Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.01.2021



  • Ademola, F. (2015). Challenges Faced by Schools when introducing ICT in Developing Countries. IJHSSI,>version-3 PDF
  • Bergersen, A. and Muleya, G. 2019. “Zambian Civic Education Teacher Students in Norway for a Year- How DoThey Describe Their Transformative Learning?‟ Sustainability 2019, 11 (24), 7143; doi: 10.3390/su11247143, pp 1-17
  • Career Development (2020). 7 Types of work place management Theories/indeed .com, 14 Feb 2020.
  • Chipili, C.T, Ndhlovu, D., & Simui, F., (2018). Access to Career Guidance through Information and Communication Technology by Learners with Visual Impairment in Selected Secondary Schools of Zambia. Zambia ICT Journal. Volume 2 (Issue 1) (2018) Pages 57-65
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, Minneapolis (MN), v.13, n.3, p.319-339.
  • Davis, F. D.; Bagozzi, R. P.; Warshaw, P. R. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, Ann Arbor (MI), v.35, n.8, p.982-1003.
  • CSO (2010). Zambia 2010 Census of Population and Housing.
  • Guest Writer on (2011). 12 challenges facing computer Education in Kenyan schools.
  • Ghavifekr, S., Kunjappan, T., Ramasam, L., & Anthony, A. (2016), Teaching and Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers’ Perceptions. › eric › files › fulltext
  • Habanyati, H., Simui, F., Kanyamuna, V., & Muleya, G. 2020. Lived Experiences of Multi-Banked Bank Account Holders with a focus on Banks at Manda Hill Mall Lusaka, Zambia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(6) 208-223.
  • Hinostroza .J.E, (2017). New Challenges for ICT in Education Policies in Developing Countries: The need to account for the widespread Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning Outside the School. Available @
  • Jason, H. (2010). The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(2), 1-21
  • Kadimba. B (2015). Available @ www.daily –>ictstudies. Solwezi .Accessed on 23.12.2019
  • Kiptalam et al (2010). 12 challenges facing computer education in Kenyan schools, Challenges
  • Kassimu.A.M (2015). Challenges facing implementation of ICT in primary schools.>2841.
  • Lusaka times (2015). Introduction of ICT Subject in Primary schools is a source of worry.>introduction
  • Machila,N, Sompa, M, Muleya, G and Pitsoe, V.J 2018. ‘Teachers’ Understanding and Attitudes Towards Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Teaching Social Sciences,” Multidisciplinary Journal of Language and Social Sciences Education, (2), 120-137. 2018
  • Magasu, O., Muleya, G. & Mweemba, L. 2020. Pedagogical Challenges in Teaching Civic Education in Secondary Schools in Zambia. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 1483-1488. DOI: 10:21274/SR 20327121153.
  • Mengo.V (2018). ICT Education in schools pros and cons. www.dailymal.cozm>ict.
  • Mdzebele .N. (2013). Challenges Faced by Schools when Introducing ICT in Developing Countries. Department of Business Administration, / University of Swaziland, Swaziland /IJHSSI.
  • Mphahlele (2018). Information Communication Technologies as a support mechanism for learners experiencing reading difficulties in Full-Service Schools. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
  • Mukalele .R (2013).10 Challenges facing implementation of ICT Education in Ugadan schools.>2013/07.Accessed on 23.11 .2019
  • Muleya, G., Simui, F. Mundende, K., Kakana, F., Mwewa, G. & Namangala, B., (2019). ‘Exploring Learning Cultures of Digital Immigrants in Technologically mediated Postgraduate distance learning mode at the University of Zambia‟ Zambia Informational Communication Technology (ICT) Journal. Vol 3, Issue 3, 2019, pp 1-10
  • Muleya, G. 2017a. ‘The Conceptual Challenges in the Conceptualization of Civic Education’. Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, 1, (1), 59-81
  • Muleya, G. 2017b. ‘Civic education and Civics: Where do we draw the line?’ Journal of Lexicography and Terminology. 1(2), 125-148.
