Year 2019,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 369 - 380, 26.06.2019
Mustafa Oğuz Gök
İsrafil Karadöl
Mustafa Şekkeli
Textile is a term that
emerged with the first thought and protection term. With the developing
technology and changing conditions, the expectation of people from textile
products is increasing day by day. In order to fulfill all these requirements,
textile develops itself and develops functional and added high value products
by entering into a business association with different science branches. The
first product group that comes to mind in terms of high value added products in
textiles is technical textiles. The technical textiles themselves fall into
various classes. One of these classes is smart textiles. In this study, a
design was realized by using piezoelectric material which is an electronic
material. A tension is obtained as a result of the applied pressure. This
voltage is converted into electricity and power is supplied to the designed
textile. The electric energy produced in this work is lighting the LED on the
system that are placed in the shoe and designed and become an aesthetic and
functional product. As a result of the study, a design that converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy is created without the need for energy supply
while on the move.
- Appu Kuttan K. K. (2007). Introduction to Mechatronics (First edition). USA: Oxford University Press Publishing, 206.
- Barczyński, R. J. (2011). Piezoelectrics. Politechnika Gdańska, 1-20.
- Bartalesi, R., Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Tesconi, M., Zupone, G., Carbonaro, N. ve Rossi D. (2007). Wearable kinesthetic sensors for body posture and movement analysis. Journal of Biomechanics, No:40, ss. 425-S427.
- BUTEKOM, (2014). Teknik tekstile geçişte model uygulamalar, teknik tekstil üretimine nasıl geçilir. “Tekstil ve konfeksiyon sektöründe ortak kuruluş BUTEKOM” projesi, teknolojik değerlendirme raporu.
- Büscher G. H., Kõiva, R., Schürmann, C., Haschke, R. ve Ritter, H. J. (2015). Flexible and stretchable fabric-based tactile sensor. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, No:63,ss.244-252.
- Capineri, L. (2014). Resistive sensors with smart textiles for wearable technology: from fabrication processes to integration with electronics. Procedia Engineering, 87, 724-727.
- Cherenack, K., Pieterson L. V. (2012). Smart textiles: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Applied Physics 112, 091301.
- Curone, D., Secco, E. L., Tognetti, A., Loriga, G., Dudnik, G., Risatti, M. Whyte, R., Bonfiglio, A. ve Magenes, G. (2010). Smart Garments for Emergency Operators: The ProeTEX Project. Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, No:14, ss. 694-701.
- Çelik Bedeloğlu, A. (2011). Şekil Hafizalı Alaşımlar ve Tekstil Malzemelerindeki Uygulamaları. Tekstil ve Mühendis, Sayı 18, No:83, ss. 27-37.
- Dadi, H. H., Sweden, B. (2010). Literature Over View of Smart Textiles. Textilhögskolan Högskolan I Boras, Swedish School of Textiles, Master of Textile Technology, Examiner Nils Krister.
- Edmison, J., Jones, M., Nakad, Z. ve Martin, T. (2002). Using piezoelectric materials for wearable electronic textiles. Paper presented at the First Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Washington, USA.
- Edmond, M., Coyle, S., Connor, N. E., Diamond, D. ve Ward, T. (2010). Breathing feedback system with wearable textile sensors. IEEE, ss.1 -6.
- Emek, A. (2004). Teknik Tekstiller Dünya Pazarı, Türkiye’nin Üretim ve İhraç İmkânları. T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı, İhracat Geliştirme Etüd Merkezi, Ankara.
- Gaz sensörü, (2018) Erişim: https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=gaz+sens%C3%B6r%C3%BC&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjS4prb4onbAhUGIJoKHYnhDxcQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=769#imgrc=aTqyOPsyA84i_M:
- Guo, L., Berglin, L., Wiklund, U. ve Mattila, H. (2013). Design of a garment -based sensing system for breathing monitoring. Textile Research Journal, No:83, ss. 499-509.
- Horrocks, A. R., Anand, S. C. (2000). Handboob of Technical Textiles. The Textile Institute, CRC Press, Boca Raton Boston Newyork Washington, DC, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge England.
