Research Article
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Examination of Mevlevi rituals and garments attributed to Sultan Veled from a fashion art perspective

Year 2024, , 1 - 23, 30.12.2024


The aim of this study is to examine the clothing worn by Mevlevis during the ritual, the accessories, and the garments attributed to Sultan Veled, the son of Mevlana, the founder of the Mevlevi tradition, from the perspective of fashion arts. These garments, which are heritage from the Seljuk period, have not been sufficiently researched and examined in terms of clothing arts. It is observed from the literature review that there are not many publications providing information about these garments. Additionally, no research has been found concerning pattern preparation and garment application techniques related to the Mevlevi garments and those attributed to Sultan Veled from the perspective of clothing arts. These garments, which possess different characteristics in terms of fabric, model, cutting, materials used, sewing techniques, and decoration, should be documented with technical information, photographs, and drawings. In this direction, a literature review and interviews with key informants have been conducted. The model, cutting, sewing, fabric, lining, and decoration features of the garments and accessories worn by the Mevlevis during their ritual and the two garments attributed to Sultan Veled, which are part of the Mevlana Museum collection, have been examined. Patterns have been extracted from the examined garments. To overcome storage difficulties, the patterns were reduced in scale while remaining faithful to the originals. Each garment was photographed, and the body, collar, sleeves, and closure characteristics were examined based on the pattern drawings. The garments were documented with photographs, examining their fabric, lining, color, decoration, auxiliary materials, and sewing features. The tennure, worn by Mevlevis during the ritual, is white. The garment extends just below the ankle, has no lining, and is characterized by simplicity in its model and cut. A black belt called Elif-i Nemed is tied around the waist of the tennure, and a Deste-Gül is worn over it. The last layer worn over the sema tennure is the Hırka (robe). The Deste-Gül attributed to Sultan Veled is cream-colored, made of cotton fabric, lined, and decorated with various verses. The robe is made of dark pink patterned silk fabric, with a pistachio green silk lining. It has a loose fit with princess seams and kimono sleeves extending from the princess seams. The collar of the garment is a "chemise collar." It is suggested that this fashion art, which emerged with Mevlana's philosophy, should be further researched by researchers in this field and fashion designers, leading to new applications.


