Research Article
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Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon

Year 2017, Volume: 67 Issue: 2, 275 - 289, 01.07.2017


Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze the urban area that emerged after construction of Yavuz Selim Boulevard, in Trabzon City, Turkey. Cities contain many functional elements, such as businesses, gardens, parks, shops, medical and educational institutions, and transportation arteries such as roads, streets, boulevards, and avenues, which enable contact between all elements of a city. Cities change culturally, economically, and also physically and ecologically. However, although urbanization provides convenience for people, it also has disadvantages, such as causing a loss of natural features within the living space. In particular, changes made without appropriate design and planning disrupt the spatial integrity. Ninety-two buildings are situated on the south and north sides of Yavuz Selim Boulevard. In this study, the front and frontages of buildings and the area of road associated with each building are examined and spatial components are determined. In addition, building function and number of storeys, the differences between elevations of the road and entrances of buildings, road width, and the structural and botanical landscape elements are determined. 

Keywords: Building, front yard, road, building-front yard-road-relationship, spatial components

Received (Geliş): 21.04.2016 - Revised (Düzeltme): 09.09.2016 -   Accepted (Kabul): 02.11.2016

Cite (Atıf): Eren Tarakci,E., Acar, C., 2017. Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67(2): 368-382. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.322398


  • Aydemir, Ş., Aydemir, S., Beyazlı, D.Ş., Ökten N., Öksüz, A.M., Sancar, C., Özyaba, M., Türk, Y.A. 2014. Kentsel Alanların Planlanması ve Tasarımı, İber Matbaacılık, Ekim 2004, Trabzon
  • Akdoğan, G., 1974. Bahçe ve Peyzaj Sanatı Tarihi, AÜ ZF yayınları
  • Arseven C.E., 1983. “ Sanat Ansiklopedisi- 5. Cilt”, Milli Eğitim Basımevi, İstanbul, s. 154-163
  • Aydınlı, S., 1993. Mimarlıkta estetik değerler, İT Üniversitesi - İstanbul
  • Chamberlain, M.J., Austin,J.,Leopold, B.D., Burger L.W., 2004. Effects of lansdcape composition and structure on core use areas of raccoons in prairie landscape. The American Midland Naturalist 158(1): 113-122.
  • Daniels, G.D., Kirkpatrick, JB., 2006a. Does variation in garden characteristics influence the conservation of birds in suburbia? Biological Conservation133(3): 326-335.
  • Daniels G.D., Kirkpatrick, J.B., 2006b. Comparing the characteristics of front and back domestic gardens in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Landscape and Urban Planning 78:344-352.
  • Demiröz, Z., 2003. “Tarihsel Süreç içinde islam Bahçe Sanatı Hint-Moğol Bahçeleri Örneği ve islam Bahçelerinin Türk Bahçe Sanatına Etkileri, istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, istanbul, s.129
  • Edirne il Yıllıgı, Edirne Valiliği Yayınları, ISBN:975-585-604-8, Edirne
  • Eren, E.T., 2012. Kentsel açık yeşil alanların dağılımlarının tarihi süreç içindeki değişimi: Trabzon kenti Boztepe-ganita aksı örneği. Yüksek lisans tezi, Karadeniz teknik üniversitesi.
  • French, K., Major, R., Hely, K., 2005. Use of native and exotic garden plants by suburban nectarivorous birds Biol. Conserv 121:545-559.
  • Giritlioğlu, C., 1991. Şehirsel Mekan ögeleri ve tasarımı, İTÜ, İstanbul.
  • Head, L., Muir, P., 2004. Nativeness, invasiveness, and nation in Australian plants. Geog Rev 94:199-217.
  • Head, L., ,Muir, P., Hampel, E., 2004. Australian backyard gardens and the journey of migration. Geo Rev 94: 326-347.
  • Irvine K.I., Warber S.L., Devine-Wright, P., Gaston, K.J., 2013. Understanding Urban Green Space as a Health Resource: A Qualitative Comparison of Visit Motivation and Derived Effects among Park Users in Sheffield, UK. Int J Environ Res Public Health 10(1): 417-442
  • Kirkpatrick, J., Daniels, G., Davison, A., 2009. An antipodean test of spatial contagion in front garden character. Landscape and Urban Planning 93:103-110.