- Huang, C. T., Tang, C . F., Shen C. L. ve Chang, S. H. (2008). A wearable yarn-based piezo-resistive sensor. Sensors and Actuators A, No:141,ss. 396-403.
- Huang, C. T., Tang, C . F., Lee, M. C. ve Chang, S. H. (2008). Parametric design of yarn-based piezoresistive sensors for smart textiles. Sensors and Actuators A, No:148,ss. 10-15.
- İTKİB Tekstil, Deri ve Halı Ar-Ge Şubesi İTKİB Genel Sekreterliği. (2018), Toplam Tekstil ve Hammaddeleri Sektörü 2018 Yılı Şubat Ayı İhracatı Performans Raporu, p.1-26.
- Karayianni, E. (2002). Space technology moves textiles ‘smart’. Smart Materials Bulletin, Sayı 2002, No: 9, ss. 9-10.
- Krajewski, A. S., Magniez, K., Helmer R. J. N. ve Schrank, V. (2013). Piezoelectric force response of novel 2D textile based pvdf sensors. Ieee Sensors Journal, No:13, ss.4743 -4748.
- Kress-Rogers, E., Brimelow, C. J. B. (2001). Instrumentation and Sensors for The Food Industry, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 581.
- Kuvvet sensörü, (2018) Erişim: https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=kuvvet+sens%C3%B6r%C3%BC&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis-eT94YnbAhUIOJoKHchrDOgQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=769#imgrc=AQtoeKMWaduivM:
- Lee, S., Ko, W., Oh, Y., Lee, J., Baek, G., Lee, Y., Sohn, J., Cha, S., Kim, J., Park, J. ve Hong, J. (2015). Tribo electric energy harvester based on wearable textile platforms employing various surface morphologies. Nano Energy, No:12, ss.410-418.
- Lorussi, F., Galatolo, S. ve De Rossi, D. E. (2009). Textile-based electrogoniometers for wearable posture and gesture capture systems. Ieee Sensors Journal, No:9, ss.1014-1024.
- Marculescu, D., Marculescu, R. ve Khosla, P. K. (2002). Challenges and opportunities in electronic textiles modeling and optimization. Design Automation Conferance, Proceedings. No:39, ss.175-180.
- Mecit, D., Ilgaz, S., Duran, D., Başal, G., Gülümser, T. ve Tarakçıoğlu, I. (2007). Teknik Tekstiller ve Kullanım Alanları (Bölüm 1). Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, ss. 79-82.
- Meinander, H. (2005). Smart and intelligent textiles and fibers. In Shishoo R (ed.) Textiles in Sport. Cambridge, UK, Woodhead Publishing in association with The Textile Institute and Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
- Müstakil Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği (MÜSİAD) Araştırma Raporu: 58 (2009), Teknik Tekstiller Genel ve güncel bilgiler, Derleyen: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Kahraman Arslan, ISBN 978-975-7215-84-4, İstanbul, Mavi Ofset Basım Yayın Tic. San. Ltd. Şti.
- Nauman, S., Lapeyronnie, P., Cristian, I., Boussu, F. ve Koncar, V. (2011). Online measurement of structural deformations in composites. Ieee Sensors Journal, No:11,ss. 1329-1336.
- Novetny M., Ronkanen P., (2009). Piezoelectric Actuators
- Novotny M., Ronkanen P. Piezoelectric Actuators. (2016). Erişim: http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftr.scribd.com%2Fdoc%2F1 27521971%2FPiezoelectric-Actuators&date=2016-04-27. ( 27.04.2016).
- O’Quigley, C., Sabourin, M., Coyle, S., Connolly, J., Condall, J., Curran, K., Corcoran, B. ve Diamond, D. (2014). Characteristics of a Piezo-Resistive Fabric Stretch Sensor Glove for Home-Monitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks Workshops (BSN Workshops), 2014 11th International Conference on, ss. 23-26.
- Pacelli, M., Caldani, L. ve Paradiso, R. (2006). Textile Piezoresistive Sensors for Biomechanical Variables Monitoring. Paper presented at the First Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, New York City, USA.
