Research Article
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CFD evaluation of wind catcher geometry and internal partitions for enhanced ventilation in Nizwa, Oman

Year 2025, , 55 - 69, 31.01.2025


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of wind catchers as a passive cooling strategy in regions with hot climates, where their potential remains largely unexplored. Focusing on a mosque building in Nizwa, Oman, the research investigates the impact of windcatcher geometry and internal partitions on indoor ventilation. The existing case is analyzed, and indoor ventilation conditions are simulated, followed by the generation of various scenarios, including different windcatcher shapes (Square and Rectangular) and various internal partition types (X blades, + blades, and H blades). Each scenario is subjected to CFD analysis. Results show that a Square windcatcher with X+ combination type partitions increase indoor ventilation, raising air velocity from 0.333508 m/s (base case) to 0.693379 m/s (scenario), leading to a 51.9% improvement in indoor ventilation rate. This research suggests valuable insights for architects and designers, advocating for the utilization of windcatcher principles to promote more sustainable architectural practices.


  • Yeang K (1991) Designing the green skyscraper. Habitat International 153:149-166.
  • Daemei AB, Eghbali SR, and Khotbehsara EM (2019) Bioclimatic design strategies: a guideline to enhance human thermal comfort in Cfa climate zones. Journal of Building Engineering 25:100758.
  • Sultan Qurraie B and Sertyamaç R (2024) Investigation of energy performance of nanotechnological material and double-skin facade system in office buildings in Turkiye. Intelligent Buildings International 15(6):251-265.
  • Salehi A, et al (2019) Investigation of thermal comfort efficacy of solar chimneys under different climates and operation time periods. Energy and buildings 205:109528.
  • Sultan Qurraie B and Kılıç Bakırhan E (2023) Evaluation of facade systems in different climate zones regarding energy, comfort, emission, and cost. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 301:123-136.
  • Jomehzadeh F, et al. (2017) A review on windcatcher for passive cooling and natural ventilation in buildings, Part 1: Indoor air quality and thermal comfort assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70:736-756.
  • Karimi H, Adibhesami MA, Hoseinzadeh S, Salehi A, Groppi D, and Astiaso Garcia D (2024) Harnessing Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Synergy as a Form of Strategic Energy Optimization in Architectural Design: A Case Study in Famagusta, North Cyprus. Buildings 145:1342.
  • Qurraie BS and Havva K (2023) The Energy Performance of Shading Element and Double Skin Facade System Integration into Office Buildings in Turkey. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures «JMES» 102:293-309.
  • Widera B, 2014, Bioclimatic architecture as an opportunity for developing countries. Presented at Proceedings of the 30th International PLEA Conference, Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies: Choosing the Way Forward, Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
  • Amiri-Kordestani M (2014) Natural air conditioning, traditions and trends: high performance of sustainable indoor ventilation in a hot and dry climate. Dissertation, Universite de Montreal.
  • Chohan AH and Awad J (2022) Wind catchers: an element of passive ventilation in hot, arid and humid regions, a comparative analysis of their design and function. Sustainability 1417:11088.
  • Noroozi A (2019) Augmenting traditional wind catcher with combined evaporative cooling system and solar chimney. Dissertation, National Technical University of Athens.
  • Nazir H, Abro S, and Iqbal A (2024) Windcatchers as a Green Ventilation Device: A Lost Tale From Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00219096241230486.
  • Qurraie BS and Arslan B (2022) Investigation of Thermal and Energy Performance of Double Skin Facades in Hot Climate Regions in Turkey. Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering 8(3), 2811.
  • Salehi A, Delfani S, Karami M, and Bozorgi M (2020) The effect of climatic conditions on the performance of a new configuration of solar chimney. Journal of Solar Energy Research 51:332-340.
  • Maleki BA (2011) Wind catcher: passive and low energy cooling system in Iranian vernacular architecture. International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IJTPE) 8:130-137.
  • Li L and Mak CM (2007) The assessment of the performance of a windcatcher system using computational fluid dynamics. Building and environment 423:1135-1141.
