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Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time

Year 2021, , 97 - 105, 30.01.2021


Since people could easily and quickly access the items they used, the use-dispose approach was adopted instead of the repair-use process. An outcome of this consumption madness and curiosity related to vanity has been associated with furniture usage.

Furniture is in good condition but is replaced by the belief that they are not in trend disposed of without considering any ecological and economic issues. This discarded furniture is typically deposited in solid waste landfills with other household waste and decreases those sites' capacity. Furniture waste, described as giant waste volume, is ecologically harmful because of its chemicals they contain and also causes significant economic losses. Although there are many examples in the world where furniture waste is collected, repaired, and reused, very few municipalities in Turkey can collect such waste and include recycling and reusing it. Besides, there is no inventory in Turkey relating to this waste. Furniture waste examples in the world are presented in this study, and damages to the environment are examined. Furniture waste status is determined by the qualitative research observation method for Istanbul, Turkey's largest furniture and urban low-income market, and Kocaeli, which has been identified as having the highest income inequality in the Eastern Marmara region. In these cities, the methods of using furniture waste were investigated. The aim was to draw attention to the possible damage to the environment by calculating the volume of furniture waste. With this work shaped by the descriptive analysis process, it is intended to lead to other academic studies on accompaniment, complete literature research that is insufficient on the issue and increase awareness of the environmental problems of the increasing consumption of furniture in Turkey. The lack of literature on the amount of furniture and waste disposal in Turkey increases the study's importance.