- Park, S., Jayaraman, S. (2010). Smart textile-based wearable biomedical systems: A transition plan for research to reality. Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, No:14, ss. 86-92.
- Patel, P. C., Vasavada, D. A. ve Mankodi, H. R. (2012). Applications of Electrically Conductive Yams in Technical Textiles. IEEE, 1-6.
- Piezo Keybord. Piezoelectric. . (2016) Erişim: http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftechnologyisreadytowear.tu mblr.com%2Fpost%2F38159279062%2Fpiezoresistive-fabric-touchpad-this-fabric&date=2016-04-27. ( 27.04.2016)
- Ramdayal, K., Balasubramanian, K. (2013). Advancement in textile technology for defence application. Defence Science Journal, No:63,ss.331-339.
- Rienzo, M. D., Meriggi, P., Rizzo, F., Castiglioni, P., Lombardi, C., Ferratini, M. ve Parati, G. (2010). Textile technology for the vital signs monitoring in telemedicine and extreme environments. Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, No:14, ss. 711-717.
- Scilingo, E. P., Gemignani, A., Paradiso, R., Taccini, N., Ghelarducci, B. ve Rossi, D. D. (2005). Performance Evaluation of Sensing Fabrics for Monitoring Physiological and Biomechanical Variables. Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on, Sayı 9, No: 3, ss. 345-352.
- Shyr, T. W., Shie, J. W., Jiang, C. H. ve Li, J. J. (2014). A textile-based wearable sensing device designed for monitoring the flexion angle of elbow and knee movements. Sensors, No:14,ss. 4050-4059.
- Stoppa, M., Chiolerio, A. (2014). Wearable Electronics and Smart Textiles: A Critical Review. Sensors, Sayı 14, No: 7, ss. 11957-11992.
- Stretch Sensor. Sensors. (2016) Erişim: http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.adafruit.com%2Fproducts%2F182&date=2016-04-28. (28.04.2016).
- T.C. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı. (2012), 81 İl Durum Raporu, Sanayi Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
- Thilagavathi, G., Raja A. S. M. ve Kannaian, T. (2008). Nanotechnology and protective clothing for defence personnel. Defence Science Journal, No:58,ss. 451-459.
- Thorp, E. O. (1998). The Invention of the First Wearable Computer. ISWC '98 Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, IEEE Computer Society, p 4.
- Tognetti, A., Bartalesi, R., Lorussi, F. ve Rossi D. (2007). Body segment position reconstruction and posture classification by smart textiles. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, No:29, ss.215-253.
- Uçar, Serna. (2006). Teknik / Akıllı Tekstiller ve Tasarımda Kullanımları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
- Yalçınkaya, B., Yılmaz, D. (2011). Elektronik Tekstillerin, Tekstil Endüstrisindeki Yeri ve Giyilebilir Tekstilde Kullanılan İletken Lifler. Tekstil Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Sayı 5, No. 1, ss. 61-71.
- Yun, D., Yun, S. (2013). Woven piezoelectric structure for stretchable energy harvester. Electronıcs Letters, No:49, ss.1-2.
- Wei, Qufu. (2012). Functional Nanofibers in Microelectronics Applications, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 396.
- Wulfhorst, B., Demir, A. ve Torun, A. R. (2003). Tekstil Üretim Yöntemleri, Şan Ofset, ISBN: 975-97055-1-6, İstanbul, ss.123-151.
- Zhao, J., You, Z. (2014). A shoe-embedded piezoelectric energy harvester for wearable sensors. Sensors, No:14, ss.12497-12510.
