Research Article
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Support of art and culture through television broadcasting: a historical perspective on the development of Azerbaijan State Television

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 171 - 179, 30.06.2024


This article discusses various reforms and efforts undertaken in the modern era in the field of Azerbaijani television to develop the national spiritual values of the Azerbaijani people and youth, and to preserve their national spirit. The independence of Azerbaijan following the 70-year collapse of the Soviet Union played a direct role in its culture and the field of television. The article presents facts based on many new programs, including those prepared during the Soviet era. It addresses issues and methods in the Azerbaijani television sector during both periods. The focus is on the entire history of the establishment of Azerbaijan State Television, its stages of development, and all related matters. The article examines the core of program formats related to art, culture, and literature that have historically manifested themselves in the development history of television. Emphasizing the clarification of the role of art in the formation of the aesthetic ideals of society, including its aspects (genres, types), is deemed more appropriate. The widespread interest in culture, in connection with its functions such as educational, heritage, and social existence preservation, is highlighted. Years of experience have once again proven that it is absolutely necessary to learn from professional experts in the Azerbaijani television space.

Ethical Statement

It does not require any ethical approval.

Supporting Institution

No funding or project support was utilized in the research.


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  • Elchin. (2011). Toplumsal gerçekçilik bize ne verdi? (What Did Social Realism Give Us?). "525. gazete" (525th Newspaper), February 17.
  • Freilikh, S. I. (2002). Film Theory: From Eisenstein to Tarkovsky. Moscow: Izd-vo Akademik Proekt.
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  • Habibbeyli, I. A. (2018). Harmony of Wings. Edebiyyat Qezeti (Literature Newspaper).
  • Kasimi, S., & Najafzadeh, A. (2021). Kütləvi İnformasiya Vasitələrinin İqtisadi İnkişafı (Economic Development of Mass Media). Bakü: Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kasımi, S., & Najafzadeh, A. (2021). Some Aspects of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on Religion and Human Art. Russian Institute of Art History. In Islamic Civilization in Maqamat: Interrelations and Interactions. Proceedings of the XI International Symposium of the ICTM Maqam Research Group, November 11-13, 2021, St. Petersburg, 28-29. Cadra, Moscow.
  • Mehdi, F. A. (1972). Televizyon gazeteciliği (Television Journalism). In "Gazeteciliğin Sorunları" (Problems of Journalism), Part II, Baku: Maarif.
  • Memmedli, C. A. (2002). Elektronik medya – yasal düzenleme ve uygulama (Electronic Media – Legal Regulation and Practice). Azerbaijan Journalists' Protection Committee Publication, Baku, 150.
  • Ömərov, V. (2012). Azərbaycan SSR-də “Mədəni İnqilabın” mahiyyəti və sovet mədəniyyətinin formalaşması. (The Essence of the "Cultural Revolution" in the Azerbaijan SSR and the Formation of Soviet Culture), Səs, 14.
  • Radugin, A. A. (1998). Aesthetics: Theory and Practice. Moscow: RFL Publishing.
  • The Concept of State Support for the Development of Mass Media in the Republic of Azerbaijan). (2011). Approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (July 31, 2008). Azerbaijan Press Council 2022.
  • The French Portal Published a Series of Articles About Azerbaijan). (2018). "İki sahil" (Two Shores) Newspaper, January 8.
  • Ulyanov, M. (1981). Televizyon büyük bir güçtür (Television is a Great Power). Edebiyat gazetesi (Literature Newspaper), August 22.
  • Web sites Web 1.
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  • Web 4.
  • Web 5.
  • Web 6.
  • Web 7.
  • Web 8.
  • Web 9.
Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 171 - 179, 30.06.2024



  • Aliyev, İ. (2016). Speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the Meeting Regarding Pope Francis's Visit to Baku. Multiculturalism Journal, 4, 7.
  • Alizade, Y. M., & Maharramli, Q. M. (2006). Azerbaycan havası: tarih ve modernlik Azerbaijan Air: History and Modernity). Bakü: Nurlan, 184.
  • Alizade, Y. M., & Maharramli, Q. M. (2006). Television and Its Role in Azerbaijani Society. Baku: Elm Publishing House.
  • Elcanlı, S. Q. (2017). The Door of Mysterious Words. Stories, essays, articles, quotations. Baku: Şur.
  • Elchin. (2011). Toplumsal gerçekçilik bize ne verdi? (What Did Social Realism Give Us?). "525. gazete" (525th Newspaper), February 17.
  • Freilikh, S. I. (2002). Film Theory: From Eisenstein to Tarkovsky. Moscow: Izd-vo Akademik Proekt.
  • Habibbayli, I. A. (2018). From Socialist Realism to National Independence. "525. gazete" (525th Newspaper), January 6.
  • Habibbeyli, I. A. (2018). Harmony of Wings. Edebiyyat Qezeti (Literature Newspaper).
  • Kasimi, S., & Najafzadeh, A. (2021). Kütləvi İnformasiya Vasitələrinin İqtisadi İnkişafı (Economic Development of Mass Media). Bakü: Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kasımi, S., & Najafzadeh, A. (2021). Some Aspects of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on Religion and Human Art. Russian Institute of Art History. In Islamic Civilization in Maqamat: Interrelations and Interactions. Proceedings of the XI International Symposium of the ICTM Maqam Research Group, November 11-13, 2021, St. Petersburg, 28-29. Cadra, Moscow.
  • Mehdi, F. A. (1972). Televizyon gazeteciliği (Television Journalism). In "Gazeteciliğin Sorunları" (Problems of Journalism), Part II, Baku: Maarif.
  • Memmedli, C. A. (2002). Elektronik medya – yasal düzenleme ve uygulama (Electronic Media – Legal Regulation and Practice). Azerbaijan Journalists' Protection Committee Publication, Baku, 150.
  • Ömərov, V. (2012). Azərbaycan SSR-də “Mədəni İnqilabın” mahiyyəti və sovet mədəniyyətinin formalaşması. (The Essence of the "Cultural Revolution" in the Azerbaijan SSR and the Formation of Soviet Culture), Səs, 14.
  • Radugin, A. A. (1998). Aesthetics: Theory and Practice. Moscow: RFL Publishing.
  • The Concept of State Support for the Development of Mass Media in the Republic of Azerbaijan). (2011). Approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (July 31, 2008). Azerbaijan Press Council 2022.
  • The French Portal Published a Series of Articles About Azerbaijan). (2018). "İki sahil" (Two Shores) Newspaper, January 8.
  • Ulyanov, M. (1981). Televizyon büyük bir güçtür (Television is a Great Power). Edebiyat gazetesi (Literature Newspaper), August 22.
  • Web sites Web 1.
  • Web 2 .
  • Web 3.
  • Web 4.
  • Web 5.
  • Web 6.
  • Web 7.
  • Web 8.
  • Web 9.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Visual Arts (Other)
Journal Section Cinema, TV

Fahriye İseyeva 0009-0006-9399-4914

Early Pub Date July 1, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date May 16, 2024
Acceptance Date June 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA İseyeva, F. (2024). Support of art and culture through television broadcasting: a historical perspective on the development of Azerbaijan State Television. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(2), 171-179.
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