Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 119 - 135, 30.09.2024



  • Abbas, J. (2020). Service quality in higher education institutions: Qualitative evidence from the students’ perspectives using Maslow hierarchy of needs. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 12(3), 371–384.
  • Abdullah, F. (2006a). Measuring service quality in higher education: HEdPERF versus SERVPERF. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 24(1), 31–47.
  • Abdullah, F. (2006b). Measuring service quality in higher education: Three instruments compared. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 29(1), 71–89.
  • Abdullah, F. (2006c). The development of HEdPERF: A new measuring instrument of service quality for the higher education sector. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(6), 569–581.
  • Abrate, G., Quinton, S., & Pera, R. (2021). The relationship between price paid and hotel review ratings: Expectancy-disconfirmation or placebo effect? Tourism Management, 85.
  • Akdere, M., Top, M., & Tekingündüz, S. (2020). Examining patient perceptions of service quality in Turkish hospitals: The SERVPERF model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 31(4), 342–352.
  • Akob, M., Yantahin, M., Ilyas, G. B., Hala, Y., & Putra, A. H. P. K. (2021). Element of marketing: SERVQUAL toward patient loyalty in the private hospital sector. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(1), 419–430.
  • Annamdevula, S., & Bellamkonda, R. S. (2012). Development of HiEdQUAL for measuring service quality in Indian higher education sector. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 3(4), 412–416.
  • Annamdevula, S., & Bellamkonda, R. S. (2016). Effect of student perceived service quality on student satisfaction, loyalty and motivation in Indian universities: Development of HiEduQual. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11(2), 488–517.
  • Ansary, A., Jayashree, S., Agamudai, C., & Malarvizhi, N. (2014). The effect of gender and nationality on service quality in Malaysian higher education. Journal of Developing Areas, 48(4), 97–118.
  • Arambewela, R., & Hall, J. (2009). An empirical model of international student satisfaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21(4), 555–569.
  • Athiyaman, A. (1997). Linking student satisfaction and service quality perceptions: The case of university education. European Journal of Marketing, 31(7), 528–540.
  • Babic-Hodovic, V., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., & Ganić, E. (2018). Effects of Servperf dimensions on students’ loyalty: Do you know what is behind the scene? International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9(2), 215–224.
  • Barrios-Ipenza, R., Calvo-Mora, A., Roldán, J. L., & Ayala, R. M. (2024). Quality assessment of graduate services: Kano model application to a Peruvian university. Quality in Higher Education.
  • Bowling, N. A., Gibson, A. M., Houpt, J. W., & Brower, C. K. (2021). Will the questions ever end? Person-level increases in careless responding during questionnaire completion. Organizational Research Methods, 24(4), 718–738.
  • Brady, M. K., Cronin, J. J., & Brand, R. R. (2002). Performance-only measurement of service quality: A replication and extension. Journal of Business Research, 55, 17–31.
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  • Cardona, M. M., & Bravo, J. J. (2012). Service quality perceptions in higher education institutions: The case of a Colombian university. Estudios Gerenciales, 28, 23–29.
  • Carter, R. E. (2009). The impact of perceived service quality on MBA student satisfaction and recommendations: Do expectations matter? Services Marketing Quarterly, 30(3), 234–248.
  • Casidy, R. (2014). Linking brand orientation with service quality, satisfaction, and positive word-of-mouth: Evidence from the higher education sector. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 26(2), 142–161.
  • Chavan, M., Bowden-Everson, J., Lundmark, E., & Zwar, J. (2014). Exploring the drivers of service quality perceptions in the tertiary education sector: Comparing domestic Australian and international Asian students. Journal of International Education in Business, 7(2), 150–180.
  • Cronin, J. J., & Taylor, S. A. (1992). Measuring service quality: A reexamination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56(3), 55.
  • Darawong, C., & Sandmaung, M. (2019). Service quality enhancing student satisfaction in international programs of higher education institutions: A local student perspective. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 29(2), 268–283.