Year 2019,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 369 - 380, 26.06.2019
Mustafa Oğuz Gök
İsrafil Karadöl
Mustafa Şekkeli
Tekstil, ilk zamanlarda örtünme ve korunma amacı
ile ortaya çıkmış bir terimdir. Gelişen teknoloji ve değişen şartlar ile
birlikte insanların tekstil ürünlerinden beklentileri de her geçen gün
artmaktadır. Tüm bu gereksinimleri yerine getirebilmek için tekstil de kendini
geliştirerek ve farklı bilim dalları ile iş birliği içerisine girerek
fonksiyonel ve katma değeri yüksek ürünler ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Tekstilde
katma değeri yüksek ürünler deyince akla ilk gelen ürün grubu teknik
tekstillerdir. Teknik tekstiller kendi içerisinde çeşitli sınıflara
ayrılmaktadır. Bu sınıfların önemli bir tanesi de akıllı tekstillerdir. Akıllı
tekstillerin önemli bir kısmını ise elektronik tekstiller oluşturmaktadır.
Elektronik tekstiller; içerisinde elektronik devre elemanlarının bulunduğu
tekstil ürünleridir. Bu çalışmada elektronik bir malzeme olan piezoelektrik
malzemeler kullanılarak bir tasarım gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uygulanan basınç
sonucunda bir gerilim elde edilmektedir. Elde edilen bu gerilim elektrik
enerjisine dönüştürülmektedir ve tasarlanan tekstil ürününe enerji
sağlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada üretilen elektrik enerjisi ayakkabıya
yerleştirilen ve tasarlanan sistem üzerindeki led’i yakarak estetik ve işlevsel
bir ürüne dönüşmektedir. Çalışma sonucunda hareket halindeyken enerji kaynağına
ihtiyaç duymadan mekanik enerjiyi elektrik enerjisine dönüştüren bir tasarım
- Appu Kuttan K. K. (2007). Introduction to Mechatronics (First edition). USA: Oxford University Press Publishing, 206.
- Barczyński, R. J. (2011). Piezoelectrics. Politechnika Gdańska, 1-20.
- Bartalesi, R., Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Tesconi, M., Zupone, G., Carbonaro, N. ve Rossi D. (2007). Wearable kinesthetic sensors for body posture and movement analysis. Journal of Biomechanics, No:40, ss. 425-S427.
- BUTEKOM, (2014). Teknik tekstile geçişte model uygulamalar, teknik tekstil üretimine nasıl geçilir. “Tekstil ve konfeksiyon sektöründe ortak kuruluş BUTEKOM” projesi, teknolojik değerlendirme raporu.
- Büscher G. H., Kõiva, R., Schürmann, C., Haschke, R. ve Ritter, H. J. (2015). Flexible and stretchable fabric-based tactile sensor. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, No:63,ss.244-252.
- Capineri, L. (2014). Resistive sensors with smart textiles for wearable technology: from fabrication processes to integration with electronics. Procedia Engineering, 87, 724-727.
- Cherenack, K., Pieterson L. V. (2012). Smart textiles: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Applied Physics 112, 091301.
- Curone, D., Secco, E. L., Tognetti, A., Loriga, G., Dudnik, G., Risatti, M. Whyte, R., Bonfiglio, A. ve Magenes, G. (2010). Smart Garments for Emergency Operators: The ProeTEX Project. Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, No:14, ss. 694-701.
- Çelik Bedeloğlu, A. (2011). Şekil Hafizalı Alaşımlar ve Tekstil Malzemelerindeki Uygulamaları. Tekstil ve Mühendis, Sayı 18, No:83, ss. 27-37.
- Dadi, H. H., Sweden, B. (2010). Literature Over View of Smart Textiles. Textilhögskolan Högskolan I Boras, Swedish School of Textiles, Master of Textile Technology, Examiner Nils Krister.
- Edmison, J., Jones, M., Nakad, Z. ve Martin, T. (2002). Using piezoelectric materials for wearable electronic textiles. Paper presented at the First Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Washington, USA.
- Edmond, M., Coyle, S., Connor, N. E., Diamond, D. ve Ward, T. (2010). Breathing feedback system with wearable textile sensors. IEEE, ss.1 -6.
- Emek, A. (2004). Teknik Tekstiller Dünya Pazarı, Türkiye’nin Üretim ve İhraç İmkânları. T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı, İhracat Geliştirme Etüd Merkezi, Ankara.
