Research Article
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Improvisation of blues rock with electro-fretted violin

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 113 - 119, 30.03.2024


This research has been prepared as a performance article and a research article. Blues music and Blues guitarist and composer B.B. King, who has an unforgettable place in the history of music, performed improvisation with electro and draped violin. During the performance, the infrastructure of the "Chusss Music" Youtube channel titled "E Minor Blues Guitar Backing Track BB King Style" was used. 12 gauge blues chord patterns were used. With the improvisation performance of blues rock with Kesendere, electro pitch violin, He was awarded the "Western Music-String Instruments" award by the International Rast Music Congress and Music Awards. It is very difficult to find orchestras and groups for music performed in groups such as rock music, jazz music and pop music in some cases and regions. Unfortunately, the economic costs of the established orchestras make it difficult for these orchestras to have a long life. It is recommended to use computer-accompanied music infrastructure in the face of such difficulties.


  • Asano, M. (2023). Bohemian Rhapsody guitar solo but on electric violin. YouTube2.
  • Bennett, A., & Dawe, K. (2020). Guitar Cultures (2th ed.). Routledge.
  • Curry, B. (2015). Blues music theory and the songs of Robert Johnson: Ladder, level and chromatic cycle. Popular Music, 34(2), 245–273.
  • Danchin, S. (1998). Blues Boy: The Life and Music of B. B. King. Universty of Missisippi.
  • Eck, D., & Schmidhuber, J. (2002). Finding temporal structure in music: Blues improvisation with LSTM recurrent networks. Neural Networks for Signal Processing - Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop, 2002-Janua, 747–756.
  • Hoffmann, F. (2005). Rhythm and blues, rap, and Hip-hop. Facts On File.
  • Jatmiko, R. (2010). In search of African American optimism in blues :: A study on the Five B.B. King’s Blues Songs. Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • Kesendere, Y. (2022). Online Keman Eğitimi El Kitabı (Online Violin Training Hand Book). Genç Bilge (Young Wise) Publishing.
  • Lewis, P. (2012). 12 Bar Blues Backing Track In A Major. YouTube.
  • MisagiMusic. (2023). Slow blues backing track in E minor for guitar solo (12 bar blues). YouTube.
  • Oliver, P. (1997). The Story of the Blues. Northeastern University Press.
  • Richardson, J. S. (1987). The blues guitar style of B. B. King. Memphis State University.
  • Ricker, R. (1976). Pentatonic Scales for Jazz Improvisation. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.
  • Shop, E. V. (2022). What’s The Best Electric Violin? YouTube.
  • Steinfeld, S. (2016). The Social Significance of Blues Music [Luiss Guido Carli Libera Universita].
  • Tallmadge, W. (1984). Blue Notes and Blue Tonality. The Black Perspective in Music, 12(2), 155–165.
  • Visé, D. de. (2023). King of the Blues: Das Leben des B. B. King. Grove Atlantic Inc.
  • Witt, L. (2021). 7 Days To Learning Piano (Beginner Lesson). Pianote.
  • Wood, M. (2018). Wood Viper 6 String Violin, Fretted Antiqued Amber Tiger Maple | Gear4music demo. YouTube.
  • Yazar, A. (2022). Yeni Pedalıma Sahne İçin Yazdığım Tonlar (NUX-MG30) (Tones I Write for the Stage on My New Pedal). YouTube2.
  • Zweifel, P. F. (1996). Generalized Diatonic and Pentatonic Scales: A Group-Theoretic Approach. Perspectives of New Music, 34(1), 140.
  • Web Sites URL 1.
  • URL 2.
  • URL 3.
Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 113 - 119, 30.03.2024



  • Asano, M. (2023). Bohemian Rhapsody guitar solo but on electric violin. YouTube2.
  • Bennett, A., & Dawe, K. (2020). Guitar Cultures (2th ed.). Routledge.
  • Curry, B. (2015). Blues music theory and the songs of Robert Johnson: Ladder, level and chromatic cycle. Popular Music, 34(2), 245–273.
  • Danchin, S. (1998). Blues Boy: The Life and Music of B. B. King. Universty of Missisippi.
  • Eck, D., & Schmidhuber, J. (2002). Finding temporal structure in music: Blues improvisation with LSTM recurrent networks. Neural Networks for Signal Processing - Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop, 2002-Janua, 747–756.
  • Hoffmann, F. (2005). Rhythm and blues, rap, and Hip-hop. Facts On File.
  • Jatmiko, R. (2010). In search of African American optimism in blues :: A study on the Five B.B. King’s Blues Songs. Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • Kesendere, Y. (2022). Online Keman Eğitimi El Kitabı (Online Violin Training Hand Book). Genç Bilge (Young Wise) Publishing.
  • Lewis, P. (2012). 12 Bar Blues Backing Track In A Major. YouTube.
  • MisagiMusic. (2023). Slow blues backing track in E minor for guitar solo (12 bar blues). YouTube.
  • Oliver, P. (1997). The Story of the Blues. Northeastern University Press.
  • Richardson, J. S. (1987). The blues guitar style of B. B. King. Memphis State University.
  • Ricker, R. (1976). Pentatonic Scales for Jazz Improvisation. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.
  • Shop, E. V. (2022). What’s The Best Electric Violin? YouTube.
  • Steinfeld, S. (2016). The Social Significance of Blues Music [Luiss Guido Carli Libera Universita].
  • Tallmadge, W. (1984). Blue Notes and Blue Tonality. The Black Perspective in Music, 12(2), 155–165.
  • Visé, D. de. (2023). King of the Blues: Das Leben des B. B. King. Grove Atlantic Inc.
  • Witt, L. (2021). 7 Days To Learning Piano (Beginner Lesson). Pianote.
  • Wood, M. (2018). Wood Viper 6 String Violin, Fretted Antiqued Amber Tiger Maple | Gear4music demo. YouTube.
  • Yazar, A. (2022). Yeni Pedalıma Sahne İçin Yazdığım Tonlar (NUX-MG30) (Tones I Write for the Stage on My New Pedal). YouTube2.
  • Zweifel, P. F. (1996). Generalized Diatonic and Pentatonic Scales: A Group-Theoretic Approach. Perspectives of New Music, 34(1), 140.
  • Web Sites URL 1.
  • URL 2.
  • URL 3.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music Education, Music Performance, Music Technology and Recording
Journal Section Music

Yiğitcan Kesendere 0000-0002-4250-6857

Early Pub Date March 25, 2024
Publication Date March 30, 2024
Submission Date December 10, 2023
Acceptance Date March 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Kesendere, Y. (2024). Improvisation of blues rock with electro-fretted violin. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(1), 113-119.
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