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Gebelik Sürecinde Besin Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörler

Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 51 - 62, 30.08.2023


Gebelik; anne ve fetüsün metabolik, kardiyovasküler, hematolojik, solunum, üriner, endokrin ve bağışıklık sisteminde çeşitli fizyolojik değişiklerin yaşandığı bir dönemdir. Annenin yaşam tarzı, beslenme alışkanlıkları ve bu dönemde göstermiş olduğu sağlık davranışları hem anne hem de bebeğin sağlık durumunu doğrudan etkiler. Gebelikte annenin diyetinin yetersiz ve dengesiz olması durumunda annede anemi vb. çeşitli hastalıklar; bebekte doğum anomalileri ve gelişme geriliği gibi sağlık problemleri görülebilmektedir. Bu nedenle gebelik döneminde yeterli ve dengeli beslenmek; anne ve bebeğin sağlığını en iyi şekilde kontrol etmek, kronik hastalık risklerini azaltmak, bebeğin optimal gelişimini sağlamak için oldukça önemlidir.
Besin seçimi; bireyin besini satın alırken, tüketirken veya bu iki an arasında bilinçli veya bilinçsiz olarak verdiği kararlar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Beslenme uzmanlarının açıklama ve tavsiyeleriyle gebelikte beslenmenin önemi hakkında bilinç artmış olsa da bu dönemde çeşitli faktörler annelerin besin seçimlerini etkilemektedir. Gelenek ve inanışlar, sosyo-ekonomik durum, ağırlık kazanımı, gebelik öncesi ağırlık, sosyal medya kullanımı, aşerme ve besinden kaçınma davranışları anne adaylarının besin seçimlerini etkileyen faktörlerin başında gelmektedir.
Bu derleme; gebelikte besin tercihlerinin anne ve bebek üzerindeki etkilerinin daha iyi anlaşılmasını, annelerin besin tercihlerinin hangi faktörlerden etkilendiğini ve literatürdeki çeşitli araştırma verilerini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Lowdermilk DL, Cashion MC, Perry SE, Alden KR, Olshansky E. Maternity and women's health care-E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019; 12: 229-250.
  • Talbot L, Maclennan K. Physiology of pregnancy. Anaesthesia & intensive care medicine, 2016; 17(7): 341-345.
  • Soma-Pillay P, Nelson-Piercy C, Tolppanen H, Mebazaa A. Physiological changes in pregnancy: review articles. Cardiovascular journal of Africa, 2016; 27(2): 89-94.
  • Onat G, Aba Y. Healthy lifestyle behaviors and related factors in pregnant women. Turkey Journal of Public Health, 2014; 2: 15-22.
  • Flannery C, Dahly D, Byrne M, Khashan A, McHugh S, Kenny L, et al. Social, biological, behavioural and psychological factors related to physical activity during early pregnancy in the Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (Cork, Ireland) cohort study. BMJ open, 2019; 9(6): e025003.
  • Procter SB, Campbell CG. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: nutrition and lifestyle for a healthy pregnancy outcome. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2014; 114(7): 1099-1103.
  • Güneri SER. Pregnancy and healthy life style behaviours. Recent Advances in Health Sciences, 2016; 183.
  • Samur G. Gebelik ve emziklilik döneminde beslenme. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın, 2008; 726.
  • Dikmen Y, Tanrıkulu F, Erol F. The Use of Simulation in the Improvement of the Clinical Skill and Competency of the Nursing Students. Recent Advances in Health Sciences, 2016; 200.
  • Koletzko B, Godfrey KM, Poston L, Szajewska H,Van Goudoever JB, De Waard M, et al. Nutrition during pregnancy, lactation and early childhood and its implications for maternal and long-term child health: the early nutrition project recommendations. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2019; 74(2): 93-106.
  • Taş EE, Üstüner I, Özdemir H, Dikeç A, Avşar AF. Gebe Kadınların Beslenme Durumunun Değerlendirilmesi. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010; 2(1): 7-12.