- Gaz sensörü, (2018) Erişim: https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=gaz+sens%C3%B6r%C3%BC&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjS4prb4onbAhUGIJoKHYnhDxcQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=769#imgrc=aTqyOPsyA84i_M:
- Guo, L., Berglin, L., Wiklund, U. ve Mattila, H. (2013). Design of a garment -based sensing system for breathing monitoring. Textile Research Journal, No:83, ss. 499-509.
- Horrocks, A. R., Anand, S. C. (2000). Handboob of Technical Textiles. The Textile Institute, CRC Press, Boca Raton Boston Newyork Washington, DC, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge England.
- Huang, C. T., Tang, C . F., Shen C. L. ve Chang, S. H. (2008). A wearable yarn-based piezo-resistive sensor. Sensors and Actuators A, No:141,ss. 396-403.
- Huang, C. T., Tang, C . F., Lee, M. C. ve Chang, S. H. (2008). Parametric design of yarn-based piezoresistive sensors for smart textiles. Sensors and Actuators A, No:148,ss. 10-15.
- İTKİB Tekstil, Deri ve Halı Ar-Ge Şubesi İTKİB Genel Sekreterliği. (2018), Toplam Tekstil ve Hammaddeleri Sektörü 2018 Yılı Şubat Ayı İhracatı Performans Raporu, p.1-26.
- Karayianni, E. (2002). Space technology moves textiles ‘smart’. Smart Materials Bulletin, Sayı 2002, No: 9, ss. 9-10.
- Krajewski, A. S., Magniez, K., Helmer R. J. N. ve Schrank, V. (2013). Piezoelectric force response of novel 2D textile based pvdf sensors. Ieee Sensors Journal, No:13, ss.4743 -4748.
- Kress-Rogers, E., Brimelow, C. J. B. (2001). Instrumentation and Sensors for The Food Industry, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 581.
- Kuvvet sensörü, (2018) Erişim: https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=kuvvet+sens%C3%B6r%C3%BC&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis-eT94YnbAhUIOJoKHchrDOgQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=769#imgrc=AQtoeKMWaduivM:
- Lee, S., Ko, W., Oh, Y., Lee, J., Baek, G., Lee, Y., Sohn, J., Cha, S., Kim, J., Park, J. ve Hong, J. (2015). Tribo electric energy harvester based on wearable textile platforms employing various surface morphologies. Nano Energy, No:12, ss.410-418.
- Lorussi, F., Galatolo, S. ve De Rossi, D. E. (2009). Textile-based electrogoniometers for wearable posture and gesture capture systems. Ieee Sensors Journal, No:9, ss.1014-1024.
- Marculescu, D., Marculescu, R. ve Khosla, P. K. (2002). Challenges and opportunities in electronic textiles modeling and optimization. Design Automation Conferance, Proceedings. No:39, ss.175-180.
- Mecit, D., Ilgaz, S., Duran, D., Başal, G., Gülümser, T. ve Tarakçıoğlu, I. (2007). Teknik Tekstiller ve Kullanım Alanları (Bölüm 1). Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, ss. 79-82.
- Meinander, H. (2005). Smart and intelligent textiles and fibers. In Shishoo R (ed.) Textiles in Sport. Cambridge, UK, Woodhead Publishing in association with The Textile Institute and Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
- Müstakil Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği (MÜSİAD) Araştırma Raporu: 58 (2009), Teknik Tekstiller Genel ve güncel bilgiler, Derleyen: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Kahraman Arslan, ISBN 978-975-7215-84-4, İstanbul, Mavi Ofset Basım Yayın Tic. San. Ltd. Şti.
- Nauman, S., Lapeyronnie, P., Cristian, I., Boussu, F. ve Koncar, V. (2011). Online measurement of structural deformations in composites. Ieee Sensors Journal, No:11,ss. 1329-1336.
- Novetny M., Ronkanen P., (2009). Piezoelectric Actuators
- Novotny M., Ronkanen P. Piezoelectric Actuators. (2016). Erişim: http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftr.scribd.com%2Fdoc%2F1 27521971%2FPiezoelectric-Actuators&date=2016-04-27. ( 27.04.2016).