  • Sangdeh PK and Nasrollahi N (2022) Windcatchers and their applications in contemporary architecture. Energy and Built Environment 31:56-72.
  • Zarandi MM (2009) Analysis on Iranian wind catcher and its effect on natural ventilation as a solution towards sustainable architecture (Case Study: Yazd). International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 36:668-673.
  • Masrour M, Abbasi M, and Hallaj HM (2012) Study of wind catchers: the mass flow rate and inlet air to the building in traditional wind catchers. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 610:159-165.
  • Bahadori MN, Dehghani-sanij A, Sayigh A, Bahadori MN, Dehghani-sanij A, and Sayigh A (2014) The Architecture of Baudgeers. Wind Towers: Architecture, Climate and Sustainability, 63-100.
  • Branch CT (2013) Ancient Iran, the origin land of wind catcher in the world. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 58:433-439.
  • Hosseini S, Shokry E, Hosseini AA, Ahmadi G, and Calautit J (2016) Evaluation of airflow and thermal comfort in buildings ventilated with wind catchers: Simulation of conditions in Yazd City, Iran. Energy for Sustainable Development 35:7-24.
  • Kabir IFSA, Kanagalingam S, and Safiyullah F (2017) Performance evaluation of air flow and thermal comfort in the room with Wind-Catcher using different CFD techniques under neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Energy Procedia 143:199-203.
  • Montazeri H, Montazeri F, Azizian R, and Mostafavi S (2010) Two-sided wind catcher performance evaluation using experimental, numerical and analytical modeling. Renewable Energy 357:1424-1435.
  • Abdo P, Taghipour R, and Huynh BP (2020) Three-dimensional simulation of wind-driven ventilation through a windcatcher with different inlet designs. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 124:041008.
  • Sheikhshahrokhdehkordi M, Khalesi J, and Goudarzi N (2020) High-performance building: Sensitivity analysis for simulating different combinations of components of a two-sided windcatcher. Journal of Building Engineering 28:101079.
  • Ghadiri MH, Lukman N, Ibrahim N, and Mohamed MF (2013) Computational analysis of wind-driven natural ventilation in a two sided rectangular wind catcher. International Journal of Ventilation 121:51-62.
  • Nizwa (2009) Nizwa – The State Visits – In the City. Erişim 10.05.2023.
  • GoogleMap (2024) Al- Qala Mosque.'a+Mosque/@22.9339101,57.5301356,306m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x3e8ef0c0260783c5:0x969c0a8d5d5fe9e3!8m2!3d22.9336105!4d57.5308966!16s%2Fg%2F1v6p2rs1?authuser=0&entry=ttu. Erişim. 10.05.2024
  • Weatherspark (2019) Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Nizwá. Erişim 02.05.2023.
  • Afshin M, Sohankar A, Manshadi MD, Daneshgar M, and Kamaragi GD (2014) Visualized Flow Patterns around and inside a Two-Sided Wind-Catcher in the Presence of Upstream Structures. International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 812:1312-1317.
  • Willemsen E and Wisse JA (2007) Design for wind comfort in The Netherlands: Procedures, criteria and open research issues. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 959:1541-1550.
  • Alhraki AR (2023) The impact of wind catcher’s typology on ventilation rate of buildings in hot dry climates: An example on a mosque in Nizwa-Oman. Dissertation, Karabuk University.
  • Jomehzadeh F, Hussen HM, Calautit JK, Nejat P, and Ferwati MS (2020) Natural ventilation by windcatcher (Badgir): A review on the impacts of geometry, microclimate and macroclimate. Energy and Buildings 226:110396.
  • Jones BM and Kirby R (2010) The performance of natural ventilation windcatchers in schools-A comparison between prediction and measurement. International Journal of Ventilation 93:273-286.
  • Nejat P, Calautit JK, Majid MZA, Hughes BR, Zeynali I, and Jomehzadeh F (2016) Evaluation of a two-sided windcatcher integrated with wing wall (as a new design) and comparison with a conventional windcatcher. Energy and Buildings 126:287-300.
  • Hughes BR and Ghani SA (2011) A numerical investigation into the feasibility of a passive-assisted natural ventilation stack device. International Journal of Sustainable Energy 304:193-211.
  • Liu M, Jimenez-Bescos C, and Calautit J (2022) CFD investigation of a natural ventilation wind tower system with solid tube banks heat recovery for mild-cold climate. Journal of Building Engineering 45:103570.
  • Calautit JK, O'Connor D, and Hughes BR (2014) Determining the optimum spacing and arrangement for commercial wind towers for ventilation performance. Building and environment 82:274-287.