  • Blumfield ML, Hure AJ, Macdonald-Wicks L, Smith R, Collins CE. Systematic review and meta-analysis of energy and macronutrient intakes during pregnancy in developed countries. Nutrition reviews, 2012; 70(6): 322-336.
  • Lee SE, Talegawkar SA, Merialdi M, Caulfield LE. Dietary intakes of women during pregnancy in low-and middle-income countries. Public health nutrition, 2013; 16(8): 1340-1353.
  • Sunuwar DR, Sangroula RK, Shakya NS, Yadav R, Chaudhary NK, Pradhan PMS. Effect of nutrition education on hemoglobin level in pregnant women: A quasi-experimental study. PloS one, 2019; 14(3): e0213982.
  • Girard AW, Olude O. Nutrition education and counselling provided during pregnancy: effects on maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 2012; 26: 191-204.
  • Goodarzi-Khoigani M, Moghadam MHB, Nadjarzadeh A, Mardanian F, Fallahzadeh H, Mazloomy-Mahmoodabad S. Impact of nutrition education in improving dietary pattern during pregnancy based on pender's health promotion model: A randomized clinical trial. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 2018; 23(1): 18.
  • World Health Organization. Nutrition. 2018.
  • Furst T, Connors M, Bisogni CA, Sobal J, Falk LW. Food choice: a conceptual model of the process. Appetite, 1996; 26(3): 247-266.
  • Hamilton J, McIlveen H, Strugnell C. Educating young consumers–a food choice model. Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics, 2000; 24(2): 113-123.
  • Trivedi M, Sridhar K, Kumar A. Impact of healthy alternatives on consumer choice: A balancing act. Journal of Retailing, 2016; 92(1): 65-82.
  • Sobal J, Bisogni CA, Jastran M. Food choice is multifaceted, contextual, dynamic, multilevel, integrated, and diverse. Mind, Brain, and Education, 2014; 8(1): 6-12.
  • Leng G, Adan RA, Belot M, Brunstrom JM, De Graaf K, Dickson SL, Smeets PA, et al. The determinants of food choice. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2017; 76(3): 316-327.
  • Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ, Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the mindful eating questionnaire. Journal of the American dietetic Association, 2009; 109(8): 1439-1444.
  • Spronk I, Kullen C, Burdon C, O'Connor H. Relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary intake. British journal of nutrition, 2014; 111(10): 1713-1726.
  • Vilaro MJ, Barnett TE, Mathews A, Pomeranz J, Curbow B. Income differences in social control of eating behaviors and food choice priorities among southern rural women in the US: A qualitative study. Appetite, 2016; 107: 604-612.
  • Sacova MR, Arcury TA, Leng X, et al. The diet quality of rural older adults in the South as measured by healthy eating index-2005 varies by ethnicity. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2009; 109 (12): 2063-2067.
  • Mackenbach JD, Nelissen KGM, Dijkstra SC, et al. A systematic review on socioeconomic differences in the association between the food environment and dietary behaviors. Nutrients, 2019, 11(9): 2215.
  • Spronk I, Kullen C, Burdon C, et al. Relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary intake. British journal of nutrition 2014; 111(10), 1713-1726.
  • Steinberg S. Childbearing research: a transcultural review. Social Science & Medicine, 1996; 43 (12): 1765-1784.
  • Withers M, Kharazmi N, Lim E. Traditional beliefs and practices in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum: A review of the evidence from Asian countries. Midwifery, 2018; 56: 158-170.
  • Emül TG, Buldum A, Vural R, Bebitova G. Gebeliğe Yönelik Bilinen ve Uygulanan Geleneksel Uygulamaların Belirlenmesi. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021; 4(2): 111-118.
  • Erbil N, Sağlam G. Gebelikte bebeğin cinsiyetini belirleme ve tahmin etmeye ilişkin geleneksel inanç, uygulamalar ve bazı sosyo-demografik özelliklerle ilişkisi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010; 7(1): 347-359.
  • Hillier SE, Olander EK. Women's dietary changes before and during pregnancy: A systematic review. Midwifery, 2017; 49: 19-31.