  • de Jager, J., & Gbadamosi, G. (2013). Predicting students’ satisfaction through service quality in higher education. International Journal of Management Education, 11(3), 107–118.
  • Doan, T. T. T. (2021). The effect of service quality on student loyalty and student satisfaction: An empirical study of universities in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(8), 251–0258.
  • Ford, J. B., Joseph, M., & Joseph, B. (1999). Importance-performance analysis as a strategic tool for service marketers: The case of service quality perceptions of business students in New Zealand and the USA. Journal of Services Marketing, 13(2), 171–186.
  • Fuchs, K., Fangpong, K., & Southam, A. (2022). The perceived service quality in higher education: An empirical study using the SERVPERF dimensions. Frontiers in Education, 7.
  • Gallifa, J., & Batallé, P. (2010). Student perceptions of service quality in a multi-campus higher education system in Spain. Quality Assurance in Education, 18(2), 156–170.
  • Gong, T., & Yi, Y. (2018). The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and happiness in five Asian countries. Psychology and Marketing, 35(6), 427–442.
  • Grebennikov, L., & Skaines, I. (2009). Gender and higher education experience: A case study. Higher Education Research and Development, 28(1), 71–84.
  • Grönroos, C. (1982). An applied service marketing theory. European Journal of Marketing, 16(7), 30–41.
  • Gruber, T., Fuß, S., Voss, R., & Gläser-Zikuda, M. (2010). Examining student satisfaction with higher education services: Using a new measurement tool. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(2), 105–123.
  • Ha, B. T. T., Quyen, B. T. T., Thanh, N. T. P., Quang, C. H., Thuy, P. Van, & Ha, N. T. (2022). Does the SERVPERF instrument have reliability and validity in an academic setting: The results from Vietnam. Journal of Health and Development Studies, 6(2), 32–45.
  • Hoque, U. S., Akhter, N., Absar, N., Khandaker, M. U., & Al-Mamun, A. (2023). Assessing service quality using SERVQUAL model: An empirical study on some private universities in Bangladesh. Trends in Higher Education, 2(1), 255–269.
  • Ilias, A., Fitri Abu Hasan, H., Abd Rahman, R., & Rushdan bin Yasoa, M. (2008). Student satisfaction and service quality: Any differences in demographic factors? International Business Research, 1(4), 131–143.
  • Karatas, H., Alci, B., Balyer, A., & Bademcioglu, M. (2016). An examination of students’ perceptions of service quality dimensions in higher education. Anthropologist, 24(1), 389–398.
  • Khattab, F. (2019). Investigating the service quality dimensions and their impact on university students’ satisfaction in a private higher education institution in Lebanon. Staffordshire University.
  • Kim, M. K., & Park, J. (2019). The importance-satisfaction analysis of service quality in university. Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management, 47(4), 807–822.
  • Ladhari, R. (2009). A review of twenty years of SERVQUAL research. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 1(2), 172–198.
  • Latif, K. F., Latif, I., Farooq Sahibzada, U., & Ullah, M. (2019). In search of quality: measuring higher education service quality (HiEduQual). Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 30(7–8), 768–791.
  • Lekini, D. J., Sun, J., & Visas, H. (2019). Effect of international students’ perceived service quality on the student’s motivation, satisfaction, loyalty, and institutional image in higher education in China. International Journal of Science and Business, 3(2), 99–125.
  • Leong, L. Y., Hew, T. S., Lee, V. H., & Ooi, K. B. (2015). An SEM–artificial-neural-network analysis of the relationships between SERVPERF, customer satisfaction and loyalty among low-cost and full-service airline. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(19), 6620–6634.
  • Li, R. Y., & Kaye, M. (1998). A case study for comparing two service quality measurement approaches in the context of teaching in higher education. Quality in Higher Education, 4(2), 103–113.
  • Mai, L.-W. (2005). A comparative study between UK and US: The student satisfaction in higher education and its influential factors. Journal of Marketing Management, 21(7–8), 859–878.
  • Marimon, F., Mas-Machuca, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Llach, J. (2019). UnivQual: A holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 30(1–2), 184–200.
