Research Article
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Redesigning mevlevi clothes using artificial intelligence

Year 2024, , 25 - 38, 30.12.2024


Traditional Mevlevi costumes are an important part of our cultural heritage. While preserving these values, exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in the design process is an important step to both respect the past and inspire the future. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence in image recognition and image processing algorithms in recent years, it has become possible to redesign traditional Mevlevi costumes. This innovative approach enables new designs that emerge by combining artificial intelligence with the aesthetic and functional features of traditional clothing. This approach also offers significant potential to reveal future contemporary interpretations of traditional handicrafts. In addition, modernizing traditional motifs and designing them to attract the attention of new generations also contributes to the transfer of cultural heritage to future generations. In the artificial intelligence-supported design approach, the new designs of Mevlevi clothes not only appeal to the eye in terms of aesthetics, but also take into account functional features such as freedom of movement and comfort of the wearer. This shows that artificial intelligence-supported design represents a user-oriented approach. In addition, the meeting of technology and traditional handicrafts allows the emergence of new and creative design ideas. Designing Mevlevi costumes with artificial intelligence may attract great interest not only in the fashion world but also in the arts and culture industries. This shows that design is not just focused on clothing, but can also provide inspiration and aesthetic experiences to a wide range of people. In this study, information about Mevlevi order and Mevlevi costumes is given. The characteristics of Mevlevi clothes are stated. The symbolic meanings of clothes are mentioned. Information about clothing features is given. Mevlevi clothing samples were examined. Research has been conducted on artificial intelligence recognizing a clothing image and designing the image it recognizes in line with the information given. Mevlevi clothes were shown to artificial intelligence. These pictures have been identified. Errors in the definitions have been corrected and deficiencies have been completed. He was asked to create a design in line with the information given. New designs were created by eliminating the deficiencies in the designs and making updates. The positive and negative aspects of the designs were examined.

Ethical Statement

The research lasted 6 months. There are limitations in data quality, model generalization and cultural-artistic understanding. Sufficient hardware and software resources should be available to train the AI model.