  • Ashworth, G., & Graham, B. (2005). Heritage, Identity, and Europe. Tijdschnji voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88(4), 381-388.
  • Aktaş, A. (2007). Mevlâna müzesinde bulunan Mevlevi giysilerinin ve Mevlana’ya atfedilen giysilerin giyim sanat dalı açısından incelenmesi (Investigation of Mevlevi Clothing and Clothing Attributed to Mevlana in Mevlana Museum from the Perspective of Fashion Arts). Master Thesis. Selçuk University, Konya, Turkiye.
  • Atasoy, N. (2005). Derviş çeyizi: Türkiye’de tarikat giyim kuşam tarihi (Dervish Dowry: History of Sufi Clothing in Turkey). Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism Publishing
  • Barışta, Ö. (1995, 25-26 Nisan). Konya Mevlâna Müzesindeki Sultan Veled’e ait olduğu düşünülen gömlek üzerine (On the Shirt Believed to Belong to Sultan Veled in Konya Mevlana Museum). V. Milli Selçuklu Kültür ve Medeniyeti Semineri Bildirileri (National Selçuklu Culture and Civiziliation Seminar Proceedings), Konya, Turkiye.
  • Bayraktar, M. (2002). Sema’daki sırlar (Secrets in Sema). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World). Karatay Belediyesi Publishing
  • Büyükbayraktar, M. (2005). Sevincimiz Hz. Mevlâna: Mesnevi’den yorumlar ve Mevlevilik (Our Joy Hz. Mevlâna: Comments from Mesnevi and Mevlevi). Esra Publishing.
  • Cremers, W. İ. (1976). Giyim kuşam sözlüğü (Dictionary of Clothing and Adornment). Türk Folklor Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(322), 7654.
  • Çağdaş, M. (1992). Konya müzeleri ve evlerinde bulunan 19.- 20. yüzyıl ceket ve hırkaları (Jackets and Robes from the 19th-20th Century in Konya Museums and Homes). Master thesis. Selçuk University. Konya, Turkiye.
  • Çelebi, A. H. (1957). Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi). Nurgök Publishing.
  • Çelebi, C. B. (2002). Sema (Sema). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World). Karatay Belediyesi Yayınları.
  • Çıpan, M. (2002). Mevlevilik Terimleri (Mevlevi Terms). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World). Karatay Belediyesi Publishing
  • Duru, M. C. (1952). Tarihi simalardan Mevlevi (Mevlevi from Historical Figures). Kader Publishing.
  • Duru, N. F. (2007). Şair Muhayyilesinde Mevlevi Kisvesi (Mevlevi Attire in the Imagination of Poets). Türk-İslam Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(1), 126.
  • Eflaki, A. (1986). Ariflerin menkıbeleri (The Narratives of the Wise). Hürriyet Publishing.
  • El-İstanbuli, Y. A. B. S. (2002). Tarikat kıyafetlerinde sembolizm (Symbolism in Sufi Clothing). Ocak Publishing.
  • Erol, E. (1996, 6-7 Mayıs). Mevlevilikte çorap mest (Sock Shoes in Mevlevi Tradition). 8. Milli Mevlâna Kongresi (National Mevlana Congress), Selçuk University. Konya, Turkliye.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (1952). Mevlâna’dan sonra Mevlevilik (Mevlevi After Mevlana). İnkılap Kitapevi Publishing.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2004). Tasavvuf’tan dilimize geçen deyimler ve atasözleri (Idioms and Proverbs Derived from Sufism). İnkılap Publishing.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2006). Mevlevi adâb ve erkânı (Mevlevi Etiquette and Rituals). İnkılap Publishing.
  • Gönül, M. (2004). Mevlevi matbah-ı şeriflerinde musiki ve sema eğitimi (Music and Sema Education in Mevlevi Kitchens) Master Thesis. Selçuk University. Konya, Turkiye.
  • Hamdi Bey, O. (1873). Mariede Launay, 1873 Yılında Türkiye’de Halk Giysileri Elbise-i Osmaniyye (Folk Costumes in Turkey in 1873: Elbise-i Osmaniyye). (Trns. Erol Üyepazarcı). İstanbul.
  • Harrison, R. (2013). Heritage: Critical Approaches. Routledge.
  • Hidayetoğlu, S. (2003). Hazret-i Mevlâna Muhammed Celaleddin-i Rumi hayatı ve şahsiyeti (The Life and Personality of Hazrat Mevlana Muhammed Celaleddin-i Rumi). Konya Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yayını.
  • İnançer, T. (2002). Mevlevi musikisi ve sema adabı (Mevlevi Music and Sema Etiquette). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World), 201. Karatay Belediyesi Publishing.