  • Meesala, A., & Paul, J. (2018). Service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty in hospitals: Thinking for the future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 261–269.
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  • Moslehpour, M., Chau, K. Y., Zheng, J. J., Hanjani, A. N., & Hoang, M. (2020). The mediating role of international student satisfaction in the influence of higher education service quality on institutional reputation in Taiwan. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 12(100), 1–16.
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Service quality in higher education: A literature review

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 119 - 135, 30.09.2024


In a time where the student experience increasingly mirrors a customer-centric approach, universities are tasked with fulfilling the role of comprehensive educational service providers. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review on service quality in higher education, focusing on various generic and industry-specific scales. The primary objective of this article is to analyse and compare prominent measurement scales such as SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, HEdPERF, UnivQual, and HiEduQual. Each scale is defined according to its original literature and provides a foundational understanding of their respective constructs and factors. To achieve a nuanced comparison, the paper examines these scales based on the number of factors extracted from studies and their characteristics. The analysis reveals a great diversity and specificity of factors in measuring service quality across different higher education contexts. Beyond that, the paper analyses a database of 45 selected peer-reviewed articles to understand the practical application of service quality scales in empirical research. This examination considers multiple dimensions such as the country of focus, the statistical procedures employed, and the research methods. These dimensions offer a rich comparative insight into the trends in service quality research within higher education. Additionally, the study delves into the number and names of factors identified in each article, mapping them against the established scales to uncover patterns and deviations in empirical findings. A notable aspect of the review is the exploration of gender differences in service quality perceptions, a critical yet often underexplored area. This gender-based analysis provides valuable insights into how male and female students may perceive service quality differently, thereby informing more nuanced and inclusive service quality enhancement strategies. The findings of this paper underscore the multifaceted nature of service quality in higher education and the importance of context-specific scales. By comparing different measurement approaches and analysing a broad spectrum of empirical studies, this review contributes to a deeper understanding of how service quality is conceptualised and measured in higher education. It also offers practical implications for researchers and practitioners aiming to enhance service quality and align it more closely with student expectations and experiences.


  • Abbas, J. (2020). Service quality in higher education institutions: Qualitative evidence from the students’ perspectives using Maslow hierarchy of needs. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 12(3), 371–384.
  • Abdullah, F. (2006a). Measuring service quality in higher education: HEdPERF versus SERVPERF. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 24(1), 31–47.
  • Abdullah, F. (2006b). Measuring service quality in higher education: Three instruments compared. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 29(1), 71–89.
  • Abdullah, F. (2006c). The development of HEdPERF: A new measuring instrument of service quality for the higher education sector. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(6), 569–581.
  • Abrate, G., Quinton, S., & Pera, R. (2021). The relationship between price paid and hotel review ratings: Expectancy-disconfirmation or placebo effect? Tourism Management, 85.
  • Akdere, M., Top, M., & Tekingündüz, S. (2020). Examining patient perceptions of service quality in Turkish hospitals: The SERVPERF model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 31(4), 342–352.
  • Akob, M., Yantahin, M., Ilyas, G. B., Hala, Y., & Putra, A. H. P. K. (2021). Element of marketing: SERVQUAL toward patient loyalty in the private hospital sector. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(1), 419–430.
  • Annamdevula, S., & Bellamkonda, R. S. (2012). Development of HiEdQUAL for measuring service quality in Indian higher education sector. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 3(4), 412–416.
  • Annamdevula, S., & Bellamkonda, R. S. (2016). Effect of student perceived service quality on student satisfaction, loyalty and motivation in Indian universities: Development of HiEduQual. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11(2), 488–517.
  • Ansary, A., Jayashree, S., Agamudai, C., & Malarvizhi, N. (2014). The effect of gender and nationality on service quality in Malaysian higher education. Journal of Developing Areas, 48(4), 97–118.
  • Arambewela, R., & Hall, J. (2009). An empirical model of international student satisfaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21(4), 555–569.