Nizwa, Umman'da Gelişmiş Havalandırma için Rüzgar Tutucu Geometrisi ve Dahili Bölmelerin CFD Değerlendirmesi

Year 2025, , 55 - 69, 31.01.2025


Geleneksel mimaride rüzgar bacaları, bazı Orta Doğu ülkelerindeki sıcak iklimlerde pasif soğutma olarak yaygın şekilde kullanılmakta ve iç mekan termal koşullarını etkili bir şekilde iyileştirmektedir. Ancak benzer iklime sahip bölgelerdeki potansiyelleri belirsizliğini koruyor. Bu çalışma, Nizwa, Umman'da bir cami binasının kullanıldığı bir örnek olaya odaklanarak rüzgar bacaların bu alanlardaki bina havalandırması üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktadır. Mevcut durum analiz edilir ve iç mekan havalandırma koşulları simüle edilir, ardından farklı rüzgar bacaları plan şekilleri (Kare ve Dikdörtgen) ve çeşitli iç bölme tipleri (X kanat, + kanat ve H kanat) dahil olmak üzere çeşitli senaryolar üretilir. Her senaryo CFD analizine tabi tutulur. Sonuçlar, X+ kombinasyon tipi bölmelere sahip Kare rüzgar bacalarının iç mekan havalandırmasını arttırdığını, hava hızını 0,333508 m/s'den (temel durum) 0,693379 m/s'ye (senaryo) çıkararak iç mekan havalandırma oranında %51,9'luk bir iyileşme sağladığını göstermektedir. Bu araştırma, daha sürdürülebilir mimari uygulamaları teşvik etmek için rüzgar bacası ilkelerinin kullanımını savunarak mimarlar ve tasarımcılar için değerli bilgiler önermektedir.


