Elastomer modifiye wollastonit ve fındık kabuğu partikülü takviyeli polipropilen kompozitlerin aşınma özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Year 2025,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 70 - 79, 31.01.2025
İlyas Kartal
Mehmet Mudu
Kenan Büyükkaya
Halil Demirer
Bu çalışmada matris malzemesi olarak polipropilen polimer, takviye olarak ise fındık kabuğu (HS) ve volastonit (W) farklı oranlarda kullanılarak hibrit kompozitler üretilmiştir. Poli(stiren-b-etilen-ko-bütilen-b-stiren) (SEBS) triblok kopolimeri ve maleik anhidrit aşılı SEBS (SEBS-g-MA) ile modifiye edilmiş fındık kabuğu unu ve wollastonit takviyeli polipropilen karışımları. Hibrit kompozitlerin aşınma özellikleri elastomerik bileşenin bir fonksiyonu olarak araştırılmıştır. İlk olarak polipropilen (PP) ve volastonit + fındık kabuğu unu karışımlarından ağırlıkça 80/10+10 oranında ekstrüzyon yöntemiyle referans hibrit kompozitler hazırlandı. Daha sonra bu referans karışımlar kullanılarak SEBS ve SEBS-g-MA ile modifiye edilmiş hibrit kompozitler (%, ağırlık oranları - 3, 6, 9) hazırlandı.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, elastomerik modifikasyonların hibrit kompozitlerin aşınma özellikleri üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Referans grubu olarak %10 W + %10 HSF dolgulu polipropilen kompozitler dikkate alındı. Bu referans grubu, hibrit kompozitin ağırlığına göre %3-6 ve %9 oranında SEBS ve SEBS-g-MA eklenerek değiştirildi. Bu karışımlardan enjeksiyonlu kalıplama yoluyla hazırlanan aşınma test numuneleri. Fındık kabuğunun sıcaklığa karşı hassasiyetinden dolayı herhangi bir bozulma yaşanmaması için ekstrüzyon işlemi sırasında sıcaklıklar alt sınırlara yakın tutuldu. Numunelerin aşınma özellikleri aşınma test cihazı kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Aşınmış yüzeylerin morfolojik özelliklerini analiz etmek için taramalı elektron mikroskobu kullanıldı. SEBS ve SEBS-g-MA modifikasyonlarının ağırlık kaybının azalmasına neden olduğu bulunmuştur.
- Leong YW (2004) Comparison of the mechanical properties and interfacial interactions between talc, kaolin, and calcium carbonate filled polypropylene composites. J Appl Polym Sci 91:3315-3326.
- Unal H, Fındık F, Mimaroğlu A 2003 Mechanical behavior of nylon composites containing talc and kaolin. J Appl Polym Sci 88:1694-1697.
- Unal H, Mimaroğlu A, Alkan M (2003) Mechanical properties and morphology of nylon-6 hybrid composites. Society of Chemical Industry 53:56-60.
- Kartal İ (2020) Effect of hornbeam sawdust size on the mechanical properties of polyethylene composites. Emerging Materials Research 9(3):979-984.
- Kartal İ, Naycı G, Demirer H (2019) Investigation of the mechanical properties of chestnut/hornbeam sawdust filled vinyl ester composites. European Journal of Science and Technology (16):723-728.
- Kartal İ, Naycı G, Demirer H (2020) The effect of chestnut wood flour size on the mechanical properties of vinyl ester composites. Emerging Materials Research 9(3):960-965.
- Adıbelli Ü, Mutlu D, Çakır Yiğit N, Karagöz İ (2022) Ceviz kabuğu dolgulu epoksi hibrit kompozit malzemelerin hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu. 10. Uluslararası Lif ve Polimer Araştırmaları, Sempozyumu, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 13-14 Mayıs İstanbul, ss.152-159.
- Kartal İ, Sengor İ (2023) Fabrication and characterization of hazelnut shell powders-loaded poly (lactic acid)(PLA) composite fibers. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 45 (5):361-367.
- Kartal İ, Selimoğlu H (2023) Usability of pine sawdust and calcite together as filler in polyester composites. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 9(3):267-273.
- Kartal İ, Selimoğlu H (2023) Investigation of the mechanical behavior of recycled polypropylene-based composite materials filled with waste cotton and pine sawdust. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 9(4):412-418.
- Kartal İ, Özcan Z (2023) Investigation of effect of chestnut sawdust on mechanical properties of epoxy matrix composites. Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science 3(2):67-74.
- Kartal İ, Kasap K, Demirer H (2023) Investigation of mechanical properties of domestic black tea waste filled vinylester composites. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 9(4):435-440.
- Mudu M (2010) Investigation of mechanical properties of organic-inorganic hybrid reinforced composites. Dissertation, Marmara University Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences.
- Demirer H, Kartal İ, Yıldırım A, Büyükkaya K (2018) The utilisability of ground hazelnut shell as filler in polypropylene composites. Acta Physica Polonica A 134:254-256.