  • Muleya, G. 2018b. ‘Civic Education Versus Citizenship Education? Where is the point of Convergence?’ Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, 2 (1), 109-130.
  • Muleya, G. 2018a. Civic education in Zambia before and beyond the Golden Jubilee. In G. Masaiti (Ed.), Educationat fifty years of Independence and beyond. Lusaka: Unza Press.
  • Muleya, G. 2019. Curriculum Policy and Practice of Civic Education in Zambia: A Reflective Perspective, In A. Petersen et al. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education. https://doi/10.007/978-3-319-67905-153-1
  • Mupeta, S., Muleya, G., Kanyamuna, V., & Simui, F. 2020. Imperial Districts Civic Entrepreneurship: The Implementation of Civic Innovations in the Governance of the University of Zambia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(7) 674-685.
  • Mwanangombe, C. Mundende, K. Muzata, K.K. Muleya, G. Kanyamuna, V & Simui, F. 2020. Peeping into the Pot of Contraceptives Utilization among Adolescents within a Conservative Culture Zambia American Journal of Educational Research, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 8, 513-523 Available online at Published by Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/education-8-8-1
  • Mwase, D. Simuyaba, E. Mwewa, G. Muleya, G & Simui, F 2020. Leveraging Parental Involvement in the Education of their Children as a Conflict Resolution Strategy in Selected Secondary schools, Zambia , International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue VII, July 2020|ISSN 2454-6186
  • Pumulo.J, Mulauzi.F & Walubita .G (2019). CHAPTER FIVE- Introduction of computer education in the curriculum of Zambian primary and secondary schools: Benefits and Challenges.
  • Mungai.M (2011). 12 Challenges facing Computer Education in Kenyan Schools.>12challenges.
  • Mwaaba, C. (2015). Challenges of ICT in Community Schools.>challenges.
  • Peša, Iva (2013) "Wealth, Success, and Personhood: Trajectories of Labour Migration from Mwinilunga District, 1930s-1970s," Zambia Social Science Journal: Vol. 4: No. 1, Article 6. Available at:
  • Phiri. W & Phiri .G.G (2017). Negative Factors Affecting ICT Implementation in Selected Secondary Schools in Chipata.Zambia. .pdf Research gate (Jan, 2014) .challenges facing implementation of ICT curriculum
  • Simon M.K. & Goes, J. (2016). Reliability and validity in qualitative studies. In M.K, Simon. & J Goes (Eds.), Dissertation & scholarly research: recipes for success. Retrieved from
  • Simui, F., Mwewa, G., Chota, A., Kakana, F., Mundende, K., Thompson, L., Mwanza, P., Ndhlovu, D., & Namangala, B., (2018). “WhatsApp” as a Learner Support tool for distance education: Implications for Policy and Practice at University of Zambia. Zambia ICT Journal, 2, (2), 36-44,
  • Simui, F., Nyaruwata, L.T. and Kasonde-Ngandu, S. (2017). ICT as an Enabler to Academic Success of Students with Visually Impaired at Sim University: Hermeneutics Approach. Zambia ICT Journal Vol. 1. Issue 1. pp 5 - 9.
  • Simui, F. (2018). Lived Experiences of Students with Visual Impairments at Sim University in Zambia: A Hermeneutic Phenomelogical Approach. Lusaka: University of Zambia. Unpublished PhD Thesis.
  • Simui, F., Kasonde-Ngandu, S. Cheyeka, A.M., Simwinga, J., and Ndhlovu, D. (2018). Enablers and disablers to academic success of students with visual impairment: A 10-year literature disclosure, 2007–201. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 36 (2), 163-174.
  • Simui F. (2009). Preparing Teachers for Inclusive Education: A Study of the English Approach. Paper Presented at the SANORD 2ND International Conference: Inclusive and Exclusion in Higher Education, Rhodes University, Grahmstown, South Africa, December 7 to 9, 2009.
  • Suryani .A (2010). ICT in education :its benefits,Difficulties ,and organisational development issues.Available @>3169..Accessed on 23.07.2020
  • Tech Terms (2010). ICT Information and communication Technoloies.>definition>ict