- O’Quigley, C., Sabourin, M., Coyle, S., Connolly, J., Condall, J., Curran, K., Corcoran, B. ve Diamond, D. (2014). Characteristics of a Piezo-Resistive Fabric Stretch Sensor Glove for Home-Monitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks Workshops (BSN Workshops), 2014 11th International Conference on, ss. 23-26.
- Pacelli, M., Caldani, L. ve Paradiso, R. (2006). Textile Piezoresistive Sensors for Biomechanical Variables Monitoring. Paper presented at the First Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, New York City, USA.
- Park, S., Jayaraman, S. (2010). Smart textile-based wearable biomedical systems: A transition plan for research to reality. Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, No:14, ss. 86-92.
- Patel, P. C., Vasavada, D. A. ve Mankodi, H. R. (2012). Applications of Electrically Conductive Yams in Technical Textiles. IEEE, 1-6.
- Piezo Keybord. Piezoelectric. . (2016) Erişim: http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftechnologyisreadytowear.tu mblr.com%2Fpost%2F38159279062%2Fpiezoresistive-fabric-touchpad-this-fabric&date=2016-04-27. ( 27.04.2016)
- Ramdayal, K., Balasubramanian, K. (2013). Advancement in textile technology for defence application. Defence Science Journal, No:63,ss.331-339.
- Rienzo, M. D., Meriggi, P., Rizzo, F., Castiglioni, P., Lombardi, C., Ferratini, M. ve Parati, G. (2010). Textile technology for the vital signs monitoring in telemedicine and extreme environments. Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, No:14, ss. 711-717.
- Scilingo, E. P., Gemignani, A., Paradiso, R., Taccini, N., Ghelarducci, B. ve Rossi, D. D. (2005). Performance Evaluation of Sensing Fabrics for Monitoring Physiological and Biomechanical Variables. Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on, Sayı 9, No: 3, ss. 345-352.
- Shyr, T. W., Shie, J. W., Jiang, C. H. ve Li, J. J. (2014). A textile-based wearable sensing device designed for monitoring the flexion angle of elbow and knee movements. Sensors, No:14,ss. 4050-4059.
- Stoppa, M., Chiolerio, A. (2014). Wearable Electronics and Smart Textiles: A Critical Review. Sensors, Sayı 14, No: 7, ss. 11957-11992.
- Stretch Sensor. Sensors. (2016) Erişim: http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.adafruit.com%2Fproducts%2F182&date=2016-04-28. (28.04.2016).
- T.C. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı. (2012), 81 İl Durum Raporu, Sanayi Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
- Thilagavathi, G., Raja A. S. M. ve Kannaian, T. (2008). Nanotechnology and protective clothing for defence personnel. Defence Science Journal, No:58,ss. 451-459.
- Thorp, E. O. (1998). The Invention of the First Wearable Computer. ISWC '98 Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, IEEE Computer Society, p 4.
- Tognetti, A., Bartalesi, R., Lorussi, F. ve Rossi D. (2007). Body segment position reconstruction and posture classification by smart textiles. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, No:29, ss.215-253.
- Uçar, Serna. (2006). Teknik / Akıllı Tekstiller ve Tasarımda Kullanımları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
- Yalçınkaya, B., Yılmaz, D. (2011). Elektronik Tekstillerin, Tekstil Endüstrisindeki Yeri ve Giyilebilir Tekstilde Kullanılan İletken Lifler. Tekstil Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Sayı 5, No. 1, ss. 61-71.
- Yun, D., Yun, S. (2013). Woven piezoelectric structure for stretchable energy harvester. Electronıcs Letters, No:49, ss.1-2.
- Wei, Qufu. (2012). Functional Nanofibers in Microelectronics Applications, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 396.
- Wulfhorst, B., Demir, A. ve Torun, A. R. (2003). Tekstil Üretim Yöntemleri, Şan Ofset, ISBN: 975-97055-1-6, İstanbul, ss.123-151.
- Zhao, J., You, Z. (2014). A shoe-embedded piezoelectric energy harvester for wearable sensors. Sensors, No:14, ss.12497-12510.