Penile agenesis: a case report
Year 2020,
, 149 - 150, 31.03.2020
Nuriye Tarakçı
Murat Konak
Fatma Hilal Yılmaz
Penile agenesis is a rarely seen congenital anomaly with dramatic psychological outcomes. In more than half of the patients, other genitourinary anomalies can accompany penile agenesis. We herein present a newborn with rectovesical fistula associated with vesicoureteral fistula.
- 1. Rattan KN, Kajal P, Pathak M, Kadian YS, Gupta R. Aphallia: experience with 3 cases. Pediatr Surg. 2010;45:13-6
- 2. Demirer Z, Aip BF, Uguz S, Guragac A, Irkilata HC. A rare case of penis agenesis (Aphallia) with associated multiple urogenital anomalies. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015;15:10-2.
- 3. Kessler WO, McLaughlin III AP. Agenesis of penis. Embryology and management. Urology 1973;1:226-9.
- 4. Evans JA, Erdile LB, Greenberg CR, et al. Agenesis of the penis: patterns of associated malformations. Am J Med Genet 1999;84:47-55.
- 5. S.J. Skoog, A.B. Belman, Aphallia its classification and management, J. Urol. 1989;141:589–2.
- 6. Shamsa A, Kajbafzadeh AM, Javad Parizadeh SM, Zare MA, Abolbashari M. Aphallia associated with urethro-rectal fistula and stones in the bladder and urethra. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2008;19: 435-8.
- 7. W.G. Reiner, B.P. Kropp, A 7-year experience of genetic males with severephallic inadequacy assigned female. J Urol. 2004;172:2395-8
- 8. Reiner WG. Gender identity and sex-of-rearing in children with disorders of sexual differentiation. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2005;18:549-53.
- 9. De Castro R, Merlini E, Rigamonti W, Macedo A Jr.Phalloplasty and urethroplasty in children with penile agenesis: preliminary report. J Urol 2007;177:1112-6.
Penil Agenezi: Bir olgu sunumu
Year 2020,
, 149 - 150, 31.03.2020
Nuriye Tarakçı
Murat Konak
Fatma Hilal Yılmaz
Penil agenezi dramatik psikolojik sonuçları olan oldukça nadir konjenital bir anomalidir. Hastaların yarısından fazlasında diğer genitoüriner anomaliler eşlik edebilir. Biz burada veziko-üreteral reflünün eşlik ettiği ve rekto-vezikal fistülü olan bir yenidoğanı sunduk.
- 1. Rattan KN, Kajal P, Pathak M, Kadian YS, Gupta R. Aphallia: experience with 3 cases. Pediatr Surg. 2010;45:13-6
- 2. Demirer Z, Aip BF, Uguz S, Guragac A, Irkilata HC. A rare case of penis agenesis (Aphallia) with associated multiple urogenital anomalies. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015;15:10-2.
- 3. Kessler WO, McLaughlin III AP. Agenesis of penis. Embryology and management. Urology 1973;1:226-9.
- 4. Evans JA, Erdile LB, Greenberg CR, et al. Agenesis of the penis: patterns of associated malformations. Am J Med Genet 1999;84:47-55.
- 5. S.J. Skoog, A.B. Belman, Aphallia its classification and management, J. Urol. 1989;141:589–2.
- 6. Shamsa A, Kajbafzadeh AM, Javad Parizadeh SM, Zare MA, Abolbashari M. Aphallia associated with urethro-rectal fistula and stones in the bladder and urethra. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2008;19: 435-8.
- 7. W.G. Reiner, B.P. Kropp, A 7-year experience of genetic males with severephallic inadequacy assigned female. J Urol. 2004;172:2395-8
- 8. Reiner WG. Gender identity and sex-of-rearing in children with disorders of sexual differentiation. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2005;18:549-53.
- 9. De Castro R, Merlini E, Rigamonti W, Macedo A Jr.Phalloplasty and urethroplasty in children with penile agenesis: preliminary report. J Urol 2007;177:1112-6.