  • Referans [1] Tıraş, H. (2014). Sustainable development and environment: An examine in theory. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 2(2), 57-73.
  • [2] Atrek B., Madran C. (2017). Studies of sustainable consumption from consumer perspective: A Systematic review on Turkish literature. Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research, (19) 1-31. [3] Armağan, B., Demir, İ., Demir, Ö and Gök, N. (2006). Katı atıkların ekonomide değerlendirilmesi, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası, Yayın No: 2006-23, p. 16
  • [4] Yılmaz, A., Bozkurt, D. (2010). Urban solid waste management applicatıons in Turkey and kukab case. Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administratives Sciences, 15(1), 11-28.
  • [5] Paker, B, Taş, N. (2017). Investigation of architect's effect on construction and demolition waste formation in sustainable construction process: example of Bursa. Journal of Yalvaç Akademy, 2(1), 88-98.
  • [6] Demirarslan, D. (2019). The history of sitting furniture in ancient period and the reflections of historical process. Art-e ART--E Art Journal of SDU Fine Arts Faculty, 12(23), 238-270.
  • [7] Tatlısu E., (2015). Investigating the relationship between furniture and accessories manufacturers in new product development processes in Turkish furniture industry. Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science, Turkey, p.7.
  • [8] Üst S. (2015). Analysing furniture characteristics in the context of interaction between residential interiors and furnitures Journal of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, 1(15), 103-118.
  • [9] Okcu, O, Morkoç, d.k. (2017). Determining the preferences of customers for furniture: a research on the social media. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences, 6(3), 72-84.
  • [10] Savaş E., Korkanç M. (2010). Geological-geotechnical investigation of the Kırıkkale solid waste landfill area. Journal of Geological Engineering, 34(2), 133-154.
  • [11] Onur, S., (2000). A method suggestion on factors affecting furniture formation and designer user factor, (In Turkish). Phd Thesis, Mimar Sinan University, Institute of Science, Turkey, p.5.
  • [12] Kaynak, F., F. (2019). The effect of furniture design on identity, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science and Technology, Turkey, p. 15.
  • [13] Uysal E.R. (2019). Durability and aesthetic optimization in industrial furniture (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey, p.15.
  • [14] Gence, U. (2001). Determining the materials and rates of loss in the production of some particular types of furniture in Turkey (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey, p. 17. [15] Erdem, T., (2007). Overview of furniture history and Art Deco, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Culture University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey, P. 3.
  • [16] Dinçel K., Işık Z., (1979). Furniture art history, 1. Baskı, Meb Basımevi, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 23.
  • [17] Vural, M., (2004). The effect of forms of nature on furniture design, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Institute of Science and Technology, Turkey, p.12.
  • [18] Yaman S. (2019). Furniture industry-related problems in interior architecture and solution proposals, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Fine Arts, Turkey.
  • [19] Çaylı, M. (2006). Current status of operations demonstrating smes in the furniture sector in Turkey, problems and solutions (2000-2004 applied survey), (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University-Institute of Science, Turkey.
  • [20] Design Decisions, Furniture Materials and Characteristics,, (April, 2018).
  • [21] Furniture Materials,, (June, 2019).
  • [22] Kurban H., Kaygın B and Tankut A.N. (2016). The usage of anthropometric measurement and ergonomic analysis in furniture design. İnönü University Journal of Art and Design, 6(13), 313-320.
  • [23] Güneş S. (2011), Mobilya ve İç Mekân Tasarımı Alanı Ders Notları,, (March, 2020).
  • [24] Rearranging the Furniture, An RSA Great Recovery Design Residency in Collaboration with SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK,, (January, 2020).
  • [25] Circular Economy Opportunities in the Furniture Sector, European Environmental Bureau (EEB),, (January, 2020).
  • [26] Wood waste: A Short Review of Recent Research,, (January, 2020).
  • [27] Caetano, M.D.D.E., Depizzol, D.B and Reis, A.O.P., (2017). Analysis of solid waste management and improvement proposal: a case study in carpentry of Cariacica-ES, Gest. Prod., 24(2), 382-394.
  • [28] Extended Producer Responsibility and the Role of Reuse Activities: Opportunities for a Resource Efficient, Socially Inclusive Waste Management System, With Financial Support from the European Commission,, (February, 2020).
  • [29] Being Wise with Waste: The EU’s Approach to Waste Management, European Commission,, (February, 2020). m/landfill-australias-underground-furniture-movement/, (February, 2020).
  • [31] Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures 2013, United States Environmental Protection Agency,, (February, 2020).
  • [32] Any Space, Anyone, And Anything Can Be Inspiring,, (February, 2020).
  • [33] Demirarslan K.O. Personal Photo Archive
  • [34] Sofuoğlu, S.D, Kurtoğlu A. (2016). Ağaç işleri ve Mobilya Endüstrisinde Çevresel Değerlendirmeler, Mobilya Dekorasyon Dergisi, 133, 104-114.
  • [35] Subaşı, T., Çınar, H and Çağatay, K., (2017). The effect of composite materials used in the furniture sector to human life and environment. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences, 6(3), 557-571.
  • [36] Turan, G., (2013). Assesment of major environmental effects encountered in furniture production processes in terms of labour health, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Namık Kemal University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Environmental Engineering, Turkey, p.26.
  • [37] Aksakal, N., Vaizoğlu, S.A and Güler, Ç. (2005). Chemicals in furnitures and their effects on health. Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 14(12), 268-272. [38] Benefits of Reuse Case Study: Domestic Furniture,, (February, 2020). [39] Güler, Ü, Kundakçı, Ö. (2014). Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds and their effects on human and environmental health. Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal, 4(1), 71-75.
  • [40] Moreno, A.I., Font, R and Conesa J.A., (2016). Characterization of gaseous emissions and ashes from the combustion of furniture waste. Waste Management, (58) 299-308.
  • [41] Top, Y. (2015). Waste generation and utilisation in micro-sized furniture-manufacturing enterprises in Turkey. Waste Management, (35) 3-11.
  • [42] Hiramatsu, Y., Tsunetsugu, Y., Karube, M., Tonosaki, M and Fujii, T., (2002). Present state of wood waste recycling and a new process for converting wood waste into reusable wood materials. Materials Transactions, 43(3), 332-339.
  • [43] Benefits of Reuse Case Study: Domestic Furniture,, (February, 2020).
  • [44] Advancing Resource Efficiency in Europe, Indicators and Waste Policy Scenarios To Deliver A Resource Efficient And Sustainable Europe, European Environmental Bureau,ınal_Advancing-Resource-Efficiency-in-Europe_PUBL.pdf, (February, 2020).
  • [45] Reusing and Recycling, Furniture in Rural Communities,, (February, 2020). [46] Kocaeli Haberleri: Hacimli Atıklar Kartepe AGM İçin Sorun Değil,, (January, 2020).
  • [47] İri Hacimli Atıklar Ücretsiz Alınıyor,, (January, 2020).
  • [48] Kentsel atıklar kazanca dönüşüyor, (May, 2020).
  • [49] Dönüşüm hareketi,, (January,2020).
  • [50] Şehitkamil Belediyesi Geri Dönüşümde Bir İlke Daha İmza Attı,, (January, 2020).