  • Karaismailoğlu, A. (1998). Mevlâna: Hayatı, eserleri, fikirleri (Mevlana: His Life, Works, and Ideas). In A. Köseoğlu & İ. Toy (Eds.), Gönüllerin Başkenti Konya (The Capital of Hearts: Konya). Konya Büyükşehir Publishing.
  • Karaköse, Ş. (2006). Tarih boyunca dünyada Mevlâna nefesi (The Breath of Mevlana Throughout History). Rağbet Publishing.
  • Koçu, R. E. (1969). Türk Giyim Kuşam ve Süsleme Sözlüğü (Dictionary of Turkish Clothing and Adornment). Sümerbank Kültür Publishing.
  • Küçük, S. (2006). Mevlâna ve sema (Mevlana and Sema). Keşkül Dergisi, 7(1), 51-54.
  • Kültürel miras. (2024, Ekim 15). Turizmebakış. http://turizmebakış.com
  • Lermioğlu, A. (2002). Mevlâna’nın çevresindeki şahsiyetler (Figures Around Mevlana). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World), 37-44. Karatay Belediyesi Publishing.
  • Mest. (2024, Temmuz 15). Yandex Görsellerinde Mest (Sock Shoes in Yandex Images).
  • Mevlânâ’nın hayatı. (2024, Temmuz 4). http://www.mevlâ
  • Mevlevi kıyafetleri. (2024, Temmuz 13). (Mevlevi Costumes).
  • Meyerovitch, E. V. (t.y.). Konya Tarihi ve Hz. Mevlâna (The History of Konya and Hz. Mevlana). (Trns. Melek Öztürk). Konya.
  • Önder, M. (1967). Büyük Türk şairi ve düşünürü Mevlâna Celaleddin ve anma törenleri (The Great Turkish Poet and Thinker Mevlana Celaleddin and Commemoration Ceremonies). Konya İl Yıllığı.
  • Önder, M. (1957). Mevlâna’nın giyim şekli ve elbiseleri (Mevlana's Clothing Style and Attire). İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3-4, 7-14.
  • Önder, M. (1992). Yüz Yıllar Boyunca Mevlevilik (Mevlevi Over Centuries). Dönmez Publishing.
  • Özönder, H. (2006). Tarihi boyunca Mevlevi kıyafetleri ve sembolik anlamları (Mevlevi Costumes Throughout History and Their Symbolic Meanings). Konya Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yayını.
  • Öztuna, Y. (1974). Osmanlı’da Mevlevilik (Mevlevi in the Ottoman Empire). Türk Musikisi Ansiklopedisi, 2, 225. Kültür Bakanlığı Publishing.
  • Sezgin, M. (1985, 3-4 Mayıs). Mevlâna’nın ve Mevlevilerin giysilerinin modernizasyonu (Modernization of Mevlana and Mevlevi Garments). Selçuk Üniversitesi 1. Milli Mevlâna Kongresi, Selçuklu Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları, Konya.
  • Smith, L. (2006). The Uses of Heritage. Routledge. Sultan Veled. (2024, Temmuz 4).
  • Sultan Veled. (2024, Temmuz 5). http://islamdusunceatlası.org/sultan-veled
  • Süslü, Ö. (1989). Tasvirlere Göre Anadolu Selçuklu Kıyafetleri (Seljuk Costumes According to Illustrations). Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Publishing.
  • UNESCO. (2003). Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Tezcan, H. (2013). Topkapı Sarayı koleksiyonundaki derviş ve sufi kıyafetleri (Dervish and Sufi Costumes in the Topkapi Palace Collection). Bursa Kültür Publishing.
  • Tezcan, H. (2024, Temmuz 10). Osmanlı padişahlarının tılsımlı gömlekleri (Talismanic Shirts of Ottoman Sultans). Melotik. http://www.hü
  • Top, H. (2001). Mevlevi Usul ve Adabı (Mevlevi Methods and Etiquette). Ötüken Neşriyat Publishing.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (t.y.). Bilim (Science). Güncel Türkçe Sözlük içinde.
  • Uludağ, S. (2006). Erken Dönem Sufilerinden Sema (Sema from Early Sufis). Keşkül Dergisi, 7, 12. Uz, M. A. (2002). Sultanü’l- Ulema Baha Veled’den Günümüze Konya Alimleri ve Velileri (Scholars and Saints of Konya from Sultanü’l-Ulema Baha Veled to Present).
  • Yağmur, S. (2005). Tennûre ve Ateş (Tennure and Fire) (6. ed). Esra Publishing.
  • Yeniterzi, E. (1997). Mevlâna Celaleddin Rumi (Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi). Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Yeniterzi, E. (2007). Sevginin evrensel mühendisi Mevlâna (Mevlana: The Universal Engineer of Love). Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Publishing.
  • Yöndemli, F. (1997). Mevlevilikte sema eğitimi (Sema Education in Mevlevi). Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Pubslihing.

