The Mediator Role of Psychological Resilience in the Relationship of Cognitive Flexibility and Fear of COVID-19
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 41 - 56, 30.06.2023
Şeyma Bilgiz Öztürk
Sümeyye Bilgiz Akbayır
Covid-19 pandemic is thought to cause a lot of short or long-term mental disorders. In order to reduce these problems the pandemic will create to minimum, it is believed that psychological resilience and cognitive flexibility have an important function. In this respect, the direct and indirect relationships and the mediating role between the psychological resilience, cognitive flexibility and fear of Covid-19 were examined in a Turkish sample consisting of 511 people. The data obtained from this sample group were analyzed by structural equality model. Indirect effect estimate of psychological resilience for was tested with the SPSS Macro Process application on the basis of the bootstrap test. As a result of the analysis found that, mediating role of psychological resilience is significant in the relationship between cognitive flexibility and Covid-19 fear.
- Abdullah, J. M., Ismail, W. F. N. M. W., Mohamad, I., Ab Razak, A., Harun, A., Musa, K. I., & Lee, Y. Y. (2020). A critical appraisal of COVID-19 in Malaysia and beyond. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS, 27(2), 1-9.
- Afshari, A. Hashemikamangar, S., & Hashemikamangar, S. S. (2020). The correlation of perceived stress and professional concerns during COVID-19 pandemic among Iranian dentists: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. Dentistry 3000, 8(1), 1-10.
- Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C. Y., Imani, V., Saffari, M., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2020). The fear of COVID-19 scale: development and initial validation. International Journal of Mental Health And Addiction, 1-9.
- American Psychological Association (2012). The Road to Resilience, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Psychological research on past crises can help people cope with the daily-sometimes hourly-newsflashes about the coronavirus.
- Arıcı-Özcan, N., Çekici, F., & Arslan, R. (2019). The relationship between resilience and distress tolerance in college students: The mediator role of cognitive flexibility and difficulties in emotion regulation. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 5(4), 525-533. 10.12973/ijem.5.4.525
- Arslan, G., Yıldırım, M., Tanhan, A., Buluş, M., & Allen, K. A. (2021). Coronavirus stress, optimism-pessimism, psychological inflexibility, and psychological health: Psychometric properties of the Coronavirus Stress Measure. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19, 2423-2439.
- Bakioğlu, F., Korkmaz, O., & Ercan, H. (2020). Fear of COVID-19 and positivity: Mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty, depression, anxiety, and stress. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-14.
- Bao, Y., Sun, Y., Meng, S., Shi, J., & Lu, L. (2020). 2019-nCoV epidemic: Address mental health care to empower society. The Lancet, 395(10224), e37-e38.
- Ben-Zion, Z., Fine, N. B., Keynan, N. J., Admon, R., Green, N., Halevi, M., ... & Shalev, A. Y. (2018). Cognitive flexibility predicts PTSD symptoms: Observational and interventional studies. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 477.
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- Bozdağ, F., & Ergün, N. (2020). Psychological resilience of healthcare professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychological Reports, 1–20. 003329412096547.
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Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 41 - 56, 30.06.2023
Şeyma Bilgiz Öztürk
Sümeyye Bilgiz Akbayır
- Abdullah, J. M., Ismail, W. F. N. M. W., Mohamad, I., Ab Razak, A., Harun, A., Musa, K. I., & Lee, Y. Y. (2020). A critical appraisal of COVID-19 in Malaysia and beyond. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS, 27(2), 1-9.
- Afshari, A. Hashemikamangar, S., & Hashemikamangar, S. S. (2020). The correlation of perceived stress and professional concerns during COVID-19 pandemic among Iranian dentists: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. Dentistry 3000, 8(1), 1-10.
- Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C. Y., Imani, V., Saffari, M., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2020). The fear of COVID-19 scale: development and initial validation. International Journal of Mental Health And Addiction, 1-9.
- American Psychological Association (2012). The Road to Resilience, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Psychological research on past crises can help people cope with the daily-sometimes hourly-newsflashes about the coronavirus.
- Arıcı-Özcan, N., Çekici, F., & Arslan, R. (2019). The relationship between resilience and distress tolerance in college students: The mediator role of cognitive flexibility and difficulties in emotion regulation. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 5(4), 525-533. 10.12973/ijem.5.4.525
- Arslan, G., Yıldırım, M., Tanhan, A., Buluş, M., & Allen, K. A. (2021). Coronavirus stress, optimism-pessimism, psychological inflexibility, and psychological health: Psychometric properties of the Coronavirus Stress Measure. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19, 2423-2439.
- Bakioğlu, F., Korkmaz, O., & Ercan, H. (2020). Fear of COVID-19 and positivity: Mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty, depression, anxiety, and stress. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-14.
- Bao, Y., Sun, Y., Meng, S., Shi, J., & Lu, L. (2020). 2019-nCoV epidemic: Address mental health care to empower society. The Lancet, 395(10224), e37-e38.
- Ben-Zion, Z., Fine, N. B., Keynan, N. J., Admon, R., Green, N., Halevi, M., ... & Shalev, A. Y. (2018). Cognitive flexibility predicts PTSD symptoms: Observational and interventional studies. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 477.