Günümüzün Farklı Bir Problemi Olarak Mobilya Atıkları ve Çevresel Etkileri

Year 2021, , 97 - 105, 30.01.2021


İnsanların kullandıkları eşyalara kolay ulaşımı nedeniyle tamir et- kullan düşüncesi yerine kullan-at mantığı yerleşmiştir. Bu tüketim çılgınlığı ve gösteriş merakının bir sonucu da mobilya kullanımıdır. Kullanılabilecek durumda olan ancak modası geçtiği bahanesiyle değiştirilen mobilyalar hiçbir ekolojik ve ekonomik kaygılara bakılmaksızın atılmaktadır. Atılan bu mobilyalar genellikle katı atık depolama sahalarında diğer evsel atıklarla beraber depolanmakta ve o sahaların kapasitelerini düşürmektedir. İri hacimli atık olarak da belirtilen mobilya atıkları hem içerisinde barındırdıkları kimyasallar nedeniyle ekolojik yönden zararlı olmakta hem de önemli ekonomik kayıplara sebep olmaktadır. Dünyada mobilya atıklarının toplanıp tamir edilerek yeniden kullanımı konusunda birçok örnek bulunmasına rağmen Türkiye’de çok az belediye bu atıkları toplayarak geri dönüşüm-yeniden kullanım sürecine sokabilmektedir. Ayrıca Türkiye’de bu atıklar konusunda herhangi bir envanter de bulunmamaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışmada mobilya atıkları konusunda dünyadaki örnekler verilmiş, söz konusu bu atıkların düzensiz olarak bertarafı sonucunda çevreye olan zararları irdelenmiştir. Mobilya sektörü istihdamı ve Türkiye’de gelirin en yüksek olduğu İstanbul ve gelir eşitsizliğinin en düşük olduğu Doğu Marmara Bölgesinin gelirin yüksek olduğu illerinden biri olan Kocaeli’de mobilya atıklarının durumu nitel araştırmalardan gözlem yöntemi ile tespit edilmiş ve sonuçları ortaya konmuştur. Bu illerde mobilya atıklarının değerlendirme şekilleri araştırılmış, mobilya atıklarının hacminin hesaplanması ile çevreye verebilecekleri zarara dikkat çekilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Betimsel analiz yöntemiyle şekillenen bu çalışma ile Türkiye’de son yıllarda giderek artan mobilya tüketiminin yol açacağı çevre sorunlarına farkındalık oluşturmak, konuyla ilgili diğer akademik çalışmalara yol açmak ve konu hakkında eksik olan literatür çalışmasının tamamlanması amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye’de mobilya atıklarının miktar ve bertarafı konusunda literatür bilgisine rastlanılmamış olması çalışmanın önemini artırmaktadır.