- Lin TA, Lin J-H, Bao L (2020) Polypropylene/thermoplastic polyurethane blends: mechanical characterizations, recyclability and sustainable development of thermoplastic materials. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9:5304-5312.
- Klapiszewski Ł, Zasadzińska AG, Borysiak S, Jesionowski T (2019) Preparation and characterization of polypropylene composites reinforced by functional ZnO/lignin hybrid materials. Polymer Testing. 79:106058.
- Somashekhar S, Shanthakumar GC, Nagamadhu M (2020) Influence of fiber content and screw speed on the mechanical characterization of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite using Taguchi method, Materials Today:Proceedings 24(4):2366-2374.
- Mo J, Zeng L, Liu Y, Ma L, Cheng G, et al (2020) Mechanical properties and damping capacity of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete modified by rubber powder. Construction and Building Materials 242:118111
- Ray K, Patra H, Swain AK, Parida B, Rana S, et al (2020) Glass/jute/sisal fiber reinforced hybrid polypropylene polymer composites: fabrication and analysis of mechanical and water absorption properties. Materials Today: Proceedings 33:5273-5278.
- Kinloch AJ, Young RJ (1983) Fracture behaviour of polymers. Applied Science Pub. Ltd, Essex, England.
- Demirer H, Kartal I, Ünlü K, et al (2018) Investigation of mechanical and thermal properties of waste EPDM and polypropylene mixtures. Acta Physica Polonica 134:257-259.
- Mengual A, Juárez D, Balart R, et al (2017) PE-g-MA, PP-g-MA and SEBS-g-MA compatibilizers used in material blends. Procedia Manufacturing 13:321-326.
- Yu S, Oh KH, Hong SH (2019) Effects of silanization and modification treatments on the stiffness and toughness of BF/SEBS/PA6,6 hybrid composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 173:106922.
- Li H, Xie XM (2017) Morphology development and superior mechanical properties of PP/PA6/SEBS ternary blends compatibilized by using a highly efficient multi-phase compatibilizer. Polymer 108:1-10.
- Hajibabazadeh S, Palahang M, Razavi MK (2019) Effect of morphology development on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of PP/EPDM/SiO2 blend-nanocomposites. Polymer Testing 73:124-134.
- Inácio LN, Nonato RC, Baltus C (2018) Mechanical and thermal behavior of aged composites of recycled PP/EPDM/talc reinforced with bamboo fiber. Polymer Testing 72:357-363.
- Elshereksi N., Mohamed SH, Arifin A, Ishak ZA (2009) Effect of filler incorporation on the fracture toughness properties of denture base poly(methyl methacrylate), Journal of Physical Science 20(2):1–12.
- Balkan O, Ezdesir A, Demirer H (2010) Microstructural characteristics of glass bead- and wollastonite-filled isotactic-polypropylene composites modified with thermoplastic elastomers. Polymer Composites 31:1265–1284.
Investigation of wear properties of elastomer modified wollastonite and hazelnut shell flour reinforced polypropylene composites
Year 2025,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 70 - 79, 31.01.2025
İlyas Kartal
Mehmet Mudu
Kenan Büyükkaya
Halil Demirer
In this study, hybrid composites were produced by using polypropylene (PP) polymer as matrix material, and hazelnut shell (HS) and wollastonite (W) as reinforcement in different ratios. Hazelnut shell flour (HSF) and wollastonite reinforced polypropylene mixtures were modified with poly(styrene-b-ethylene-co-butylene-b-styrene) (SEBS) triblock copolymer and maleic anhydride grafted SEBS (SEBS-g-MA). Wear properties of the hybrid composites were investigated as a function of elastomeric component. First, the reference hybrid composites were prepared from PP and W + HSF mixtures in the ratio of 80/10+10 by weight through extrusion method. SEBS and SEBS-g-MA modified hybrid composites (%, by weight ratios - 3, 6, 9) were then prepared by using these reference mixtures. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of elastomeric modifications on the wear properties of the hybrid composites. Wear test samples prepared out of those mixtures by injection molding. In order to avoid any degradation due to the temperature sensitivity of the hazelnut shell, temperatures were kept close to lower limits during extrusion processing. Wear features of the samples were investigated by using an abrasion tester. Scanning electron microscopy was used for analyzing morphological features of the worn surfaces. It was found that SEBS and SEBS-g-MA modifications resulted in the reduction of the weight loss.
- Leong YW (2004) Comparison of the mechanical properties and interfacial interactions between talc, kaolin, and calcium carbonate filled polypropylene composites. J Appl Polym Sci 91:3315-3326.
- Unal H, Fındık F, Mimaroğlu A 2003 Mechanical behavior of nylon composites containing talc and kaolin. J Appl Polym Sci 88:1694-1697.
- Unal H, Mimaroğlu A, Alkan M (2003) Mechanical properties and morphology of nylon-6 hybrid composites. Society of Chemical Industry 53:56-60.