  • Forbes LE, Graham JE, Berglund C, Bell RC. Dietary change during pregnancy and women’s reasons for change. Nutrients, 2018; 10(8): 1032.
  • Chen LW, Low YL, Fok D, Han WM, Chong YS, Gluckman P, Van Dam RM, et al. Dietary changes during pregnancy and the postpartum period in Singaporean Chinese, Malay and Indian women: the GUSTO birth cohort study. Public health nutrition, 2014; 17(9): 1930-1938.
  • Fowles ER, Fowles SL. Healthy eating during pregnancy: determinants and supportive strategies. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008; 25(3): 138-152.
  • Fowles ER, Stang J, Bryant M, Kim S. Stress, depression, social support, and eating habits reduce diet quality in the first trimester in low-income women: a pilot study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2012; 112(10): 1619-1625.
  • Stockton J, Nield L. An antenatal wish list: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis of UK dietary advice for weight management and food borne illness. Midwifery, 2020; 82: 102624.
  • Köksal G, Özel HG. Çocuk hastalıklarında beslenme tedavisi. Hatipoğlu Yayınları, 2019; 124 (15): 40. Institute of Medicine. Weight gain during pregnancy: reexamining the guidelines. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2009.
  • Hodgkinson EL, Smith DM, Wittkowski A. Women’s experiences of their pregnancy and postpartum body image: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 2014; 14(1): 1-11.
  • Holland G, Tiggemann M. A systematic review of the impact of the use of social networking sites on body image and disordered eating outcomes. Body image, 2016; 17: 100-110.
  • Orloff NC, Hormes JM. Pickles and ice cream! Food cravings in pregnancy: hypotheses, preliminary evidence, and directions for future research. Frontiers in psychology, 2014; 5: 1076.
  • Roomruangwong C, Kanchanatawan B, Sirivichayakul S, Maes M. High incidence of body image dissatisfaction in pregnancy and the postnatal period: Associations with depression, anxiety, body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2017; 13: 103-109.
  • Zeeni N, Abi Kharma J, Mattar L. Social media use impacts body image and eating behavior in pregnant women. Current Psychology, 2021; 1-8.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG Committee opinion no. 548: weight gain during pregnancy. Obstetrics and gynecology, 2013; 121(1): 210.
  • Fikrie A, Yalew A, Anato A, et al. Magnitude and effects of food cravings on nutritional status of pregnant women in Southern Ethiopia: A community-based cross sectional study. Plos one 2022; 17(10), e0276079.
  • Yalew A, Tekle Silasie W, Anato A, Fikrie A. Food aversion during pregnancy and its association with nutritional status of pregnant women in Boricha Woreda, Sidama Regional State, Southern Ethiopia, 2019. A community based mixed crossectional study design. Reproductive Health, 2021; 18(1): 1-9.
Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 51 - 62, 30.08.2023



  • Lowdermilk DL, Cashion MC, Perry SE, Alden KR, Olshansky E. Maternity and women's health care-E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019; 12: 229-250.
  • Talbot L, Maclennan K. Physiology of pregnancy. Anaesthesia & intensive care medicine, 2016; 17(7): 341-345.
  • Soma-Pillay P, Nelson-Piercy C, Tolppanen H, Mebazaa A. Physiological changes in pregnancy: review articles. Cardiovascular journal of Africa, 2016; 27(2): 89-94.
  • Onat G, Aba Y. Healthy lifestyle behaviors and related factors in pregnant women. Turkey Journal of Public Health, 2014; 2: 15-22.
  • Flannery C, Dahly D, Byrne M, Khashan A, McHugh S, Kenny L, et al. Social, biological, behavioural and psychological factors related to physical activity during early pregnancy in the Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (Cork, Ireland) cohort study. BMJ open, 2019; 9(6): e025003.
  • Procter SB, Campbell CG. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: nutrition and lifestyle for a healthy pregnancy outcome. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2014; 114(7): 1099-1103.
  • Güneri SER. Pregnancy and healthy life style behaviours. Recent Advances in Health Sciences, 2016; 183.