  • Referans [1] Tıraş, H. (2014). Sustainable development and environment: An examine in theory. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 2(2), 57-73.
  • [2] Atrek B., Madran C. (2017). Studies of sustainable consumption from consumer perspective: A Systematic review on Turkish literature. Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research, (19) 1-31. [3] Armağan, B., Demir, İ., Demir, Ö and Gök, N. (2006). Katı atıkların ekonomide değerlendirilmesi, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası, Yayın No: 2006-23, p. 16
  • [4] Yılmaz, A., Bozkurt, D. (2010). Urban solid waste management applicatıons in Turkey and kukab case. Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administratives Sciences, 15(1), 11-28.
  • [5] Paker, B, Taş, N. (2017). Investigation of architect's effect on construction and demolition waste formation in sustainable construction process: example of Bursa. Journal of Yalvaç Akademy, 2(1), 88-98.
  • [6] Demirarslan, D. (2019). The history of sitting furniture in ancient period and the reflections of historical process. Art-e ART--E Art Journal of SDU Fine Arts Faculty, 12(23), 238-270.
  • [7] Tatlısu E., (2015). Investigating the relationship between furniture and accessories manufacturers in new product development processes in Turkish furniture industry. Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science, Turkey, p.7.
  • [8] Üst S. (2015). Analysing furniture characteristics in the context of interaction between residential interiors and furnitures Journal of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, 1(15), 103-118.
  • [9] Okcu, O, Morkoç, d.k. (2017). Determining the preferences of customers for furniture: a research on the social media. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences, 6(3), 72-84.
  • [10] Savaş E., Korkanç M. (2010). Geological-geotechnical investigation of the Kırıkkale solid waste landfill area. Journal of Geological Engineering, 34(2), 133-154.
  • [11] Onur, S., (2000). A method suggestion on factors affecting furniture formation and designer user factor, (In Turkish). Phd Thesis, Mimar Sinan University, Institute of Science, Turkey, p.5.
  • [12] Kaynak, F., F. (2019). The effect of furniture design on identity, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science and Technology, Turkey, p. 15.
  • [13] Uysal E.R. (2019). Durability and aesthetic optimization in industrial furniture (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey, p.15.
  • [14] Gence, U. (2001). Determining the materials and rates of loss in the production of some particular types of furniture in Turkey (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey, p. 17. [15] Erdem, T., (2007). Overview of furniture history and Art Deco, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Culture University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey, P. 3.
  • [16] Dinçel K., Işık Z., (1979). Furniture art history, 1. Baskı, Meb Basımevi, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 23.
  • [17] Vural, M., (2004). The effect of forms of nature on furniture design, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Institute of Science and Technology, Turkey, p.12.
  • [18] Yaman S. (2019). Furniture industry-related problems in interior architecture and solution proposals, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Fine Arts, Turkey.
  • [19] Çaylı, M. (2006). Current status of operations demonstrating smes in the furniture sector in Turkey, problems and solutions (2000-2004 applied survey), (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University-Institute of Science, Turkey.
  • [20] Design Decisions, Furniture Materials and Characteristics,, (April, 2018).
  • [21] Furniture Materials,, (June, 2019).
  • [22] Kurban H., Kaygın B and Tankut A.N. (2016). The usage of anthropometric measurement and ergonomic analysis in furniture design. İnönü University Journal of Art and Design, 6(13), 313-320.
  • [23] Güneş S. (2011), Mobilya ve İç Mekân Tasarımı Alanı Ders Notları,, (March, 2020).
  • [24] Rearranging the Furniture, An RSA Great Recovery Design Residency in Collaboration with SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK,, (January, 2020).
  • [25] Circular Economy Opportunities in the Furniture Sector, European Environmental Bureau (EEB),, (January, 2020).
  • [26] Wood waste: A Short Review of Recent Research,, (January, 2020).
  • [27] Caetano, M.D.D.E., Depizzol, D.B and Reis, A.O.P., (2017). Analysis of solid waste management and improvement proposal: a case study in carpentry of Cariacica-ES, Gest. Prod., 24(2), 382-394.
  • [28] Extended Producer Responsibility and the Role of Reuse Activities: Opportunities for a Resource Efficient, Socially Inclusive Waste Management System, With Financial Support from the European Commission,, (February, 2020).
  • [29] Being Wise with Waste: The EU’s Approach to Waste Management, European Commission,, (February, 2020). m/landfill-australias-underground-furniture-movement/, (February, 2020).
  • [31] Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures 2013, United States Environmental Protection Agency,, (February, 2020).
  • [32] Any Space, Anyone, And Anything Can Be Inspiring,, (February, 2020).
  • [33] Demirarslan K.O. Personal Photo Archive
  • [34] Sofuoğlu, S.D, Kurtoğlu A. (2016). Ağaç işleri ve Mobilya Endüstrisinde Çevresel Değerlendirmeler, Mobilya Dekorasyon Dergisi, 133, 104-114.
  • [35] Subaşı, T., Çınar, H and Çağatay, K., (2017). The effect of composite materials used in the furniture sector to human life and environment. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences, 6(3), 557-571.
  • [36] Turan, G., (2013). Assesment of major environmental effects encountered in furniture production processes in terms of labour health, (In Turkish). Master’s Thesis, Namık Kemal University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Environmental Engineering, Turkey, p.26.
  • [37] Aksakal, N., Vaizoğlu, S.A and Güler, Ç. (2005). Chemicals in furnitures and their effects on health. Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 14(12), 268-272. [38] Benefits of Reuse Case Study: Domestic Furniture,, (February, 2020). [39] Güler, Ü, Kundakçı, Ö. (2014). Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds and their effects on human and environmental health. Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal, 4(1), 71-75.
  • [40] Moreno, A.I., Font, R and Conesa J.A., (2016). Characterization of gaseous emissions and ashes from the combustion of furniture waste. Waste Management, (58) 299-308.
  • [41] Top, Y. (2015). Waste generation and utilisation in micro-sized furniture-manufacturing enterprises in Turkey. Waste Management, (35) 3-11.
  • [42] Hiramatsu, Y., Tsunetsugu, Y., Karube, M., Tonosaki, M and Fujii, T., (2002). Present state of wood waste recycling and a new process for converting wood waste into reusable wood materials. Materials Transactions, 43(3), 332-339.
  • [43] Benefits of Reuse Case Study: Domestic Furniture,, (February, 2020).
  • [44] Advancing Resource Efficiency in Europe, Indicators and Waste Policy Scenarios To Deliver A Resource Efficient And Sustainable Europe, European Environmental Bureau,ınal_Advancing-Resource-Efficiency-in-Europe_PUBL.pdf, (February, 2020).
  • [45] Reusing and Recycling, Furniture in Rural Communities,, (February, 2020). [46] Kocaeli Haberleri: Hacimli Atıklar Kartepe AGM İçin Sorun Değil,, (January, 2020).
  • [47] İri Hacimli Atıklar Ücretsiz Alınıyor,, (January, 2020).
  • [48] Kentsel atıklar kazanca dönüşüyor, (May, 2020).
  • [49] Dönüşüm hareketi,, (January,2020).
  • [50] Şehitkamil Belediyesi Geri Dönüşümde Bir İlke Daha İmza Attı,, (January, 2020).
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review