- Bilge, Y., & Bilge, Y. (2020). Koronavirüs salgını ve sosyal izolasyonun psikolojik semptomlar üzerindeki etkilerinin psikolojik sağlamlık ve stresle baş etme tarzları açısından incelenmesi. Klinik Psikiyatri, 23, 38-51.
- Blanc, J., Briggs, A. Q., Seixas, A. A., Reid, M., Jean-Louis, G., & Pandi-Perumal, S. R. (2021). Addressing psychological resilience during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a rapid review. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 34(1), 29-35.
- Bozdağ, F., & Ergün, N. (2020). Psychological resilience of healthcare professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychological Reports, 1–20. 003329412096547.
- Cañas, J. J., Quesada, J. F., Antolí, A., & Fajardo, I., (2003). Cognitive flexibility and adaptability to environmental changes in dynamic complex problem-solving tasks. Ergonomics, 46, 482.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). People with certain medical conditions. Retrieved from
- Chen, H., & Qi, R. (2022). Restaurant frontline employees’ turnover intentions: Three-way interactions between job stress, fear of COVID-19, and resilience. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(7), 2535-2558.
- Cheng, C., Lau, H.-P. B., & Chan, M.-P. S. (2014). Coping flexibility and psychological adjustment to stressful life changes: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 140(6), 1582–1607.
- Çelikkaleli, Ö. (2014). The validity and reliability of the cognitive flexibility scale. Education and Science, 3 (176), 339–346.
- Çifçi, F., & Demir, A. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemisinde Türk Profesyonel Futbolcuların Covıd-19 Korkusu ve Kaygı Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi. Spor ve Rekreasyon Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2 (Özel Sayı 1), 26-38. Retrieved from
- Dennis, J. P., & Vander Wal, J. S. (2010). The cognitive flexibility inventory: Instrument development and estimates of reliability and validity. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(3), 241–253.
- Deveney, C. M., & Deldin, P. J. (2006). A preliminary investigation of cognitive flexibility for emotional information in major depressive disorder and non-psychiatric controls. Emotion, 6(3), 429-437.
- Doğan, T. (2015). Adaptation of the Brief Resilience Scale into Turkish: A validity and reliability study. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being, 3(1), 93-102.
- Dozois, D. J. A., Wilde, J. L., & Frewen, P. A. (2019). In D. J. A. Dozois (Ed.), Abnormal psychology perspectives. Pearson.
- Erden-Çınar, S., Boyalı, C., & Özkapu, Y. (2022). The relationship between posttraumatic growth and psychological resilience in the Covid-19 pandemic: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility and positive schemas. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 12(64), 1-17.
- Erdur-Baker, Ö., & Doğan, T. (2014.). Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve psikolojik yardım. Türk PDR-Der.
- Ferreira, R. J., Cannon, C., & Buttell, F. (2020). COVID-19: Immediate predictors of ındividual resilience. Sustainability, 12(16), 6495.
- Fu, F., & Chow, A. (2017). Traumatic exposure and psychological well-being: The moderating role of cognitive flexibility. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(1), 24-35.
- Garcia, R. (2017). Neurobiology of fear and specific phobias. Learning & Memory, 24(9), 462-471.
- Genet, J. J., & Siemer, M. (2011). Flexible control in processing affective and non-affective material predicts individual differences in trait resilience. Cognition and Emotion, 25(2), 380-388.
- Golestanibakht, T., Babaie, E., & Mostaed Hesari, S. (2022). The Effects of Positive Psychology Training on Wisdom, Resilience, and Cognitive Flexibility of Students. Positive Psychology Research, 8(2), 83-100.
- Gupta, S., Shankar-Prashant, A., Kumar Dixit, Padmakumari, P., Gupta, S., & Abhisheka, A., (2020). Survey of prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among 1124 healthcare workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic across India. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. Published ahead of print.
- Gülüm, I. V., & Dağ, İ. (2012). Tekrarlayıcı düşünme ölçeği ve bilişsel esneklik envanterinin Türkçeye uyarlanması, geçerliliği ve güvenilirliği. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 13(3), 216-223. Retrieved from
- Hekler, E. B., Lambert, J., Leventhal, E., Leventhal, H., Jahn, E., & Contrada, R. J. (2008). Commonsense illness beliefs, adherence behaviors, and hypertension control among African Americans. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31, 391-400.
- Hildebrandt, L. K., McCall, C., Engen, H. G., & Singer, T. (2016). Cognitive flexibility, heart rate variability, and resilience predict fine‐grained regulation of arousal during prolonged threat. Psychophysiology, 53(6), 880-890.
- Iacoviello, B. M., & Charney, D. S. (2014). Psychosocial facets of resilience: implications for preventing posttrauma psychopathology, treating trauma survivors, and enhancing community resilience. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 5(1), 23970.
- Iacoviello, B. M., & Charney, D. S. (2020). Cognitive and behavioral components of resilience to stress. In Stress Resilience (pp. 23-31). Academic Press.
- İnözü, M., Gök, B. G., Tuzun, D., & Hacıömeroğlu, A.B. (2022). Does cognitive flexibility change the nature of the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and psychological symptoms during the COVID-19 outbreak in Turkey? Current Psychology, 4, 1-12.
- Jackson, D., Firtko, A., & Edenborough, M. (2007). Personal resilience as a strategy for surviving and thriving in the face of workplace adversity: A literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(1), 1-9.
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