Examination of Mevlevi rituals and garments attributed to Sultan Veled from a fashion art perspective

Year 2024, , 1 - 23, 30.12.2024


The aim of this study is to examine the clothing worn by Mevlevis during the ritual, the accessories, and the garments attributed to Sultan Veled, the son of Mevlana, the founder of the Mevlevi tradition, from the perspective of fashion arts. These garments, which are heritage from the Seljuk period, have not been sufficiently researched and examined in terms of clothing arts. It is observed from the literature review that there are not many publications providing information about these garments. Additionally, no research has been found concerning pattern preparation and garment application techniques related to the Mevlevi garments and those attributed to Sultan Veled from the perspective of clothing arts. These garments, which possess different characteristics in terms of fabric, model, cutting, materials used, sewing techniques, and decoration, should be documented with technical information, photographs, and drawings. In this direction, a literature review and interviews with key informants have been conducted. The model, cutting, sewing, fabric, lining, and decoration features of the garments and accessories worn by the Mevlevis during their ritual and the two garments attributed to Sultan Veled, which are part of the Mevlana Museum collection, have been examined. Patterns have been extracted from the examined garments. To overcome storage difficulties, the patterns were reduced in scale while remaining faithful to the originals. Each garment was photographed, and the body, collar, sleeves, and closure characteristics were examined based on the pattern drawings. The garments were documented with photographs, examining their fabric, lining, color, decoration, auxiliary materials, and sewing features. The tennure, worn by Mevlevis during the ritual, is white. The garment extends just below the ankle, has no lining, and is characterized by simplicity in its model and cut. A black belt called Elif-i Nemed is tied around the waist of the tennure, and a Deste-Gül is worn over it. The last layer worn over the sema tennure is the Hırka (robe). The Deste-Gül attributed to Sultan Veled is cream-colored, made of cotton fabric, lined, and decorated with various verses. The robe is made of dark pink patterned silk fabric, with a pistachio green silk lining. It has a loose fit with princess seams and kimono sleeves extending from the princess seams. The collar of the garment is a "chemise collar." It is suggested that this fashion art, which emerged with Mevlana's philosophy, should be further researched by researchers in this field and fashion designers, leading to new applications.

Ethical Statement

This study is derived from a part of Arife Aktaş’s master’s thesis.

Supporting Institution

Selçuk University, Konya, Turkiye


I extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and Museums, and the management of the Mevlana Museum for permitting this research.


