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Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic.

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 113 - 121, 31.12.2021


Using the example of the puppet theater piece "The Spider and the Web" by Martin Joerdens and the opera " The New Time- Morning Dawn" by Heinrich Thein, reflections are made on whether and how theatre can align itself in the experience of the Corona Pandemic in order to contribute to a more spiritually ethical civilization. In the area of tension between western-influenced thinking, using the example of the philosopher Markus Gabriel, and eastern-influenced thinking, using a description of Paññâ wisdom, the two current plays will be presented and analyzed.


  • Gabriel, M. (2020)."Fiktionen" . Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
  • Joerdens, M. (2020). "Die Spinne und das Netz". Bonn.
  • Schiller, F. (1784). "Die Schaubühne als moralische Anstalt". "Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubühne eigentlich bewirken?“. Mannheim.
  • Thein, H. (kein Datum). "Die Neue Zeit-Morgendämmerung“,. Oper, Bremen.
  • Thein, H. (August 2021). Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, S. 113-125.
  • Turan, Ş. (2020). „Postdramatic review of the Einstein on the beach / train scene by Robert Wilson“. Journal for the Interdisciplinary. Art and Education, 1(1), 21-28.
Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 113 - 121, 31.12.2021



  • Gabriel, M. (2020)."Fiktionen" . Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
  • Joerdens, M. (2020). "Die Spinne und das Netz". Bonn.
  • Schiller, F. (1784). "Die Schaubühne als moralische Anstalt". "Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubühne eigentlich bewirken?“. Mannheim.
  • Thein, H. (kein Datum). "Die Neue Zeit-Morgendämmerung“,. Oper, Bremen.
  • Thein, H. (August 2021). Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, S. 113-125.
  • Turan, Ş. (2020). „Postdramatic review of the Einstein on the beach / train scene by Robert Wilson“. Journal for the Interdisciplinary. Art and Education, 1(1), 21-28.
There are 6 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Theatre

Heinrich Thein 0000-0001-8144-2721

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Thein, H. (2021). Reflections on the direction of the theatre after the experience of the Corona Pandemic. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 2(2), 113-121.
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