  • Samur G. Gebelik ve emziklilik döneminde beslenme. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın, 2008; 726.
  • Dikmen Y, Tanrıkulu F, Erol F. The Use of Simulation in the Improvement of the Clinical Skill and Competency of the Nursing Students. Recent Advances in Health Sciences, 2016; 200.
  • Koletzko B, Godfrey KM, Poston L, Szajewska H,Van Goudoever JB, De Waard M, et al. Nutrition during pregnancy, lactation and early childhood and its implications for maternal and long-term child health: the early nutrition project recommendations. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2019; 74(2): 93-106.
  • Taş EE, Üstüner I, Özdemir H, Dikeç A, Avşar AF. Gebe Kadınların Beslenme Durumunun Değerlendirilmesi. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010; 2(1): 7-12.
  • Blumfield ML, Hure AJ, Macdonald-Wicks L, Smith R, Collins CE. Systematic review and meta-analysis of energy and macronutrient intakes during pregnancy in developed countries. Nutrition reviews, 2012; 70(6): 322-336.
  • Lee SE, Talegawkar SA, Merialdi M, Caulfield LE. Dietary intakes of women during pregnancy in low-and middle-income countries. Public health nutrition, 2013; 16(8): 1340-1353.
  • Sunuwar DR, Sangroula RK, Shakya NS, Yadav R, Chaudhary NK, Pradhan PMS. Effect of nutrition education on hemoglobin level in pregnant women: A quasi-experimental study. PloS one, 2019; 14(3): e0213982.
  • Girard AW, Olude O. Nutrition education and counselling provided during pregnancy: effects on maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 2012; 26: 191-204.
  • Goodarzi-Khoigani M, Moghadam MHB, Nadjarzadeh A, Mardanian F, Fallahzadeh H, Mazloomy-Mahmoodabad S. Impact of nutrition education in improving dietary pattern during pregnancy based on pender's health promotion model: A randomized clinical trial. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 2018; 23(1): 18.
  • World Health Organization. Nutrition. 2018.
  • Furst T, Connors M, Bisogni CA, Sobal J, Falk LW. Food choice: a conceptual model of the process. Appetite, 1996; 26(3): 247-266.
  • Hamilton J, McIlveen H, Strugnell C. Educating young consumers–a food choice model. Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics, 2000; 24(2): 113-123.
  • Trivedi M, Sridhar K, Kumar A. Impact of healthy alternatives on consumer choice: A balancing act. Journal of Retailing, 2016; 92(1): 65-82.
  • Sobal J, Bisogni CA, Jastran M. Food choice is multifaceted, contextual, dynamic, multilevel, integrated, and diverse. Mind, Brain, and Education, 2014; 8(1): 6-12.
  • Leng G, Adan RA, Belot M, Brunstrom JM, De Graaf K, Dickson SL, Smeets PA, et al. The determinants of food choice. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2017; 76(3): 316-327.
  • Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ, Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the mindful eating questionnaire. Journal of the American dietetic Association, 2009; 109(8): 1439-1444.
  • Spronk I, Kullen C, Burdon C, O'Connor H. Relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary intake. British journal of nutrition, 2014; 111(10): 1713-1726.
  • Vilaro MJ, Barnett TE, Mathews A, Pomeranz J, Curbow B. Income differences in social control of eating behaviors and food choice priorities among southern rural women in the US: A qualitative study. Appetite, 2016; 107: 604-612.
  • Sacova MR, Arcury TA, Leng X, et al. The diet quality of rural older adults in the South as measured by healthy eating index-2005 varies by ethnicity. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2009; 109 (12): 2063-2067.
  • Mackenbach JD, Nelissen KGM, Dijkstra SC, et al. A systematic review on socioeconomic differences in the association between the food environment and dietary behaviors. Nutrients, 2019, 11(9): 2215.
  • Spronk I, Kullen C, Burdon C, et al. Relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary intake. British journal of nutrition 2014; 111(10), 1713-1726.
