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The Importance of the Conservation Agriculture for Turkey

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 73 - 80, 30.06.2018


Conservation agriculture (CA) is concerned with profitableness and sustainability by optimizing agricultural

procedures while conserving input and minimizing any impact on natural resources. Technologies that benefit the

environment can often have negative effect on crop productivity and offer short-term profitability. CA is one of few

practices that can enhance yield, economic returns, and food security while conserving the natural resources. The

principles of the CA are zero-tillage, permanent soil cover and programing crop rotation or diversification in annual

crops. However, CA practices have direct influence on climate regulation through carbon sequestration and less

greenhouse gas emissions, and on regulation and provision of water through soil physical, chemical and biological

properties. For the last couple of decades the degradation caused by agricultural activities increased linearly as a

result of unsustainable intensification of agricultural production in Turkey. For this reason, it is necessary to apply

the techniques which will protect both land and optimum production in the whole country. The aim of this research

is emphasize the importance of the conservation farming in Turkey. In addition, measures and national strategies

for the spread of CA throughout the country have been discussed in detail.


  • Altıkat S, 2012. Effects of strip width and tractor forward speed on sowing uniformity of maize and sunflower. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 18:375-382.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, 2011. The effects of tillage and intra-row compaction on seedbed properties and red lentil emergence under dry land conditions. Soil & Tillage Research, 114:1-8.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, 2012a. Effects of different no-till seeders and tractor forward speeds on the soil physical properties and seed emergence of summer vetch and winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18:21-30.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, 2012b. The effects of different no-till seeder and tractor forward speeds on stubble distribution of summer vetch and winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Atatürk University 43: 149-156.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, Bilen S, 2012c. Effects of various tillage systems on soil CO2-C fluxes and bacteria and fungi populations in Zea mays. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7:2926-2934.
  • Barut Z, Ertekin C, Karaağaç H, 2011. Tillage effects on energy use for corn silage in Mediterranean Coastal of Turkey. Energy, 36: 5466-5475.
  • Çelik A, Altıkat S, 2010. Effects of various strip widths and tractor forward speeds in strip tillage on soil physical properties and yield of silage corn. Journal of Agricultural Science, 16:169-179.
  • Çelik A, Altıkat S, 2012. Seeding performance of no-till seeders equipment with different furrow openers, covering components and forward speeds for winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science, 18:226-238.
  • Çelik I, Barut Z, Ortaş I, Gok M, Demirtaş A, Tulun Y, Akpınar C, 2011. Impacts of different tillage practices on some soil microbiological properties and crop yield under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. International Journal of Plant Production, 5:237-254.
  • Derpsch R, Friedrich T, 2009. Global overview of conservation agriculture adoption. Lead papers, 4th world congress on conservation agriculture, 4-7 February 2009, New Delhi, India.
  • Doğan K, Çelik I, Gök M, Çoskan A 2011. Effect of different soil tillage methods on rhizobial nodulation, biyomas and nitrogen content of second crop soybean. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5:3186-3194.
  • Gençsoylu I, Yalçın I, 2004. The effects of different tillage systems on cotton pests and predators in cotton fields. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 3 : 39 - 44.
  • Gözübüyük Z, Şahin Ü, Öztürk İ, Çelik A, Adıgüzel M, 2014. Tillage effects on certain physical and hydraulic properties of a loamy soil under a crop rotation in a semi-arid region with a cool climate. Catena. 118:195-205.
  • Gürsoy S, Sessiz A, Malhi S, 2010. Short-term effects of tillage and residue management following cotton on grain yield and quality of wheat. Field Crops Research, 119: 260 – 268.
  • Karayel D, 2009. Performance of a modified precision vacuum seeder for no-till sowing of maize and soybean. Soil &Tillage Research, 104: 121-125.
  • Öztürk H, Ekinci K, Barut Z, 2008. Energy analysis of the tillage systems in second crop corn production. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 28: 25-37.
  • Sessiz A, Alp A, Gürsoy S, 2010. Conservation and conventional tillage methods on selected soil physical properties and corn (zea mays l.) Yield and quality under cropping system in Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 16: 597-608.
  • Sessiz A, Soğut T, Alp A, Esgici R, 2008. Tillage effects on sunflower (helianthus annuus, l.) Emergence, yield, quality, and fuel consumption in double cropping system. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 4:697-710.
  • Yalçın H, Çakır E, Aykas E, 2005. Tillage parameters and economic analysis of direct seeding, minimum and conventional tillage in wheat. Journal of Agronomy 4:329-333
  • FAO, 2015. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations.
  • Kassam A, Derpsch R, Friedrich T, 2014. Global achievements in soil and water conservation: The case of Conservation Agriculture. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2(1), 5-13.
  • FAO, 2008. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Retrieved on, 15.

Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 73 - 80, 30.06.2018


Koruyucu tarım, girdileri koruyarak doğal kaynaklar üzerindeki etkiyi en aza indirip, tarımsal
işlemleri kolaylaştırdığından dolayı faydalı ve sürdürülebilir bir üretim tekniğidir. Koruyucu tarım tekniği; verimi,
ekonomik geri dönüşleri ve gıda güvenliğini artırabilmek için günümüzde kullanılan uygulamalardan biridir.
Koruyucu tarımın ilkeleri; sıfır toprak işleme, kalıcı toprak örtüsü ve bitki münavebesidir. Bunlara ilaveten, koruyucu
tarım uygulamaları, toprakta karbon birikimi ve daha az gaz yayılımı aracılığıyla iklim düzenlemesi üzerinde etkili
olmaktadır. Ayrıca; suyun etkili bir şekilde kullanımını sağladığından dolayı bu yöntem; toprağın fiziksel, kimyasal
ve biyolojik kalite kriterlerinin de gelişmesine yardımcı olur. Son yıllarda Türkiye’de yoğun tarımsal üretim
sonucu ülke topraklarının yapısında ciddi derecede bozulmalar başlamıştır. Bu nedenle ülke genelinde hem toprağı
koruyacak hem de optimum üretim yapılabilecek üretim tekniklerinin uygulamaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu
araştırmanın amacı; Türkiye’deki koruyucu tarımın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Buna ilaveten koruyucu tarımın ülke
çapında yaygınlaşması için gerekli olan önlemler ve ülke stratejileri de detaylı bir şekilde tartışılmıştır.