Disablers and enablers in the uptake of information communication technologies in rural primary schools of Mwinilunga District, Zambia

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.01.2021


In this study we interrogated disablers and enablers in the uptake of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in five rural primary schools in Mwinilunga district. A qualitative research methodology and descriptive research design were applied. Interview schedule and Focused Group Discussions were used as research instruments to interrogate the research problem. Findings of the study reviewed that the teaching of the ICT component particularly in Creative and Technology Studies in rural schools of Mwinilunga district faced a lot of challenges such as lack of ICTs equipment, poor internet connectivity, limited skilled human resource and lack of supportive infrastructure. To overcome the disablers, various strategies were applied by schools such as use of personal cell phones as teaching devises, use of zonal schools for capacity building points in ICTs and use of ICT expert teachers as resource persons among others. The study recommends that Government should provide enough computers and computer facilities in schools through collaborations with other education stake holders, Government through Ministry General Education should train more teachers in ICT teaching methodologies and should provide all schools with power supply so that teachers in rural areas can implement effectively the teaching of Information Communication.


  • Ademola, F. (2015). Challenges Faced by Schools when introducing ICT in Developing Countries. IJHSSI,>version-3 PDF
  • Bergersen, A. and Muleya, G. 2019. “Zambian Civic Education Teacher Students in Norway for a Year- How DoThey Describe Their Transformative Learning?‟ Sustainability 2019, 11 (24), 7143; doi: 10.3390/su11247143, pp 1-17
  • Career Development (2020). 7 Types of work place management Theories/indeed .com, 14 Feb 2020.
  • Chipili, C.T, Ndhlovu, D., & Simui, F., (2018). Access to Career Guidance through Information and Communication Technology by Learners with Visual Impairment in Selected Secondary Schools of Zambia. Zambia ICT Journal. Volume 2 (Issue 1) (2018) Pages 57-65
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, Minneapolis (MN), v.13, n.3, p.319-339.
  • Davis, F. D.; Bagozzi, R. P.; Warshaw, P. R. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, Ann Arbor (MI), v.35, n.8, p.982-1003.
  • CSO (2010). Zambia 2010 Census of Population and Housing.
  • Guest Writer on (2011). 12 challenges facing computer Education in Kenyan schools.
  • Ghavifekr, S., Kunjappan, T., Ramasam, L., & Anthony, A. (2016), Teaching and Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers’ Perceptions. › eric › files › fulltext
  • Habanyati, H., Simui, F., Kanyamuna, V., & Muleya, G. 2020. Lived Experiences of Multi-Banked Bank Account Holders with a focus on Banks at Manda Hill Mall Lusaka, Zambia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(6) 208-223.
  • Hinostroza .J.E, (2017). New Challenges for ICT in Education Policies in Developing Countries: The need to account for the widespread Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning Outside the School. Available @
  • Jason, H. (2010). The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(2), 1-21
  • Kadimba. B (2015). Available @ www.daily –>ictstudies. Solwezi .Accessed on 23.12.2019
  • Kiptalam et al (2010). 12 challenges facing computer education in Kenyan schools, Challenges
  • Kassimu.A.M (2015). Challenges facing implementation of ICT in primary schools.>2841.
  • Lusaka times (2015). Introduction of ICT Subject in Primary schools is a source of worry.>introduction
  • Machila,N, Sompa, M, Muleya, G and Pitsoe, V.J 2018. ‘Teachers’ Understanding and Attitudes Towards Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Teaching Social Sciences,” Multidisciplinary Journal of Language and Social Sciences Education, (2), 120-137. 2018
  • Magasu, O., Muleya, G. & Mweemba, L. 2020. Pedagogical Challenges in Teaching Civic Education in Secondary Schools in Zambia. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 1483-1488. DOI: 10:21274/SR 20327121153.
  • Mengo.V (2018). ICT Education in schools pros and cons. www.dailymal.cozm>ict.
  • Mdzebele .N. (2013). Challenges Faced by Schools when Introducing ICT in Developing Countries. Department of Business Administration, / University of Swaziland, Swaziland /IJHSSI.
  • Mphahlele (2018). Information Communication Technologies as a support mechanism for learners experiencing reading difficulties in Full-Service Schools. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
  • Mukalele .R (2013).10 Challenges facing implementation of ICT Education in Ugadan schools.>2013/07.Accessed on 23.11 .2019