- Kartal İ (2020) Effect of hornbeam sawdust size on the mechanical properties of polyethylene composites. Emerging Materials Research 9(3):979-984.
- Kartal İ, Naycı G, Demirer H (2019) Investigation of the mechanical properties of chestnut/hornbeam sawdust filled vinyl ester composites. European Journal of Science and Technology (16):723-728.
- Kartal İ, Naycı G, Demirer H (2020) The effect of chestnut wood flour size on the mechanical properties of vinyl ester composites. Emerging Materials Research 9(3):960-965.
- Adıbelli Ü, Mutlu D, Çakır Yiğit N, Karagöz İ (2022) Ceviz kabuğu dolgulu epoksi hibrit kompozit malzemelerin hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu. 10. Uluslararası Lif ve Polimer Araştırmaları, Sempozyumu, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 13-14 Mayıs İstanbul, ss.152-159.
- Kartal İ, Sengor İ (2023) Fabrication and characterization of hazelnut shell powders-loaded poly (lactic acid)(PLA) composite fibers. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 45 (5):361-367.
- Kartal İ, Selimoğlu H (2023) Usability of pine sawdust and calcite together as filler in polyester composites. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 9(3):267-273.
- Kartal İ, Selimoğlu H (2023) Investigation of the mechanical behavior of recycled polypropylene-based composite materials filled with waste cotton and pine sawdust. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 9(4):412-418.
- Kartal İ, Özcan Z (2023) Investigation of effect of chestnut sawdust on mechanical properties of epoxy matrix composites. Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science 3(2):67-74.
- Kartal İ, Kasap K, Demirer H (2023) Investigation of mechanical properties of domestic black tea waste filled vinylester composites. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 9(4):435-440.
- Mudu M (2010) Investigation of mechanical properties of organic-inorganic hybrid reinforced composites. Dissertation, Marmara University Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences.
- Demirer H, Kartal İ, Yıldırım A, Büyükkaya K (2018) The utilisability of ground hazelnut shell as filler in polypropylene composites. Acta Physica Polonica A 134:254-256.
- Lin TA, Lin J-H, Bao L (2020) Polypropylene/thermoplastic polyurethane blends: mechanical characterizations, recyclability and sustainable development of thermoplastic materials. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9:5304-5312.
- Klapiszewski Ł, Zasadzińska AG, Borysiak S, Jesionowski T (2019) Preparation and characterization of polypropylene composites reinforced by functional ZnO/lignin hybrid materials. Polymer Testing. 79:106058.
- Somashekhar S, Shanthakumar GC, Nagamadhu M (2020) Influence of fiber content and screw speed on the mechanical characterization of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite using Taguchi method, Materials Today:Proceedings 24(4):2366-2374.
- Mo J, Zeng L, Liu Y, Ma L, Cheng G, et al (2020) Mechanical properties and damping capacity of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete modified by rubber powder. Construction and Building Materials 242:118111
- Ray K, Patra H, Swain AK, Parida B, Rana S, et al (2020) Glass/jute/sisal fiber reinforced hybrid polypropylene polymer composites: fabrication and analysis of mechanical and water absorption properties. Materials Today: Proceedings 33:5273-5278.
- Kinloch AJ, Young RJ (1983) Fracture behaviour of polymers. Applied Science Pub. Ltd, Essex, England.
- Demirer H, Kartal I, Ünlü K, et al (2018) Investigation of mechanical and thermal properties of waste EPDM and polypropylene mixtures. Acta Physica Polonica 134:257-259.
- Mengual A, Juárez D, Balart R, et al (2017) PE-g-MA, PP-g-MA and SEBS-g-MA compatibilizers used in material blends. Procedia Manufacturing 13:321-326.
- Yu S, Oh KH, Hong SH (2019) Effects of silanization and modification treatments on the stiffness and toughness of BF/SEBS/PA6,6 hybrid composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 173:106922.
- Li H, Xie XM (2017) Morphology development and superior mechanical properties of PP/PA6/SEBS ternary blends compatibilized by using a highly efficient multi-phase compatibilizer. Polymer 108:1-10.
- Hajibabazadeh S, Palahang M, Razavi MK (2019) Effect of morphology development on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of PP/EPDM/SiO2 blend-nanocomposites. Polymer Testing 73:124-134.
- Inácio LN, Nonato RC, Baltus C (2018) Mechanical and thermal behavior of aged composites of recycled PP/EPDM/talc reinforced with bamboo fiber. Polymer Testing 72:357-363.
- Elshereksi N., Mohamed SH, Arifin A, Ishak ZA (2009) Effect of filler incorporation on the fracture toughness properties of denture base poly(methyl methacrylate), Journal of Physical Science 20(2):1–12.
- Balkan O, Ezdesir A, Demirer H (2010) Microstructural characteristics of glass bead- and wollastonite-filled isotactic-polypropylene composites modified with thermoplastic elastomers. Polymer Composites 31:1265–1284.