill.
  • • Özmen, Ş., 2012, “Ağ ekonomisinde yeni ticaret yolu: E-Ticaret,” 4th Edition, İstanbul Bilgi University Publication.
  • • Reynolds, J., 2001, “Logistics and fulfillment for e-Business,” New York: CMP Books.
  • • Soasta 2012, “Retail best practices performance testing retail web and mobile properties,” Practices-PDF.pdf .
  • • Ş (2015),
  • • Tarn, J. M., Razi, M. A., Wen, H. J. and Perez, A. A. Jr., 2003, “E-fulfillment: the strategy and operational requirements,” Logistics Information Management, 16(5), 350-362.
  • • Tek, Ö. B., 2013, “Marketing function and logistics revisited: revised dual sub- functional model approach,” Logistics and Transport, 2(18), 51-66.
  • • Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J., Liang, T. P. and Turban, D., 2010, “Electronic commerce 2010: A managerial perspective,” 6th Edition, New Jersey: Pearson.
  • • Turkishtime, 2013, “Yeni çağda perakende modeli nasıl değişiyor?” Ekonomi ve İş Kültürü Dergisi, 130.
  • • Turkishtime Arasta 2014, “Fonların kıskacında E-Ticaret, Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Perakendecileri Derneği Dergisi,” 16(90), 30-33.
  • • Türkiye Perakendecilik Meclisi Sektör Raporu, (2012),
  • • Valvi, A. C. and Fragkos, K. C., 2012, “Critical review of the e-Loyalty literature: A purchase-centred framework,” Electronic Commerce Research,12(3), 331-378.
There are 45 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gulmus Boruhan

Pervin Ersoy

Isik Ozge Yumurtaci

Publication Date September 29, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Boruhan, G., Ersoy, P., & Yumurtaci, I. O. (2015). WHAT IS WRONG WITH PRIVATE SHOPPING SITES? – EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 4(3).

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