  • Athiyaman, A. (1997). Linking student satisfaction and service quality perceptions: The case of university education. European Journal of Marketing, 31(7), 528–540.
  • Babic-Hodovic, V., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., & Ganić, E. (2018). Effects of Servperf dimensions on students’ loyalty: Do you know what is behind the scene? International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9(2), 215–224.
  • Barrios-Ipenza, R., Calvo-Mora, A., Roldán, J. L., & Ayala, R. M. (2024). Quality assessment of graduate services: Kano model application to a Peruvian university. Quality in Higher Education.
  • Bowling, N. A., Gibson, A. M., Houpt, J. W., & Brower, C. K. (2021). Will the questions ever end? Person-level increases in careless responding during questionnaire completion. Organizational Research Methods, 24(4), 718–738.
  • Brady, M. K., Cronin, J. J., & Brand, R. R. (2002). Performance-only measurement of service quality: A replication and extension. Journal of Business Research, 55, 17–31.
  • Buttle, F. (1996). SERVQUAL: Review, critique, research agenda. European Journal of Marketing, 30(1), 8–32.
  • Cardona, M. M., & Bravo, J. J. (2012). Service quality perceptions in higher education institutions: The case of a Colombian university. Estudios Gerenciales, 28, 23–29.
  • Carter, R. E. (2009). The impact of perceived service quality on MBA student satisfaction and recommendations: Do expectations matter? Services Marketing Quarterly, 30(3), 234–248.
  • Casidy, R. (2014). Linking brand orientation with service quality, satisfaction, and positive word-of-mouth: Evidence from the higher education sector. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 26(2), 142–161.
  • Chavan, M., Bowden-Everson, J., Lundmark, E., & Zwar, J. (2014). Exploring the drivers of service quality perceptions in the tertiary education sector: Comparing domestic Australian and international Asian students. Journal of International Education in Business, 7(2), 150–180.
  • Cronin, J. J., & Taylor, S. A. (1992). Measuring service quality: A reexamination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56(3), 55.
  • Darawong, C., & Sandmaung, M. (2019). Service quality enhancing student satisfaction in international programs of higher education institutions: A local student perspective. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 29(2), 268–283.
  • de Jager, J., & Gbadamosi, G. (2013). Predicting students’ satisfaction through service quality in higher education. International Journal of Management Education, 11(3), 107–118.
  • Doan, T. T. T. (2021). The effect of service quality on student loyalty and student satisfaction: An empirical study of universities in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(8), 251–0258.
  • Ford, J. B., Joseph, M., & Joseph, B. (1999). Importance-performance analysis as a strategic tool for service marketers: The case of service quality perceptions of business students in New Zealand and the USA. Journal of Services Marketing, 13(2), 171–186.
  • Fuchs, K., Fangpong, K., & Southam, A. (2022). The perceived service quality in higher education: An empirical study using the SERVPERF dimensions. Frontiers in Education, 7.
  • Gallifa, J., & Batallé, P. (2010). Student perceptions of service quality in a multi-campus higher education system in Spain. Quality Assurance in Education, 18(2), 156–170.
  • Gong, T., & Yi, Y. (2018). The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and happiness in five Asian countries. Psychology and Marketing, 35(6), 427–442.
  • Grebennikov, L., & Skaines, I. (2009). Gender and higher education experience: A case study. Higher Education Research and Development, 28(1), 71–84.
  • Grönroos, C. (1982). An applied service marketing theory. European Journal of Marketing, 16(7), 30–41.
  • Gruber, T., Fuß, S., Voss, R., & Gläser-Zikuda, M. (2010). Examining student satisfaction with higher education services: Using a new measurement tool. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(2), 105–123.
  • Ha, B. T. T., Quyen, B. T. T., Thanh, N. T. P., Quang, C. H., Thuy, P. Van, & Ha, N. T. (2022). Does the SERVPERF instrument have reliability and validity in an academic setting: The results from Vietnam. Journal of Health and Development Studies, 6(2), 32–45.