Kazım Onur Demirarslan 0000-0002-1023-7584

Deniz Demirarslan 0000-0002-7817-5893

Publication Date January 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Demirarslan, K. O., & Demirarslan, D. (2021). Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 33(1), 97-105.
AMA Demirarslan KO, Demirarslan D. Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time. JEPS. January 2021;33(1):97-105. doi:10.7240/jeps.748061
Chicago Demirarslan, Kazım Onur, and Deniz Demirarslan. “Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts As Being a Different Problem of Our Time”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 33, no. 1 (January 2021): 97-105.
EndNote Demirarslan KO, Demirarslan D (January 1, 2021) Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 33 1 97–105.
IEEE K. O. Demirarslan and D. Demirarslan, “Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time”, JEPS, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 97–105, 2021, doi: 10.7240/jeps.748061.
ISNAD Demirarslan, Kazım Onur - Demirarslan, Deniz. “Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts As Being a Different Problem of Our Time”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 33/1 (January 2021), 97-105.
JAMA Demirarslan KO, Demirarslan D. Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time. JEPS. 2021;33:97–105.
MLA Demirarslan, Kazım Onur and Deniz Demirarslan. “Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts As Being a Different Problem of Our Time”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, vol. 33, no. 1, 2021, pp. 97-105, doi:10.7240/jeps.748061.
Vancouver Demirarslan KO, Demirarslan D. Furniture Wastes and Their Environmental Impacts as Being a Different Problem of Our Time. JEPS. 2021;33(1):97-105.