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Uluslararası Sistemi Yeniden Yorumlamak: Ulus-Devlet, Sermaye ve Küreselleşme

Year 2024, , 74 - 91, 30.12.2024


Uluslararası sistemdeki gelişmeler, yalnızca sistemin genel yapısını değil, içindeki aktörleri de dönüştürmüştür. 1648 Vestfalya düzeni, diplomasi mekanizmalarını kurumsallaştırarak ulus-devletlerin rolünü artırmıştır. Ancak ulus-devletlerin güçlenmesiyle sermaye gruplarının büyümesi, bu devletleri zorlayan bir faktör haline gelmiştir. XIX. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde uluslararası şirketlerin ortaya çıkışı, dış politika tercihlerini etkilemiş, devletler arasında rekabeti artırmış ve korumacı politikalar teşvik edilmiştir. Bu politikalar, Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın patlak vermesine zemin hazırlamıştır. Wilson İlkeleri, imparatorlukların yerini ulus-devletlere bırakmasını sağlamıştır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın ardından ABD ve Sovyetler Birliği başat güçler olarak ortaya çıkmış, Soğuk Savaş döneminde şirketler uluslararası sahnede güç kazanmaya başlamıştır. Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesi ve neoliberal düzen, şirketlerin ulus-ötesileşmesini hızlandırmıştır. 2008 Ekonomik Krizi ve 2020 Kovid-19 pandemisi, ulus-devletlerin zayıflığını artırırken sermayenin güçlenmesine yol açmıştır. Günümüzde uluslararası sistemdeki değişim, şirketlerin artan gücüyle birlikte, realist düşüncenin öngördüğü devlet merkezli yapıdan Coxçu okulun öngördüğü çok kutuplu bir yapıya evrilmektedir. Bu çalışma, ulus-devletlerin doğuşundan günümüze kadar olan süreci eleştirel teori ve post-modern felsefe bağlamında ele almakta ve ulus-devlet ile sermaye arasındaki ilişkiyi irdelemektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma, etik standartlara uygun şekilde yürütülmüş ve araştırma sürecinde etik kuralların gözetilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında hiçbir kurum ya da kuruluştan finansal ya da materyal bir destek alınmamıştır.


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  • ASPI. (2021). Mapping China’s tech giants [Think-tank]. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  • Attar, M. A. (2018). Economic development in Turkey and South Korea: A comparative analysis. Bogazici Journal, 32(1).
  • Auribeau, P., & Pevel, P. (2021). L’héritage de Richelieu. Gallimard.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1985). Le miroir de la production ou l’illusion critique du matérialisme historique. Éd. Galilée.
  • Baudrillard, J. (Ed.). (2002). L’esprit du terrorisme. Galilée.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2016). Le système des objets: Essai. Gallimard.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2017). Simulacres et simulation. Éditions Galilée.
  • Baudrillard, J., & Turner, C. (2004). Fragments: Conversations with François L’Yvonnet. Routledge.
  • Becker, P. (Director). (2018, June 20). Cardinal de Richelieu: Le ciel peut attendre [Documentary]. In Secrets d’Histoire. France2.
  • Beckett, J. (2014). The glorious revolution, parliament, and the making of the first industrial nation. Parliamentary History, 33(1), 36–53.
  • Blackbourn, D. (2023). Germany in the world: A global history 1500–2000. Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W.W.Norton & Company.
  • BNDES. (2018, November). Trade patterns in a globalized world: The case of Brazil [Regional Organisation]. The Brazilian Development Bank.
  • Bose, N., & Widianto, S. (2022, November 15). Biden and Xi clash over Taiwan in Bali but Cold War fears cool [News Agency].
  • Reuters.
  • Burchill, S. (Ed.). (2013). Theories of international relations (5th ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Buzan, B., & Cox, M. (2022). The end of Anglo-America? In T. B. Knudsen & C. Navari (Eds.), Power transition in the anarchicalsociety (pp. 83–102). Springer International Publishing.
  • Carr, E. H., & Cox, M. (2021). Nationalism and after (New ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Carraz, D. (2012). Les templiers et la guerre. Lemme edit.