  • Hoque, U. S., Akhter, N., Absar, N., Khandaker, M. U., & Al-Mamun, A. (2023). Assessing service quality using SERVQUAL model: An empirical study on some private universities in Bangladesh. Trends in Higher Education, 2(1), 255–269.
  • Ilias, A., Fitri Abu Hasan, H., Abd Rahman, R., & Rushdan bin Yasoa, M. (2008). Student satisfaction and service quality: Any differences in demographic factors? International Business Research, 1(4), 131–143.
  • Karatas, H., Alci, B., Balyer, A., & Bademcioglu, M. (2016). An examination of students’ perceptions of service quality dimensions in higher education. Anthropologist, 24(1), 389–398.
  • Khattab, F. (2019). Investigating the service quality dimensions and their impact on university students’ satisfaction in a private higher education institution in Lebanon. Staffordshire University.
  • Kim, M. K., & Park, J. (2019). The importance-satisfaction analysis of service quality in university. Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management, 47(4), 807–822.
  • Ladhari, R. (2009). A review of twenty years of SERVQUAL research. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 1(2), 172–198.
  • Latif, K. F., Latif, I., Farooq Sahibzada, U., & Ullah, M. (2019). In search of quality: measuring higher education service quality (HiEduQual). Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 30(7–8), 768–791.
  • Lekini, D. J., Sun, J., & Visas, H. (2019). Effect of international students’ perceived service quality on the student’s motivation, satisfaction, loyalty, and institutional image in higher education in China. International Journal of Science and Business, 3(2), 99–125.
  • Leong, L. Y., Hew, T. S., Lee, V. H., & Ooi, K. B. (2015). An SEM–artificial-neural-network analysis of the relationships between SERVPERF, customer satisfaction and loyalty among low-cost and full-service airline. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(19), 6620–6634.
  • Li, R. Y., & Kaye, M. (1998). A case study for comparing two service quality measurement approaches in the context of teaching in higher education. Quality in Higher Education, 4(2), 103–113.
  • Mai, L.-W. (2005). A comparative study between UK and US: The student satisfaction in higher education and its influential factors. Journal of Marketing Management, 21(7–8), 859–878.
  • Marimon, F., Mas-Machuca, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Llach, J. (2019). UnivQual: A holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 30(1–2), 184–200.
  • Meesala, A., & Paul, J. (2018). Service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty in hospitals: Thinking for the future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 261–269.
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section AI, Metaverse andAdvanced Technologies

Romain Patrick Bartolo This is me 0009-0006-2731-4458

Hasan Tınmaz 0000-0003-4310-0848

Early Pub Date September 12, 2024
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date July 19, 2024
Acceptance Date August 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Bartolo, R. P., & Tınmaz, H. (2024). Service quality in higher education: A literature review. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 12(3), 119-135.
AMA Bartolo RP, Tınmaz H. Service quality in higher education: A literature review. JEGYS. September 2024;12(3):119-135. doi:10.17478/jegys.1518891
Chicago Bartolo, Romain Patrick, and Hasan Tınmaz. “Service Quality in Higher Education: A Literature Review”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 12, no. 3 (September 2024): 119-35.
EndNote Bartolo RP, Tınmaz H (September 1, 2024) Service quality in higher education: A literature review. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 12 3 119–135.
IEEE R. P. Bartolo and H. Tınmaz, “Service quality in higher education: A literature review”, JEGYS, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 119–135, 2024, doi: 10.17478/jegys.1518891.
ISNAD Bartolo, Romain Patrick - Tınmaz, Hasan. “Service Quality in Higher Education: A Literature Review”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 12/3 (September 2024), 119-135.
JAMA Bartolo RP, Tınmaz H. Service quality in higher education: A literature review. JEGYS. 2024;12:119–135.
MLA Bartolo, Romain Patrick and Hasan Tınmaz. “Service Quality in Higher Education: A Literature Review”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 12, no. 3, 2024, pp. 119-35, doi:10.17478/jegys.1518891.
Vancouver Bartolo RP, Tınmaz H. Service quality in higher education: A literature review. JEGYS. 2024;12(3):119-35.
By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.