Supporting Institution





  • Akay, N. (2015). Mevlevi order in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. Harran University Faculty of Theology Journal, 20 (34), 122-152.
  • Akgündüz, M. (2007). Mevlevi order and Ottoman sultans. Harran U. Faculty of Theology Journal, 18, 37-44.
  • Akmaz, A. (2021). Mevlevi order and some rituals in Mevlevi cuisine. International Academic Social Resources Journal, 6 (28), 1202-1207.
  • Atasoy, N. (2000, 6 Şubat). Dervish dowry: Sufi clothing in Turkey. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture. dervishes
  • Ateşok, E. & Başaran, F., N. (2017). “Külah-ı Mevlevi” (Coin) production in Afyonkarahisar province. İdil Journal, 6 (34), 1799-1817.
  • Atlıhan, F. (2018). Mevlevi order in the Ottoman State structure in the sixteenth century. Theology: Yearbook of Academic Research, 1, 29-43.
  • Ayhan, F. (2008). Mevlana, clothing features in whirling dervish ceremonies. Whirling dervish academic.
  • Bastaban, U., & Sarihan, S. (2024). Stylistic comparison experiments with AIs: Ai Weiwei, Nuri Iyem and Jacob Lawrence. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(3), 161-173. DOI:
  • Bilgiyegel. (2024, September 4). Mevlevi costume, retrived from etmek-nedir-semazen-nedir.html
  • Bölükbaşı, A. (2011). Sufism as a popular culture field in Turkey: The example of Mevlana and Mevlevi order Master Thesis, Marmara University. Istanbul, Turkiye.
  • Çelebi, A., H. (2006). Mevlana and Mevlevi order. Hece Publications.
  • Duru, R. (2012). Mevlevi order in western travelogues with Evlevîname translated texts and figures. Konya Governorship Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate Publications.
  • Efendi, M., A. (2009). Burhân-ı Katı. Turkish Language Association Publications.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2004). Idioms and proverbs from Sufism. Revolution, retrived from
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2006a). Mevlevi order and revolution after Mevlana. Revolution Bookstore.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2006b). Mevlevi Adab and Erkani. Revolution Bookstore.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2014). Mevlana. Door Publications.
  • Güvenç, İ., H. (2021). Mevlevi order and Mevlevis in Urfa. Master thesis. Harran University. Şanlıurfa, Turkiye.
  • Kara, M. (2006). Mevlana and Mevlevi order on the 800th anniversary of his birth. Uludağ University Faculty of Theology Journal, 15 (1), 1-22.
  • Karaismailoğlu, A. (2008). Mevlana Celâleddin Rumi, Mesnevi. Konya Governorship Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. Retrived from
  • Kayaoğlu, İ. (2007). Mevlevis in the modernization process. Journal of Academic Research on Turkish-Islamic Civilization, 3, 47-52.
  • Koçu, R. E. (1967). Dictionary of Turkish clothing and decoration history. Sümerbank Publications.
  • Mermer, A. (2014). A faith center that sources Ottoman Culture and literature: Mevlevi Order. 12th International Turkish World Social Sciences Congress, 1247-1254.
  • Nâcî, M. (2009). Lügat-i Nâcî. Turkish Language Association Publications.
  • Orakçıoğlu, M. (2022). Clothing and symbolic meanings in Mevlevi order culture. Master thesis. Başkent University. Ankara, Turkiye.
  • Önder, M. (1956). Mevlevi clothing. Turkish Ethnography Magazine, 52, 77-82.
  • Önder, M. (1992). Mevlevi order throughout the centuries. Dönmez Publications.
  • Öngören, R. (2004). Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rumi. TDV Islamic Encyclopedia, Turkish Religious Foundation, 44-448.
  • Özden, N. (2022). The concept of environment in Sufism, Particular to Mevlana Celâleddin-i Rumi and Mevlevi Order. Journal of Near East University Islamic Studies Center, 8 (1), 17-32.
  • Öztoprak, N. (2010). An essay on clothing in divan poetry. Journal of Divan Literature Research. 4, 103-154.
  • Pirim, A., G., H. (2006). AI . Yaşar University E-Journal, 1(1), 81-93.
  • Semazen (2024, September 4). İsmail GÜLEÇ, No title, 2021. Retrived from gorundugunden-cok-daha-fazlasidir/.
  • Kaiopoli. (2024, September 4)). No title. name=semazen%20k%C4%B1yafeti%20kiralama.
  • Sultanova, A. & Ayaz, N. (2013). Mutual Analysis of the Ritual and Music, Symbols of Mevlevi and Bektashism. Sada Institute of Art and Language Studies, 2(7), 119-134.
  • Şahinoğlu, M., N. (1991). Bahâeddin Veled. TDV Encyclopedia of Islam, 4, 460-462.
  • Şimşir, F., M. (2021). Mevlevi order in Çorum. International Çorum Symposium in All Aspects, Çorum.
  • Tok, E. (2015). 17. Mevlana and Mevleviism in the poems of the Mevlevi poets of the 20th century. Doctoral dissertation. Sakarya University. Sakarya, Turkiye
  • Top, H. (2007). Mevlevi method and etiquette. Ötüken Public.
  • Yoreselkostumler (2024, Seprember 4). No title. Retrived from
Year 2024, , 25 - 38, 30.12.2024