  • Cerioli, L. (2024). Neoclassical realism, global international relations, and the unheard echoes of realist practices from the South. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
  • Choer Moraes, H., & Wigell, M. (2022a). Balancing dependence: The quest for autonomy and the rise of corporate geoeconomics. In M. Babić, A. D. Dixon, & I. T. Liu (Eds.), The political economy of geoeconomics: Europe in a changing world (pp. 29–55). Springer International Publishing.
  • Choer Moraes, H., & Wigell, M. (2022b). Balancing dependence: The quest for autonomy and the rise of corporate geoeconomics. In M. Babić, A. D. Dixon, & I. T. Liu (Eds.), The political economy of geoeconomics: Europe in a changing world (pp. 29–55). Springer International Publishing.
  • Cox, M. (2013). Power and the liberal order. In R. Friedman, K. Oskanian, & R. P. Pardo (Eds.), After liberalism? (pp. 103–116). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Cox, M. (2018). The post-Cold War world: Turbulence and change in world politics since the fall. Routledge.
  • Cox, M., & Stokes, D. (Eds.). (2018). US foreign policy (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
  • Cox, R. W. (1981). Social forces, states and world orders: Beyond international relations theory. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 10(2), 126–155.
  • Crouch, C. (2019). The globalization backlash. Polity Press.
  • Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., & Deleuze, G. (1994). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and schizophrenia (7th print). University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., & Massumi, B. (1986). Nomadology: The war machine. Semiotext(e).
  • Dumézil, B. (2023). L’empire mérovingien: Ve-VIIIe siècle (1st ed.). Passés-composés.
  • Elias, N., Dunning, E., Goudsblom, J., & Mennell, S. (2000). The civilizing process: Sociogenetic and psychogenetic investigations (Rev. ed.). Blackwell Publishers.
  • Éthier, D. (2010). Les acteurs des relations internationales. In Introduction aux relations internationales (pp. 61–111). Pressesde l’Université de Montréal.
  • Flint, C., & Xiaotong, Z. (2019). Historical–geopolitical contexts and the transformation of Chinese foreign policy. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 12(3), 295–331.
  • Goldgeier, J. M., & McFaul, M. (2003). Power and purpose: U.S. policy toward Russia after the Cold War. Brookings Institution Press; JSTOR.
  • Golubkov, K., Rose, M., & Kumar, M. (2023, September 10). Delhi G20 summit confirms isolation of Russia, Macron says [News Agency]. Reuters.
  • Gowan, R. (2023, November 9). How the world lost faith in the UN: Regaining it will require accepting a diminished role for an age of competition [Magazine]. Foreign Affairs.
  • Haag, M. (2013). Les Templiers de la légende à l’histoire. Ixelles.
  • Hollis, M., & Smith, S. (1996). A response: Why epistemology matters in international theory. Review of International Studies, 22(1), 111–116. JSTOR.
  • Holzgrefe, J. L. (1989). The origins of modern international relations theory. Review of International Studies, 15(1), 11–26.
  • Hubert, É. (2001). La fiscalité des villes au Moyen Âge (Occident méditerranéen). Histoire Urbaine, 4(2), 189–191.
  • IMF Staff. (2001, November). Improving market access: Toward greater coherence between aid and trade [Intergovernmental Organisation]. International Monetary Fund.
  • Inglehart, R., & Norris, P. (2017). Trump and the populist authoritarian parties: ‘The silent revolution’ in reverse. Perspectives on Politics, 15(2), 443–454.
  • Izvekov, A. I. (2018). Breakdown of the Anglo-Saxon model of globalization. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(5),103.
  • Labarrière, D. (2024). Philippe IV dit le Bel: Le roi de fer, le pape, les Templiers. Éditions Lanore.
  • Lawder, D. (2024, September 14). US locks in steep China tariff hikes, some industries warn of disruptions [News Agency]. Reuters.
  • LeVine, S. (2012, April 27). Not the CIA, not bin Ladin—Exxon is the toughest nut [Magazine]. Foreign Policy.
  • Liu, J., & Jiang, J. (2024, August 27). IBM is the latest Western firm to retreat from China [News]. CNN International.
  • Lopez, R. S. (1998). The commercial revolution of the Middle Ages: 950–1350 (Repr.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Martin, S. (2004). The Knights Templar. Pocket Essentials.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2019). Bound to fail: The rise and fall of the liberal international order. International Security, 43(4), 7–50.