  • Yeang K (1991) Designing the green skyscraper. Habitat International 153:149-166.
  • Daemei AB, Eghbali SR, and Khotbehsara EM (2019) Bioclimatic design strategies: a guideline to enhance human thermal comfort in Cfa climate zones. Journal of Building Engineering 25:100758.
  • Sultan Qurraie B and Sertyamaç R (2024) Investigation of energy performance of nanotechnological material and double-skin facade system in office buildings in Turkiye. Intelligent Buildings International 15(6):251-265.
  • Salehi A, et al (2019) Investigation of thermal comfort efficacy of solar chimneys under different climates and operation time periods. Energy and buildings 205:109528.
  • Sultan Qurraie B and Kılıç Bakırhan E (2023) Evaluation of facade systems in different climate zones regarding energy, comfort, emission, and cost. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 301:123-136.
  • Jomehzadeh F, et al. (2017) A review on windcatcher for passive cooling and natural ventilation in buildings, Part 1: Indoor air quality and thermal comfort assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70:736-756.
  • Karimi H, Adibhesami MA, Hoseinzadeh S, Salehi A, Groppi D, and Astiaso Garcia D (2024) Harnessing Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Synergy as a Form of Strategic Energy Optimization in Architectural Design: A Case Study in Famagusta, North Cyprus. Buildings 145:1342.
  • Qurraie BS and Havva K (2023) The Energy Performance of Shading Element and Double Skin Facade System Integration into Office Buildings in Turkey. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures «JMES» 102:293-309.
  • Widera B, 2014, Bioclimatic architecture as an opportunity for developing countries. Presented at Proceedings of the 30th International PLEA Conference, Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies: Choosing the Way Forward, Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
  • Amiri-Kordestani M (2014) Natural air conditioning, traditions and trends: high performance of sustainable indoor ventilation in a hot and dry climate. Dissertation, Universite de Montreal.
  • Chohan AH and Awad J (2022) Wind catchers: an element of passive ventilation in hot, arid and humid regions, a comparative analysis of their design and function. Sustainability 1417:11088.
  • Noroozi A (2019) Augmenting traditional wind catcher with combined evaporative cooling system and solar chimney. Dissertation, National Technical University of Athens.
  • Nazir H, Abro S, and Iqbal A (2024) Windcatchers as a Green Ventilation Device: A Lost Tale From Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00219096241230486.
  • Qurraie BS and Arslan B (2022) Investigation of Thermal and Energy Performance of Double Skin Facades in Hot Climate Regions in Turkey. Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering 8(3), 2811.
  • Salehi A, Delfani S, Karami M, and Bozorgi M (2020) The effect of climatic conditions on the performance of a new configuration of solar chimney. Journal of Solar Energy Research 51:332-340.
  • Maleki BA (2011) Wind catcher: passive and low energy cooling system in Iranian vernacular architecture. International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IJTPE) 8:130-137.
  • Li L and Mak CM (2007) The assessment of the performance of a windcatcher system using computational fluid dynamics. Building and environment 423:1135-1141.
  • Sangdeh PK and Nasrollahi N (2022) Windcatchers and their applications in contemporary architecture. Energy and Built Environment 31:56-72.
  • Zarandi MM (2009) Analysis on Iranian wind catcher and its effect on natural ventilation as a solution towards sustainable architecture (Case Study: Yazd). International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 36:668-673.
  • Masrour M, Abbasi M, and Hallaj HM (2012) Study of wind catchers: the mass flow rate and inlet air to the building in traditional wind catchers. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 610:159-165.
  • Bahadori MN, Dehghani-sanij A, Sayigh A, Bahadori MN, Dehghani-sanij A, and Sayigh A (2014) The Architecture of Baudgeers. Wind Towers: Architecture, Climate and Sustainability, 63-100.
  • Branch CT (2013) Ancient Iran, the origin land of wind catcher in the world. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 58:433-439.
  • Hosseini S, Shokry E, Hosseini AA, Ahmadi G, and Calautit J (2016) Evaluation of airflow and thermal comfort in buildings ventilated with wind catchers: Simulation of conditions in Yazd City, Iran. Energy for Sustainable Development 35:7-24.
  • Kabir IFSA, Kanagalingam S, and Safiyullah F (2017) Performance evaluation of air flow and thermal comfort in the room with Wind-Catcher using different CFD techniques under neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Energy Procedia 143:199-203.
  • Montazeri H, Montazeri F, Azizian R, and Mostafavi S (2010) Two-sided wind catcher performance evaluation using experimental, numerical and analytical modeling. Renewable Energy 357:1424-1435.
  • Abdo P, Taghipour R, and Huynh BP (2020) Three-dimensional simulation of wind-driven ventilation through a windcatcher with different inlet designs. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 124:041008.
  • Sheikhshahrokhdehkordi M, Khalesi J, and Goudarzi N (2020) High-performance building: Sensitivity analysis for simulating different combinations of components of a two-sided windcatcher. Journal of Building Engineering 28:101079.
  • Ghadiri MH, Lukman N, Ibrahim N, and Mohamed MF (2013) Computational analysis of wind-driven natural ventilation in a two sided rectangular wind catcher. International Journal of Ventilation 121:51-62.
  • Nizwa (2009) Nizwa – The State Visits – In the City. Erişim 10.05.2023.
  • GoogleMap (2024) Al- Qala Mosque.'a+Mosque/@22.9339101,57.5301356,306m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x3e8ef0c0260783c5:0x969c0a8d5d5fe9e3!8m2!3d22.9336105!4d57.5308966!16s%2Fg%2F1v6p2rs1?authuser=0&entry=ttu. Erişim. 10.05.2024
  • Weatherspark (2019) Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Nizwá. Erişim 02.05.2023.
  • Afshin M, Sohankar A, Manshadi MD, Daneshgar M, and Kamaragi GD (2014) Visualized Flow Patterns around and inside a Two-Sided Wind-Catcher in the Presence of Upstream Structures. International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 812:1312-1317.
  • Willemsen E and Wisse JA (2007) Design for wind comfort in The Netherlands: Procedures, criteria and open research issues. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 959:1541-1550.
  • Alhraki AR (2023) The impact of wind catcher’s typology on ventilation rate of buildings in hot dry climates: An example on a mosque in Nizwa-Oman. Dissertation, Karabuk University.
  • Jomehzadeh F, Hussen HM, Calautit JK, Nejat P, and Ferwati MS (2020) Natural ventilation by windcatcher (Badgir): A review on the impacts of geometry, microclimate and macroclimate. Energy and Buildings 226:110396.
  • Jones BM and Kirby R (2010) The performance of natural ventilation windcatchers in schools-A comparison between prediction and measurement. International Journal of Ventilation 93:273-286.
  • Nejat P, Calautit JK, Majid MZA, Hughes BR, Zeynali I, and Jomehzadeh F (2016) Evaluation of a two-sided windcatcher integrated with wing wall (as a new design) and comparison with a conventional windcatcher. Energy and Buildings 126:287-300.
  • Hughes BR and Ghani SA (2011) A numerical investigation into the feasibility of a passive-assisted natural ventilation stack device. International Journal of Sustainable Energy 304:193-211.
  • Liu M, Jimenez-Bescos C, and Calautit J (2022) CFD investigation of a natural ventilation wind tower system with solid tube banks heat recovery for mild-cold climate. Journal of Building Engineering 45:103570.
  • Calautit JK, O'Connor D, and Hughes BR (2014) Determining the optimum spacing and arrangement for commercial wind towers for ventilation performance. Building and environment 82:274-287.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architectural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmad Rateb Alhraki This is me 0009-0008-6594-0454

Bahar Sultan Qurraie 0000-0002-5142-3367

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date June 5, 2024
Acceptance Date October 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Alhraki, A. R., & Sultan Qurraie, B. (2025). CFD evaluation of wind catcher geometry and internal partitions for enhanced ventilation in Nizwa, Oman. Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science, 5(1), 55-69.

Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science by İdris Karagöz is licensed under CC BY 4.0