  • Kirkpatrick, J.B., Daniels, G.D., Zagorski, T., 2007. Explaining variation in front gardens between suburbs of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning 79: 314-322.
  • Kuş C.Ş., Erol U.E., 2009. “Türk Bahçelerinin Tasarım Özellikleri”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri: A, Sayı: 2, ISSN: 1302-7085, Isparta, s.170-172 Kuş, Şahin ve Erol (2009)
  • Last, F.T., Good, J.E.G., Watson, R.H., Gried, D.A., 1976. The city of edinburg- its stock of trees: a continuing amenity and timber resource. Scott For 30: 112-116.
  • Lynch K., 1973. What Time Is This Place? The Massachusetts ınstitute of technology, ISBN0-262-62032-4, MIT. Miller R. W.,Hauer R.J.J, Werner L.P. (2015). Urban forestry, planning and managing urban green spaces third edition, Waveland pres, USA.
  • Öksüz, A.M., 2004. Kentsel dış mekânlar, Kentsel Alanların Planlanması ve Tasarımı, İber Matbaacılık, Ekim 2004, Trabzon.
  • Peschardt, K.K, Stigsdotter, U.K., 2013. Associations between park characteristics and perceived restorativeness of small public urban green spaces. Landscape and Urban Planning 112: 26-39.
  • Richards, N.A., Mallette, J.R., Simpson, R.J., Macie, E.A., 1984. Residential greenspace and vegetation in a mature city: Syracuse, New York Urban Ecol 8: 99-125.
  • Sanders, R.A. and Stevens, J.C., 1984. Urban forest of Dayton, Ohio: a preliminary assessment. Urban Ecol 8: 91-98.
  • Seddon, G., 1997. G. Seddon Landprints—Reflections on Place and Landscape
  • Sullivan, J.J., Timmins, S.M., Williams, P.A., 2005. Movement of exotic plants into coastal native forests from gardens in northern New Zealand. NZ J Ecol 29: 1-10.
  • Tekeli, İ., 2011. ‘Tasarım, mimarlık ve mimarlar’ tarih vakfı yurt yayınları ISBN: 9789753332590, İstanbul.
  • Thompson, P.S., Greenwood, J.J.D, Greenaway, K., 1993. Birds in European gardens in the winter and spring of 1988–89. Bird Study 40(2): 120-134.
  • Verbeeck, K., Orshoven, J.V., Hermy, M. 2010. Measuring extent, location and change of imperviousness in urban domestic gardens in collective housing projects. Landscape and Urban Planning 100: 57-66.
  • Wolch, J.R., Byrne, J., Newell J.P., 2014. Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’. Landscape and Urban Planning 125: 234-244.
  • Yılmaz, Z., Beyazlı, D.Ş., 2006. CBS ile Kent Bellek Noktalarına Optimum Erişilebilirlik, 4. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Bilişim Günleri.
  • Zagorski,T., Kirkpatrick, J.B., Stratford, E.(2004). Gardens and the bush: gardeners attitudes, garden types and invasives Aust. Geogr. Stud., vol. 42, pp. 207–220
  • Zmyslony, J., Gagnon, D., 1997. Residential management of urban front-yard landscape: A random process? Landscape and Urban Planning 40: 295-307.

Bina-bahçe-yol ilişkisinde mekânsal bileşenlerin analizi: Trabzon, Yavuz Selim Bulvarı örneği, Trabzon

Year 2017, Volume: 67 Issue: 2, 275 - 289, 01.07.2017


Özet: Kentler, birçok işlevsel öğenin bulunduğu mekânlardır. Konutlar, bahçeler, parklar, alışveriş mekânları,  sağlık ve eğitim kurumları, ulaşım arterleri, konaklama gibi pek çok farklı işlevi ve mekânı bir arada bulundururlar. Fiziksel açıdan en önemli öğelerden biri de yollardır. Yollar; sokaklar, caddeler, bulvarlar şeklinde olup, kentin diğer bileşenleri ile ilişki kurmayı sağlarlar. Günümüz kentleri; kültürel ve ekonomik alanlarda değişirken, fiziksel ve ekolojik anlamda da değişmektedir. Kentleşmeyle birlikte insanlar için pek çok kolaylık sağlasa da, yaşama alanlarında doğal özellikler bakımından kayıplar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Özellikle var olan mekânsal kurgu önemsenmeden yapılan ilaveler mekânsal bütünlüğü bozmaktadır.  Bu çalışmada amaç; Trabzon kentinde artan ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda yapılan Yavuz Selim Bulvarının, yapımından sonra ortaya çıkan mekânı analiz etmektir. Yavuz Selim Bulvar’ının güney ve kuzey kesimin de yer alan 92 bina, bina önü ve yol; mekânsal bileşenler açısından irdelenmiştir. Tüm binaların işlevleri, yol ve bina giriş kotu arasındaki farklar,  binaların kat yükseklikleri, yol genişliği, yapısal ve bitkisel peyzaj elemanları tespit edilmiştir.  