  • Minois, G. (2016). La guerre de Cent Ans: Naissance de deux nations (Nouvelle éd.). Perrin.
  • Montanaro, D., & Kelemen, M. (2017, February 1). Trump gets his man at the State Department [News]. NPR.
  • Mudge, S. L. (2008). What is neo-liberalism? Socio-Economic Review, 6(4), 703–731.
  • Myers, S. L. (2016). The new tsar: The rise and reign of Vladimir Putin (Paperback ed.). Simon & Schuster. Nakashima, E. (2021, April 14). The FBI wanted to unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. [Newspaper]. The Washington Post.
  • National Archives. (2019, January 25). Truman Doctrine, March 12, 1947 [Text]. IDCA.
  • Naughton, B. (2018). The Chinese economy: Adaptation and growth (2nd ed.). MIT Press.
  • Okur, M. A. (2012). Emperyalizm, hegemonya, imparatorluk: Tarihsel dünya düzenleri ve Irak’ın işgali. Ötüken Nesriyat.
  • O’Neil, A. (2024, September 19). The 20 countries with the largest gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024 [Private]. Statista.
  • Petitfils, J.-C. (2021). Louis XIV. Perrin.
  • Radio France. (n.d.). Jean Baudrillard ou le réel assassiné [MP3]. France Culture. Retrieved August 17, 2024, from
  • Rose, G. (1998). Neoclassical realism and theories of foreign policy. World Politics, 51(1), 144–172.
  • Sarantaki, A.-M. (2024). Frontex: Transcending the EU borders. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1–21.
  • Sibertin-Blanc, G. (2016). State and politics: Deleuze and Guattari on Marx (A. Hodges, Trans.). Semiotext(e).
  • Smith, S. (1997). Epistemology, postmodernism and international relations theory: A reply to Østerud. Journal of Peace Research, 34(3), 330–336. JSTOR.
  • Statista. (2024, September). Largest asset managers worldwide [Private]. Statista.
  • Steinmetz, G. (2015). The richest man who ever lived: The life and times of Jacob Fugger. Simon & Schuster.
  • The British Government. (2022, October 13). Huawei legal notices issued [Public]. The Government of the UK. text=Huawei%20technology%20must%20be%20removed,broadband%20and%20mobile%20operators% 20today
  • The United Nations Office in Geneva. (2022, September 10). Switzerland marks 20 years at the United Nations [International Organisation]. UN Geneva. media/news/2022/09/74490/ witzerland-marks-20-years-united-nations
  • Tilly, C. (2015). Coercion, capital, and European states, AD 990–1992 (27th pr.; Rev. paperback ed.). Blackwell. USCC. (2019, February 25). Chinese companies listed on major U.S. stock exchanges [Government]. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission.
  • Vercueil, J. (2018). Taming the bear while riding the dragon? Central Asia confronts Russian and Chinese economic influences. Revue de La Régulation, 24.
  • Vergé-Franceschi, M. (2005). Colbert: La politique du bon sens. Payot.
  • Vihma, A. (2018). Geoeconomic analysis and the limits of critical geopolitics: A new engagement with Edward Luttwak. Geopolitics, 23(1), 1–21.
  • Volkswagen Group China. (2024). About VGC [Private]. Volkswagen Group China.
  • Voutsa, M. E., & Borovas, G. (2015). The operation of the Bretton Woods institutions in the modern globalized environment: Problems and challenges. Procedia Economics and Finance, 33, 168–180.
  • Waltz, K. N. (2010). Theory of international politics (Reiss.). Waveland Press.
  • Wigell, M., Scholvin, S., & Aaltola, M. (Eds.). (2020). Geo-economics and power politics in the 21st century: The revival of economic statecraft. Routledge.
  • Wigell, M., & Vihma, A. (2016). Geopolitics versus geoeconomics: The case of Russia’s geostrategy and its effects on the EU. International Affairs, 92(3), 605–627.
  • Williamson, J. (2004). The strange history of the Washington consensus. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 27(2), 195–206.
  • Womack, B. (2017). International crises and China’s rise: Comparing the 2008 global financial crisis and the 2017 global political crisis. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 10(4), 383–401.