  • Ashworth, G., & Graham, B. (2005). Heritage, Identity, and Europe. Tijdschnji voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88(4), 381-388.
  • Aktaş, A. (2007). Mevlâna müzesinde bulunan Mevlevi giysilerinin ve Mevlana’ya atfedilen giysilerin giyim sanat dalı açısından incelenmesi (Investigation of Mevlevi Clothing and Clothing Attributed to Mevlana in Mevlana Museum from the Perspective of Fashion Arts). Master Thesis. Selçuk University, Konya, Turkiye.
  • Atasoy, N. (2005). Derviş çeyizi: Türkiye’de tarikat giyim kuşam tarihi (Dervish Dowry: History of Sufi Clothing in Turkey). Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism Publishing
  • Barışta, Ö. (1995, 25-26 Nisan). Konya Mevlâna Müzesindeki Sultan Veled’e ait olduğu düşünülen gömlek üzerine (On the Shirt Believed to Belong to Sultan Veled in Konya Mevlana Museum). V. Milli Selçuklu Kültür ve Medeniyeti Semineri Bildirileri (National Selçuklu Culture and Civiziliation Seminar Proceedings), Konya, Turkiye.
  • Bayraktar, M. (2002). Sema’daki sırlar (Secrets in Sema). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World). Karatay Belediyesi Publishing
  • Büyükbayraktar, M. (2005). Sevincimiz Hz. Mevlâna: Mesnevi’den yorumlar ve Mevlevilik (Our Joy Hz. Mevlâna: Comments from Mesnevi and Mevlevi). Esra Publishing.
  • Cremers, W. İ. (1976). Giyim kuşam sözlüğü (Dictionary of Clothing and Adornment). Türk Folklor Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(322), 7654.
  • Çağdaş, M. (1992). Konya müzeleri ve evlerinde bulunan 19.- 20. yüzyıl ceket ve hırkaları (Jackets and Robes from the 19th-20th Century in Konya Museums and Homes). Master thesis. Selçuk University. Konya, Turkiye.
  • Çelebi, A. H. (1957). Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi). Nurgök Publishing.
  • Çelebi, C. B. (2002). Sema (Sema). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World). Karatay Belediyesi Yayınları.
  • Çıpan, M. (2002). Mevlevilik Terimleri (Mevlevi Terms). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World). Karatay Belediyesi Publishing
  • Duru, M. C. (1952). Tarihi simalardan Mevlevi (Mevlevi from Historical Figures). Kader Publishing.
  • Duru, N. F. (2007). Şair Muhayyilesinde Mevlevi Kisvesi (Mevlevi Attire in the Imagination of Poets). Türk-İslam Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(1), 126.
  • Eflaki, A. (1986). Ariflerin menkıbeleri (The Narratives of the Wise). Hürriyet Publishing.
  • El-İstanbuli, Y. A. B. S. (2002). Tarikat kıyafetlerinde sembolizm (Symbolism in Sufi Clothing). Ocak Publishing.
  • Erol, E. (1996, 6-7 Mayıs). Mevlevilikte çorap mest (Sock Shoes in Mevlevi Tradition). 8. Milli Mevlâna Kongresi (National Mevlana Congress), Selçuk University. Konya, Turkliye.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (1952). Mevlâna’dan sonra Mevlevilik (Mevlevi After Mevlana). İnkılap Kitapevi Publishing.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2004). Tasavvuf’tan dilimize geçen deyimler ve atasözleri (Idioms and Proverbs Derived from Sufism). İnkılap Publishing.
  • Gölpınarlı, A. (2006). Mevlevi adâb ve erkânı (Mevlevi Etiquette and Rituals). İnkılap Publishing.
  • Gönül, M. (2004). Mevlevi matbah-ı şeriflerinde musiki ve sema eğitimi (Music and Sema Education in Mevlevi Kitchens) Master Thesis. Selçuk University. Konya, Turkiye.
  • Hamdi Bey, O. (1873). Mariede Launay, 1873 Yılında Türkiye’de Halk Giysileri Elbise-i Osmaniyye (Folk Costumes in Turkey in 1873: Elbise-i Osmaniyye). (Trns. Erol Üyepazarcı). İstanbul.
  • Harrison, R. (2013). Heritage: Critical Approaches. Routledge.
  • Hidayetoğlu, S. (2003). Hazret-i Mevlâna Muhammed Celaleddin-i Rumi hayatı ve şahsiyeti (The Life and Personality of Hazrat Mevlana Muhammed Celaleddin-i Rumi). Konya Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yayını.
  • İnançer, T. (2002). Mevlevi musikisi ve sema adabı (Mevlevi Music and Sema Etiquette). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World), 201. Karatay Belediyesi Publishing.
  • Karaismailoğlu, A. (1998). Mevlâna: Hayatı, eserleri, fikirleri (Mevlana: His Life, Works, and Ideas). In A. Köseoğlu & İ. Toy (Eds.), Gönüllerin Başkenti Konya (The Capital of Hearts: Konya). Konya Büyükşehir Publishing.
  • Karaköse, Ş. (2006). Tarih boyunca dünyada Mevlâna nefesi (The Breath of Mevlana Throughout History). Rağbet Publishing.