  • Akay, N. (2015). Mevlevi order in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. Harran University Faculty of Theology Journal, 20 (34), 122-152.
  • Akgündüz, M. (2007). Mevlevi order and Ottoman sultans. Harran U. Faculty of Theology Journal, 18, 37-44.
  • Akmaz, A. (2021). Mevlevi order and some rituals in Mevlevi cuisine. International Academic Social Resources Journal, 6 (28), 1202-1207.
  • Atasoy, N. (2000, 6 Şubat). Dervish dowry: Sufi clothing in Turkey. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture. dervishes
  • Ateşok, E. & Başaran, F., N. (2017). “Külah-ı Mevlevi” (Coin) production in Afyonkarahisar province. İdil Journal, 6 (34), 1799-1817.
  • Atlıhan, F. (2018). Mevlevi order in the Ottoman State structure in the sixteenth century. Theology: Yearbook of Academic Research, 1, 29-43.
  • Ayhan, F. (2008). Mevlana, clothing features in whirling dervish ceremonies. Whirling dervish academic.
  • Bastaban, U., & Sarihan, S. (2024). Stylistic comparison experiments with AIs: Ai Weiwei, Nuri Iyem and Jacob Lawrence. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(3), 161-173. DOI:
  • Bilgiyegel. (2024, September 4). Mevlevi costume, retrived from etmek-nedir-semazen-nedir.html
  • Bölükbaşı, A. (2011). Sufism as a popular culture field in Turkey: The example of Mevlana and Mevlevi order Master Thesis, Marmara University. Istanbul, Turkiye.
  • Çelebi, A., H. (2006). Mevlana and Mevlevi order. Hece Publications.
  • Duru, R. (2012). Mevlevi order in western travelogues with Evlevîname translated texts and figures. Konya Governorship Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate Publications.
  • Efendi, M., A. (2009). Burhân-ı Katı. Turkish Language Association Publications.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2004). Idioms and proverbs from Sufism. Revolution, retrived from
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2006a). Mevlevi order and revolution after Mevlana. Revolution Bookstore.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2006b). Mevlevi Adab and Erkani. Revolution Bookstore.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2014). Mevlana. Door Publications.
  • Güvenç, İ., H. (2021). Mevlevi order and Mevlevis in Urfa. Master thesis. Harran University. Şanlıurfa, Turkiye.
  • Kara, M. (2006). Mevlana and Mevlevi order on the 800th anniversary of his birth. Uludağ University Faculty of Theology Journal, 15 (1), 1-22.
  • Karaismailoğlu, A. (2008). Mevlana Celâleddin Rumi, Mesnevi. Konya Governorship Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. Retrived from
  • Kayaoğlu, İ. (2007). Mevlevis in the modernization process. Journal of Academic Research on Turkish-Islamic Civilization, 3, 47-52.
  • Koçu, R. E. (1967). Dictionary of Turkish clothing and decoration history. Sümerbank Publications.
  • Mermer, A. (2014). A faith center that sources Ottoman Culture and literature: Mevlevi Order. 12th International Turkish World Social Sciences Congress, 1247-1254.
  • Nâcî, M. (2009). Lügat-i Nâcî. Turkish Language Association Publications.
  • Orakçıoğlu, M. (2022). Clothing and symbolic meanings in Mevlevi order culture. Master thesis. Başkent University. Ankara, Turkiye.
  • Önder, M. (1956). Mevlevi clothing. Turkish Ethnography Magazine, 52, 77-82.
  • Önder, M. (1992). Mevlevi order throughout the centuries. Dönmez Publications.
  • Öngören, R. (2004). Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rumi. TDV Islamic Encyclopedia, Turkish Religious Foundation, 44-448.
  • Özden, N. (2022). The concept of environment in Sufism, Particular to Mevlana Celâleddin-i Rumi and Mevlevi Order. Journal of Near East University Islamic Studies Center, 8 (1), 17-32.
  • Öztoprak, N. (2010). An essay on clothing in divan poetry. Journal of Divan Literature Research. 4, 103-154.
  • Pirim, A., G., H. (2006). AI . Yaşar University E-Journal, 1(1), 81-93.
  • Semazen (2024, September 4). İsmail GÜLEÇ, No title, 2021. Retrived from gorundugunden-cok-daha-fazlasidir/.
  • Kaiopoli. (2024, September 4)). No title. name=semazen%20k%C4%B1yafeti%20kiralama.
  • Sultanova, A. & Ayaz, N. (2013). Mutual Analysis of the Ritual and Music, Symbols of Mevlevi and Bektashism. Sada Institute of Art and Language Studies, 2(7), 119-134.
  • Şahinoğlu, M., N. (1991). Bahâeddin Veled. TDV Encyclopedia of Islam, 4, 460-462.
  • Şimşir, F., M. (2021). Mevlevi order in Çorum. International Çorum Symposium in All Aspects, Çorum.
  • Tok, E. (2015). 17. Mevlana and Mevleviism in the poems of the Mevlevi poets of the 20th century. Doctoral dissertation. Sakarya University. Sakarya, Turkiye
  • Top, H. (2007). Mevlevi method and etiquette. Ötüken Public.
  • Yoreselkostumler (2024, Seprember 4). No title. Retrived from
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plastic Arts (Other)
Journal Section Fashion & Design

Mustafa Oğuz Gök 0000-0003-1269-5228

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date September 16, 2024
Acceptance Date October 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Gök, M. O. (2024). Redesigning mevlevi clothes using artificial intelligence. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(Special Issue: Mevlana’s Philosophy and Art), 25-38.
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