  • Woodward, B. (2011). Obama’s wars (1st Simon & Schuster trade paperback ed.). Simon & Schuster.
  • World Bank. (2024). World trade volume and growth [Intergovernmental Organisation]. The World Bank: IBRD-IDA.

Revisiting International System: Nation-State, Capital and Globalisation

Year 2024, , 74 - 91, 30.12.2024


Developments in the international system have reshaped both its structure and the actors within it. The 1648 Peace of Westphalia institutionalized diplomatic mechanisms, strengthening nation-states. However, the rise of capital groups soon posed challenges to state power. By the late 19th century, international corporations began influencing foreign policy, increasing competition and promoting protectionist policies, which contributed to the outbreak of World War I. Wilsonian Principles facilitated the transition from empires to nation-states. After World War II, the U.S. and Soviet Union emerged as dominant powers, and during the Cold War, international corporations gained further influence. The end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism accelerated the growth of transnational corporations. The 2008 Economic Crisis and 2020 COVID-19 pandemic revealed the economic vulnerabilities of states while empowering corporations. Today, as corporate power grows, the international system is shifting towards a multipolar world, moving beyond the state-centric focus of realist thought, as envisioned by the Coxian school. This study examines the evolution of the international system, employing critical theory and postmodern philosophy to analyse the rise of nation-states and the rise of other actors.


  • Abulafia, D. (2013). The great sea: A human history of the Mediterranean. Oxford University Press.
  • Akram, S. M. (2024, January 22). The failures of the UN in the Israel-Palestine conflict [NGO]. Open Global Rights.
  • ASPI. (2021). Mapping China’s tech giants [Think-tank]. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  • Attar, M. A. (2018). Economic development in Turkey and South Korea: A comparative analysis. Bogazici Journal, 32(1).
  • Auribeau, P., & Pevel, P. (2021). L’héritage de Richelieu. Gallimard.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1985). Le miroir de la production ou l’illusion critique du matérialisme historique. Éd. Galilée.
  • Baudrillard, J. (Ed.). (2002). L’esprit du terrorisme. Galilée.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2016). Le système des objets: Essai. Gallimard.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2017). Simulacres et simulation. Éditions Galilée.
  • Baudrillard, J., & Turner, C. (2004). Fragments: Conversations with François L’Yvonnet. Routledge.
  • Becker, P. (Director). (2018, June 20). Cardinal de Richelieu: Le ciel peut attendre [Documentary]. In Secrets d’Histoire. France2.
  • Beckett, J. (2014). The glorious revolution, parliament, and the making of the first industrial nation. Parliamentary History, 33(1), 36–53.
  • Blackbourn, D. (2023). Germany in the world: A global history 1500–2000. Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W.W.Norton & Company.
  • BNDES. (2018, November). Trade patterns in a globalized world: The case of Brazil [Regional Organisation]. The Brazilian Development Bank.
  • Bose, N., & Widianto, S. (2022, November 15). Biden and Xi clash over Taiwan in Bali but Cold War fears cool [News Agency].
  • Reuters.
  • Burchill, S. (Ed.). (2013). Theories of international relations (5th ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Buzan, B., & Cox, M. (2022). The end of Anglo-America? In T. B. Knudsen & C. Navari (Eds.), Power transition in the anarchicalsociety (pp. 83–102). Springer International Publishing.
  • Carr, E. H., & Cox, M. (2021). Nationalism and after (New ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Carraz, D. (2012). Les templiers et la guerre. Lemme edit.
  • Cerioli, L. (2024). Neoclassical realism, global international relations, and the unheard echoes of realist practices from the South. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
  • Choer Moraes, H., & Wigell, M. (2022a). Balancing dependence: The quest for autonomy and the rise of corporate geoeconomics. In M. Babić, A. D. Dixon, & I. T. Liu (Eds.), The political economy of geoeconomics: Europe in a changing world (pp. 29–55). Springer International Publishing.
  • Choer Moraes, H., & Wigell, M. (2022b). Balancing dependence: The quest for autonomy and the rise of corporate geoeconomics. In M. Babić, A. D. Dixon, & I. T. Liu (Eds.), The political economy of geoeconomics: Europe in a changing world (pp. 29–55). Springer International Publishing.