  • Altıkat S, 2012. Effects of strip width and tractor forward speed on sowing uniformity of maize and sunflower. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 18:375-382.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, 2011. The effects of tillage and intra-row compaction on seedbed properties and red lentil emergence under dry land conditions. Soil & Tillage Research, 114:1-8.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, 2012a. Effects of different no-till seeders and tractor forward speeds on the soil physical properties and seed emergence of summer vetch and winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18:21-30.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, 2012b. The effects of different no-till seeder and tractor forward speeds on stubble distribution of summer vetch and winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Atatürk University 43: 149-156.
  • Altıkat S, Çelik A, Bilen S, 2012c. Effects of various tillage systems on soil CO2-C fluxes and bacteria and fungi populations in Zea mays. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7:2926-2934.
  • Barut Z, Ertekin C, Karaağaç H, 2011. Tillage effects on energy use for corn silage in Mediterranean Coastal of Turkey. Energy, 36: 5466-5475.
  • Çelik A, Altıkat S, 2010. Effects of various strip widths and tractor forward speeds in strip tillage on soil physical properties and yield of silage corn. Journal of Agricultural Science, 16:169-179.
  • Çelik A, Altıkat S, 2012. Seeding performance of no-till seeders equipment with different furrow openers, covering components and forward speeds for winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science, 18:226-238.
  • Çelik I, Barut Z, Ortaş I, Gok M, Demirtaş A, Tulun Y, Akpınar C, 2011. Impacts of different tillage practices on some soil microbiological properties and crop yield under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. International Journal of Plant Production, 5:237-254.
  • Derpsch R, Friedrich T, 2009. Global overview of conservation agriculture adoption. Lead papers, 4th world congress on conservation agriculture, 4-7 February 2009, New Delhi, India.
  • Doğan K, Çelik I, Gök M, Çoskan A 2011. Effect of different soil tillage methods on rhizobial nodulation, biyomas and nitrogen content of second crop soybean. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5:3186-3194.
  • Gençsoylu I, Yalçın I, 2004. The effects of different tillage systems on cotton pests and predators in cotton fields. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 3 : 39 - 44.
  • Gözübüyük Z, Şahin Ü, Öztürk İ, Çelik A, Adıgüzel M, 2014. Tillage effects on certain physical and hydraulic properties of a loamy soil under a crop rotation in a semi-arid region with a cool climate. Catena. 118:195-205.
  • Gürsoy S, Sessiz A, Malhi S, 2010. Short-term effects of tillage and residue management following cotton on grain yield and quality of wheat. Field Crops Research, 119: 260 – 268.
  • Karayel D, 2009. Performance of a modified precision vacuum seeder for no-till sowing of maize and soybean. Soil &Tillage Research, 104: 121-125.
  • Öztürk H, Ekinci K, Barut Z, 2008. Energy analysis of the tillage systems in second crop corn production. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 28: 25-37.
  • Sessiz A, Alp A, Gürsoy S, 2010. Conservation and conventional tillage methods on selected soil physical properties and corn (zea mays l.) Yield and quality under cropping system in Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 16: 597-608.
  • Sessiz A, Soğut T, Alp A, Esgici R, 2008. Tillage effects on sunflower (helianthus annuus, l.) Emergence, yield, quality, and fuel consumption in double cropping system. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 4:697-710.
  • Yalçın H, Çakır E, Aykas E, 2005. Tillage parameters and economic analysis of direct seeding, minimum and conventional tillage in wheat. Journal of Agronomy 4:329-333
  • FAO, 2015. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations.
  • Kassam A, Derpsch R, Friedrich T, 2014. Global achievements in soil and water conservation: The case of Conservation Agriculture. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2(1), 5-13.
  • FAO, 2008. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. Retrieved on, 15.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Biyosistem Mühendisliği / Biosystem Engineering

Sefa Altıkat 0000-0002-3472-4424

Emrah Kuş This is me 0000-0001-6880-5591

Hasan Kaan Küçükerdem This is me 0000-0002-1593-4725

Alper Gülbe 0000-0002-6269-4410

Publication Date June 30, 2018
Submission Date December 7, 2017
Acceptance Date February 7, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Altıkat, S., Kuş, E., Küçükerdem, H. K., Gülbe, A. (2018). Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(2), 73-80.
AMA Altıkat S, Kuş E, Küçükerdem HK, Gülbe A. Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. June 2018;8(2):73-80. doi:10.21597/jist.427894
Chicago Altıkat, Sefa, Emrah Kuş, Hasan Kaan Küçükerdem, and Alper Gülbe. “Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8, no. 2 (June 2018): 73-80.
EndNote Altıkat S, Kuş E, Küçükerdem HK, Gülbe A (June 1, 2018) Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8 2 73–80.
IEEE S. Altıkat, E. Kuş, H. K. Küçükerdem, and A. Gülbe, “Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 73–80, 2018, doi: 10.21597/jist.427894.
ISNAD Altıkat, Sefa et al. “Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8/2 (June 2018), 73-80.
JAMA Altıkat S, Kuş E, Küçükerdem HK, Gülbe A. Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2018;8:73–80.
MLA Altıkat, Sefa et al. “Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, 2018, pp. 73-80, doi:10.21597/jist.427894.
Vancouver Altıkat S, Kuş E, Küçükerdem HK, Gülbe A. Türkiye için Koruyucu Tarımın Önemi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2018;8(2):73-80.