  • Muleya, G., Simui, F. Mundende, K., Kakana, F., Mwewa, G. & Namangala, B., (2019). ‘Exploring Learning Cultures of Digital Immigrants in Technologically mediated Postgraduate distance learning mode at the University of Zambia‟ Zambia Informational Communication Technology (ICT) Journal. Vol 3, Issue 3, 2019, pp 1-10
  • Muleya, G. 2017a. ‘The Conceptual Challenges in the Conceptualization of Civic Education’. Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, 1, (1), 59-81
  • Muleya, G. 2017b. ‘Civic education and Civics: Where do we draw the line?’ Journal of Lexicography and Terminology. 1(2), 125-148.
  • Muleya, G. 2018b. ‘Civic Education Versus Citizenship Education? Where is the point of Convergence?’ Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, 2 (1), 109-130.
  • Muleya, G. 2018a. Civic education in Zambia before and beyond the Golden Jubilee. In G. Masaiti (Ed.), Educationat fifty years of Independence and beyond. Lusaka: Unza Press.
  • Muleya, G. 2019. Curriculum Policy and Practice of Civic Education in Zambia: A Reflective Perspective, In A. Petersen et al. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education. https://doi/10.007/978-3-319-67905-153-1
  • Mupeta, S., Muleya, G., Kanyamuna, V., & Simui, F. 2020. Imperial Districts Civic Entrepreneurship: The Implementation of Civic Innovations in the Governance of the University of Zambia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(7) 674-685.
  • Mwanangombe, C. Mundende, K. Muzata, K.K. Muleya, G. Kanyamuna, V & Simui, F. 2020. Peeping into the Pot of Contraceptives Utilization among Adolescents within a Conservative Culture Zambia American Journal of Educational Research, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 8, 513-523 Available online at Published by Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/education-8-8-1
  • Mwase, D. Simuyaba, E. Mwewa, G. Muleya, G & Simui, F 2020. Leveraging Parental Involvement in the Education of their Children as a Conflict Resolution Strategy in Selected Secondary schools, Zambia , International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue VII, July 2020|ISSN 2454-6186
  • Pumulo.J, Mulauzi.F & Walubita .G (2019). CHAPTER FIVE- Introduction of computer education in the curriculum of Zambian primary and secondary schools: Benefits and Challenges.
  • Mungai.M (2011). 12 Challenges facing Computer Education in Kenyan Schools.>12challenges.
  • Mwaaba, C. (2015). Challenges of ICT in Community Schools.>challenges.
  • Peša, Iva (2013) "Wealth, Success, and Personhood: Trajectories of Labour Migration from Mwinilunga District, 1930s-1970s," Zambia Social Science Journal: Vol. 4: No. 1, Article 6. Available at:
  • Phiri. W & Phiri .G.G (2017). Negative Factors Affecting ICT Implementation in Selected Secondary Schools in Chipata.Zambia. .pdf Research gate (Jan, 2014) .challenges facing implementation of ICT curriculum
  • Simon M.K. & Goes, J. (2016). Reliability and validity in qualitative studies. In M.K, Simon. & J Goes (Eds.), Dissertation & scholarly research: recipes for success. Retrieved from
  • Simui, F., Mwewa, G., Chota, A., Kakana, F., Mundende, K., Thompson, L., Mwanza, P., Ndhlovu, D., & Namangala, B., (2018). “WhatsApp” as a Learner Support tool for distance education: Implications for Policy and Practice at University of Zambia. Zambia ICT Journal, 2, (2), 36-44,
  • Simui, F., Nyaruwata, L.T. and Kasonde-Ngandu, S. (2017). ICT as an Enabler to Academic Success of Students with Visually Impaired at Sim University: Hermeneutics Approach. Zambia ICT Journal Vol. 1. Issue 1. pp 5 - 9.
  • Simui, F. (2018). Lived Experiences of Students with Visual Impairments at Sim University in Zambia: A Hermeneutic Phenomelogical Approach. Lusaka: University of Zambia. Unpublished PhD Thesis.
  • Simui, F., Kasonde-Ngandu, S. Cheyeka, A.M., Simwinga, J., and Ndhlovu, D. (2018). Enablers and disablers to academic success of students with visual impairment: A 10-year literature disclosure, 2007–201. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 36 (2), 163-174.
  • Simui F. (2009). Preparing Teachers for Inclusive Education: A Study of the English Approach. Paper Presented at the SANORD 2ND International Conference: Inclusive and Exclusion in Higher Education, Rhodes University, Grahmstown, South Africa, December 7 to 9, 2009.
  • Suryani .A (2010). ICT in education :its benefits,Difficulties ,and organisational development issues.Available @>3169..Accessed on 23.07.2020
  • Tech Terms (2010). ICT Information and communication Technoloies.>definition>ict
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Melody Kaumba 0000-0003-3452-3419

Ramashego Shila Shorty Mphahlele 0000-0002-9917-7089

Gistered Muleya 0000-0001-8719-8483

Francis Simui 0000-0002-7199-2970

Publication Date January 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Kaumba, M., Mphahlele, R. S. S., Muleya, G., Simui, F. (2021). Disablers and enablers in the uptake of information communication technologies in rural primary schools of Mwinilunga District, Zambia. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(1), 1-10.