  • Cox, M. (2013). Power and the liberal order. In R. Friedman, K. Oskanian, & R. P. Pardo (Eds.), After liberalism? (pp. 103–116). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Cox, M. (2018). The post-Cold War world: Turbulence and change in world politics since the fall. Routledge.
  • Cox, M., & Stokes, D. (Eds.). (2018). US foreign policy (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
  • Cox, R. W. (1981). Social forces, states and world orders: Beyond international relations theory. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 10(2), 126–155.
  • Crouch, C. (2019). The globalization backlash. Polity Press.
  • Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., & Deleuze, G. (1994). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and schizophrenia (7th print). University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., & Massumi, B. (1986). Nomadology: The war machine. Semiotext(e).
  • Dumézil, B. (2023). L’empire mérovingien: Ve-VIIIe siècle (1st ed.). Passés-composés.
  • Elias, N., Dunning, E., Goudsblom, J., & Mennell, S. (2000). The civilizing process: Sociogenetic and psychogenetic investigations (Rev. ed.). Blackwell Publishers.
  • Éthier, D. (2010). Les acteurs des relations internationales. In Introduction aux relations internationales (pp. 61–111). Pressesde l’Université de Montréal.
  • Flint, C., & Xiaotong, Z. (2019). Historical–geopolitical contexts and the transformation of Chinese foreign policy. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 12(3), 295–331.
  • Goldgeier, J. M., & McFaul, M. (2003). Power and purpose: U.S. policy toward Russia after the Cold War. Brookings Institution Press; JSTOR.
  • Golubkov, K., Rose, M., & Kumar, M. (2023, September 10). Delhi G20 summit confirms isolation of Russia, Macron says [News Agency]. Reuters.
  • Gowan, R. (2023, November 9). How the world lost faith in the UN: Regaining it will require accepting a diminished role for an age of competition [Magazine]. Foreign Affairs.
  • Haag, M. (2013). Les Templiers de la légende à l’histoire. Ixelles.
  • Hollis, M., & Smith, S. (1996). A response: Why epistemology matters in international theory. Review of International Studies, 22(1), 111–116. JSTOR.
  • Holzgrefe, J. L. (1989). The origins of modern international relations theory. Review of International Studies, 15(1), 11–26.
  • Hubert, É. (2001). La fiscalité des villes au Moyen Âge (Occident méditerranéen). Histoire Urbaine, 4(2), 189–191.
  • IMF Staff. (2001, November). Improving market access: Toward greater coherence between aid and trade [Intergovernmental Organisation]. International Monetary Fund.
  • Inglehart, R., & Norris, P. (2017). Trump and the populist authoritarian parties: ‘The silent revolution’ in reverse. Perspectives on Politics, 15(2), 443–454.
  • Izvekov, A. I. (2018). Breakdown of the Anglo-Saxon model of globalization. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(5),103.
  • Labarrière, D. (2024). Philippe IV dit le Bel: Le roi de fer, le pape, les Templiers. Éditions Lanore.
  • Lawder, D. (2024, September 14). US locks in steep China tariff hikes, some industries warn of disruptions [News Agency]. Reuters.
  • LeVine, S. (2012, April 27). Not the CIA, not bin Ladin—Exxon is the toughest nut [Magazine]. Foreign Policy.
  • Liu, J., & Jiang, J. (2024, August 27). IBM is the latest Western firm to retreat from China [News]. CNN International.
  • Lopez, R. S. (1998). The commercial revolution of the Middle Ages: 950–1350 (Repr.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Martin, S. (2004). The Knights Templar. Pocket Essentials.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2019). Bound to fail: The rise and fall of the liberal international order. International Security, 43(4), 7–50.
  • Minois, G. (2016). La guerre de Cent Ans: Naissance de deux nations (Nouvelle éd.). Perrin.
  • Montanaro, D., & Kelemen, M. (2017, February 1). Trump gets his man at the State Department [News]. NPR.
  • Mudge, S. L. (2008). What is neo-liberalism? Socio-Economic Review, 6(4), 703–731.
  • Myers, S. L. (2016). The new tsar: The rise and reign of Vladimir Putin (Paperback ed.). Simon & Schuster. Nakashima, E. (2021, April 14). The FBI wanted to unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. [Newspaper]. The Washington Post.