Anahtar Kelimeler: Bina, ön bahçe, yol, bina-ön bahçe-yol ilişkisi, mekânsal bileşenler

Received (Geliş): 21.04.2016 - Revised (Düzeltme): 09.09.2016 -   Accepted (Kabul): 02.11.2016

Cite (Atıf): Eren Tarakci,E., Acar, C., 2017. Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67(2): 368-382. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.322398


  • Aydemir, Ş., Aydemir, S., Beyazlı, D.Ş., Ökten N., Öksüz, A.M., Sancar, C., Özyaba, M., Türk, Y.A. 2014. Kentsel Alanların Planlanması ve Tasarımı, İber Matbaacılık, Ekim 2004, Trabzon
  • Akdoğan, G., 1974. Bahçe ve Peyzaj Sanatı Tarihi, AÜ ZF yayınları
  • Arseven C.E., 1983. “ Sanat Ansiklopedisi- 5. Cilt”, Milli Eğitim Basımevi, İstanbul, s. 154-163
  • Aydınlı, S., 1993. Mimarlıkta estetik değerler, İT Üniversitesi - İstanbul
  • Chamberlain, M.J., Austin,J.,Leopold, B.D., Burger L.W., 2004. Effects of lansdcape composition and structure on core use areas of raccoons in prairie landscape. The American Midland Naturalist 158(1): 113-122.
  • Daniels, G.D., Kirkpatrick, JB., 2006a. Does variation in garden characteristics influence the conservation of birds in suburbia? Biological Conservation133(3): 326-335.
  • Daniels G.D., Kirkpatrick, J.B., 2006b. Comparing the characteristics of front and back domestic gardens in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Landscape and Urban Planning 78:344-352.
  • Demiröz, Z., 2003. “Tarihsel Süreç içinde islam Bahçe Sanatı Hint-Moğol Bahçeleri Örneği ve islam Bahçelerinin Türk Bahçe Sanatına Etkileri, istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, istanbul, s.129
  • Edirne il Yıllıgı, Edirne Valiliği Yayınları, ISBN:975-585-604-8, Edirne
  • Eren, E.T., 2012. Kentsel açık yeşil alanların dağılımlarının tarihi süreç içindeki değişimi: Trabzon kenti Boztepe-ganita aksı örneği. Yüksek lisans tezi, Karadeniz teknik üniversitesi.
  • French, K., Major, R., Hely, K., 2005. Use of native and exotic garden plants by suburban nectarivorous birds Biol. Conserv 121:545-559.
  • Giritlioğlu, C., 1991. Şehirsel Mekan ögeleri ve tasarımı, İTÜ, İstanbul.
  • Head, L., Muir, P., 2004. Nativeness, invasiveness, and nation in Australian plants. Geog Rev 94:199-217.
  • Head, L., ,Muir, P., Hampel, E., 2004. Australian backyard gardens and the journey of migration. Geo Rev 94: 326-347.
  • Irvine K.I., Warber S.L., Devine-Wright, P., Gaston, K.J., 2013. Understanding Urban Green Space as a Health Resource: A Qualitative Comparison of Visit Motivation and Derived Effects among Park Users in Sheffield, UK. Int J Environ Res Public Health 10(1): 417-442
  • Kirkpatrick, J., Daniels, G., Davison, A., 2009. An antipodean test of spatial contagion in front garden character. Landscape and Urban Planning 93:103-110.
  • Kirkpatrick, J.B., Daniels, G.D., Zagorski, T., 2007. Explaining variation in front gardens between suburbs of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning 79: 314-322.
  • Kuş C.Ş., Erol U.E., 2009. “Türk Bahçelerinin Tasarım Özellikleri”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri: A, Sayı: 2, ISSN: 1302-7085, Isparta, s.170-172 Kuş, Şahin ve Erol (2009)
  • Last, F.T., Good, J.E.G., Watson, R.H., Gried, D.A., 1976. The city of edinburg- its stock of trees: a continuing amenity and timber resource. Scott For 30: 112-116.
  • Lynch K., 1973. What Time Is This Place? The Massachusetts ınstitute of technology, ISBN0-262-62032-4, MIT. Miller R. W.,Hauer R.J.J, Werner L.P. (2015). Urban forestry, planning and managing urban green spaces third edition, Waveland pres, USA.
  • Öksüz, A.M., 2004. Kentsel dış mekânlar, Kentsel Alanların Planlanması ve Tasarımı, İber Matbaacılık, Ekim 2004, Trabzon.
  • Peschardt, K.K, Stigsdotter, U.K., 2013. Associations between park characteristics and perceived restorativeness of small public urban green spaces. Landscape and Urban Planning 112: 26-39.
  • Richards, N.A., Mallette, J.R., Simpson, R.J., Macie, E.A., 1984. Residential greenspace and vegetation in a mature city: Syracuse, New York Urban Ecol 8: 99-125.
  • Sanders, R.A. and Stevens, J.C., 1984. Urban forest of Dayton, Ohio: a preliminary assessment. Urban Ecol 8: 91-98.
  • Seddon, G., 1997. G. Seddon Landprints—Reflections on Place and Landscape
  • Sullivan, J.J., Timmins, S.M., Williams, P.A., 2005. Movement of exotic plants into coastal native forests from gardens in northern New Zealand. NZ J Ecol 29: 1-10.
  • Tekeli, İ., 2011. ‘Tasarım, mimarlık ve mimarlar’ tarih vakfı yurt yayınları ISBN: 9789753332590, İstanbul.
  • Thompson, P.S., Greenwood, J.J.D, Greenaway, K., 1993. Birds in European gardens in the winter and spring of 1988–89. Bird Study 40(2): 120-134.
  • Verbeeck, K., Orshoven, J.V., Hermy, M. 2010. Measuring extent, location and change of imperviousness in urban domestic gardens in collective housing projects. Landscape and Urban Planning 100: 57-66.
  • Wolch, J.R., Byrne, J., Newell J.P., 2014. Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’. Landscape and Urban Planning 125: 234-244.
  • Yılmaz, Z., Beyazlı, D.Ş., 2006. CBS ile Kent Bellek Noktalarına Optimum Erişilebilirlik, 4. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Bilişim Günleri.
  • Zagorski,T., Kirkpatrick, J.B., Stratford, E.(2004). Gardens and the bush: gardeners attitudes, garden types and invasives Aust. Geogr. Stud., vol. 42, pp. 207–220
  • Zmyslony, J., Gagnon, D., 1997. Residential management of urban front-yard landscape: A random process? Landscape and Urban Planning 40: 295-307.
There are 33 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles (Araştırma Makalesi)