  • Steinberg S. Childbearing research: a transcultural review. Social Science & Medicine, 1996; 43 (12): 1765-1784.
  • Withers M, Kharazmi N, Lim E. Traditional beliefs and practices in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum: A review of the evidence from Asian countries. Midwifery, 2018; 56: 158-170.
  • Emül TG, Buldum A, Vural R, Bebitova G. Gebeliğe Yönelik Bilinen ve Uygulanan Geleneksel Uygulamaların Belirlenmesi. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021; 4(2): 111-118.
  • Erbil N, Sağlam G. Gebelikte bebeğin cinsiyetini belirleme ve tahmin etmeye ilişkin geleneksel inanç, uygulamalar ve bazı sosyo-demografik özelliklerle ilişkisi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010; 7(1): 347-359.
  • Hillier SE, Olander EK. Women's dietary changes before and during pregnancy: A systematic review. Midwifery, 2017; 49: 19-31.
  • Forbes LE, Graham JE, Berglund C, Bell RC. Dietary change during pregnancy and women’s reasons for change. Nutrients, 2018; 10(8): 1032.
  • Chen LW, Low YL, Fok D, Han WM, Chong YS, Gluckman P, Van Dam RM, et al. Dietary changes during pregnancy and the postpartum period in Singaporean Chinese, Malay and Indian women: the GUSTO birth cohort study. Public health nutrition, 2014; 17(9): 1930-1938.
  • Fowles ER, Fowles SL. Healthy eating during pregnancy: determinants and supportive strategies. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2008; 25(3): 138-152.
  • Fowles ER, Stang J, Bryant M, Kim S. Stress, depression, social support, and eating habits reduce diet quality in the first trimester in low-income women: a pilot study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2012; 112(10): 1619-1625.
  • Stockton J, Nield L. An antenatal wish list: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis of UK dietary advice for weight management and food borne illness. Midwifery, 2020; 82: 102624.
  • Köksal G, Özel HG. Çocuk hastalıklarında beslenme tedavisi. Hatipoğlu Yayınları, 2019; 124 (15): 40. Institute of Medicine. Weight gain during pregnancy: reexamining the guidelines. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2009.
  • Hodgkinson EL, Smith DM, Wittkowski A. Women’s experiences of their pregnancy and postpartum body image: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 2014; 14(1): 1-11.
  • Holland G, Tiggemann M. A systematic review of the impact of the use of social networking sites on body image and disordered eating outcomes. Body image, 2016; 17: 100-110.
  • Orloff NC, Hormes JM. Pickles and ice cream! Food cravings in pregnancy: hypotheses, preliminary evidence, and directions for future research. Frontiers in psychology, 2014; 5: 1076.
  • Roomruangwong C, Kanchanatawan B, Sirivichayakul S, Maes M. High incidence of body image dissatisfaction in pregnancy and the postnatal period: Associations with depression, anxiety, body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2017; 13: 103-109.
  • Zeeni N, Abi Kharma J, Mattar L. Social media use impacts body image and eating behavior in pregnant women. Current Psychology, 2021; 1-8.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG Committee opinion no. 548: weight gain during pregnancy. Obstetrics and gynecology, 2013; 121(1): 210.
  • Fikrie A, Yalew A, Anato A, et al. Magnitude and effects of food cravings on nutritional status of pregnant women in Southern Ethiopia: A community-based cross sectional study. Plos one 2022; 17(10), e0276079.
  • Yalew A, Tekle Silasie W, Anato A, Fikrie A. Food aversion during pregnancy and its association with nutritional status of pregnant women in Boricha Woreda, Sidama Regional State, Southern Ethiopia, 2019. A community based mixed crossectional study design. Reproductive Health, 2021; 18(1): 1-9.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Nutrition
Journal Section Reviews

Ayşenur Yıldız 0000-0001-6812-6492

Funda Esin Fakılı 0000-0003-4007-9377

Publication Date August 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


Vancouver Yıldız A, Fakılı FE. Gebelik Sürecinde Besin Seçimine Etki Eden Faktörler. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Klinik Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;2(2):51-62.