  • National Archives. (2019, January 25). Truman Doctrine, March 12, 1947 [Text]. IDCA.
  • Naughton, B. (2018). The Chinese economy: Adaptation and growth (2nd ed.). MIT Press.
  • Okur, M. A. (2012). Emperyalizm, hegemonya, imparatorluk: Tarihsel dünya düzenleri ve Irak’ın işgali. Ötüken Nesriyat.
  • O’Neil, A. (2024, September 19). The 20 countries with the largest gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024 [Private]. Statista.
  • Petitfils, J.-C. (2021). Louis XIV. Perrin.
  • Radio France. (n.d.). Jean Baudrillard ou le réel assassiné [MP3]. France Culture. Retrieved August 17, 2024, from
  • Rose, G. (1998). Neoclassical realism and theories of foreign policy. World Politics, 51(1), 144–172.
  • Sarantaki, A.-M. (2024). Frontex: Transcending the EU borders. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1–21.
  • Sibertin-Blanc, G. (2016). State and politics: Deleuze and Guattari on Marx (A. Hodges, Trans.). Semiotext(e).
  • Smith, S. (1997). Epistemology, postmodernism and international relations theory: A reply to Østerud. Journal of Peace Research, 34(3), 330–336. JSTOR.
  • Statista. (2024, September). Largest asset managers worldwide [Private]. Statista.
  • Steinmetz, G. (2015). The richest man who ever lived: The life and times of Jacob Fugger. Simon & Schuster.
  • The British Government. (2022, October 13). Huawei legal notices issued [Public]. The Government of the UK. text=Huawei%20technology%20must%20be%20removed,broadband%20and%20mobile%20operators% 20today
  • The United Nations Office in Geneva. (2022, September 10). Switzerland marks 20 years at the United Nations [International Organisation]. UN Geneva. media/news/2022/09/74490/ witzerland-marks-20-years-united-nations
  • Tilly, C. (2015). Coercion, capital, and European states, AD 990–1992 (27th pr.; Rev. paperback ed.). Blackwell. USCC. (2019, February 25). Chinese companies listed on major U.S. stock exchanges [Government]. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission.
  • Vercueil, J. (2018). Taming the bear while riding the dragon? Central Asia confronts Russian and Chinese economic influences. Revue de La Régulation, 24.
  • Vergé-Franceschi, M. (2005). Colbert: La politique du bon sens. Payot.
  • Vihma, A. (2018). Geoeconomic analysis and the limits of critical geopolitics: A new engagement with Edward Luttwak. Geopolitics, 23(1), 1–21.
  • Volkswagen Group China. (2024). About VGC [Private]. Volkswagen Group China.
  • Voutsa, M. E., & Borovas, G. (2015). The operation of the Bretton Woods institutions in the modern globalized environment: Problems and challenges. Procedia Economics and Finance, 33, 168–180.
  • Waltz, K. N. (2010). Theory of international politics (Reiss.). Waveland Press.
  • Wigell, M., Scholvin, S., & Aaltola, M. (Eds.). (2020). Geo-economics and power politics in the 21st century: The revival of economic statecraft. Routledge.
  • Wigell, M., & Vihma, A. (2016). Geopolitics versus geoeconomics: The case of Russia’s geostrategy and its effects on the EU. International Affairs, 92(3), 605–627.
  • Williamson, J. (2004). The strange history of the Washington consensus. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 27(2), 195–206.
  • Womack, B. (2017). International crises and China’s rise: Comparing the 2008 global financial crisis and the 2017 global political crisis. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 10(4), 383–401.
  • Woodward, B. (2011). Obama’s wars (1st Simon & Schuster trade paperback ed.). Simon & Schuster.
  • World Bank. (2024). World trade volume and growth [Intergovernmental Organisation]. The World Bank: IBRD-IDA.
There are 82 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Globalisation, International Relations Theories, International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Salih Kaya 0000-0002-8872-1691

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date September 29, 2024
Acceptance Date December 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kaya, S. (2024). Uluslararası Sistemi Yeniden Yorumlamak: Ulus-Devlet, Sermaye ve Küreselleşme. Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 74-91.

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