Emine Tarakçı Eren

Cengiz Acar This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 67 Issue: 2


APA Tarakçı Eren, E., & Acar, C. (2017). Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(2), 275-289.
AMA Tarakçı Eren E, Acar C. Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. July 2017;67(2):275-289. doi:10.17099/jffiu.322398
Chicago Tarakçı Eren, Emine, and Cengiz Acar. “Analysis of Spatial Components in Building-Garden- Road Relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard Example, Trabzon”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67, no. 2 (July 2017): 275-89.
EndNote Tarakçı Eren E, Acar C (July 1, 2017) Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67 2 275–289.
IEEE E. Tarakçı Eren and C. Acar, “Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 275–289, 2017, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.322398.
ISNAD Tarakçı Eren, Emine - Acar, Cengiz. “Analysis of Spatial Components in Building-Garden- Road Relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard Example, Trabzon”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67/2 (July 2017), 275-289.
JAMA Tarakçı Eren E, Acar C. Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2017;67:275–289.
MLA Tarakçı Eren, Emine and Cengiz Acar. “Analysis of Spatial Components in Building-Garden- Road Relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard Example, Trabzon”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, vol. 67, no. 2, 2017, pp. 275-89, doi:10.17099/jffiu.322398.
Vancouver Tarakçı Eren E, Acar C. Analysis of spatial components in building-garden- road relationship: Yavuz Selim Boulevard example, Trabzon. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2017;67(2):275-89.