  • Koçu, R. E. (1969). Türk Giyim Kuşam ve Süsleme Sözlüğü (Dictionary of Turkish Clothing and Adornment). Sümerbank Kültür Publishing.
  • Küçük, S. (2006). Mevlâna ve sema (Mevlana and Sema). Keşkül Dergisi, 7(1), 51-54.
  • Kültürel miras. (2024, Ekim 15). Turizmebakış. http://turizmebakış.com
  • Lermioğlu, A. (2002). Mevlâna’nın çevresindeki şahsiyetler (Figures Around Mevlana). In N. Şimşekler (Ed.), Konya’dan Dünya’ya Mevlâna ve Mevlevilik (Mevlana and Mevlevi from Konya to the World), 37-44. Karatay Belediyesi Publishing.
  • Mest. (2024, Temmuz 15). Yandex Görsellerinde Mest (Sock Shoes in Yandex Images).
  • Mevlânâ’nın hayatı. (2024, Temmuz 4). http://www.mevlâ
  • Mevlevi kıyafetleri. (2024, Temmuz 13). (Mevlevi Costumes).
  • Meyerovitch, E. V. (t.y.). Konya Tarihi ve Hz. Mevlâna (The History of Konya and Hz. Mevlana). (Trns. Melek Öztürk). Konya.
  • Önder, M. (1967). Büyük Türk şairi ve düşünürü Mevlâna Celaleddin ve anma törenleri (The Great Turkish Poet and Thinker Mevlana Celaleddin and Commemoration Ceremonies). Konya İl Yıllığı.
  • Önder, M. (1957). Mevlâna’nın giyim şekli ve elbiseleri (Mevlana's Clothing Style and Attire). İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3-4, 7-14.
  • Önder, M. (1992). Yüz Yıllar Boyunca Mevlevilik (Mevlevi Over Centuries). Dönmez Publishing.
  • Özönder, H. (2006). Tarihi boyunca Mevlevi kıyafetleri ve sembolik anlamları (Mevlevi Costumes Throughout History and Their Symbolic Meanings). Konya Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yayını.
  • Öztuna, Y. (1974). Osmanlı’da Mevlevilik (Mevlevi in the Ottoman Empire). Türk Musikisi Ansiklopedisi, 2, 225. Kültür Bakanlığı Publishing.
  • Sezgin, M. (1985, 3-4 Mayıs). Mevlâna’nın ve Mevlevilerin giysilerinin modernizasyonu (Modernization of Mevlana and Mevlevi Garments). Selçuk Üniversitesi 1. Milli Mevlâna Kongresi, Selçuklu Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları, Konya.
  • Smith, L. (2006). The Uses of Heritage. Routledge. Sultan Veled. (2024, Temmuz 4).
  • Sultan Veled. (2024, Temmuz 5). http://islamdusunceatlası.org/sultan-veled
  • Süslü, Ö. (1989). Tasvirlere Göre Anadolu Selçuklu Kıyafetleri (Seljuk Costumes According to Illustrations). Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Publishing.
  • UNESCO. (2003). Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Tezcan, H. (2013). Topkapı Sarayı koleksiyonundaki derviş ve sufi kıyafetleri (Dervish and Sufi Costumes in the Topkapi Palace Collection). Bursa Kültür Publishing.
  • Tezcan, H. (2024, Temmuz 10). Osmanlı padişahlarının tılsımlı gömlekleri (Talismanic Shirts of Ottoman Sultans). Melotik. http://www.hü
  • Top, H. (2001). Mevlevi Usul ve Adabı (Mevlevi Methods and Etiquette). Ötüken Neşriyat Publishing.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (t.y.). Bilim (Science). Güncel Türkçe Sözlük içinde.
  • Uludağ, S. (2006). Erken Dönem Sufilerinden Sema (Sema from Early Sufis). Keşkül Dergisi, 7, 12. Uz, M. A. (2002). Sultanü’l- Ulema Baha Veled’den Günümüze Konya Alimleri ve Velileri (Scholars and Saints of Konya from Sultanü’l-Ulema Baha Veled to Present).
  • Yağmur, S. (2005). Tennûre ve Ateş (Tennure and Fire) (6. ed). Esra Publishing.
  • Yeniterzi, E. (1997). Mevlâna Celaleddin Rumi (Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi). Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Yeniterzi, E. (2007). Sevginin evrensel mühendisi Mevlâna (Mevlana: The Universal Engineer of Love). Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Publishing.
  • Yöndemli, F. (1997). Mevlevilikte sema eğitimi (Sema Education in Mevlevi). Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Pubslihing.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Visual Communication Design (Other)
Journal Section Fashion & Design

Arife Aktaş 0000-0003-4717-3796

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 18, 2024
Acceptance Date December 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Aktaş, A. (2024). Examination of Mevlevi rituals and garments attributed to Sultan Veled from a fashion art perspective. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(Special Issue: Mevlana’s Philosophy and Art), 1-23.
JIAE is the most prestigious peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of art, where your article on art research has undergone high-level review and editing to achieve high visibility and citation potential.27919